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  • File : 1315774344.jpg-(70 KB, 306x229, police-chase_medium.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:52 No.5271768  
    ITT: Police chase stories
    Evasion stories

    I know you guys have them.

    Since I am anon, I guess that makes me a bus rider, and my bus has never been in a chase.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)16:58 No.5271786
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    Shit was wild, yo
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:03 No.5271798
    Proofread after green texting, becuase wtf are you talking about?
    >> RAiNBOWRANGER !OjFaX5I3po 09/11/11(Sun)17:04 No.5271803
    He thought I was making a run for it, while I was actually just driving home, how doesn't that make sense?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:05 No.5271808
    Because he told you to be on your way, because the cop would just follow you and turn on his lights again, because he didn't stop at your home, because you got off with a "warning" for something that didn't even happen
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:05 No.5271809
         File1315775158.jpg-(13 KB, 592x400, hahahaha.jpg)
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    >driving ~65mph on 2 lane road with 45mph limit
    >cops can't radar because there are no places to park on the side of the road
    >go over crest of hill, cop in on-coming lane
    >flips his lights on
    >downshift into 3rd and fly past him knowing that he has to drive ~1 miles before he'll be able to turn around due to blind corners
    >hit ~95mph and call friend
    >ask him if there's an open space in his garage, he says yes.
    >drive ~1 more mile to his neighborhood, driftu into his neighborhood and fly into his garage
    >shut garage and go smoke a bowl on his front porch
    >2 cop cars drive by a few minutes later
    >wave as they drive by
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:06 No.5271811
    03 gsxr1000, riding home from shitty day at shitty job, doing about 130 @ 2:30 in the morning. Lol speed trap, cop points at me and tells me to pull over. Lol no.
    181 mph for one minute.

    Get of off highway, park in garage, never hear about it again.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:13 No.5271828
         File1315775609.jpg-(70 KB, 352x271, isthisniggaserious.jpg)
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    >implying the police bother chasing white people

    also, OP is a cop
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:14 No.5271831
    >81 MPH

    Fixed that for you.
    >> RAiNBOWRANGER !OjFaX5I3po 09/11/11(Sun)17:15 No.5271835
    I thought he said be on your way, he must've said wait right here or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:20 No.5271844
    OP is a 17 year old college student with a broken 2002 WRX that wants to hear police evasion stories.
    >> Gehraz !hBkjMbLccA 09/11/11(Sun)17:21 No.5271848
    >17 year old
    >college student
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:23 No.5271851
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:23 No.5271852
    Birthday in November.
    >> Panda5 !EshdTRey7E 09/11/11(Sun)17:27 No.5271862
    I was 17 as a freshman... they were good times.
    I learned that autocrossing is overrated.
    >> notanr6 !!dkfjq+Xmaun 09/11/11(Sun)17:29 No.5271867
         File1315776572.jpg-(147 KB, 800x600, becausefuckyou.jpg)
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    >buddy gets a cbr929
    >"hey bro i wanna top this thing out"
    >me topped about 150mph him pulling still


    >about 90mph in a turn
    >SUV cop comes around the other way
    >dont speed up, don't slow down

    not a chace but still

    >100mph with beer in a backpack on highway
    >underage b& from alcohol
    >cop out of fucking nowhere behind me
    >slow down and get over
    >he follows
    >takes offramp and i stay on highway
    >flicks rednblues on then off
    cool cop i'd say
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:43 No.5271888
    My step-dad was a fuck up. But you know how these stories go, he's still a great guy. Just a fuck up. Drugs, gangs, all that shit. This was related back from him, dunno how true it is, but a good story.

    >drug bust
    >driving from the cops
    >turns down an alley
    >pulls in a random guy's driveway
    >turns off vehicle, takes tarp off from other vehicle in driveway throws over own car
    >stay there for an hour
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)17:47 No.5271905
    >>M1 motorway heading south of belfast
    >>Cruising on the GTR at maybe 150kph.
    >> Bluelights in rearview mirror.
    >> Not getting pulled over on Dublin plates in NI. Fuck no
    >> Flat-tank it at 300, pulling a kilometre a minute on the copper.
    >> Get off two exits later. Take back roads back South.
    >> AussieMuscle !H6sMmCqWjU 09/11/11(Sun)21:33 No.5272764
    >>1985 Porsche 935 Twin Turbo
    >>Over taking 4 cars over double-white lines
    >>Cops coming the other way
    >>Floor it like fuck, take backroads home
    >>Cops waiting at home for us
    >>Fuck they know us, locals
    >>Get off with warning because they were proud they beat us there.
    >>Driving Valiant CM Sedan
    >>6am in morning, outside of legal ''no plate ''hours'' (7am to 6pm you can drive without plates with the right papers)
    >>Cop divyvan coming the other way
    >>Divy-van takes 20 minutes to do a 3point turn
    >>By the time they are behind me I'm a suburb away
    >>Yeah, not this time.
    >> AussieMuscle !H6sMmCqWjU 09/11/11(Sun)21:43 No.5272794
         File1315791815.jpg-(52 KB, 784x380, xb-coupe1.jpg)
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    One from my dad's years.

