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  • File : 1273179671.jpg-(18 KB, 420x240, Exit poll.jpg)
    18 KB Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:01 No.852042  
    Exit poll
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:01 No.852049
    19 seats short
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:01 No.852053
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    holy shit
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852058
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    >> Zigmund !Au4RfYo7N2 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852062
    fuck year nick robinson
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852064
    Goddamn independants.

    Hopefully lib dems don't gain more fucking seats.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852072
    lets go red lets go
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852074
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852078
    59? MOTHER FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:03 No.852090
    haha hung parliament.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:03 No.852091
    Lib dems have lost seats HAHAHAH
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:03 No.852093
    Hung Parlaiment!

    So Libdems might not even have enough seats to swing the parliament to Labour.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:03 No.852094
    Fucks sake.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:03 No.852101
    How can Brown go on when hes that far behind?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:03 No.852102
    What color is the best? And don't say white or I'll be very cross.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:04 No.852111
    59 should be the biggest surprise, i thought they would get at least 75 for sure
    >> Zigmund !Au4RfYo7N2 05/06/10(Thu)17:04 No.852112
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:04 No.852113
    Those Others better be BNP.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852128
    Nobody asked me after i voted :(
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852132
    Haha they can't form a coalition either. Can't wait for another election in the next few months.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852136
    That yellowy orange one.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852137
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    wow, you need election reform so bad
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852141
    Not red
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852142

    Lol Fag
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852151
    This Labour butthurt is so terribly delicious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:06 No.852155
    Probably, analysts expect them to do better than green party thanks to the question time fiasco.

    It might be mostly the monster raving loony party though. A man can dream.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:06 No.852158
    Yellow is the best.

    Red wants to restrict freedom for the people
    Blue wants to restrict freedom for the rich.
    Yellow wants to allow freedom for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:07 No.852168
    Wait, lib dems + labour like that is not enough for majority

    Tory lib dem coaltition?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:07 No.852177
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:08 No.852190
    Just to clarify, can Gordon Brown announce that he's the 'victor' and form a coalition with the yellow birds?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:08 No.852192
    Libdems and labour need to get their shit together and help each other out or the next 5 years will be so shit I dont even
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:08 No.852193
    nope, they'd be 12 seats short as well so they would need some regional party support i guess and i don't think that the sdlp will run the table in NI
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:08 No.852197
    It's like Christmas came early
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:09 No.852217
    Yellow is loved amongst the younger generation, thinking it fair. But they don't vote so the point's moot.

    Older people vote Red because they realise tax cuts for buisinesses means the buisinesses profit and they might keep their jobs. Also Sun news and the Daily mail supports them.

    Cameron has harnessed the power of idiots, using their crazy retard strength to break into 10 downing street.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:10 No.852237
    The Sun, the Guardian and the Times all endorsed David Cameron. Think again.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:11 No.852242
    How many young people do you think did the exit poll?

    Probably only a small number.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:11 No.852247
    They should be able to get 10 from the Ulster parties
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:11 No.852253
    The English fucking traitor Sun is Tory, up here we have long-term memory.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:12 No.852260
    but that would still make it an awfully tight affair
    have fun running an executive with a razor-thin majority for 5 years
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:12 No.852262
    Looked like a typo to me. Wrote blue instead of red.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:12 No.852266
    >the Guardian... endorsed David Cameron
    No, they did a front page article confessing their love for the Lib Dems.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:14 No.852300

    The grauniad endorsed nobody.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:14 No.852301
    I can see why he thought that. The guardian was the only paper dignified enough to have a balanced frontpage today.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:14 No.852304
    Awesome, I think I've just won over £50.

