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  • New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

    Also, here's an e-mail from the Sharecash admin.

    File : 1264435664.jpg-(113 KB, 399x443, Bix_nood.jpg)
    113 KB Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:07 No.8770  
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:08 No.8776
    and reported
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:08 No.8779
         File1264435712.jpg-(46 KB, 346x311, 1244994873260.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:08 No.8781
    shit board ain't gonna get deleted any faster
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:09 No.8794

    Oh Moot, you silly silly man, you thought a board only about politics would not turn racial, were you at /k/ before the update at all?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:09 No.8795
    sage for dumb troll thread
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:09 No.8796
    the worst kind are those that listen to music from the cell but don't have headphones, like a mini boom box. it seems it is a trend now.

    anyway, not news, not saged and not reported
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:10 No.8808
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:13 No.8838
    Can't you at least use a different image? I've seen this one a million times.

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