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    File : 1274279870.jpg-(18 KB, 350x253, PH2010051901761.jpg)
    18 KB France to fine women who don full-face Islamic veils in public Ned the Newshound !XBW.lrXjxw 05/19/10(Wed)10:37 No.996636  
    >By Edward Cody
    >Washington Post Staff Writer
    >Wednesday, May 19, 2010; 10:08 AM

    The French government decided Wednesday to impose a $185 fine on women who wear a full-face Islamic veil in public, pushing ahead with a controversial ban despite signs of tension between France's Muslims and the Christian-tradition majority.

    President Nicolas Sarkozy said his government was forwarding the legislation to parliament because it had a "moral responsibility" to uphold traditional European values in the face of an increasingly visible Muslim population, estimated at more than 5 million, the largest in Western Europe. He called the course chosen by his government "demanding" but "just," and he insisted that the law was not intended to stigmatize the country's Muslims.

    France is one of a number of Western European countries seeking to forbid the full-face veil, called the burqa in Afghanistan and the niqab in North Africa. Belgium's Chamber of Representatives last month approved a nationwide ban, which must now be considered by the Senate. Legislators in several other countries have introduced similar bills, and the Swiss government has vowed to impose a ban administratively.

    The French proposal has drawn heavy support, with up to 60 percent of those questioned in opinion polls saying restraints are necessary. But Muslims here have complained that they feel singled out for a practice that, according to an Interior Ministry estimate, concerns fewer than 2,000 women in a country of 64 million inhabitants.

    More at:
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)10:42 No.996657
    France been overrun by Muslims and Arabs. You should take a look at national level sports events and you will spot 8/10 times mud people in their teens or 20s. And in another 10 years these people will be give birth to another wave of anti-french population.
    It's over. France is finished.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)10:47 No.996674

    don't they use euros?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)10:48 No.996683

    They always convert currency into dollars when they mention it in American media, so yes the fine is actually in Euros
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)10:50 No.996704
    fucking muslims should be shot in the face out on the streets for all i care
    >> Mature Related !K/L9IJgMJY 05/19/10(Wed)10:51 No.996713
    But how do they know they are woman?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)10:52 No.996724
    >2,000 women in a country of 64 million inhabitants
    way to waste time and money
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)10:53 No.996730
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    Arizona should take France's example and fine people for being brown in public.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)10:54 No.996739
    I went to look up demographic statistics and found this gem

    >It is illegal for the French state to collect data on ethnicity and race,

    Yet the government admits that 8-10% of the population is of Muslim decent. Who knows how bad it really is though, what with illegal immigration and all that
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)10:57 No.996755

    Nah the U.S. will just convert them to TV-addled zombies and use them to fight their next war.

    That's pretty much par for the course.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:01 No.996771
    Wow, France grew some balls. Keep it up France.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:02 No.996780
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    You can't use Mexicans in a war. They are gypsies.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:02 No.996785
    tbh the penalty for being muslim in the western world should be summary execution
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:04 No.996793
    penalty for being any religion anywhere in the world should be execution tbh
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:07 No.996809

    Herp derp

    If the women are wearing their veils because their husbands/fathers force them too, banning them will just make them prisoners in their own home.

    If the women are wearing them of their own will, this law violates their right to self-expression. I don't see what the point of this law is unless France is gripped in a retard fever like these geniuses >>996704
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:08 No.996811
    who cares?
    they are fucking muslims
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:10 No.996822
    >It is illegal for the French state to collect data on ethnicity and race
    >Yet the government admits that 8-10% of the population is of Muslim decent

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:11 No.996828
    I see no problem with this.
    Western tradition dictates that people wearing masks are usually up to something since they don't show their faces.
    If you saw someone wearing a hockey mask or something similar you wouldn't approve.
    This should apply to muslims just as much as anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:13 No.996840
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    I dunno dude, I thought that violation of personal rights was detested by libertarians. And I automatically assume that everyone in this board is a libertarian unless otherwise stated. So you must just be fascist dickweed. Enjoy your irrational fear and hatred of things you don't understand
    >> Mature Related !K/L9IJgMJY 05/19/10(Wed)11:13 No.996843
    People wear masks all the time.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:15 No.996856
    Not in europe they don't.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:16 No.996860

    You cannot wear masks and fully disguise yourself in public in most civilized countries because of technical reasons as it hinders the work of the police.

    Most people don't have any problems with that and if it counts for everybody than you cannot make an exception for extremist Muslims.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:17 No.996865
    >unless France is gripped in a retard fever

    I think the PC term for "retard fever" is "European"
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:20 No.996876
    Things still legal to wear in public in France after this ban...

