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  • File : 1327388367.jpg-(43 KB, 800x534, 414888426_BwBhz-L-1.jpg)
    43 KB Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)01:59 No.5755488 sticky  
    Time to Restart!

    [ A m e r i f a g ' s D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d . ]

    >Motorcycle Stories & Discussions.
    >Motorcycle Questions & Answers.
    >Motorcycle Pictures & Videos.
    >Motorcycle Gear & Accessories.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)02:00 No.5755491
         File1327388404.jpg-(50 KB, 499x646, 1310244015156.jpg)
    50 KB
    New Riders and those interested in getting into motorcycling, please read this picture and take a look at my Beginner's Guide to Motorcycling: 


    Be sure to join us on facebook


    And be sure to check out my youtube channel full of riding videos, as well as the channels I subscribed to (good stuff).


    Be sure and check out this link as well if you're thinking about buying a used motorcycle.


    This has been the second post of this thread since it's conception. It has basic information that is asked over and over, a link to my youtube channel (why is it wrong to link a relevant and ontopic youtube channel with nothing but motorcycling videos?) and a information chart for beginners. 

    Please do not delete this.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)02:01 No.5755496
         File1327388500.gif-(465 KB, 1344x1642, NewRidersReadThis.gif)
    465 KB

    Woops, wrong picture.
    >> Buy A Civic !g2MmlYWwO2!!CDqzW5G25jA 01/24/12(Tue)02:03 No.5755503
    Looks like the shitty tripfag camped so he can have his thread that he never redponds to.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:08 No.5755514
         File1327388915.jpg-(501 KB, 1600x1066, 1313039747348.jpg)
    501 KB
    Do they have to be riding it? Because I fucking LOVE claire sinclaire
    >> Buy A Civic !g2MmlYWwO2!!CDqzW5G25jA 01/24/12(Tue)02:10 No.5755522
    You like shitty memes?
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)02:10 No.5755523
    I know no one will believe this but for some reason every single picture in my motorcycle right now is titled "Victory_High_Ball" and will only bring up that image even though the thumbnails for the others are there. I click "preview" or submit it here and bam, it's the high ball...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:11 No.5755525
         File1327389093.jpg-(20 KB, 400x300, 1310886650266.jpg)
    20 KB
    And now I love Claire Sinclair too.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)02:11 No.5755526

    Motorcycle Folder*

    Let's try this in firefox...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:13 No.5755533
         File1327389192.jpg-(27 KB, 290x290, 1313608673725.jpg)
    27 KB
    Rofl, that's a shame.
    A couple of us Anons will hold down the fort until then.
    >> Buy A Civic !g2MmlYWwO2!!CDqzW5G25jA 01/24/12(Tue)02:13 No.5755538
    Why would you recommend that?

    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:14 No.5755541
         File1327389261.jpg-(100 KB, 500x1000, 1307170027459.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Buy A Civic !g2MmlYWwO2!!CDqzW5G25jA 01/24/12(Tue)02:14 No.5755542
    What fort would that be? Self advertisement stickies?
    >> Buy A Civic !g2MmlYWwO2!!CDqzW5G25jA 01/24/12(Tue)02:15 No.5755547
    3d would not tap
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:16 No.5755553
         File1327389372.jpg-(122 KB, 471x628, 1311703760910.jpg)
    122 KB
    Why would you bother being in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:17 No.5755560
         File1327389425.jpg-(71 KB, 750x563, 122_1011_01_o+aprilia_tuono_V4(...).jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:17 No.5755568
         File1327389468.jpg-(487 KB, 800x672, 1285436230.jpg)
    487 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:17 No.5755569
         File1327389472.jpg-(36 KB, 284x383, cafe1.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:18 No.5755575
         File1327389517.jpg-(79 KB, 640x480, 1307789177430.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)02:18 No.5755576
    Alright. For some reason my PC is making every single picture in my motorcycle folder a Victory High Ball. Gonna restart and see if that fixes it. The previews are there, but the names of each thumbnail and when you actually open it is well... A god damn High Ball.

    To get back to what I was trying to say earlier...

    Post chicks on bikes. I want to set a record for the amount of girls on bikes in one thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:20 No.5755586
         File1327389627.jpg-(95 KB, 799x531, 1310289640520.jpg)
    95 KB
    Good luck man.
    Maybe it's some sort of sign as to what your next bike shall be?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:21 No.5755590
         File1327389674.jpg-(65 KB, 448x311, 1310887125765.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/24/12(Tue)02:21 No.5755592
    so sad when chicks on sportbikes are squids
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:22 No.5755596
         File1327389745.jpg-(67 KB, 877x547, 1310244937272.jpg)
    67 KB
    Squids gonna squid.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:24 No.5755601
         File1327389873.jpg-(338 KB, 1280x960, 45452.jpg)
    338 KB
    I can fix that!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:24 No.5755603
         File1327389883.jpg-(1.22 MB, 2048x1536, 1310899916560.jpg)
    1.22 MB
    I always cringe when I see squid racing gear in general, but I'm also occaisionally guilty of rocking the T-shirt uniform.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:25 No.5755604
         File1327389928.jpg-(230 KB, 1600x1035, cafe2.jpg)
    230 KB
    Love the b/w cafe chick photos
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:26 No.5755607
         File1327389977.jpg-(132 KB, 480x640, 1308362157090.jpg)
    132 KB
    I always cringe when I see "Squid Racan Gear" in general, but then I'm occaisionally guilty of rocking the T-shirt uniform too.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:27 No.5755618
         File1327390077.jpg-(285 KB, 620x826, 1312705359688.jpg)
    285 KB
    God fucking damn it, it did post...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:28 No.5755620
         File1327390122.jpg-(270 KB, 620x826, 1312705265026.jpg)
    270 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:28 No.5755621
    >Have to ride 100m down the road at less than 50km/h
    >Decide to skip the jacket
    >Dude in full gear on a 1200GS shakes his head at me

    a month later

    >Once again going down the road just 100m
    >Same dude on the 1200
    >This time he shakes his head AND crosses his arms at me

    I usually always wear all my gear mr BMW rider, promise
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:30 No.5755628
         File1327390210.jpg-(134 KB, 1258x864, 1311964861886.jpg)
    134 KB
    One of my favourites I've ever downloaded from 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:31 No.5755635
         File1327390296.jpg-(329 KB, 1920x1200, 1311238944246.jpg)
    329 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:32 No.5755637
         File1327390327.jpg-(196 KB, 1680x1050, 1316792198212.jpg)
    196 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:34 No.5755649
         File1327390445.jpg-(175 KB, 807x732, 1315351168179.jpg)
    175 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:35 No.5755653
         File1327390508.jpg-(163 KB, 800x600, 1309839074462.jpg)
    163 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:36 No.5755662
         File1327390573.jpg-(30 KB, 400x293, 1311297272576.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:37 No.5755668
         File1327390632.jpg-(192 KB, 865x900, 1313608879284.jpg)
    192 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:38 No.5755675
         File1327390694.jpg-(169 KB, 640x480, 1315072126514.jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:39 No.5755680
         File1327390758.jpg-(44 KB, 480x640, 1316910258170.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:39 No.5755683
         File1327390796.jpg-(145 KB, 1024x814, 1316389222168.jpg)
    145 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:41 No.5755689
         File1327390905.jpg-(73 KB, 800x600, 1315937820462.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:42 No.5755694
         File1327390962.jpg-(176 KB, 1000x667, 1314373278120.jpg)
    176 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:43 No.5755698
         File1327390997.jpg-(568 KB, 2970x1980, 1311602758832.jpg)
    568 KB
    >> tg 01/24/12(Tue)02:43 No.5755703
    schnelle Rille .)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:44 No.5755705
         File1327391046.jpg-(68 KB, 1012x674, 1313608720536.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)02:45 No.5755716
         File1327391152.png-(999 KB, 819x603, 1312746653043.png)
    999 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)03:19 No.5755867
         File1327393155.jpg-(131 KB, 500x713, Quick-Movie-Poster.jpg)
    131 KB
    I know asian movies have terrible actors, but this one looks like it will provide some lulz.


    Full movie.

    And some more links if that one didn't work for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)03:40 No.5755932
    Here are some motorcycles in Animu.



