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  • File : 1273374761.jpg-(54 KB, 485x364, alg_kevin_rios.jpg)
    54 KB Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:12 No.883411  
    Rapist smirks, then cries after getting 12-year sentence for attack of prostitute

    He walked in smiling and left crying.

    A bawling rapist turned on the waterworks Thursday, begging for forgiveness and claiming he'd turned over a new leaf.

    But Kevin Rios' blubbering didn't sway the judge, who slapped him with a 12-year sentence for the May 2006 gunpoint attack on a prostitute.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:14 No.883423
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:15 No.883433
    poor guy
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:15 No.883434
    should have put a bullet in his head
    >> Ω !aRAozRzGrI 05/08/10(Sat)23:16 No.883435
    Oh no. He raped somebody and then SMILED AT HIS TRIAL. That monster.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:17 No.883443
    Agreed, just because he says he is a better person doesnt mean jack shit
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:19 No.883459
    At first I was like

    And then I was like
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:21 No.883466
    Tough shit for yet another nigger
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:24 No.883481
    I love when Karma comes to pass, fucker thought he was home free but he just found out the hard way a women of the night has more respect from society then his soon to be up for grabs prison bitch ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:25 No.883493
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:26 No.883499
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    instant meme
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:26 No.883506
    Who's a greater danger to society? The guy who rapes a hooker, or the guy who rapes the financial system?

    Street crimes of violence are always punished harshly, but crimes of financial violence rarely are, though they ruin many more lives.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:30 No.883524
    Liberal thinking
    "Lives" are more important then "Ruined" Lives
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:31 No.883529
    if you rape a prostitute

    is that stealing?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:31 No.883531
    You're a sick, disgusting individual. The fact you even find the two comparable is morally abhorrent.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:32 No.883540
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    Isn't raping a prostitue considered shoplifting
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:34 No.883550
    Liberal here. You're not too bright are you?
    >> Ω !aRAozRzGrI 05/08/10(Sat)23:34 No.883553
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    It's impossible to rape a prostitute because she has no honor to take. You're just taking the value she charges for her body. So it's just aggravated robbery, unless you hurt her.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:35 No.883557
    12 years is nothing, he will be out in what feels like just a week. Good looking dude too, so he will be safe from predators and given props for looking cool
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:36 No.883562
    >implying you can "rape" a prostitute.
    Thats just like shoplifting, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:37 No.883567
    >so he will be safe from predators and given props for looking cool

    Until the predators find out he cried like a bitch at his sentencing.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:37 No.883571
    You're right, at which point they will offer words of encouragement and cheer him up.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:46 No.883614
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:49 No.883636
    as long as he behaves well. he will likely not serve the whole 12 years.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:51 No.883657
    Yes, he may serve at least 6 years if behaves in prison but I doubt that he will survive.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)23:53 No.883665
    ITT dumbshits who can't read the article.

    He's already serving a term for raping a babysitter. Guess she was asking for it too
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)00:01 No.883717
    >He's already serving a term for raping a babysitter. Guess she was asking for it too

    The article was silent if he is actually serving a prison sentence on that offense.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)00:02 No.883720
    T h i s I s c o p Y P A s t A i F o u n d i t h E R E : H T t p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)00:03 No.883726
    w e L C O m E T o A N t o p I a W H E R e a l l T H E A n t s L i V e i N h A R m o N Y : h T T P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)00:03 No.883731

    >The judge didn't spare him either, pointing out that Rios is already serving 15 years to life for another rape.

    Considering the article didn't mention a third rape, i'd assume it's for the babysitter. Then again, he is a nigger, so a third rape isn't outside the realm of possibilities.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)00:29 No.883923
    if he flicked her a dollor

    would he go free and she get locked up for prostitution

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