    Ladbrokes had a bet on Libdems growth in the exit poll with the odds being almost certain on it; I bet against it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:14 No.852311
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:16 No.852326
    Loving the increase in Gray votes

    So LibLab pussy out
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:16 No.852329
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:17 No.852346
    Holy shit, did someone just lean on the delete key when doing the Lib Dem seats?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:18 No.852348
    Whoops, my bad. I just mixed them with the Sun and the Times, seeing how they were all typically supporting of the Labour party, but ditched them.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:19 No.852359
    suddenly, turnout everywhere
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:19 No.852363
    We are in the middle of a recession, nobody wants to vote for a party that has never formed a parlaiment.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:19 No.852367
    Private Eye ftw... are you watching BBC?

    John Simpson, Andrew Marr, Jeremy Paxman, Nick Robinson, David Dimbleby, Fiona Bruce, Jeremy Vine... shit just got comprehensively covered.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:21 No.852389
    Ahem, forgot Andrew Neil... whoops.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:21 No.852393
    I don't anyone who took part in one at my station, but it's not as if my constituency matters anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:24 No.852444
    Lord Mandleson and David Dimbleby. I'm going to be fapping for hours!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:24 No.852447
    I'm wondering if it was a technology issue on the popularity polls.

    Phonecall, text and web. Two of those can be done easily by people aged 20-30. One of those can be done by the middle-aged, but it's a hassle.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:24 No.852448

    The Guardian came out in favour of Lib Dems
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:25 No.852462
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:25 No.852464

    The exit polls are done with flawed methodology. Dont take them as gospel
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:26 No.852471
    and everyone here said theyve voted lib dem. they all lied.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:26 No.852485
    Don't complain if you get surprise buttsecks from Paxman... "but did you threaten to overrule him?"
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:26 No.852489
    Wow... Mandelson just said first past the post is finished!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:26 No.852490
    This. Probably a fair indication though. I didn't get polled when I voted, and neither will have a lot of people. Not to mention Postal Votes.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:27 No.852493
    can someone explain what will happen tomorrow if hung parliment plox?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:28 No.852503
    Tory=Rich Cunts
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:28 No.852509
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    >piers morgan butthurt
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:28 No.852513

    Labour tries to make a deal with the Liberals

    If they fail, Brown may have to resign

    If he does Cameron gets a go
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:30 No.852541

    Lib Dems and Labour form a coalition Government. Ed Balls will be PM, if he keeps his seat, and Vince Cable will be Chancellor.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:30 No.852549
    Oh God, now it's Clive Anderson, cumming buckets.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:30 No.852553
    Why in the fuck would anyone vote Labour?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:31 No.852575

    I voted Labour.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:31 No.852581
    can lib dems not form with conservative?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:31 No.852585
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    >Because there is no data from on individual polling stations, the wonks calculate the change from the 2001 and 2005 exit polls. It covers around 120 polling stations. But there’s only data on three Lib-Lab marginals. That’s why the Lib Dem vote share prediction was too low in 2005. The problem will be even greater this year.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:32 No.852598

    I'm 36, i'm old enough to remember how bad Tory Governments are. I voted Labour because they are better than the Tories.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:33 No.852609
    >Ed Balls
    >Education Secretary
    >does a shitty job
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:33 No.852625
    Clegg was just quoted on BBC as having said that whichever party gets an obiously decisive lead should get to have a stab at parliament in a hung election. So maybe.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:33 No.852628
    Like KKK can form with the Obama administration.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:33 No.852630

    I doubt they would considering that they directly oppose each other's policies.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:33 No.852631
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    fellow pes brofist
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:34 No.852646
    You know he said this expecting 200 or so seats
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:34 No.852649
    Lol, farage lol
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:35 No.852653
    Why hasn't anyone realized voting is rigged? The government doesn't give a shit about any of you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:35 No.852654
    This would make me happier than labour remaining anywhere near power.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:35 No.852669
    Apparently his banner and attaching cable did not conform to EU safety regulations...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:35 No.852674
    People complaining not being able to vote? Don't all polling stations open at 7am? Surely they haven't been there since then? Serves them right for not waking up earlier, lazy faggots.

