Dear Mods,Since you like giving out bans then start dealing with real /o/ cancer. I'm talking about mad/jelly bullshit. You can begin with 1-3 day bans for 'mad/jelly macro abuse' or something like that. Thank you.
/o/ wont be free of cancer until every anon is banned.
>>4162135i say we start with banning this guy
>>4162140sounds okay to me
>>4162135go to a forum. get off my /o/
>>4162140> ban people that don't break rules.
>>4162135>implying you weren't posting as anon last week
breaking up a tripfag circle jerkyou mad op?
>>4162130Good luck, said mod is a fucking poofta, I was banned for RACISM. what is this place coming too.
>>4162144>my /o/
bump for OP
>>4162148>Implying you didn't have a thread this morning where all you posted was "OH LOOK AT THIS ANON HE MAD JELLY LOLOLOL"
>>4162160Banned for racism, on 4Chan??What the actually fucking fuck??Sounds like we have a even more incompetent janitor(s) than those roaming /v/ and /tg/
>>4162213Yeah, something is wrong, wrong, wrong
I know a janitor took exception to everyone that was present in the tractor raid. Bastard, he could have at least mentioned boobies and tractors.I was upset.
what car is that? bitch looks like a new stratos.bitchin
>>4162256DeTomaso Pantera. Basically an MR mustang. Ford V8 lolz
>>4162130will never happen
>>4162453what, i thought they were trying to say nigel?
This thread made me lol for a good minute.