    - Medical mask for legitimate health or paranoid concerned reasons.
    - Complete facial and body covering for people who have severe medical reactions to the sun or light.
    - Gas mask as a fashion statement
    - Large amounts of facial bandaging for medical reasons.
    - Giant fly sunglasses.
    - Hoodies that can wrap around and obscure the majority of the face.
    - Beanies and large face obscuring hats.
    - Scarfs, ski masks and a variety of winter clothing that completely covers the face apart from the eyes (sound familiar).
    - Novelty masks.
    - Face paint.

    Things not legal to wear...

    - Full-face Islamic veils.

    Things similar to full-face Islamic veils but legal...

    - Any sort of face covering veil or clothing, as long as it's not religious.

    I think France needs to figure out what SECULAR means.
    >> Mature Related !K/L9IJgMJY 05/19/10(Wed)11:21 No.996887
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    LIES, only backwards ass hat countries don't let you disguise yourself. Innocent until proven guilty.
    I feel this picture is too obvious.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:22 No.996898
    >Sarkozy said his government was forwarding the legislation to parliament because it had a "moral responsibility" to uphold traditional European values in the face of an increasingly visible Muslim population

    Fucking jew, you shouldn't care about other peoples religions!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:24 No.996911
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:25 No.996919
    So as not to allow them to show affiliation with an unconstitutional ideology. It is affirmative action against a primitive culture taking over the West. I don't give a fuck if it violates perceived freedoms. A, because it doesn't, and B, because we need laws that directly tackle this ideology. If they're dumb enough to wear a towel on their head because it says in a book that sanctions child rape, they shouldn't have the right to wear a towel on their head.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:27 No.996928
    There is no rule in Islam about wearing a "towel" over the head. Sikhism maybe, traditional cultural leans sure.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:27 No.996929
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:29 No.996950

    Cool mind control there dude, I'm sure you're totally qualified to tell people exactly what they can and cannot wear.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:29 No.996953
    Silly propaganda. Also you should learn what the term public means. And yes you are allowed to wear ski masks and diver equipment in special circumstances. It's not like that's a crime and the free-markets raped the guideline against disguises in public anyway. However there are certain limits and if you run around the city in your hoody and with a mask and the police spots you then it's their right to run a check on you.

    Civilized people understand that with rights there come responsibilities and playing the revoluzi for the lulz in public will make you look only silly. Time to grow up.
    >> flower girl !!cIwylogxJVQ 05/19/10(Wed)11:30 No.996956
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    freedom of speech isnt free speech if you only support the kinds of speech you like. europe has really bad tendency of forgetting this
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:30 No.996961
    If there is a non-ideological reason for covering your entire body in shame, why isn't it more popular with non-brown people?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:34 No.996977
    >And yes you are allowed to wear ski masks and diver equipment in special circumstances.
    You ARE allowed to wear a ski mask and diver equipment at any time in the public, as long as it's not inside buildings or private residences that do not permit it.


    >However there are certain limits and if you run around the city in your hoody and with a mask and the police spots you then it's their right to run a check on you.
    Yes they do, they however cannot harrass you and must let you go the moment they find you have committed no crime or there is no reason for their suspicion.

    In case you didn't know, perhaps because you are a moron, you CAN run around in a hoody, a ski mask or diving equipment in public in France.

    It is LEGAL.

    Fucking EPIC fail.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:34 No.996983
    >Supporting freedom of speech
    >Supporting people being indoctrinated into covering themselves in something that actively discourages expression and speech based on sex

    Cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:35 No.996986
    Frenchie here.
    I don't have anything against muslims. But a part of them is pushing too far...In their countries, they can apply their religious laws...But if they come to our country, they have to respect our laws!
    In order to avoid shitstorms(especially if your region have a good proportion of "nationalists"), obvious religious signs are discouraged, even forbidden.
    >> flower girl !!cIwylogxJVQ 05/19/10(Wed)11:36 No.996989
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    if you think they are being coerced... just find the people who are coercing them and deal with it... dont ban a piece of cloth that lots of people wear voluntarily without any harm to themselves. that is tyrannical
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:37 No.996995
    >Supporting people being indoctrinated into covering themselves in something that actively discourages expression and speech based on sex

    It's hilarious that the same morons who use this logic also bitch that porn exploits women and no woman would willingly choose to be in porn. Or a prostitute. Or a stripper. Or work at MacDonalds.

    Oh wait...