    I guess those lazy faggots are the students, hence the low Libdem on the exit polls.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:36 No.852680

    Cameron has already ruled out electoral reform (PR); this is a condition set by the Lib Dems for any coalition. Mandelson just said live on the BBC that the first past the post system is over. Labour will form the next Government with the Lib Dems.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:36 No.852686
    how does britain mail-in vote?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:36 No.852693
    but the question is, whose do they oppose more?

    Ive heard already that lib dems would go with conservative. aint heard nothing bout a labour/lib dem agreement.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:37 No.852699

    Some people have to work; feed their families, put the kids to bed, etc, etc...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:37 No.852703
    Needed to have a proxy by 20th April to vote on your behalf.

    I doubt students would have done that either.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:37 No.852711
    Latest reports suggest that many were turned away from polling stations in Clegg's own Sheffield constituency - may be interesting.

    And look at Alan Johnson, all swagger and shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:38 No.852714
    God I want to stab Alan Johnson. Such a fucking tool.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:38 No.852716

    Cameron has ruled out electoral reform. This is a deal breaker for Lib Dems.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:38 No.852719
    Most liberals won't touch the Tories.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:38 No.852726
    Think Alan Johnson's auditioning for PM?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:38 No.852727
    oh fuck. soo, what does that mean for england? who makes what decisions? will gordon brown still be prime minister?

    isnt it just labour making friends with that small party to remain in power? ie nothing will change?
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:39 No.852735
    wouldn't think so...but it's not really smart either that brown hasn't made some sort of statement yet
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:39 No.852736
    How the fuck did Labour do so well? Utterly incredible for a party which has failed so badly in recent years. Fucking hate those cunts.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:40 No.852741

    I'm not Britfag, what are the greys ?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:40 No.852743
    People hate the conservatives too.
    The wounds are still sore from the 80s.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:40 No.852744

    Gordon Brown will not be PM. He will resign.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:40 No.852754
    All other parties. Like, "other".
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:40 No.852759
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:41 No.852761

    Minor parties like UKIP, BNP etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:41 No.852762

    Independents, Scottish Nationalist, UDP, UKIP, BNP?
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:41 No.852763
    others, mostly regional parties from scotland, wales and NI and maybe one or two retards (nazis, communists whatever)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:41 No.852772
    Other. Scattering of other smaller parties. Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru (Wales Party), BNP, Green Party.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:41 No.852773
    Think UKIP will be... flying high in the popular vote?

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:41 No.852775
    Cons will unite with the Ulster parties too though, that will add 10 seats to them
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:41 No.852779
    Greys are just a bunch of misc parties.
    BNP, green, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:42 No.852781
    Maybe tony blair will come back to take his place >.<
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:42 No.852791
    the greys are (left wing) nationalist parties like SNP and Plaid Cymru mainly, there might be one or two UKIP or greens in there, god forbid one BNP
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:42 No.852795

    You are obviously too young to remember how bad the Conservatives were. The Conservatives were fucking terrible. Labour have been very good in comparrison.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:42 No.852799

    Democratic Unionist Party
    Scottish National Party
    Sinn Fein
    Plaid Cymru
    Social Democratic & Labour Party
    Independent Community and Health Concern
    Respect-Unity Coalition
    Ulster Conservatives and Unionists - New Force
    UK Independence Party
    British National Party
    Alliance Party
    English Democrats
    Christian Party
    Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
    Scottish Socialist Party
    Traditional Unionist Voice
    Monster Raving Loony Party
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:43 No.852802
    also keep in mind that the one constituency not voting today (lol, ukip ded) is a con stronghold, so tories basically have 308 now
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:43 No.852809
    Older votes skeptical on Liberal Democrats and disagree completely with Conservatives... or tactical voting.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:43 No.852815
    the exit poll is grossly inaccurate, i dont think anyone is naive enough to suggest the lib dems will get less seats this time, then 2005
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:43 No.852819
    Fun fact: Sinn Fein MPs don't actually get to vote on anything in the Westminster Parliament as they refuse to swear allegiance to the Queen.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:43 No.852821
    Forgot Pirate Party.
    >implying that anyone voted pirate
    Maybe 4 or 5 people voted pirate. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:44 No.852827
    say hello to prime minister miliband and chancellor cable
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:44 No.852832

