Fags should be executed. It would lead to a drastic drop in faggotry in the US.
Naa. Just throw them back in the closet by stopping public support of their backwards, perverted ways.
add jews, spics, niggers and europeans to that and im all with you!
Poor people should be executed. It would lead to a drastic drop in poverty in the US.
>>94551You first Closet Dweller
>>94551It does not change the fact gays are born from perfectly normal hetrosexual couples. Clearly OP is a homophobe if not a extreme hetrosexist.
>>94571>Clearly OP is a troll if not a extreme troll.
How is this news in any way? It's more like a /b/ post.
Gays should be thrown in the ovenThe US would be so much better without them
Fun Science Fact: We are all born with vaginas, and its a hormonal response that causes the penis to develop. That ridge along the edge of your penis = nature sowing your mangina up. Afterwards, another set of hormones sets up the development of secondary sex characteristics So if hormones randomly determine whether or not we even grow a penis, you'd have to be pretty fucking retarded to think homosexuality is a conscious choice. Science = WIN Uneducated retarded religious faggots = FAIL
>>94557>add jews, spics, niggers and europeansWho the fuck is going to be left? Asians?
>>94636his waifu
>>94636Americans and asians, americans to be the master race as we are now, and the asians to make our stuff
>>94613If your homosexual you should be put in an oventhat is all, doesnt matter wether you choose it or not
>>94681I think you need to become an hero.
>>94681Oooow baby. That rebel attitude makes my cock all warm and gooey. Wanna fuck cockboy?<3
>>94710>>94697I see gay people....Better get the oven
>>94727Awww is diddums insecure in his widdle sexuawity =(( it ok diddums, i'll teach u to suck a mean cock by the time we're through!
>>94727Disregard my last statement, I suck huge niggercocks.
> Fags should be executed. It would lead to a drastic increase in secret gay bars in the US.
Or we could kill conservatives. You faggots.
>>95234Yeah lets do that. No joke.
OP is right. Let's start with him.
>>94551You mean we should kill conservatives?Catholic priests?Libertarians?The Jonas Brothers?Perez Hilton?Scene kids?Fine by me.
>>94737Nice tripcode still not in the oven gay dude
>>94551goddam ahmadinejad was always a philosopherfuck if we follow iran's scoical policy well never gonna get hated by the world