    Seems that even free Western Muslims, especially CONVERTS, who wear it say it's voluntary.

    Guess "dem womens all liars!"
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:38 No.997002
    fuck off Muslim
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:39 No.997015
    im sure you would wear it on your own free will as well

    if they were gonna beat the shit out of you if you didn't wear it
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:39 No.997016
    At what point is participating in French freedoms "pushing their religion".

    So far all ive seen is intolerant morons like you pushing your religion or views on a group who are using the same right to express themselves as French women who wear the coveted bikini.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:40 No.997023
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:40 No.997025
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:42 No.997032
    Yep, all those single Muslim women are sure gonna "get beat".

    All those converts who's only domineering influenece is their Christian family telling them not to be a Muslim are "gonna get beat".

    Fucking fail. Come back when you have any sort of argument other than calling every single women who voluntarily wears it a liar and explaining, with nothing but ridiculous fallacies, how every single one is "forced into it".
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:43 No.997039
    im sure tons of them do wear it willingly but they don't really have a choice on if they do or not so what does it matter
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:45 No.997047
    You can't "deal" with the propagation of ideology by "dealing" with a bunch of specific people. It's not as easy as you'd like it to be and your idea of "freedom" is overly simplistic in this regard. The only choice in protecting equal rights for women is to put a ban on things that would over time degrade their rights, including diaperhats and other trash from the Muslim ideology. You can't uphold freedoms by having an entirely impartial attitude towards everything and saying "oh derp Islam is a backwards ideology that supports enforcing theocracy and abolishing all women's rights, but I'm OK with that because freedom"
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:46 No.997052
    >but they don't really have a choice on if they do or not so what does it matter
    Yes, yes they do. They choose to wear it. They can choose not to wear it as well in France. Just as you can choose to wear fluro jumpsuit pants.

    If they can choose, and do it voluntarily, it's a CHOICE. Fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:46 No.997054
    Look there's a troll.
    >> flower girl !!cIwylogxJVQ 05/19/10(Wed)11:47 No.997059
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    if you think it is impossible to let people believe in whatever ideas they have and only look into specific instances of coercion.. then you dont believe freedom is possible. period.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:48 No.997061
    I know. If only there were some way to make it illegal for men to beat their wives...
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:48 No.997067
    I bet it's also voluntary when Muslim males murder or brutally assault their female family members for obscenity reasons like it happens every few weeks in Germany.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:48 No.997069
    Because women don't choose to wear it at aaaaall.

    Oh wait, they do. You keep missing the part where they can choose voluntarily to wear it or not. Some wear it personally, having no contact with other Mulsims outside of the Mosque. Who's forcing them exactly?

    Oh wait, nobody.

    Adding "but their forced to do it" constistantly, despite the fact they are voluntarily choosing to do it, does NOT magically make you an argument.

    It makes you a moron.
    >> On calling moral patroll pornstar187 !!59WxnBiOWPG 05/19/10(Wed)11:48 No.997073
    The numbers are I'm going to kill you and use you as fertilizer FAGGOT!!!!
    SOoo like, mKAAAAY, these people are out of control, in my house, we get in full-body veils and go dancing to Cher every Saturday! THIS IS EVIL AT IT'S WORST!!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:51 No.997086

    Especially fail that all you can do is bitch about trolls after being shut down, again.

    Yep, those converts and single women (with no domineering male family) are sure gonna get killed for not wearing it...

    By...uh...MAGIC SANTA!

    Yeah, magic santa. He's what will do it when theres no other figures around.

    Oh wait, no.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:52 No.997089
    Religious people should be put down

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:54 No.997103
    ...aaand why should they be fined for making a personal choice for what they wear? Can we fine hoodies too please? Just as threatening but a much larger potential revenue stream in these difficult times...
    >> flower girl !!cIwylogxJVQ 05/19/10(Wed)11:55 No.997105
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    if you are really concerned about muslims using coercion... just go after the people whoa ctually use it for violence and murder... dont ban a fucking piece of cloth.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:55 No.997107
    Yep, just like it's voluntary for women to not want to have an abortion because they choose not to, not because right wing nutjobs bomb abortion clinics.

    Just like it's voluntary for women to stay abstinent because of their religion because they choose to, not because they fear beatings from their father and mockery of being a whore.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:57 No.997112
    Also burberry caps, nigger jeans, skirts over a certain length, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:57 No.997113
    I'm against the ban. Fucking read the post first.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:57 No.997116
    In which times do you live you liberal moron? Women are whores. Pig disgusting whores that exploit their sexual features for their own benefit while being the ones favored in court decisions when shit gets real.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)11:58 No.997117
    Freedom certainly isn't possible after your "tolerance" of tyrannical ideologies suddenly leaves you with supporters of that ideology inside your government, media and other key points of society.