    need explainings please
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:44 No.852836
    Who the fuck would admit voting BNP at the exit poll?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:44 No.852837
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:45 No.852844
    So the conservatives are blue and got the most votes right?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:45 No.852846
    Amerifag here- nice to see the BBC talking heads desperately trying to avoid saying that Cameron is going to be PM.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:45 No.852853
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    well, bnp voters cause they are actually proud of it
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:45 No.852854
    Ok. Well..
    conservatives : 307
    lib-dems + labour : 314
    In this case, the "others" will arbitrate, no ?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:45 No.852856
    Person not wanting to look like a pussy after voting Green.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:45 No.852857
    One of my classmates is standing for the Pirate Party - do I really want to throw my vote away so that a single fucking MP will make it legal to put CD music on iPods? No, no I do not.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:46 No.852868
    Enjoy being too much of a pussy to vote BNP
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:46 No.852873
    conservatives + Ulster parties : 317
    lib-dems + labour : 314
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:46 No.852881
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:47 No.852886

    No, the Conservatives got under half the votes. The magority of voters (according to the exit poll) do not want a tory Government.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:47 No.852896
    Yes, yes you do.
    Reversing the media companies' grip on your ballsack is important.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:47 No.852899
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    I voted SNP

    Pay for our bridge Englamd, it's falling apart ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:47 No.852900
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:47 No.852904
    inb4 /new/fags make BNP bigger than LibDems
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:47 No.852908
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    >throw my vote away
    >my face when i live in germany where we have both first-past-the-post but also proportional representation so (almost) every vote counts
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:48 No.852912
    If British Conservatives were actually conservative, there'd be some excitement for their numbers, but they aren't.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:48 No.852921
    I voted BNP
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:48 No.852926
    and the 10 others ?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:49 No.852938
    Isn't it terrible when bands get 10% of the money from their CDs?

    Give them 0% instead, that'll help.

    But so I don't get called a troll, there wasn't actually a candidate for them in my constituency so oh well.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:49 No.852940

    ITT people who can't accept reality.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:49 No.852942
    That fucking bridge is fine. Shits got some new plasticized paint so it doesn't need painting all year round.

    Also, fuck you Scotland and your fucking money pinching faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:49 No.852945
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    hey toryfags remember last year when you were leading 10-20 points and a 100+ tory majority was certain

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:49 No.852947

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:50 No.852957

    It's not "reality": it's an exit poll. They are always inaccurate.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:50 No.852962
    But we need that money!

    Free university tuition funds my crippling heroin addiction!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:51 No.852972
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:51 No.852979

    >last year
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.852986
    Superior stream

    >Don't forget, to watch TV online as it's being broadcast, you still need a TV Licence.

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.852991

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.852992
    Free uni for Scots pisses me off so bad.

    Why the fuck doesn't England have a devolve dparliament yet so we can get equally retarded yet popular stuff for oursleves.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.852995
    Stupid fucking geordies
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.853001
    bnp got 1061 votes in sunderland, fuck yeah
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.853003
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    >ugly labour bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.853004
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.853006

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.853008
    Fuck yes Sunderland you are awesome
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.853009
    lab hold
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:53 No.853014
    >Implying Sunderland is full of geordies.
    They're fucking makems.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:53 No.853018
    I'd shag her.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:53 No.853021
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    my good sir, are you mad?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:53 No.853023

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:53 No.853025


    11000 MAJORITY
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:53 No.853026
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:53 No.853029
    Some Labour MPs from Scotland have actually voted FOR continuing tuition fees when voting in Westminster. The fucking cowards.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853031
    I wish third parties in the US got even close to that much representation in Congress.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853032
    What is this faggotry...
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853040
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853042
    Yes, I am.