    Great Teacher Onizuka



    Kino's Journey

    Bari Bari Densetsu (Made by the creator of Initial-D)

    Golden Boy
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)03:45 No.5755950
         File1327394725.png-(1.56 MB, 1493x720, Rotobox Carbon Fiber Wheel.png)
    1.56 MB
    Ah, here's a better version of Bari Bari Densetsu.
    >> Ricers gonna !RiceOCNvto 01/24/12(Tue)03:55 No.5756008
         File1327395329.jpg-(61 KB, 600x450, 1142960867.jpg)
    61 KB
    just picked up old school fzr600

    Has a yoshimura exhaust from like 1992 lol

    pic semi related
    mine is red like it
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:07 No.5756056
         File1327396024.jpg-(91 KB, 540x565, 540_wash.jpg)
    91 KB
    Alright, got the issue sorted out. Gonna post the girls I have on/with bikes.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:07 No.5756061
         File1327396070.jpg-(68 KB, 560x420, 46b47a0711cba.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:09 No.5756068
         File1327396181.jpg-(260 KB, 1023x680, DSC_8713.jpg)
    260 KB
    3 wheel pig disgusting, cannot fap.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:11 No.5756076
         File1327396272.jpg-(148 KB, 800x600, Untitled-1.jpg)
    148 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:12 No.5756082
         File1327396340.jpg-(225 KB, 996x711, 6286352973_6cbb049bf6_b.jpg)
    225 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:12 No.5756087
         File1327396379.jpg-(202 KB, 887x669, 6286353137_923f5f7ddb_b.jpg)
    202 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:14 No.5756093
         File1327396457.jpg-(165 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0056.jpg)
    165 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:16 No.5756103
         File1327396605.jpg-(156 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0055.jpg)
    156 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:39 No.5756160
         File1327397965.jpg-(213 KB, 640x425, Joey.jpg)
    213 KB
    inb4 that anime fag ruins this thread again.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:42 No.5756165
         File1327398156.jpg-(63 KB, 500x400, 1952-vincent-black-lightning.jpg)
    63 KB
    awww yeah, pictures.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:43 No.5756168
         File1327398214.jpg-(583 KB, 1920x1080, 1291229990457.jpg)
    583 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:43 No.5756170
         File1327398221.jpg-(103 KB, 720x540, bike&chicks.jpg)
    103 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:44 No.5756174
         File1327398272.jpg-(76 KB, 800x600, 002006-full.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:44 No.5756175
         File1327398287.jpg-(69 KB, 799x273, wsup4.jpg)
    69 KB
    fuck year, pictures... real bikes.

    pic related, my ride
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:45 No.5756177
         File1327398327.jpg-(116 KB, 1111x1500, abb05.jpg)
    116 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:46 No.5756180
         File1327398385.jpg-(1.72 MB, 1600x1064, 1291357609912.jpg)
    1.72 MB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:46 No.5756181
         File1327398388.jpg-(212 KB, 800x600, KMeadows-062-L.jpg)
    212 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:47 No.5756183
         File1327398433.jpg-(973 KB, 2000x1331, VJK_0748.jpg)
    973 KB
    someone posted this bike (in black) in the last sticky... wtf? I actually saw this at the rock store one day in Malibu
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:47 No.5756184
         File1327398447.jpg-(307 KB, 1024x655, 6035997303_b681a61dcb_b.jpg)
    307 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:49 No.5756189
         File1327398543.jpg-(198 KB, 800x600, 1293689083922.jpg)
    198 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:49 No.5756191
         File1327398558.jpg-(298 KB, 1024x628, 6027135494_8bdf63da89_b.jpg)
    298 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:49 No.5756193
         File1327398595.jpg-(293 KB, 1024x634, 6026582773_e0cd05e8b2_b.jpg)
    293 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:51 No.5756195
         File1327398666.jpg-(73 KB, 720x450, 1300352147792.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:52 No.5756200
         File1327398738.jpg-(2.57 MB, 3500x1403, Jumpin_Buell.jpg)
    2.57 MB
    for your next sticky, AF
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:52 No.5756201
         File1327398774.jpg-(229 KB, 1000x668, 6036380080_9d78982f0b_b.jpg)
    229 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:53 No.5756202
         File1327398781.jpg-(2.18 MB, 2362x1768, 1300575411916.jpg)
    2.18 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:54 No.5756207
         File1327398865.jpg-(70 KB, 478x692, 198446_162333483820964_1528378(...).jpg)
    70 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:55 No.5756209
         File1327398921.jpg-(58 KB, 470x597, 216776_2362707110054_132163958(...).jpg)
    58 KB

    Oh Buell, how I miss you so.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:57 No.5756213
         File1327399069.jpg-(227 KB, 960x1280, 1313106493831.jpg)
    227 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)04:58 No.5756215
         File1327399121.jpg-(1.77 MB, 3264x2448, 1307955058041.jpg)
    1.77 MB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:00 No.5756221
         File1327399226.jpg-(238 KB, 600x400, BikerGirl.jpg)
    238 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)05:01 No.5756223
         File1327399282.jpg-(342 KB, 747x500, 1313667857430.jpg)
    342 KB
    i think this came from one of these threads
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)05:03 No.5756227
         File1327399420.jpg-(87 KB, 1024x682, 561_017.jpg)
    87 KB
    she'll prob kick my ass for posting this, but this is my friend who used to race this beast
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:03 No.5756228
         File1327399423.png-(1.39 MB, 1028x818, 1317820431567.png)
    1.39 MB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:04 No.5756231
         File1327399485.jpg-(128 KB, 768x1024, 18-11-06_1228.jpg)
    128 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:06 No.5756233
         File1327399591.jpg-(75 KB, 800x641, 2010-07-20-bikepics-2022983-80(...).jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)05:07 No.5756237
    these are funny looking kitchens!
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:09 No.5756241
         File1327399790.jpg-(159 KB, 1024x768, dscn1329g.jpg)
    159 KB

    They have to have something to be able to go buy groceries with. You can only store so much in a kitchen at once.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:10 No.5756243
         File1327399859.jpg-(143 KB, 1024x681, DSC_0171_edited-1.jpg)
    143 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:16 No.5756250
         File1327400217.jpg-(98 KB, 605x807, 1315378209186.jpg)
    98 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:17 No.5756251
         File1327400253.jpg-(140 KB, 1199x1484, BLING KING (19) resize.jpg)
    140 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:18 No.5756254
         File1327400335.jpg-(125 KB, 1200x850, BLING KING (86) resize.jpg)
    125 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:20 No.5756256
         File1327400426.jpg-(173 KB, 758x600, gs.jpg)
    173 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:22 No.5756258
         File1327400552.jpg-(149 KB, 916x608, big_le_rosse_piu_belle_019.jpg)
    149 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:23 No.5756259
         File1327400592.jpg-(66 KB, 535x720, pink.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:25 No.5756264
         File1327400706.jpg-(64 KB, 640x480, 2004_0326Bikewash0002.jpg)
    64 KB

    That is fucking adorable btw.
    >> Bloodbathbro !TSA1sQGvyw 01/24/12(Tue)05:26 No.5756265
    Anybody know of any good neon helmets.

    I've looked online and most look absolutely terrible or not "neony" enough.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:26 No.5756266
         File1327400798.jpg-(303 KB, 1024x890, 553958387_a38533dac2_b.jpg)
    303 KB
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)05:29 No.5756270
    >> stang !BossLIFE1M 01/24/12(Tue)05:29 No.5756271
         File1327400974.jpg-(26 KB, 500x249, 41s6xYTylQL.jpg)
    26 KB
    the Shark Evoline 2 Lumi helmet illuminates this neon blue Tron inspired graphic

    don't know if that's the kinda thing you are after
    >> Bloodbathbro !TSA1sQGvyw 01/24/12(Tue)05:34 No.5756274

    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)06:08 No.5756309
         File1327403310.jpg-(92 KB, 635x424, 35693593533.jpg)
    92 KB

    Bump for the movie
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/24/12(Tue)09:04 No.5756441
    This looks like pure fucking gold. I'm definitely giving it a watch. shitty auto movies = love. biker boyz, torque, fnf, 200 mph, etc. shit makes me lol every time.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)09:41 No.5756457
    So, after 2 years of riding my cbr600f (2001) I'm thinking of trading it in for a BMW F650GS, from around 2002-2003.

    Mostly to change up the drivestyle from always racing to a more laid back and 'discovering' kind of style.

    Who here has done the same, switch from a sportbike to an allroad, a 1cil even? Can't be the only one who's ever thought of this.
    >> Desmofag !!yNgOuOmBufO 01/24/12(Tue)09:46 No.5756461

    Chalk this up as another reason to build/buy an S4R. Mmmmm
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:23 No.5756496
    I'm planning on going from an old style Ninja250 to a 94-97 VFR750F this spring/summer. Doing it because I don't give a shit about HURRDURR RACETRACK and want to go on some 1000+ mile rides. Plus, if I do decide to go to the track, the VFR won't let me down.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:24 No.5756500
    what made you decide to switch up in cc/hp in that big way?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:43 No.5756527
    Funny you say that, as I ride what would probably be considered the evil counter part to the Monster, A Matt Black Speed Triple.

    An Angelicly White S4R would be a nicely contrasting partner in the garage though.
    The VFR would make a fantastic second bike. Quite a usable power delivery, whilst still exiting. And that sound can't be beat. A well riden VFR would give a supersport a hard time in the twistys anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:44 No.5756528
    Mostly the long rides I have planned for this summer.

