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09/11/11(Sun)22:02 No.5272876this was years ago, but: >only guy at high school with a motorcycle (CBR 600, nothing crazy) >take motorcycle to school one day >everyone ooing and awing, don't take off helmet until I get to my locker, put it inside with jacket, go to first period >ditch out middle of the day during lunch, school cop sees me, REDNBLUES >laugh my ass off, floor it, run red light >city cop was sitting at the light as I blasted past him >REAL REDNBLUES >"oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck shit shit shit" >keep driving fast, get up to 90MPH on neighborhood street >"oh fuck this is so dumb oh fuck" >get to main road, slow down to 40, take corner, barely miss getting creamed by an SUV >almost pissing myself out of fear >keep riding fast, go 15 miles before i calm down, scared as shit looking behind me the whole time >NEVER RIDE THE MOTORCYCLE TO SCHOOL AGAIN UNTIL I GET INTO COLLEGE
a cool story, just fucking frightening. I stopped riding shortly after
getting into college, because of similar stories. I'm not a responsible
enough motorcyclist to own one and I was afraid I was going to die one
day when my luck ran out. |