02/05/10(Fri)10:37 No. 91657 >>91649 >Every president has to be insulated for security
purposes Excuses>And no,
he consistently made the point about the echo chamber throughout his
campaign and presidency. Ass kissing>But yes, he did time such a bold statement about the
networks to coincide with negative coverage. He put the right message
out at the right time to benefit his agenda. More excuses
and ass kissing>Welcome to politics,
that's how everybody does it, And now, to the coup de
grace, the man who was about doing everything differently, about
changing the entire way Washington worked, is being defended on the
basis that, well, THIS IS JUST HOW THINGS ALWAYS WORK Look bro.
Give up. People like you are done. You have no credibility. You're a
joke. Obama is a joke, and you're ass kissing, excuses making, butt
covering, is done. We simply are not open to this sort of cajoling
drooling simple minded mentality any more.