    I already noted that your idea of freedom is overly simplistic and based on an idealized view of humans as all sharing that idea. Islam certainly doesn't share the idea of freedom, so enjoy supporting fascist scum in an attempt to see all humans as equality-loving flower children like yourself.

    Islam has to be handled like any other ideology with a group of people behind it that seek to destroy freedom and equality. Refer to primarily Muslim states to see how it plays out to have 80% of the population including the government "freely" believing that homosexuals should be killed and women shouldn't have the same rights as men.

    Last time I checked groups that support anti-constitutional ideas and ideologies were being not only watched but also systematically fought by government agencies both in Europe and the US. Of course Islam is the sole exception to this.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:00 No.997124
    And I say again.

    Things still legal to wear in public in France after this ban...

    - Medical mask for legitimate health or paranoid concerned reasons.
    - Complete facial and body covering for people who have severe medical reactions to the sun or light.
    - Gas mask as a fashion statement
    - Large amounts of facial bandaging for medical reasons.
    - Giant fly sunglasses.
    - Hoodies that can wrap around and obscure the majority of the face.
    - Beanies and large face obscuring hats.
    - Scarfs, ski masks and a variety of winter clothing that completely covers the face apart from the eyes (sound familiar).
    - Novelty masks.
    - Face paint.

    Things not legal to wear...

    - Full-face Islamic veils.

    Things similar to full-face Islamic veils but legal...

    - Any sort of face covering veil or clothing, as long as it's not religious.

    I think France needs to figure out what SECULAR means.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:01 No.997136

    Seriously now but it seems like you are advocating to use brain scanners and mind reading devices to filter out the black sheeple from the rest of society. But that's not how it works. Also there are guidelines against disguises in public and also the western nations are of Christian origin and it's their damn right to dictate the do's and do not's in their societies just like Muslim societies dictate their rules onto the rest of society.

    You don't like it? THEN GET THE FUCKING OUT and move to Korea or the Antarctica. I'm so fucking sick of you little jungle commies.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:03 No.997145
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:03 No.997147
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    ITT: Humans are magical sprinkling creatures of freedom that voluntarily have voluntary free will of freedom and there actually aren't any reasons for why people do anything because they are FREE AS THE WIND and if they cut off their hand then that is voluntary free will and we shouldn't help that person, we should support him because he is a MAGICAL FREEDOM CREATURE that magically chose to cut off his hand for no reason and he needs no help because he does it voluntarily and we should have more people voluntarily cutting off their hand because we need diversity and freedom in society.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:04 No.997150
    >Also there are guidelines against disguises in public and also the western nations are of Christian origin
    France is SECULAR. Heavily secular. If Christians wore full face covering shit they'd be getting crap too.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:04 No.997154
    Well, I'm Canadian and if muslims ever put some shiara shit in my country im protected by the Canadian Bill of Rights. And nothing is higher then that piece of legislation. Besides, I live in pretty much brown town here in Brampton Ontario. Mostly hindu Indians here. Atleast they dont go pissing on a countries laws.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:04 No.997155
    >Bitches about flaws in his own argument and calls it propaganda
    >Stating facts is prapaganda
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:04 No.997156
    Sarkozy cleary said it: They are banning religious symbols.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:06 No.997165
    And if you ever put a foot into my freedom of expression, you'd get shut down by the same rights fucktard. Muslims are using their legal right to wear full-face veils.

    They are specifically removing that right solely for Muslims wearing it.

    Denying them exactly what things like your Bill of Rights were put there to protect, moron.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:09 No.997170
    I SAID OF ORIGIN AND FRANCE IS NOT YOUR WESTERN WORLD. I know that organized masonry and their dozens of splitter groups took over control in France after the revolution.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:10 No.997175
    I would argue that they are degrading, like gimp masks. Are you allowed to wear those in France without copping a fine?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:11 No.997183
    So this only applies to women right? Men can still wear what they please? Fuck yeah sexism then. Imma go out and buy one just to rub it in their faces - their forcibly uncovered faces.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:11 No.997185
    >HURRR DURRR France is not a western nation DURRRRRRRRR