    >>Clayton road, Oakleigh
    >>(very busy shopping complex for those non Aussies)
    >>Ford XB GT Coupe with supercharged Clevland engine
    >>Smoke all down Clayton road, shuts down the street for bout 10 minutes because of no visability
    >>Cops looking for him everywhere
    >>Gets pulled up an hour later
    >>Cops question him
    >>Mum in passenger seat makes up false story about ''getting her foot stuck on the gas and not knowing how to drive stick to well''
    >>Dad looses his shit at her (all faking it)
    >>Parents have fake domestic infront of 10 cops
    >>Mum fake cries
    >>Lul they let them go because she was in enough ''trouble'' as it was
    >>My Dad was alone in car when doing burnout
    Pic related, car in question.
    >> Fuck You're Supra ! 09/11/11(Sun)21:44 No.5272795
    >Always sit about 10-20kmph over the limit
    >See cop car pull out behind me a few hundred metres back, can't be bothered slowing down
    >Keep going at the same speed untill I get around a corner then floor it
    >By the time he gets around that corner I'll be around a different corner and well out of view

    I've never run from Red'n'Blues though, but that said I've never been given a ticket, just warnings.

    Brisbane cops are bros.
    >> Diamante !7h40NdvO9M 09/11/11(Sun)21:50 No.5272816
    >Speeding in Brisbane

    >> AussieMuscle !H6sMmCqWjU 09/11/11(Sun)21:52 No.5272824
    >>Brisbane cops are bros

    Live there for 7 years, the cops up that way are worse then the ones down here in Melb.
    >> anonymouse 09/11/11(Sun)21:53 No.5272830
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    >Heading home from the sunday ride, go past 2 >pigs. Look in my mirror 20 seconds later, red & >blues. No plate 'cause it broke off. Remember >that fact. Click down 3 gears and drop the >hammer. Get home, strip off the leathers and >get dressed. Walk out the front door to a >motorcycle pig cruising down my street. Drive >away and look up 2 blocks later. Helo in the >sky. Dodged him too apparently. And then they >spend 4 days camping out by my house waiting >for me to ride out. CHP doesn't take >disappointment too well...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:55 No.5272843
    >calling cops pigs
    >implying they would waste 4 days camping out the house of someone who was speeding

    This thread is for non-fiction.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:56 No.5272845

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:57 No.5272854
    You are overthinking this greentext thing. the width of the comment field is not the same as the width of the post in the thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:58 No.5272855
    >slow car in the middle of a huge lane
    >don't fit on any of the sides in that lane
    >say fuck it
    >get on opposing lane and floor it
    >notice a cop was pulling out of a house
    >look in the rear view
    >see him pull of fucking fast, obvious he saw me
    >turn into a street still going pretty fast
    >turn again in a street inside that neighbourhood
    >park at a random house
    >so scared me and my friend that was with me get down, walk to the corner and wait for the cop to pass by or something
    >wait it out for atleast 10 minutes
    >go home after that

    i was shit scared, i had a driving permit at the time so i feared my car getting impounded (asshole cops everywhere)
    >> anonymouse 09/11/11(Sun)21:58 No.5272859
    Dunno, ask them.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:00 No.5272864
    Click on the number of the post you are replying to, not the number of your own post.

    I know it seems complicated, but I'm sure you will get it eventually.
    >> Death !THEkIDm1Sc 09/11/11(Sun)22:00 No.5272865
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    Not an evasion story, but attempted evasion.

    Years ago, when I first got my restricted license and a car. (Restricted = Allowed to drive alone, but not allowed passengers unless accompanied by a full licensed driver)

    >Had passengers
    >'I won't get caught, I'll take the back roads!'
    >Straight away drive past cop who already gave me a warning a few weeks prior
    >See him turn around
    >Went into panic mode and floored it
    >Turned into local bus depot which was all gravel
    >Instantly lose control and slide
    >Nearly slide car into brick wall, narrowly miss
    >I give up, heart pounding
    >Cop pulls in and gives me a $400 fine for having passengers
    >> Fuck You're Supra ! 09/11/11(Sun)22:01 No.5272870
    I've lived around the Brisbane area for most of my life, and they are generally bros if you treat them like human beings. I've been let off numerous times for speeding and one guy even flashed his lights to warn me about a speed trap coming up.