    I want to punch Salmond n his face so badly.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853043

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853045
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853047
    649 to go.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853049
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:55 No.853055
    >They are always inaccurate.

    Yeah... not really.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:55 No.853058
    ITT northerners vote labour because their grandparents are butthurt ex-miners
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:55 No.853063
    lol is that true?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:55 No.853065
    In fact, with the lib-dems and the others (BNP, UKIP, geens...), it smells like a hung parliament, isn't it ?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:55 No.853068
    it annoys me that scotland wales and northern ireland get to vote for english matters, if you dismissed the scottish vote, labour wouldnt get in
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:55 No.853070
    Americafag here. Sunderland is moe~
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:56 No.853074
    How many congress seats are left up for grabs?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:56 No.853075
    And that's the problem. Why the fuck do Scots MPsget to vote on stuff that affects England and Wales except to push through what abour wants?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:56 No.853077
    648 actually

    The UKIP man died in the last one so they vote later on
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:56 No.853081
    Yeah it's true.
    However, it's impossible to detect if it's web streaming.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:57 No.853088
    Yeah, why stay mad at the party that completely raped and then pissed on your economic well being for the past 30 years or so.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:57 No.853094

    The funny thing is that most Scottish and Welsh people would support an English Parliament.

    It's the English that have blocked it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:57 No.853095

    All of them ;-)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:57 No.853099
    anyone from the north west up in here?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:58 No.853110
    Labour has 100% of Parliament!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:58 No.853115
    because it was not sustainable and they unions help the country ransom (google: winter of discontent)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:58 No.853118
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:59 No.853123
    Yeah, north west conservative voter here. I live in a town of chavs.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:59 No.853125
    Leeds Central here. Voted Labour in both counts.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:59 No.853132
    lol, when the tories took power, the country was practically bankrupt, everyone was on strike, nothing worked, and looting was going on everywhere, thatcher had to make the tough choices to stop the country from imploding, and in the end the lazy northerners got butthurt.
    if tories hadnt taken power when they did then the uk would have ended up like greece has...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:59 No.853136
    Fuck Year Cardiff!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:59 No.853137
    No, its tsundere.

    I've had it! I'm voting Cameron.

    I-i-it's not like I really like you or anything Gordon...

    Geez.. fine, I voted for you... are you happy now?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:59 No.853141
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:00 No.853145
    Got a letter today from the Student Loan Company informing me I was £20,000 in debt with them. Obviously I didnt vote Labour
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:00 No.853146
    I voted BNP.

    While I'm not a big fan of their economic policy, I was won over by their HURR DURR KILL THE NIGGERS AND JEWS policy
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:00 No.853147
    Has hung parliament ever happened?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:00 No.853151
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:00 No.853158

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:00 No.853160
    >Implying student debt means anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:01 No.853163
    >lazy northerners

    We'd fuck up your southern pansy arse if we weren't too busy still trying to recover after Thatcher's neglect.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:01 No.853166
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:01 No.853167

    Yes, ended in fail
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:01 No.853170
    The closest I recall is stupid shit like a Yorkshire parliament. That got binned in a referendum. I don't think a complete English assembly's been suggested officially. The sad thing is ony nutters like the English Democrats will introduce it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:01 No.853172

    The UK would have ended up like Norway. But Thatcher destroyed the UK's heavy industry to attack the unions - she's on record as describing the miners as "the enemy within" and she made us dependent on Russian gas.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:01 No.853174
    >Scotfags voting SNP

    >If Scotland had broken off from the UK before the recession like SNP wanted, they would have been completely fucked now.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:01 No.853176
    fuck, how do I rewind this feed?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:02 No.853178
    Differentfag, that post made you seem even more pathetic dude.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:02 No.853181
    If Lib Dems were in power in 2006 it would have only been around £9000 though
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:02 No.853186
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    How can the brits actually vote labour after the shit brownie put Britain trough.