    I love my 250. It's light, flick-able, doesn't have too much power, a perfect first bike really, but it isn't can't keep up on highways with 70mph speed limits. I was riding home from university and needed to get ahead of a Honda Accord merging into my lane. The 250 simply didn't have the acceleration at 70mph to allow me to get ahead of the guy and it put me in a really bad position. I had to go into the shoulder. Needless to say, I damn near shit myself.

    >dat V4 linear power curve
    >dat V4 reliability
    >dat relaxed riding position
    >dat V4 sound
    >dem gear driven cams
    >dat sport tourer ugly sexiness

    Why not a 600cc supersport?
    >fuckfaced riding position
    >derps always want to race
    >exponential power curve (looks more like inverse tangent, but fuck you)
    >no need for all that power
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:51 No.5756537
    pretty sure the VFR is closer to a supersport than to a sport-tourer
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:54 No.5756541
    You haven't ridden a VFR. The VFR has a riding position similar to a Blackbird than that of an arm down, bum up CBR.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:58 No.5756548
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    Hm ok, good points

    Thing is though, I started off as a really relaxed driver but as time went by I started to notice the cbr drives best in the higher revs and feels slow in the lower revs. But even in 1st and 2nd gear the speeds are way over the limit and it sucks all the fun out of it, knowing you are risking your license.

    My hope it driving a f650gs will respark my fun on the roads.

    PS. I think a VFR 750 as about the same hp as a 600cc supersport, back then anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)11:11 No.5756566
    It not only would've been similar peak power back then, but also quite similar these days too.
    The main difference is the 750 V4 fills the holes in the 600's more stepped power band.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)11:11 No.5756568
    sounds like you really thought this through

    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)11:28 No.5756593
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    been riding for 15 years now, enduros all the way
    now I want a reliable daily driver for below 3000$ that is not an enduro

    1000cc+ 110hp+
    2cyl preferred but not a must
    would buy a 750 too if arguments convince me
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)11:31 No.5756600
    what area?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)11:34 No.5756606
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    Kingdom of his holy Majesty Queen Josef F. the first.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)11:38 No.5756621
    I lol'd

    the varadero might be an option, but the pre2003 models have a tendency to drink. Really comfy and reasy ride though.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)11:43 No.5756632
    please reread my first post kind sir
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)12:45 No.5756774
    still 2 months till i can ride again

    dear snow GO FUCK YOURSELF!!
    just needed to leave this here
    >> Some asshole with a train horn !!NWB4DWGNSUF 01/24/12(Tue)12:53 No.5756797
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    I'm expecting it to take about a month to gather the parts and restore my bike to like-new condition after last week's crash. Now I'm faced with the difficult bits - locating an undamaged exhaust. I'm debating replacing my rashed up and squashed Cobra Drag Pipes (basically straight pipes - only a tiny baffle, very loud) with Cobra mufflers (not nearly as loud, but with a good deep sound). I figure the quieter pipes will make any road trip I eventually take a bit more comfortable, but those drag pipes turn heads and sound so good at WOT...
    What is /o/'s opinion?
    Drag pipes (like mine):
    or Mufflers: (skip to 0:50)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)13:01 No.5756825
    Went from a TZR250 to a CB500s. It's not as exciting but I can drive through France to the Med and back without so much as an oil change. Wouldn't swap it for anything.
    >> Little Red Fellow !cCxMGmFgt6 01/24/12(Tue)13:17 No.5756865
    I'd go without the muffler. If your insurance cuts you any slack, and you've got the money, get both if you're really in doubt.
    Not only do the drag pipes sound better(I love the sound when the revs pick up fast in vid 1), putting some ear protection in for longer rides might help against the noise.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:06 No.5756980
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    My gf wants a Sportster 883r, i've asked some people and the only answer i got was "833r is not a real Harley".

    Can someone give me some real information about the bike? Mechanical issues, confort, how many miles does it make with one liter of gasoline, etc.

    First time posting on /o/.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:15 No.5757011


    won't find any comfort, the rear shocks are worth about 3cents
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:17 No.5757018

    as far as harleys go, it's actually one of the better ones. the reason fags say it's not "a real harley" is because it has springs in the back, and supposedly a real harley has a hard tail. but unless said fags ride a 1940s chopper or something they're full of shit, like most harley owners, because all modern HDs have rear suspension as well, they just hide it inside so that they *look* like hardtails. and that is a pretty good description of everything to do with the company.

    why does she want a sportster specifically? It will be pretty comfortable to ride in a straight line, yes, but compared to a japanese cruiser it will be expensive, heavy, unreliable and poor-handling.

    is this her first bike? how much does she weigh? if she's a normal sized girl and it's her first bike then get her to look at Rebel 250s instead -- they are much lighter and easier to maneuver and the honda parallel twin is about as bombproof as an engine can get. If she's a huge fatty then go up to a larger bike but I'd stay with japanese cruisers at all costs.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:17 No.5757021
    VFR800. Specifically one of the older ones with gear driven cams for dat cam whine.

    Only thing it doesn't have for you is the 1000cc+. It's got 110hp, the advantages of a twin, the power of an I4, and it'll be better on gas than a 1000cc bike.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:25 No.5757050

    >why does she want a sportster
    She simply likes the look of the bike

    >Rebel 250s instead
    thats is actually a good sugestion, Rebel is pretty, light and a lot cheaper, the only problem is that where i live we have almost no customs like that, only big ones
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:28 No.5757060
    Hello /o/!
    im looking for a R100 GS, for about 4 years now.
    have not found one yet in my area. either they sell very very fast or are far away.
    does anyone ever see one?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:29 No.5757064

    the rebel 250 comes like that from the factory. and where do you live? they're extremely common nearly everywhere in north america...and if you're outside NA I can't imagine it being easier for you to find a HD than a honda

    just go to searchtempest and look within a 200 mile radius of your zip code, you're guaranteed to find several of them
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:38 No.5757096

    click where it says modify search and enter your zip code

    sage because you're fucking hopeless if you cannot into searching
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)14:38 No.5757097

    my mistake about the "custom", used the wrong word.

    i live in Brazil, lots of Hondas everywhere, but no Rebel, they simply don't sell it here, same for Yamaha and it's V-star
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)15:43 No.5757392
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    Bought the vfr750 as first bike last spring, couldn´t recommend it more. It is however, a powerful bike and it´s fairly heavy, so watch yourself when maneuvering at slow speed.
    >> Amerifag !!7JJWWR6mcj3 01/24/12(Tue)15:56 No.5757470

    Depends on what year you're looking at. Anything after about 2001 should be fine if it was taken care of.



    It's becoming as ridiculous as Mustangcantturn. No, you won't be dragging knee on it, but it turns just fine and is actually quite nimble. I'm so freaking tired of people posting opinion as fact as far as HD quality goes. If it's a pre 2001ish there can be issues with them, avoid, yes, this is where they get their bad rap from. If it's a post 2001ish HD, they are actually built incredibly well and are quite reliable. They are good bikes and sportsters run the same as a comparable Japanese cruiser in the states.

    The only thing I agree with is that yes, while the 883 is not heavy and she could manage it, the rebel is a lot lighter and better for a beginner so I would recommend it as well.
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/24/12(Tue)16:10 No.5757528
    ask them how it's not a real harley. it's overwieght, under powered, handles like poop, lolpushrods, air cooled, etc etc etc.


    agree to disagree. they handle TERRIBLY. my Dad's Vulcan 1500 handles better, Triumph Rocket IIIs i have ridden handle better.

    As far as build quility, sure they still use metal, but they do have some major issues. my mom's FXDB for example almost hydrolocked early in it's life when the oiling system decided to force everything from the reservoir into the air box. seen many other examples recently as well. steering and swingarm bearings worn well before they should have been, shredded belts, various other bullshit problems that shouldn't have occurred on a bike with 25,000 miles or less on it.

    most japanese cruisers on the other hand are much more reliable. they might have plastic covers on the battery and airbox, but so what? they're durable enough if you're not fucktarded. not to mention many are shaft drive.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:12 No.5757539

    HDs may have better quality than they used to but there's no question that, as a whole, they are heavy and handle poorly (compared to a similar metric cruiser), they are significantly more expensive, and the community is full of posers and douchebags and just generally fucking sucks
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:00 No.5757738
    >community is full of posers and douchebags
    You don't get out much do you?

    The biggest posers I have met on the road are the ricers. The custom cafe/street guys are very cool, the touring sport guys are always cool, and the HD guys are *always* cool. Every one of them will strike up a convo with you and lend you help if needed.