    You moron.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:12 No.997187
    Does anyone else see the irony in that this is like a reverse Jizya (tax paid by non-muslims living in a muslim land)?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:13 No.997197
    Yep, gimp masks are legal.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:14 No.997200
    Enjoy not having any freedoms after the Muslim ideology gains further acceptance, spreads through society, enters your government and you finally realize that Islam and Western freedoms are fundamentally incompatible and think "oh geewiz, maybe we shouldn't have let anti-freedom ideologies spread uncontrolled after all, oh boy dat Sharia law sure is hefty".
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:14 No.997203
    Protip: There's more than just France in the western world you trolling tool.
    The free-people of the west decided, they don't want that shit in their countries and so be it. You can continue to show of your immaturity and stomp with your feeds at the bottom, but nothing will change jungle commie. Buy a boat and sail towards the Antarctica and spread the word of your silly communist ideas to the life forms over there.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:16 No.997214
    >Enjoy not having freedoms cause the Muslims take them away
    >Takes away freedom of religion and freedom of expression to prove point

    So much fail.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:18 No.997227
    >Bitches about Christian Western nations
    >Gets shut down when explained that France is a secular nation
    >HURRR DURR I was talking about western nations!!!1
    >Gets shut down again when explained that France IS a Western nation

    My God the epic fail.

    *facepalm* at your complete stupidity. Again.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:21 No.997236
    ITT: Idiots who think Muslims are one homogeneous mass that all subscribe faithfully to the same Wahhabi interpretation of their religion.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:21 No.997239
    Well Breton French here and I just can't believe there is a polemic on this ... Muslims want their fuckin' chicken halal we do it, they don't want to eat pig meat it's out of all public restaurant and so on..

    But this is just too much .. no way we'll allow this kind of middle age shit in our country anymore, women aren't animals or objects in spite of what some here may think ..

    They want to live in OUR country the least is to respect our values and laws ..
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:22 No.997246
    hilarious when they complain how violent islam and how they are all terrorists. if that were so the WORLD would be islamic, if even half of the billion muslim population were fanatics, the world would be contending with the largest military force ever known.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:23 No.997256
    >Muslims here have complained that they feel singled out for a practice that, according to an Interior Ministry estimate, concerns fewer than 2,000 women in a country of 64 million inhabitants

    How does this 'single out' 5 million people if it's only going to affect 2000?

    Surely it 'singles out' 2000 people?

    Stupid muslims - lrn2math
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:23 No.997258
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:25 No.997268
    Keep spreading your lies.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:25 No.997273
    >>Takes away freedom of religion and freedom of expression to prove point

    >Supports the spread of totalitarian ideology
    >Thinks he's supporting freedom
    >Thinks religion isn't just another word for ideology

    Oh boy. The problem with you kids is that you think a constitution or a law or a "freedom" is more than an agreement between a bunch of people. You think it's somewhat of a universal unbreakable irremovable unchangeable declaration of truths that everybody cares about and nobody dares to touch. Of course you've never lived in a piece of shit country so you like to think that there is no chance in hell people seek to remove those freedoms.

    If you actually look through history though, you will find that your freedoms can be gone in a matter of months. Sometimes this happens through authoritarian means, sometimes more so through unofficial ideological means which is the case here.

    The government, as a vague representative of the society it governs, has to protect the values and laws it was elected to protect. It's not a neutral body at all. If you want to maintain a functioning free society, you have to fight elements both within and outside the country that pose a threat to values and freedoms. Islam is one of those threats, this is patently obvious to anyone who follows what's happening with Islam in Europe.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:26 No.997277
    >Muslims take part in their rights guaranteed by law and the values of the nation
    >They lose that right because they are respecting the law and values of the nation in relation to it.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:30 No.997316
    >this is patently obvious to anyone who follows what's happening with Islam in Europe.

    Basically, here's what's been 'happening with Islam in Europe': a minute fraction of Europe's Muslim population has been bitching about Western secularism and has voiced support for the introduction of Sharia Law. Consequently, around 90% of /news/ posters now go on shouting 'Death to Islam', etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)12:31 No.997326
    >Supports the spread of totalitarian ideology
    >Apparently by wearing what they want to wear in public


    >Thinks he's supporting freedom
    >Apparently denying people the right to freedom of expression and the right to wear certain clothing isn't supporting freedom.
    >But denying specifically Muslims that right while allowing everyone else to wear the same covering things is supporting freedom.


    >Thinks religion isn't just another word for ideology
    >Doesn't understand what secular means
    >Thinks the word ideology (which it IS, you didn't point out anything new), is somehow an evil word. Ideology is held by non-religious as well.
    >Thinks oppressing others "because dey are maslems" isn't an ideology.



    Epic fail.

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