    You britfags really deserve the buttrape you've been getting.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:02 No.853187

    It was the Conservatives that ended student grants. I was one of the last to receive one in 1995.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:02 No.853190
    Wait, are Labour and LibDems making a coalition?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:03 No.853199
    Take advantage of the data protection act bro.

    Fuck off to another country for 10 years, they can't keep information on you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:03 No.853203
    I hope not.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:03 No.853204
    I'm American and I'm trying to understand what's going on. Are there still more votes to count or is this the final result?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:03 No.853205

    I blame the fucktards who were going about saying that if they didn't vote labour then the conservatives would get in.

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:03 No.853206
    holy shit!!!
    the labour mp woman for sunderland and houghton double blinks just like the reptillians!!1

    >> Airforcefag !aMz3EWvvdQ 05/06/10(Thu)18:04 No.853209
    Whos this faggot that keeps saying wait and see wait and see

    American here fill me in
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:04 No.853210

    Fellow Leedsfag here. Our seat is one of the safest Labour strongholds in the country. Labour-five!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:04 No.853213

    Britfag here. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. I own a 303 rifle and three shot guns.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:04 No.853216
    Exit poll is a prediction
    the votes are still being counted
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:04 No.853221
    Basically theirs like 540 different elections going on.

    Theirs an estimation exit poll released which is the OPs image.
    Sunderland and Houghton have had their result released.
    So 1/540.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:04 No.853222

    This is just a predictive poll based on what people said when asked who they voted for.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:04 No.853223

    This isn't any kind of result

    They just asked 18,000 people outside polling stations

    Only one constituency has returned a result yet
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:05 No.853232
    Nice troll pic.

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:05 No.853234
    Well yeah, but your student debt won't have any effect on you.
    Huh, I still got student grants in 2008.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:05 No.853235
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:05 No.853236

    Only one seat has declared: we still have over 600 seats left to go.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:05 No.853237
    >because it was not sustainable

    Oh yeah, because england was totally going to run out of coal, or no longer need a domestic ship building industry. So obviously putting thousands of workers on social welfare is obviously much, much better for the state.

    Yeah, we should be baking the tories a cake in gratitude.

    >unions help the country ransom

    You're a fucking retard if you buy into that bullshit propaganda.

    At least i've been taking some solace in watching the south's financial industry collapse.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:06 No.853239
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    > Fags all happy about Sunderland
    >don't realize the Tories improved there by 8.4 %
    you're fucked if thats the trend
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:06 No.853241

    > FOX told me Britain can't have guns DERP
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:06 No.853242
    Fucking lib dems. Can't do anything right.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:06 No.853249
    What the fuck??? Polling stations still open?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:07 No.853258
    Sunderland is full of faggots anyway.


    Anywhere south of the tyne is full of faggots come to think of it...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:07 No.853262
    Wouldn't a Tory Libdem coalition essentially do the same thing that Labour has been doing?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:08 No.853276

    Well said anon. I'm a Southern Labour voter - my family housed the flying pickets from the North during the miners strike.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:09 No.853287
    Wut? Thatcher saved the industry by crushing the unions.

    Think about the bullshit we have today, with train station workers and fucking cabin boys striking because they want the same kind of pay as educated jobs.

    Think of that, but with everyone doing it. Retards who left school at 16 to work in factories and mines getting the same pay as a graduated student.

    Nobody wanted to invest in UK industry, and nobody was profitting. She sorted that. Also let your parents buy their counsel houses so you can get a decent amount of money when they pop their clogs.