    RicerFags in his dianese on his Kawai Kawasaki, not so much.
    >> Trolly McTrollfucker 01/24/12(Tue)17:06 No.5757752
    usually all bikers are nice to you if you're on the right bike, assuming they're not just an asshole. if you're on a sportbike you may get looked down on by the harley crowd, if you're on a harley you'll be looked down on by squids, but if you're on a sport-tourer, adventure bike, vintage bike, or an interesting standard, pretty much everyone will be cool to you. everyone likes my bmw airhead, nobody but black guys like my roommate's bright green ninja 500r

    also when i rode across the continent i got a lot of roadside assistance from harley, victory, and metric riders. anyone that goes cross-country will help another rider out because they know how it feels to be broke down in the middle of nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:09 No.5757764
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    I didn't buy a harley to have a hardtail, I could care less about a springer seat, these bad boys are going on my XL next month (with fork spring upgrades too)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:10 No.5757772

    Around here we don't really get many squids...there are a few sportbike riders but they usually have a normal length swingarm and at least wear a helmet, jacket and boots. Pretty intense people and often really cocky but they seem on the level.

    OTOH, there are tons of harleys ridden by idiots with brain buckets and skull bandanas, and the most common motorcycle I see is probably an electra glide bagger with flags and shit. A 70 year old retiree will pull it off the back of his RV and ride 10 miles down to the Ruby Tuesday for lunch and that's it.

    The best people are the old men with weird stuff like CX500s and neon suits who clearly don't give a shit about anything but riding. They're always levelheaded and love to tell you about the fifty bikes they've had in forty years. Not many of those around though...
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/24/12(Tue)17:11 No.5757775
    Every community has it's stereotypes. Those stereotypes are absolutely true in some cases, but don't make up the entire community. To those inside the community, those stereotypes are the "bad" part of the population

    Chopper riders have the people in a middle age crisis.
    HD has the above and the try-hards.
    Cruisers in general have try hards as well.
    Cafe racers have hipsters.
    Sport bike riders have squids.
    Touring bikers have the posers and the lazy
    Dual sports and dirt bikes have the dumb rednecks
    BMW and ducati have their "elite"

    There's always instances of them, whether you think it's true or false has to do with personal experience. Personally, I've only met one of those stereotypes, and that's the chopper population. But I realize all of them are true in some cases, because those generalizations come from somewhere.

    If anyone thinks that the entire community that follows a subset of bike ARE that generalization, they're the ones who haven't had much experience with other motorcyclists, and judge on what they've seen and heard.
    >> Trolly McTrollfucker 01/24/12(Tue)17:13 No.5757786
    this is all true. the key difference is whether someone bought a bike because he wants to project the image its particular stereotype represents, or based on the bikes merits.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:15 No.5757793
    I have to disagree. At least out here in southern california, maybe its all the weed, but everyone is cool no matter what type of bike.

    I also think a lot of touring harley guys tend to help out more, because they're older and more responsible, not because they're used to breaking down. Older guys will take the time to help out, every time. Speaking from experience (I'm 44 and I'm the youngest active rider in my local HOG chapter). Most of the younger guys don't go to the meetings, group rides or events.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:22 No.5757821
    it's also the pack mentaility.

    If you meet the guys out on the road by themselves, they're prob all very cool, but put them together in a group and you get the above stereotypes. Everyone has to look cool in front of their piers.

    But I *guarantee* you that if you're stuck out in Nevada on a highway on your Yamaha, and a cholo rides up solo on his tricked out road glide custom with 20" apes, or some bagger comes up, they will lend a hand... if in a group, they'll prob pass you by (and vice versa, you sport guys in a pack will laugh at a harley guy stuck on the side of the road and prob not stop unless you're by yourself).
    >> Trolly McTrollfucker 01/24/12(Tue)17:25 No.5757831
    there is a pretty good biker 'community' in socal, i rode out there last summer and hung out in LA and rode the PCH. my opinion is instead of having a cruisers vs. sportbikes fracture, its bikers vs. cagers instead. i saw a good little bit of hostility towards people in cars.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:30 No.5757847

    drivers in socal are the most self-absorbed pieces of crap out there. They just don't pay attention and think they're always right. I get hit almost every day just walking down the street, cars will pull out from parking lots and only look left at oncoming traffic, not even glance right once to see if there may be a pedestrian walking on the sidewalk where they just decided to park their car.
    >> Trolly McTrollfucker 01/24/12(Tue)17:34 No.5757866
    i'm not sure thats true. they're as bad as any other large city, save for the fact that they're cognizant of lane-splitting. i was a complete noob to filtering and did it the whole time i was in california, sometimes at the speed of traffic +30. if i tried to lane-split in any other state, someone would hit me within a mile. i'm not saying drivers in other states wouldnt adapt and be more attentive if lane splitting was legalized there, but currently california drivers are the only people safe to pass on the stripe.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:34 No.5757867

    > thinks harley's are unreliable

    > never owned one

    So much ricefagging in this thread, it literally hurts my brain.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:35 No.5757871
    >likes harleys
    >hurts your brain
    just shake your head and it'll rattle around
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:38 No.5757884

    > Likes everything actually. But because my mom's harley was a lemon i therefore hate everything that's not a KAWASAKEE NUNJA 250.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:44 No.5757915
    Anyone have an opinion on the Honda NX250? It could potentially be my first bike (only had my license since last fall).
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:47 No.5757928
    So it only took Harley about a hundred years to make motorcycles that are almost as reliable as old jap bikes?

    Truly, truly amazing.

    I'll never be buying a harley after I found out you have to TILT THE FUCKING MOTORCYCLE OVER to drain the oil, then tilt it the other way so you can fill it.

    No way in hell am I supporting that kind of bonehead engineering.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:49 No.5757936

    I'm not a fan of either harleys or sportbikes (with a few exceptions of course). Gimme a UJM twin any day.

    protip: aside from BMW airheads, those old honda twins are probably the most reliable motorcycle engine ever made. No question about it. And they look good too
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:49 No.5757939
    Wait, WHAT?
    Bahahahahaha, who the hell thought that was a good idea?

    If troll, you fucking have me fooled.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:55 No.5757952
    if that's what you want to think, then ok.

    You'll fit in somewhere, someday... and feel good about yourself without putting other people down, eventually. (when you grow up).

    I personally don't give a flying fuck what you own, as long as you have fun and arent endangering me or others.

    I like what I like, you like what you like, end of story.
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/24/12(Tue)17:58 No.5757962
    >I personally don't give a flying fuck what you own, as long as you have fun and arent endangering me or others.

    Going to agree with this, except I do mind when people are making purchases in order to project an image. That hurts motorcycling as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:59 No.5757965
    um, that's a negatory, troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:06 No.5757987
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    this guy clearly doesn't give a fuck...

    dumpin some of my bike pics
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:09 No.5757993
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:10 No.5757998
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:11 No.5758000
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:16 No.5758019
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    at the love ride 28
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:17 No.5758023
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:19 No.5758032
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    rows and rows and rows.... I was 20 bikes back from Jay Leno
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:20 No.5758037
    Glad you found your way to that "other" site. Helpful bunch of folks.

    I vote for mufflers. They just don't sound right straight.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:26 No.5758056
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    dat 300+ hp v8 boss hoss!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:27 No.5758059

    are those incredible chicken strips or is that just road dirt in the center?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:29 No.5758066

    not just a boss hoss. a fucking boss hoss TRIKE.

    on a scale of 1 to 10, how many feet could the owner walk before collapsing of exhaustion?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:36 No.5758094
    on this road? Those guys never ride at right angles... its prob just dirt from the parking lot.

    not me filming.. but if you can stand this guys hand shaking...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:40 No.5758119
    Sure it's been posted before, but I'm a newfag to /o/. Anyway, I never thought I would be impressed with Fabio. Dude has about 200 bikes.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:42 No.5758131
    yeah, I know him personally.. he has over 300 now.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:45 No.5758150
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:47 No.5758162
    Not sure if trolling or serious. That's awesome if serious. Does he ever let you ride any?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:48 No.5758164
    here his shorter edit, just with jay leno's jet bike.

    I have to say... this guy sounds like a douchebag jersey fucking retard... if you listen to his comments on the other vid... he thinks he's the shit -
    this is what we were referring to in the earlier posts today about some poeple are cool.. some are complete asshats
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:48 No.5758167

    huurr... link.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:51 No.5758178
    No.. he was dating (fucking) my female roomate in 2009-2010.. he's like 60 ish she's was 25...

    He would come over and pick her up every day in one of his cars, and come in, but I never went to his place. I helped him pick out a $10,000 mac pro system though when he wanted a new computer...

    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:02 No.5758231
    That's fucking hilarious. Was he like a pompous douche about all his bikes? I could see him being of the douchey variety.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:11 No.5758265
    Hey guys!
    Got a question for you!

    I'm living with a host family in the UK and I've been lucky enough to end up with a host-father sharing my interest in cars and bikes.

    He's currently rebuilding a bike in his garage, and he's turning 60 soon.

    He's told me the wiring harness is all messed up and I thought I'd get him one for his birthday.

    Only issue is I'm having trouble identifying the bike.

