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    82 KB Reasons not to use the public transportation winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 01/28/12(Sat)12:02 No.5773250  
    From Finland:

    16 yo girl got raped in a moving bus:

    Bus driver raped a woman in bus. Rape lasted 13 minutes. Got to keep his job:

    (A rape sentence is usually fines and a few months of probational time so no jail time. Also if you drug someone and rape her it's just sexual abuse since according to the law unconscious person cannot be raped.)
    >> Enzo !PnWL9HyK8E 01/28/12(Sat)12:05 No.5773255
    I just hate everything about the busing experience, I usually run everywhere so when I have to use a bus I usually get bored and run down the road after 5 minutes. It takes forever for a bus to get to the dam stop and when u get on it it's full of characters I really don't wanna be around.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:05 No.5773257
    i don't get what's going on in the youtube vid, nor can i read your hibidy jibidy language. learn english, or we'll invade your shithole next
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 01/28/12(Sat)12:07 No.5773261

    Me neither bro. It's just another drunk fight so even I can't say what the fuck is going on. Somebody yells something about hitting a woman and people chant get out get out and yell fuck this fuck that.

    Welcome to Finland (I recommend turning off the music).
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:16 No.5773280
    i actually just booked a ticket to finland
    for the sole purpose in engaging in sexual abuse
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:22 No.5773295
    Did any of you asshats bother to read OP's links using google translation?

    The teen wasn't raped. A drunk man thought he knew her, made a huge commotion, and the bus driver stopped the bus, locked the doors and called the police. One thing is clear, the girls wasn't raped. It was an attempted rape, apparently.

    The disposition of the bus driver who allegedly raped a passenger is unknown. He was arrested. there were no witnesses. The article says nothing about whether he got to keep his job, or if he was even found guilty.

    OP is, as always, a fag.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:27 No.5773305
    >Google Translate


    Oh OP, public transport is great in Finland isn't it? There was a bus in front of me the other day that was signaling to stop at a bus stop, which it was about to do - it was in the stop and I was about to pass it, when it suddenly swerved back into the road causing me to slam on the brakes. Admittedly buses have right of way when pulling out in city streets (taajama) but goddamn I raged.

    >Anon from your parking thread here, school-parking-lot-audi-dickhead guy
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:28 No.5773311
    Before I got my first car, I had to take the bus to get to school.
    I would always cross my arms, put on some music, close my eyes and imagine how I would drive in a car.
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 01/28/12(Sat)12:31 No.5773316

    Try again. Here is actually more updated news:

    Might want to translate this:
    "Tapausta tutkitaan raiskausrikoksena. Yritykseksi teko ei siis jäänyt."

    "The case is being investigated as a rape crame. Act didn't stay as try."
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:31 No.5773318
    >unconcious people cannot be raped
    are you fucking kidding me? get it together finland, this shit is ridiculous.

    >another shithole i will never allow myself to visit
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 01/28/12(Sat)12:37 No.5773338
    All cases are being investigated and they are held as "suspects" even though they got caught on act.;topic

    The sentence ^

    Here is the full version:

    If the bus stood 13min still according to the gps and they found marks of rape on her body. Maybe she raped herself and stopped the bus to do it.
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 01/28/12(Sat)12:41 No.5773354

    Sup /b/ro I remember you. It's funny when people from other countries just automatically refuse to believe that our laws are what they are.

    Like that McDonalds shooter? First the guy kills his wife and goes to prison. Then gets out and kills 3 more people at McD drive in and is sent to mental evaluation to be examined if he causes "extreme hazard" to other people and get 15 years in prison so he will get out again and still have time to kill more.


    Yeah. I tried to get a green card to USA by joining navy and army but they can't sponsor it to me. Then I found a sponsor through my dad's contacts and thought I will get there when I get a sponsored work visa but then I found a girlfriend here and decided to stay. For now...
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:46 No.5773364
    Holy shit is committing rape this easy over there?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:51 No.5773385
    Yeah, I remember that - what an utter load of shit.

    Oh, I think you used the slashes on the wrong letter there...
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:54 No.5773391
    Also, I'm amused by the video in your OP, so "perus"...


    Oh night buses, how I hate you so.

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