    You're generally okay if you don't have a 'no fear' sticker or drive a commodore.

    That said, the ones in Brisbane city itself are self-righteous cunts that live off the screams of dying orphans.
    >> anonymouse 09/11/11(Sun)22:01 No.5272874
    Forgot to mention, they tend to frown on doing 150 mph whilst giving them the slip...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:02 No.5272876
    this was years ago, but:
    >only guy at high school with a motorcycle (CBR 600, nothing crazy)
    >take motorcycle to school one day
    >everyone ooing and awing, don't take off helmet until I get to my locker, put it inside with jacket, go to first period
    >ditch out middle of the day during lunch, school cop sees me, REDNBLUES
    >laugh my ass off, floor it, run red light
    >city cop was sitting at the light as I blasted past him
    >"oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck shit shit shit"
    >keep driving fast, get up to 90MPH on neighborhood street
    >"oh fuck this is so dumb oh fuck"
    >get to main road, slow down to 40, take corner, barely miss getting creamed by an SUV
    >almost pissing myself out of fear
    >keep riding fast, go 15 miles before i calm down, scared as shit looking behind me the whole time

    Not a cool story, just fucking frightening. I stopped riding shortly after getting into college, because of similar stories. I'm not a responsible enough motorcyclist to own one and I was afraid I was going to die one day when my luck ran out.
    >> GeorgeMichaelGuy 09/11/11(Sun)22:09 No.5272893
    >worse then the ones down here in Melb.
    In fairness, this might only be because I've seen about three traffic cops here in Melbourne in the past decade. You know, selection bias and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:09 No.5272896

    how do you fuck up greentext so badly?
    >> anonymouse 09/11/11(Sun)22:15 No.5272932
    Ummmm, I don't spend time here often, soooooo...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:18 No.5272943
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    >2 AM
    >Driving down interstate at around 100 MPH
    >Dodge Charger in left lane doing about 70
    >Pull over to the right to pass him
    >Get back in the left
    >Suddenly he's right up on my ass
    >Gun it thinking he wants to race
    >Blue lights outta fucking nowhere

    >My face when I just tried to race a cop

    As a side note, cops in my area have awesome unmarked cars.
    >> Als/o/kawks™ !xs650ihelM 09/11/11(Sun)22:23 No.5272959
    Cop evasion stories, eh?

    >driving the saab
    >no tabs, insurance, no turn signals, marker lights, tail lights sometimes work
    >Cop pulls out behind me
    >drives for 2-3 blocks then turns down another road

    >> anonymouse 09/11/11(Sun)22:30 No.5272997
    >> That grand amfag !!P3OZL0qiAZr 09/11/11(Sun)22:30 No.5273002
    shortening long story

    >go to place to rip some skids
    >cop is there
    > it is after curfew
    >drive away

    >realize cop pulled out like 1 minute after me
    >pedal to the floor cos lol banked turns
    >turn down a side street
    >rip a skid on the dirt stuff
    >come back out
    >lolcop sitting in the street
    >well shit
    >pull out of street
    >time to go 70 down every road
    Dunno if he was following me the second time or not
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:43 No.5273059

    This is the only completely true story in this thread.

    I'f anyone has experienced evading will know this.
    >> anonymouse 09/11/11(Sun)22:55 No.5273099
    Truth is stranger than fiction...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:13 No.5273162
    >Going down narrow two lane road
    >Going the speed limit
    >Doing nothing illegal
    >pass by cop (going the opposite way)
    >he turns on his lights
    >I know he'll have to make a 5+ point turn to even start chasing me
    >I don't stop, keep driving at the speed limit
    >go around a corner
    >not sure if he even tried to chase me

    Boring story but hey you asked
    >> anonymouse 09/11/11(Sun)23:16 No.5273174
    Truth is stranger than fiction...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:39 No.5273243
    >be 19
    >driving on desert highway
    >stuck behind long line of cars
    >passing lane opens up, take advantage of it
    >1 car and 1 truck left and passing lane closing ahead
    >speed up and pass them before lane merges
    >at that moment pass sheriff driving in opposite direction.
    >see his brake lights turn on in rear view mirror, look at speedometer
    >~80 in a 55
    >contemplate slowing down, no, fuck it, he might not catch up in time
    >speed up for a ways, then realize he cant follow me, there is a line of about 5 cars stuck doing 40 behind a semi truck.
    >slow down to regular speed, never see him again

    closest i have ever come to running from the cops
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:46 No.5273268
    >head to girls house, 2AM
    >blaze for hours
    >was terrible
    >leave at 4AM, gun it on long straight 70 in 40
    >lights come on but he cant turn around for a couple blocks
    >"Call me the breeze" by skynrd playing
    >nearby highway entrance, gun it
    >get to left side of semi hoping cop will fly by
    >no cops pass
    >gun it to next exit, 100 plus
    >backroads all the way home, 6AM
    >get home and wish the sex was better
    >> Jettas R4 girls !W48S2eY4nU 09/11/11(Sun)23:50 No.5273290
    Do you drive the General Lee by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:04 No.5273345
    Not so much a chase evasion but here you go.