    Here's what I know: It's pre-1990, Kawasaki-green, has no "window" in the front, just green plastic, and it says "GPZ" on it. He claims it's a 600cc 6-cylinder, and he says they raced it on the Isle of Man but in a bored-out version with a 1000cc capacity.

    Can you guys help me identify this?

    I've found a few wiring harnesses on Ebay for a Kawa "GPZ600R" but it doesn't really look like the one in my host-fathers garage.

    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:13 No.5758275
    he's more like a kid with way too much money.. he's cool, and loves motorsports... but I should rephrase that "I've met him many times", not really that "i know" him. Although, I know a little too much about his weird sex life though after my roomate stopped seeing him... lol!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:22 No.5758330
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    Please, continue.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:26 No.5758350
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    Also, here's a pic of my bike since we are straying away from the path a bit. Since that pic I have added a yoshi exhaust, cut off that fender eliminator, and installed an integrated tail light. Having never really done any kind of mechanical work, I was pretty happy with myself with the way it all turned out. Granted, it was pretty easy, but still.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:28 No.5758363
    Anyone know anything about this??

    Holy shit that's a cool way to mount the shock..
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/24/12(Tue)19:37 No.5758408
    I think we'll need some detailed photographs, that doesn't sound like anything I know of. Do you know the year?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:38 No.5758417
    It was like an '88 or '89. I'll see if I can find the key for the garage, one second..
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/24/12(Tue)19:43 No.5758437
    The only GPz in those years were 500 (or 550?) and 1100, then later 305, 400, 500, 600, 750, and 900.
    As far as I know none of them were 6 cylinder, the 600 was i4.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:49 No.5758461
    Couldn't work out which key went to the garage, I'll have to ask his wife tomorrow.

    Every 600cc Kawa I've googled has been a i4... It all seems pretty damn strange.. I'll post some pictures of it tomorrow 'cause we'll undoubtedly be working on a MG TF in the same garage.

    Thanks for your time though!
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/24/12(Tue)19:52 No.5758476
    You're welcome. If anything this sounds like it's just heavily modified. If that's the case there's no shame in just asking, unless someone else knows about it you can get in touch with. The only 6 cyl kawasaki that I can think of was a 1300 touring or sport touring bike.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:16 No.5758587
    There will never be a modern XR750

    ;_; Fuck you Harley
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:19 No.5758597
    I honestly think that would save the company.
    Modify an 883 sportster engine to 750 and make it lighter, suddenly a whole new customer base.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:40 No.5758983
         File1327459206.jpg-(68 KB, 625x417, harley-flh.jpg)
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    modern HD engines are actually pretty good, and people love the sound and appearance...they just need some good looking lightweight frame designs, an alternative to the overbuilt billet barge look that is all they make any more.

    pic related, for instance. I would ride the FUCK out of any harley that looked like that. the company just seems completely blind to the opportunities
    >> Ricers gonna !RiceOCNvto 01/24/12(Tue)21:54 No.5759047
         File1327460056.jpg-(1.09 MB, 1280x1024, iron_883_wallpaper.jpg)
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    my friend just picked up a 883 iron

    pretty badass
    we went to the car show and everyone were taking pictures of it

    its a bone stock bike too sitting next to like 200 other motorcycles

    just super clean
    >> RORB !VHnKJQogSk 01/24/12(Tue)21:55 No.5759053

    Holy shit, I would ride that.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:59 No.5759083
         File1327460373.jpg-(45 KB, 750x441, 122-1104-02-o+harley-davidson-(...).jpg)
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    >overbuilt billet barge look
    When I look at an HD product, all I see is the minimum amount of powder coated chromoly as posible to hold the rest of the 300kg of motorcycle together. The billet accessories are usually for trivial things such as various trim pieces.
    A little over six months ago, these artist concept drawings were released, not sure as to how much substance is behind the sources though...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:07 No.5759384
    Can I ask your opinion on Royal Enfields then?
    >> TuberBuell !!gPiEUUMtZBF 01/24/12(Tue)23:11 No.5759405
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    just wondering if anyone had any ideas, but do any of you guys have any good tips/tricks to getting decent sound on a ride-along video (mic muffling, wind deflection, etc.)? i know we all hate listening to ten minutes of WOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH....
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:12 No.5759413

    point the microphone away from the wind or shield it behind a fairing or something
    cover it with one of those fuzzy wind socks
    if you're pro, record sound from a different location and sync it with your video later
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:12 No.5759415

    People love to use the phrase 'modern harley engine', but their basic design principle hasnt changed much. The customers want a classic style motorcycle with the sound only that motor layout makes. Harley's from the 80's will run just as good as jap bikes from the 80's if the owner took care of it. There is no reason to believe that steel made in japan is any better than steel made in Milwaukee. In fact when i look on craigslist i find way more decapitated pieces of shit jap bikes from the 80's than i see harleys. Yet i see tons of shovel-heads and pan-heads cruising around town because nobody wants to sell them.

    -basically, you dont have to use the phrase 'modern harley engine' because its the same old design with a little refinement. If it aint broke, dont fix it.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:16 No.5759439

    well you're missing that even if the design is solid, poor manufacturing techniques can turn a great engine into a total lemon

    and while there's no indication that the japanese were using better steel, it's certainly possible that they were. it's not like steel just gets better and better over time...there are many different grades and we keep them all in production for different purposes. shittier steel is cheaper. if HD was cheaping out in other ways they could easily have specced a lower-grade steel for their blocks, no question.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:18 No.5759456

    Try putting a single piece of scotch tape over the mic hole. It's supposed to eliminate wind noise and still pick up the sound of the bike.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:19 No.5759461
    >If it aint broke, dont fix it.

    are you implying there havent been manufacturing techniques and a completly new way of thinking when it comes to building engines in the last 40 years?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:23 No.5759484

    According to who is the technique they use sub-par? I dont know on what evidence people judge this on, but your company simply *will not* rise to the top of *any* particular market (in this case cruisers) if you have a crappy product. It simply doesn't make economic sense. That's why when harley's quality began to slack in the late 80's, and the whole AMF thing happened, when the dust settled suddenly harley totally got their shit together and came out swinging with fantastic products that are still on the road today. Similar to how Chrysler came out of the bailout leaner, cleaner, and making the best god damn truck you can buy right now. "Hmm, maybe we should make something extra good to make up for our fuck up."

    I might just be talking out of my ass, but i have a 92 nighthawk 750, a 84 magna 500, and a 03 harley 1200. The honda's give me nothing but grief and spend more time in the shop than on the road, but i dont wave the harley flag and declare them the best bikes ever just because MY honda's are pieces of shit. I know for a fact i would enjoy the fuck out of a 1000 CBR if i had the cash to piss away on one.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:47 No.5759605
         File1327466821.jpg-(368 KB, 1600x1200, 2011 Triumph Daytona 675R.jpg)
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    It's on youtube too.
    >> Wat Kowatski 01/24/12(Tue)23:56 No.5759660
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    Well, everything except the chystler is god part. Chrystler still sucks, ford rules, get over it.
    But I digress......
    I rode an 01 roadking 1450 daily for two and a half years, year round and it was/ is just plain lovely to ride. Zero problems, and I beat the shit out of it, reved the piss out of it, etc...
    The only issue I have with it is the poor cornering clearance thanks to the xbox heug floorboards. They are really nice to ride, at speeds under 75mph that is.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:59 No.5759675
    Probably a good thing you did have the X-Bawks hueg boards, as cracked primary drive housings are expensive to replace when they bottom out...
    >> Tools/supplies for cross-country trip Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)00:04 No.5759694
    What would /o/ suggest for tools/parts for a cross country trip generally staying on highways?

    I have a 1 year old Ninja 650 with hard panniers.

    What I'm planning on packing:
    Manufacturer's tool kit
    Chain lube
    Spray cleaner
    Spare headlight and turn signal bulbs
    Tire plugger
    Tire gauge
    Tire pump
    Key for pannier racks
    Zip ties
    100 mph tape
    Liter of fuel
    AAA card and cell phone with service manual loaded on it

    I figure I will buy oil/filters/tires along the way.
    Any suggestions?
    >> Wat Kowatski 01/25/12(Wed)00:06 No.5759702
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    Meh, prolly. I used to hang off as best I could, and drag the edge of my boot to feel how much more lean I had before they touched down.
    >> Desmofag !!yNgOuOmBufO 01/25/12(Wed)00:12 No.5759732
         File1327468327.jpg-(453 KB, 1024x768, radicalducati2.jpg)
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    Glad to see someone liked those enough from the old thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)00:13 No.5759745
    Would this be good for attaching to my helmet?
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/25/12(Wed)00:17 No.5759765
    Never heard about that in particular, but I have heard about reflexite, which is apparently amazing.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)00:21 No.5759777
    Wow. $2.79 per 2x18 strip on eBay. I'm buying four. Thanks for the tip.
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/25/12(Wed)00:25 No.5759796
         File1327469118.jpg-(104 KB, 800x600, 843871301_qh4ux-L.jpg)
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    Yw. I need to get some myself since I'll be night riding a lot come spring and summer.

