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    153 KB Should I get a driver's license anyway? Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/24/09(Wed)17:07 No.1575643  
    I have no interest in getting a car because where I live, I don't need a car (metrorail, metrobus, shopping within walking distance). Problem is that my mom and dad keep asking me the same question "when are you going to learn to drive?" "When are you going to get a driver's license". They keep asking me this question once every four months.

    Should I bother learning how to drive and getting a drivers license even though I have no interest in getting a car?

    By the way I'm 21 years old.

    Pic not related.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:10 No.1575650
    don't. you're not even capable of posting a car picture on a car board. and less faggotry on the streets that way
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:07 No.1575757
    yes for the id
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:16 No.1575776
    no one fucking cares. seriously, no one cares about you and whether you should get a license or not. make your own fucking decisions in life and don't rely on the internet. no wonder your parents hate you
    >> J-bodygod !!ciC+QsebzXo 06/24/09(Wed)18:21 No.1575783

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:22 No.1575784
    really what your dad means is why are you such a faggot failure.... you are 21 years old and most likely you have a bunch of anime shit in your room, and he is worried sick that you are going off to waffle house at 3 a.m. to suck mens cocks for waffles. Your mom most likely has accepted her "gay son" and doesn't care as much. In conclusion, you should kill yourself and then get your license.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:24 No.1575788
    Do you plan on living in the same place the rest of your life? I hope not, so get your license in case you move to an area where you may want/need it.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/24/09(Wed)18:52 No.1575835
    >really what your dad means is why are you such a...failure....

    He did not said that, he actually want to learn how to drive, so that one day where I have to drive if it's an emergency I would already know how to drive.

    >you are 21 years old and most likely you have a bunch of anime shit in your room,

    I am an anime otaku, but I do not reveal my power level, even in my room.

    >and he is worried sick that you are going off to waffle house at 3 a.m. to suck mens cocks for waffles. Your mom most likely has accepted her "gay son" and doesn't care as much.

    My parents assume that I'm hetrosexual, also I would never prostitute myself.

    >In conclusion, you should kill yourself and then get your license.

    I don't the logic in that sentence.

    >Do you plan on living in the same place the rest of
    your life? I hope not, so get your license in case you move to an area where you may want/need it.

    Best advice I've read from this thread. 9/10
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:56 No.1575842
    Who is Dr. College Park? Is it someone from TV, like the House guy? I don't watch TV.
    >> TheFrank is EuroTrash !!8bw5DNNoP3o 06/24/09(Wed)19:01 No.1575851
    We don't need more shitty drivers on our roads, slowing the rest of us down, backing into our cars, raising insurance rates and hitting the brakes at the slightest curve. In other words, head to the nearest bus stop and wait in line with the rest of the failures.
    >> Overboard and self-assured - TRIPFRIENDS - BROALITION !!iwLOd24zyGx 06/24/09(Wed)19:03 No.1575853
    Sup /b/fag:

    Kill yourself
    No longer have any possible need for license
    >> J-bodygod !!ciC+QsebzXo 06/24/09(Wed)19:15 No.1575868

    lol i used to live in laurel
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/24/09(Wed)19:22 No.1575877

    I'm not a /b/tard. There's more to 4chan than /b/.

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