    >Couple weeks ago
    >Driving my Cobra down rt 33
    >Doing 60 in 55(most do 70)
    >only person on road
    >drive by cop
    >pulls me over
    >Says I was doing 75
    >Gives me a no seat belt ticket
    >I knew he was full of shit but now I know he was just trying to make his quota

    Few days later

    >Driving down the same road
    >Now in my Trans Am WS6
    >Doing 55 this time because lol dick head cop
    >Only person on road again
    >Cop pulls me over
    >"This better not be the same prick"
    >LOL it is
    >Says I was doing 75
    >Says he'll let me off easy again
    >Tries to sell me the same crap
    >"How about no and fuck you. Get your superior down here."
    >He arrives
    >Tell him the story and his dude is full of shit
    >Get out of both tickets since it's illegal to force me to enter traffic and come get the ticket from him
    >Haven't seen that cop ever again

    Serves that fucker right.

    >Cop Quota General
    >> SCG 09/12/11(Mon)00:30 No.5273447

    >be snot nose 12 yr old
    >mom's driving me to a cub scout function in the 92 burban
    >goin too fast
    >yell'n at me for being late
    >cop pulls along side us
    >see's my sorry ass
    >gets on PA
    >mom slows the fuck down
    >we both lol when cop keeps going on ahead

    >in the pontiac
    >car ahead doing respectable speed limit
    >shoot past over dashed line doing 70
    >red and blue from beyond last corner
    >wtf did he, i dont think so tim
    >almost 100 now
    >slow through corners
    >car soo big
    >road too small
    >cop prolly dealing the same back there
    >obvious turn was too obvious
    >continue on tight road
    >cop prolly thought i took obvious road

    >be in pontiac
    >120 north on turnpike truck lane
    >cop on other side of divider in car lane
    >sees me blow by
    >he floors it
    >look again to my left
    >there he is!
    >my car can't go any faster
    >he is faster than me!
    >but wait
    >he can't see my plates because divider
    >opening in the divider coming up
    >look back at him
    >he maff as fuck
    >i do funniest face imaginable
    >he sees opening and slams brakes
    >too late
    >he over shoots it and comes to a stop
    >im gone instantly
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:53 No.5273575
         File1315803218.jpg-(14 KB, 300x250, coppers coppers punch em in th(...).jpg)
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    >letting drunk friend drive my gemini at 12pm
    >suddenly RBT 500m ahead
    >friend stalls car and pulls over
    >cops see us and one of them gets in his car and starts driving towards us
    >start the gemini up and tear ass out of there on the backroads
    >cops face when a 4 cylinder shitbox evaded their commonwhores
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:00 No.5273615
    not really evade just driving down highway lade dah look in rear veiw, crown vic. cop? see spot lightson side. but not black and white. look at speedometer 90mph in a 70...... looking back to see if its a cop or a copcar that was auctioned. lol dont slow down car gets off at next exit. "sheriff". lol keep doing 90 mph with no licence.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)14:14 No.5275064
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)18:21 No.5275861
    >>newyears, drunk as, freeway home in fog 3am
    >>sv650s but technically track bike setup w/headlights
    >>90ish in 65
    >> before I even pass, red n blues
    >>buzzed and brave= full throttle, no tail lights to follow in fog.
    >>off ramp cop follows
    >> stop at light, cop slows to pull aside.
    >>Take every random side street I know
    >>abdrenalinfueled turns,scared excited
    >>Cop brakes too late, missed turn
    >still backroads home at like 5am
    >> PARK BIKE LIKE MADMAN cayse live in front of freeway exit and open field.
    >> Hide in house, stare out door window for hours. Nothing
    >> avis !!TJGzP8aIrxy 09/12/11(Mon)18:24 No.5275869
    > 21
    > never been pulled over
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)18:24 No.5275871
    >Driving without seatbelts
    >Cop notices and starts to turn around
    >Zip off onto some sidestreets, buckle up, and continue driving to the next town.

    Am I cool yet?

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