    Thread on the subject for anyone lurking:
    >> Wat Kowatski 01/25/12(Wed)00:27 No.5759808
         File1327469222.jpg-(119 KB, 600x450, harley-davidson-fatboy-termina(...).jpg)
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    Oh fuck yeah, my new favorite bike that one. Forgot I got it here honestly, thx.

    >Also, ride a a HD and you can has shota
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)00:38 No.5759841
    Well fuck, now I think I have to buy even more because certain designs, patterns, and placements just look fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)01:56 No.5760114
         File1327474601.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_1454.jpg)
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    u jelly
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)01:58 No.5760119
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)02:42 No.5760261

    Yes. What year is it and how much did you pay for it?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)03:06 No.5760322

    >Implying Japanese cruisers aren't hideous and plastic ridden
    >Even the motors look plastic compared to a harleys motor

    Sure is uninformed in here. I routinely hear of sportster owners getting 80,000 miles out of their bikes without rebuild. Makes sense since the motor has been around since the 80s.

    Pretty amazing how people will dog american cars for plastic interiors, yet jap bikes are the ultimate bikes.

    Put a jap cruiser next to a harley and tell me honestly that the jap bike doesn't look like a generic wanna be plastic looking harley.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)03:19 No.5760349
    less clothes than you think you need, maybe more socks.
    garbage bags
    ziploc bags
    paper towels folded up
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)03:23 No.5760357
    a couple small LED flashlights, spare batteries, a spare battery for your phone, coins, credit cards, not much cash. a knife would be useful.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)03:30 No.5760375
    dont forget a first aid kit, or put one together yourself with bandages, all sizes of bandaids (plasters), gauze roll, something to clean wounds (hydrogen peroxide), aspirin, tylenol, anti-diarrhea tabs, and if you have space get a small pack of those wet wipes... great for wiping the sweat out of your ass, or cleaning your balls up on a long ride.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)03:35 No.5760393
    >anti-diarrhea tabs

    is this actually a thing? I mean sure, if you're travelling to mexico or whatever, but water in the vast majority of the USA is clean. Even if you get it from a rest stop drinking fountain it's likely to be perfectly healthy.

    Or do people just randomly get diarrhea for no reason? I sure don't.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)03:38 No.5760405
    they're the size of a grain of rice, buy 2 little packets at a gas station and keep them on hand, FFS.... yes, when you eat fast food going across America, you're most likely gonna get the shits.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)03:42 No.5760416
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)03:42 No.5760417
    Not saying it's a bad idea to keep them around, I guess, but I've never had anti-diarrhea stuff in my first aid kid and I've never needed to. And I've driven across the USA one coast to the other three times, taking from six days to three weeks, and have never had any problems like that. Sure I've gotten food poisoning before but that happens like once or twice a year.

    Maybe I just have an iron gut
    >> !TL1000sHOA 01/25/12(Wed)04:14 No.5760452
    May as well keep them on hand, cause why the fuck not?
    As for the food poisoning, I've only had it once in my life from a Dominoes pizza.
    >Eat pizza
    >Throw up at work 6 hours later
    6 days in hospital later... My diarrhea got so bad that any liquids would come out my ass CRYSTAL CLEAR like tap water 30 minutes later. Didn't eat for 2 weeks, fuck colonics, just eat bad food.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:23 No.5760583
    so can anyone here recommend me some awesome motorbike gloves for winter use?
    i have some that are awesome for summer, they breathe really well and i don't lose much dexterity.

    i fucken hate wearing big puffy ski gloves and that sort of shit cos i lose all dexterity in my fingers and it pisses me right off.

    i live in the south island of new zealand so winters here get pretty chilly. the wind chill factor makes hands freeze up good in a few minutes.

    so are there any good gloves that can keep my hands warm in the winter, yet retain good dexterity? i dont care if i have to order from overseas etc
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:05 No.5760619
         File1327493116.jpg-(68 KB, 800x533, IMG_1049800x600.jpg)
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    Not Particularly. Can't wait to show you my brembo RCS.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)09:17 No.5760714
    Have you considered heated gloves?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:18 No.5760766
    heated grips
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:18 No.5760865
    Or those, I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:48 No.5760948

    The big heat thieves are convection from the wind and conduction from the cold grips. Heated grips and handguards are a good start.

    If you have a heated vest or jacket liner it will prevent your blood from being pulled back into your core, keeping your hands warm.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:08 No.5761168
    Kawasaki ZZR 1100
    is it good?
    want it as a daily driver and for longer tours once in a while
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:10 No.5761183
    recently ive noticed dealers charge up the arse for older sport bikes compared to a private party

    wtf why
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:13 No.5761198
         File1327515209.jpg-(122 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lbg7qqim4L1qd94n7o1_500(...).jpg)
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    noticed that too

    98 super blackbird
    private 3000
    dealer 4500

    00 busa
    private 4000
    dealer 6000+

    they don't even give warranty or other shit to justify such prices
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:21 No.5761237

    because a dealer does everything for you. you just go in, say "I want that one" and walk out. don't have to religiously check craigslist, badger the owner for a title, drive to another city, etc.

    they're still ripoffs though yes
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:22 No.5761240
    yeah man, ever check kbb motorcycles? a 93 fzr600 in excellent condition is like 1300 and dealerships are 2.4k+
    >> Desmofag !!yNgOuOmBufO 01/25/12(Wed)13:36 No.5761306

    Price would depend on your area, I live in Nebraska which is a world away from you. First impression, it's rough, but nothing looks like it would prevent you from riding, which is great if it's a first bike. I'd offer 2 and see what he says. But the fix it up over a few years is spot on. It could be a nice bike.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:50 No.5761736
    I was looking at a bandit at a dealership a few weeks ago and the guy told me "I don't think any sports bike, even early 90's ninja 250's, are worth less than 2500 dollars".

    That was his response to me haggling
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:57 No.5761752
    >want to buy bike at dealer: "it's so expensive because *bullshit explanation* and fuck you"
    >want to sell bike at dealer: "that bike ain't even worth 500$, stop wasting my time"
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:17 No.5761811
    Ya that's pretty much how it goes
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:18 No.5761813

    EARLY 90'S NINJA > $2500?????

    fuck. that. guy.

    I almost talked somebody on CL down to $2400 for a 2008 Ninja 250, only didn't get it because I didn't want it and his clutch was bent.

    Most 2008+ are 2700-3200, your best bet is to look on craigslist and read up on how to inspect used bikes.

    I bought mine out of state and just put it in a cheap cargo van for ~$100 including van/milage/gas
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:21 No.5761820
    Took my new 250 Ninja out for it's first ride today just slowly around the neighborhood.

    Tank was completely empty so had to push it to a gas station (1 block) and it was only 35° so it wouldn't start, but once it was running and not stalling anymore, man what a sweet ride.

    Feels good man dot jpeg
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:27 No.5761836
    Oh don't get me wrong, that's the only time I've ever gone to a dealership to look at a motorcycle.

    I still haven't got one though because for some reason no one in the dallas metroplex keeps up with their titles, and if they do they believe they should sell the bike for 2k more and it goes out of my price range
    >> Some asshole with a train horn !!NWB4DWGNSUF 01/25/12(Wed)17:17 No.5762009
         File1327529865.jpg-(57 KB, 755x385, ShadowPhantom_2011_05.jpg)
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    I want to black my Magna out in the manner of the Honda Shadow Phantom so badly... But doing it right and making it look good would require black forks and clamps, black spoked wheels and removing the engine to paint it. What a pain in the ass.
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/25/12(Wed)17:47 No.5762105
         File1327531625.jpg-(169 KB, 1200x800, brembo.jpg)
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    jelly of the worst 600 street bike ever made? not really, no. now if it was gonna be a dedicated track bike, maybe.


    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:54 No.5762124
    YZF-R6 is goddamn fun

    however it is fucking terrible on the street
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:11 No.5762193
    Considering getting a Suzuki S40.

    Problem is I live in Appalachia and any fun ride takes me from 2500 feet at my house up to as high as 6600 feet on the parkway. How fucked would I be with a carb'd bike? My snowmobile struggles with altitude on stock jetting but I don't know how big the effect on a 4 stroke is.
    >> Trolly McTrollfucker 01/25/12(Wed)18:39 No.5762255
         File1327534777.jpg-(2.65 MB, 3072x2304, DSC01032.jpg)
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    i've ridden my bike from the tide line on a south texas beach to 13,000 feet in the rockies in the same week. no issues other than lack of power at the highest altitudes
    >> Some asshole with a train horn !!NWB4DWGNSUF 01/25/12(Wed)18:41 No.5762258
    No thanks.
    Honda cruisers are the best japanese cruisers. If you can afford it, get a fuel injected bike and you won't have any problems.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:58 No.5762307
    I'm glad you still exist, I'm fairly certain I live pretty close to you.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:00 No.5762314
    My sled has had a lot of problems with fouling plugs if the jets aren't perfect for the conditions. An S40 is nowhere near as strung out as a nearly race ready 440 but I was still concerned, thanks for the input.