    Though she is still a bitch for stealing schoolkids milk, I will never forgive her for that.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:09 No.853293
    New exit poll. Tories down a couple of seats.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:09 No.853295
    Grr, stupid BBC. Put Fiona Bruce back on, I fancy a wank.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:09 No.853296
    >Implying anywhere north of it is worth a shit.

    Everyone hates Torys here, and they improved quite a bit.
    Thought if its kept at Sunderland Central then you can see us getting fucked.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:10 No.853306

    > thatcher saved some fat fuck his job as CEO by crushing the unions who wanted decent pay.

    fix'd it for you mate.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:11 No.853310
    could all the 20 year old fags stop talking about thatcher when you fags werent even alive for her period in power
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)18:11 No.853311
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    >this is a disgrace
    >third world politics
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:11 No.853313

    and lib dems up

    i hope this is a trend
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:11 No.853317

    Thatcher destroyed the UKs industrial base - she made us dependent on short term North Sea oil and the City of London's finnancial services. She also made us dependent on Russian gas.

    She should face trial for treason.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:12 No.853320
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:12 No.853322

    I'm 36. Thatcher fucked the UK economy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:12 No.853323
    If they're 20, she would have.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:12 No.853328
    NO, I AM TOO

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:13 No.853340
    who the fuck is Margaret Thatcher anyway? all i remember is austin powers closing his eyes and saying "Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day! as a way to reduce his being horny. so i imagine she was a beast.

    on that note, GO TORIES!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:13 No.853342
    Hung Parliament sounds like the title of a really bad porno
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:13 No.853343
    >Grr, stupid BBC. Put Fiona Bruce back on, I fancy a wank.
    Someone has their priorities right.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:13 No.853344
    Barrow & Furness reporting?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:14 No.853352
    I hope you have a hung parliament.

    Imagine, two parties who don't agree on almost anything quabbling and blockading every single thing that gets put up and nothing gets done except wars get started and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    That's what Americans have to live with all the time.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:14 No.853354

    Hang parliment would be the best outcome.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:14 No.853355
    >Wut? Thatcher saved the industry by crushing the unions.

    What the fuck am i reading.jpg

    Same fucking line that gets repeated over and over: it's still just a bullshit talking point, and holds no historical merit.

    >Nobody wanted to invest in UK industry

    Nobody still invests in UK industry: there is no fucking manufacturing sector anymore. What replaced it was an economy centered around a financial secotor. Well guess what, that's fucking collapsing: and the rest of the British workforce can't all work in high end london fashion shops (which are also all closing down thanks to the financial collapse)

    >Think of that, but with everyone doing it. Retards who left school at 16 to work in factories and mines getting the same pay as a graduated student.
    >durrr the poor should stay poor

    Stupid classist bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:14 No.853361

    Thatcher was a tory you fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:14 No.853363
    Anyone from Hull West & Hessle? I drew a dinosaur on my voting slip. Stupid safe Labour seat.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:15 No.853375
    Fuck yeah Ian Hislop! Mai husbando.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:16 No.853390
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:16 No.853393
    Fucking Dom Joly. Osamas schoolmate has no right to comment on democracy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:16 No.853395

    I'm pretty gay for him too.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)18:16 No.853402
    you were just busy fapping to tetris speedruns

    log off 4chan and DO YOUR JOB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:17 No.853408
    >I drew a dinosaur on my voting slip.
    I'd vote T-Rex.
    >> Airforcefag !aMz3EWvvdQ 05/06/10(Thu)18:18 No.853433
    Any other Americans watching this high tech 3d fucking news shows?