    You don't have the option of the Ryca kit with a Honda. I plan on learning with the bike then converting it once I've got some experience and start to outgrow it.
    >> Trolly McTrollfucker 01/25/12(Wed)19:03 No.5762328
    where you live?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:23 No.5762381
    see: Profit margin
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/25/12(Wed)20:33 No.5762573
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    exactly. at the track they're a dream. on the street they're shit. if you want a 600 that does fairly well at the track but amazingly on the street get an 05/06 ZX-6R. pic related
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:47 No.5762631
    they come factory stroked to a 636... don't they?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:51 No.5762647

    they released two versions of the 05/06 zx-6r.

    the normal version which was a 636 (i own that one) known as the zx-6r, they also released in alot smaller numbers, the zx-6rr which was exactly the same with a 599cc.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:53 No.5762651
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    >me @ philip island on a 06 zx-6r 636
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:53 No.5762655
    >my zx-6r

    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:56 No.5762663
    awesome wouldn't mind going to Phillip island one day just gotta get out of nsw first
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:14 No.5762750
    my 79' xs250 is running really badly at the moment... i rode it home with the knowledge that i should have refueled, but i didn't. now... towards the end of the journey, the started doing what its doing now... kind of sounds likes its misfiring (this is whilst moving) i change the fuel to reserve and it keeps doing this so i leave it on reserve and just struggle home (along the highway at 40kmh (usually 100) it gets into my street and dies due to no fuel, i push it the last 20m. go inside and forget about, refuel it the next day expecting it to run a dream, its not :(

    any ideas?
    tldr: ran out of fuel, when bike got low on fuel, started running like shit, refueled once home, still is running like shit;

    hard to start
    idles like shit
    misfiring (i think thats what its called (irregular sound when moving
    won't go over 40kmh won't rev over 6,000rpm.

    my assumption is air just got somewhere it shouldn't have...

    any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:21 No.5762777
    probably not air...more likely to be gunk in the bottom of the gas tank that got sucked down the reserve hole. common problem with nearly any vehicle if you empty the tank right out.

    try some spray carb cleaner, and if you have an inline fuel filter clean it out too. if it still runs rough, opening up and cleaning your carbs is almost guaranteed to work
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:06 No.5762978
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    I'm busy breaking in my DR650, after break-in and tuneup, what do people usually replace or modify on the bike from the factory to enhance ergos/durability/performance?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:07 No.5762986
    Could've shifted something that's blocked the fuel line or the carbs.
    Easiest start is pulling off all the fuel lines and flushing them, with force, then draining the carb bowls (should be an allen bolt at the bottom on each carb, undo it and fuel should come out. Hook up the fuel and let is suck some through. Let the spark plugs out and give them a check/clearance check on the contacts, a light sanding wont hurt.

    If it still runs like shit, spark plugs.
    Still? Carb rebuild.
    Still? I don't even.

    Don't let your bike sit and accumulate water in the tank for 4 months, have some faggot try to start it for 5 minutes and suck through shitloads of water, your bike really wont appreciate it.
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/25/12(Wed)22:12 No.5763008
    the extra 37cc comes by way of an increase in bore and stroke
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/25/12(Wed)22:17 No.5763033
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    JenningsGP on my 05 ZX-10R
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/25/12(Wed)22:19 No.5763052
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    and my last 636 (I have had 3 of them) after being rear ended by a drunkard on a piece of shit harley
    >> Porsche 959 01/25/12(Wed)22:34 No.5763137
    That pic always makes me sad'd
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:40 No.5763163
         File1327549253.jpg-(255 KB, 1600x1200, 122_1102_01_o+2011_triumph_day(...).jpg)
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    I lust after this machine more than any woman. One day I will make her mine and I will mount her and it will be glorious.
    >> Porsche 959 01/25/12(Wed)22:48 No.5763206
         File1327549725.jpg-(313 KB, 1920x1200, 1290649168978.jpg)
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    I respect your lust for the 675R. She is a beautiful temptress.
    However, I will make this steed my whore and do vile, terrible things to day...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:51 No.5763218
    That's fair enough. Even the standard Daytonas are fantastic out of the box, but you get Brembo monoblocks and a complete ohlins setup that would cost for than twice the price difference.

    While I haven't the R variant yet, I can tell you the the basic 675 Daytona would be my choice out of the middle weight supersports. An older mate of mine has just picked up an R however, and I'd be content just sitting there looking at it.

    Too bad man, I hope you got payed out without any troubles.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:57 No.5763255
         File1327550271.jpg-(94 KB, 1280x960, BMW_S1000RR_45557.jpg)
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    >every single one of my erections
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:59 No.5763264
    >cost for than
    Supposed to read as "cost more than".
    And that's be my choice of thou'. Never ridden one, but after sitting on it seems to fit my 6' frame quite well.
    I'd love the 'Prilia, but the general consensus with most people I speak to seem to come to the same conclusion... You need to be built like a cross between Max Biaggi and a circus contortionist to get along well with it.
    >> Porsche 959 01/25/12(Wed)23:00 No.5763270
         File1327550438.jpg-(189 KB, 1280x854, BMW-S1000RR-1.jpg)
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    >erections for life and surprisingly affordable!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:06 No.5763302
         File1327550793.jpg-(1.03 MB, 1936x695, bmwheelie.jpg)
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    Here's some OC of an S1000RR raec biek.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:10 No.5763334
         File1327551041.jpg-(529 KB, 1600x1309, Aprilia-RSV4-Max-Biaggi-Replic(...).jpg)
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    I've heard the Aprilia's seat gets molten lava hot if you sit still on it for too long on a warm day. What I don't understand is why the hell you'd want to sit still on it in the first place.
    >> Porsche 959 01/25/12(Wed)23:13 No.5763355
         File1327551229.jpg-(249 KB, 1064x708, meskillz5.jpg)
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    The only time your ass should touch the seat is when you're switching from dragging one knee to the other.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:16 No.5763374
    If I wanted an all out performance Superbike (I have a Speed Triple, so dailly riding duties are covered), I'd ride one in a heart beat. But I can do without the hot seat.... as it's 41 celsius in the shade where I am at the moment.
    >> !deeds799Cc 01/25/12(Wed)23:19 No.5763387
    what makes a R6 a bad street bike?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:20 No.5763397
         File1327551644.jpg-(364 KB, 2048x1536, 0125022008b.jpg)
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    Indeed. Do you mostly ride with it set to 20 or 18?
    >> Porsche 959 01/25/12(Wed)23:20 No.5763398
    But they aren't...
    >> !deeds799Cc 01/25/12(Wed)23:21 No.5763402
    this was aimed at the posters a few posts up. i hear a lot of people say this, and i am not sure why.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:22 No.5763410
    when speaking about any of the modern jap 4 calling any of their proper sports bikes is basically nit picking.

    all of the 4 are insanely well built.
    generally it comes down to preference to most people.

    most people who buy these bikes won't use the bikes to their full potentional, so yeah, most of it is preference.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:23 No.5763421
    This. Get the one that is most comfortable to you and has the color you like.
    >> Porsche 959 01/25/12(Wed)23:23 No.5763423
    Well, keep in mind the R6 is a race replica, so comfort wasn't the prime focus of its design.

    But if you are reasonably sized and somewhat limber, you can ride comfortably on an R6 with no problems.

    Are they the best street bike? Compared to a Goldwing or Councours 14, no.
    But compared to other middle middleweight and standard bikes, they aren't bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:29 No.5763465

    I know i am way late, but Ford's ruling? HA. Yeah enjoy your random downshifts into 1st gear while going highway speed. Have you even looked at ford forums? They did nothing innovative. The Ram is much better in every. single. way. Deal with it.

    Anyway is there any Honda Magna love in this thread? From what i understand the V30's (500cc) are getting more rare. Should i hold onto mine after i sell my harley, or sell it as well?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:45 No.5763572
    Ford is the number 1 US auto maker and owes nothing to the Fed.

    Both Chrysler and GM still have not paid off their loans to the Fed, unless you count taking out a loan to payoff a different loan.

    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:46 No.5763584
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:54 No.5763633
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    As the owner of that white r6, yes, it sucks when commuting to work or in the city esp. a hilly city it's pretty bad. But on the highway it's great.

    I sort of have mixed feelings about it. I was considering getting a used 250 or something less intense to commute to work. On the highway it's amazing though. It just has a really bad torque curve that sucks for slow ass city maneuvering. Like between 0-6000 rpm you have like no power at all, then it kicks in at like 8000 and it's insanity. Little twitchy for commuting around the city.