    WTF why cant America get cool shows like this where the motherfucker walks into a 3d computer wonderland
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:19 No.853437
    I remember being kind of impressed to see America had holograms for their election. Now we have a gorram holodeck.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)18:19 No.853455
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    >bbc hindu bobblehead announcer
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:19 No.853456
    You know their just borrowing the holodeck of Patrick Stewart.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:20 No.853465
    I lol'ed.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:20 No.853469
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:20 No.853470
         File1273184437.jpg-(111 KB, 344x344, 16295797-16295800-slarge.jpg)
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    Thanks bro
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:21 No.853477
    Fuuuuuu- Fuck Esther Rantzen.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:21 No.853481
    Amerifag here.
    I liked the hexagon-map thingy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:21 No.853482
    isnt it weird how the south likes thatcher, but the north despises her...
    im not gunna imply the north are lazy fucks tho
    >> Airforcefag !aMz3EWvvdQ 05/06/10(Thu)18:22 No.853500

    That shit was fucking cash man. We cant even get fucking pie charts on TV to work with our news and these gangley teethed niggers have high tech TV.
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)18:22 No.853502
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    >implying you don't imply it
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:22 No.853506
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    I was getting ready to fap to the Indian reporter. Then suddenly: ESTER RANTZEN

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:23 No.853532
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:24 No.853536
    I'm a northerner. Thatcher is awesome. Bring her back. Cameron's a fucking fake. Fucking chav scum need to get told.

    We have rural areas in the north. Unfortunately our rural areas are often mixed into stupid amounts of urban council estates.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:24 No.853540
    Here we go again
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)18:24 No.853543
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    >election thread
    >post kim jong-il
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:24 No.853549
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:25 No.853578
    Whenever I see guidos, I wonder what it would be like to get a blow-job from one of them. Dem lips...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:26 No.853585

    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)18:27 No.853600
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    >dat ukip bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:27 No.853607
    Geez, the LibDems have a big lad.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:28 No.853616

    >>I drew a dinosaur on my voting slip

    if you were a slag i'd have a pull with a clever lass like you
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:28 No.853626
    UKIP and BNP are getting pretty similar votes so far. If only UKIP could extend their hatred to people besides Europeans, a merger would be a good move.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:28 No.853627
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    >dat Labour bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:28 No.853629
    That swing looks pretty impressive, but what does the swag say?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:28 No.853630
    These swings are massive

    Expect Labour majority
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:29 No.853638
    SHIT I mean con majority
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:29 No.853643
    Obnoxious racists > closet racists
    >> oranmor.GSELLA !FOtzET4WrU 05/06/10(Thu)18:29 No.853647
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    >labour majority
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:29 No.853650
    But niggers can be good British. So can pakis and indians. People can't seriously hate the blacks more than the French and Germans.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:30 No.853668
    David Dimelbly is drilling Emily Maitliss
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:32 No.853694
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:32 No.853696
    Oh wow.

    Eric "Jabba" Pickles
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:33 No.853719
    >Eric "Jabba" Pickles
    Does that mean Mandelson is Han?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:34 No.853753
    >see what's happening in Greece? IT WILL HAPPEN HERE IF YOU DON'T VOTE FOR US
    Cool scaremongering there.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:36 No.853779

    Madelson is Darth Vader.

    Paxman is Han.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:37 No.853789
    But who is Luke?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:37 No.853795
    ur mom
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:39 No.853835
    !bet Labour all.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:41 No.853880
    Vader was a redeemable emo.
    Mandleson is more akin to Darth Sidious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:41 No.853882
    all the labour party nominates only women. This is their strategy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:43 No.853920
    Was just thinking this, GBrown is a pimp.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:43 No.853923
    What's all this swing bs about?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:44 No.853946
    the brithish economy is based on the manufacture and export of playground swings.
    The method by which these swings are constructed is what this election is all about.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:50 No.854077
    Change in vote from last election in that constituency.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:50 No.854089
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    I keep laughing at this image.

    It's hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:50 No.854094
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:53 No.854133
    I jsut said the very same thing, it's just the funniest pose ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)18:55 No.854169
    Any fellow Americans reading these threads just for the british slang ?
    Its fucking hilarious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)19:03 No.854307
    Like what?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)19:21 No.854636
    Ken Clarke made a funny. I lol'ed.

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