    And yea that is my 240sx.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:56 No.5763646
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    That's where one of these comes into its own.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:57 No.5763648
    Agreed, I've owned both a 600 and 1000 CBR, and the 1000 was a lot easier to ride.
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/26/12(Thu)00:02 No.5763690
    they're frakking terrible on the street, homie. seat, suspension, but especially the motor. it's great at the track. made for it, but compared to, say, a CBR600RR(07 or so) or an 05/06 636. fugitaboudit

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:03 No.5763692


    if you can't use the power of an r6 to commute on... you might want to learn how to ride. there's plenty of power down low, the way you talk you make it sound like its a two stroke. yes its an i4, so yes, most of the power is up the other end, but there's easily enought commute on down the other end. if not, get your bike serviced.

    yes, plenty of bikes will be better commuters, shoudl have picked a v-twin then. like a honda vtr sp or the likes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:04 No.5763705
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    White is such an awesome colour on motorcycles.
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/26/12(Thu)00:05 No.5763711
    kind of tempted to go out for a little hooliganism.

    959, JGP late feb or early march. buddy has to test the ohlins bits he just put on his R6 for the Daytona 200.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:06 No.5763723
    It's not bad but I mean I feel like I'm not getting enough out of it by commuting on 45mph roads, and that's where most of my riding is done.
    >> Porsche 959 01/26/12(Thu)00:08 No.5763737
    Your answer is:
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:10 No.5763749

    I hate to bite the trolling but
    I'd imagine he's right. You should be fine in first gear to 50. I've never rode a i4-600cc bike though. I've heard of them almost stalling in second if you change to soon though.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:11 No.5763757
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    get one of these then mate
    will be a collectors bike only soon, they're becoming rare even now (here anywy)

    honda vtr sp. a big 1000cc v-twin.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:12 No.5763763
    I'm not saying a 600 is "difficult" to ride, I'm just saying a 1000 is a lot easier to ride when not on a racetrack.

    Anyone who has owned both will agree with me.
    >> Wat Kowatski 01/26/12(Thu)00:14 No.5763775
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    Shit, my sister's boyfriend bought a brand new ram1500 a few months ago and hes needed to fix random ass shit on it a few times already. My family's two ford F series we've had? Fucking flawless. My buddy's three f series trucks? Not a problem, including one they let their Mexican slaves thrash the living fuck out of working construction.
    Face it, Ford trucks rock. If it want for cummins dodge would have gone bankrup........Oh yeah, gee.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:15 No.5763782
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    What is your logic behind this? I've heard it from my squid-family but I assumed they were being squids.

    Said squids gsxr-1000
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:18 No.5763792
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:19 No.5763797
    How does a 1000cc bike equate with a similar engine set up have different characteristics? Wouldn't it be the same problem but worse?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:21 No.5763811
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    lol I can start in 2nd gear and it will not stall, where do you guys get these ideas from? Also when I'm doing 45 i'm in 5th gear it accelerates faster than most cars anyway. Just sayin, sometimes feels like no torque under 6k rpms. But it revs like a mofo. Fun on the track, bad for slow city driving.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:23 No.5763823
    You are aware motorcycles are supposed to be ridden in their power bands, right?

    On my 250r I ride between 6-9000 rpms regularly. (14k redline)
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/26/12(Thu)00:25 No.5763830
    Generally, from what I've seen in engine specs, when moving from the average 600cc i4 to 1000cc i4 of the same line of bike in the same generation, they gain more torque than they do horsepower. In a percentage at least, not in numbers, of course. Comparing the liter bikes to their supersport counter parts usually shows that the ~600s get around 10-15% less torque than what you'd get if you simply moved the numbers down in ratio.

    Plus, I'm assuming, more power total makes the lower power curve easier to ride on the street, rather than relying a lot on the higher side for power.

    I haven't used either of the engine type/sizes, but those are what the numbers and my assumptions are.
    >> Wat Kowatski 01/26/12(Thu)00:27 No.5763840
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    This. Theres a reason the old gsxr tachs started a 3k.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:27 No.5763842
    That sounds right on paper but realistically more torque on a motorcycle, especially when riding on the street, just seems like it's easier to get into more trouble quicker. Sure it might be less jumpy at lower rpms, but any sort of attempt to get on the power quickly results in scary results.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:28 No.5763851
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:31 No.5763864
    >i don't know that i'm talking about
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/26/12(Thu)00:33 No.5763874
    Especially when you're dealing with faster throttle response due to the design and power. If someone knew their bike well and had moved up to that size and power properly, however, there's a very very tiny chance of them messing up like that other than in an unforeseeable circumstance. Even then, if they've got the experience and know the bike, there's also a huge chance of proper recovery.
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/26/12(Thu)00:33 No.5763876
    a thousand is harder to ride. street or track. than a 600.

    no room for debate
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:34 No.5763884
    I disagree
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/26/12(Thu)01:04 No.5764021
    >has ridden neither a 1000 nor a 600
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:06 No.5764035
    >has owned both.
    >> FZR1K !!U7mOgm+/P2Q 01/26/12(Thu)01:10 No.5764063
    indeed i have...

    and anyone who thinks a 1000 is easier to ride than a 600 is on crack cocaine.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:15 No.5764091
    Well I have owned several of each, and I believe a 1000 is considerably easier to ride than a 600.

    Take it or leave it, but it's fact.
    >> Grand !!bpzJYG28XJT 01/26/12(Thu)01:17 No.5764103
    Give some reasons. The discussion got started when a few people who've owned both 600/1000 were talking about how a liter's easier to ride on the street.

    I'm not sure on either answer, and I won't be until I ride both, of course. But it does seem pretty logical that it'd be easier to deal with in slower traffic rather than let go on a track.

    And no one's saying that a liter is EASIER to ride in total, but that given one person with equally proficient skills in both sizes of i4 would have an easier time on the street with a liter. From my understanding of the discussion, at least.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:48 No.5764409
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    >honda cl350
    >powder pink
    >rear half is built from an old refrigerator

    can't tell if awesome...or just retarded
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:56 No.5764432
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    I want to get a nazi-esque helmet, but I don't want it to sit inches above my head due to padding. Any of you guys happen to know a good brand that looks decent on a human head?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:59 No.5764440

    #1 the padding is what protects your brain, dumbass
    #2 nazi helmets only cover the top of your head, while something like 80% of head impacts happen to the face, jaw or back, so even if you got a well-padded nazi helmet the odds are still against you

    don't buy a fucking nazi helmet.
    >> GeorgeMichaelGuy 01/26/12(Thu)03:17 No.5764489
    Did we ever reach a consensus on what that bike was? I don't remember.

    Also, It's almost February and I still haven't got my summer gloves & boots. Getting seriously sweaty here. I really should do something about that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:31 No.5764521
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    nope, not true at all
    1380cc 184hp semi automatic master race here

    start with second gear, never need to shift when riding in town
    anytime enough power to leave other vehicles in the dust
    >> !TL1000sHOA 01/26/12(Thu)04:11 No.5764570
    If I have earplugs in, don't give a fuck about pedestrians ears.
    Though, 2nd doesn't like going under 30km/h, engine tries to lunch itself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:33 No.5764600
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    what does /o/ think of Ural? I think it'd be so awesome to have one go on road trips and hunt with it. not to mention storm around town. but how is maintenance, how is the power from the engine... would i just be better getting some kinda adventure motorcycle?
    >> Just Expecting Every Problem !ZXmBdDUhMU!!zv3dZrGjtru 01/26/12(Thu)04:37 No.5764606
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    I want a BMW r80 of some sort at some point.

    >dream R80 related
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:41 No.5764608
    that is such a sexy motorcycle.
    >> Just Expecting Every Problem !ZXmBdDUhMU!!zv3dZrGjtru 01/26/12(Thu)04:42 No.5764612
    That's an awesome bike. I would love an R65 too.

    How much did you get yours for?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)05:10 No.5764643
         File1327572627.jpg-(338 KB, 771x656, VFR_750_FM__RC36_91_3[1].jpg)
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    honda vfr750 rc36
    good bike for occasional trips abroad and daily driver?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)05:13 No.5764645
    Since you are asking that, im guessing it's your first bike, so i would say no.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)05:15 No.5764646
    riding 600-1000cc enduros/supermotos for over 15 years now, just want something different
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)05:50 No.5764690
    so no further suggestions?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)05:59 No.5764693

    A bit late, but the fuck is this? Get your dead body off the bike of my dreams. Show some respect, instead of laying on it like a dead fish.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:03 No.5764696
    If you want VFR, i would go for the 800cc but that's just me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:39 No.5764724
    any specific reason?
    sure, it got about 34cc more, but adds on about 50pounds aswell
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:57 No.5764732
    so I heard you like cafe racers....

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