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  • File : 1273173480.jpg-(38 KB, 616x421, ng.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:18 No.850609  
    Ready for the count, liberalfags? :3
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:18 No.850616
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:18 No.850620
    whens the count
    >> Lily !8TFxTAUTOU 05/06/10(Thu)15:19 No.850629
    o lawd is dat sum prick griffin
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:19 No.850635
    >implying BNP can count
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:20 No.850649
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    >implying they'll get even one seat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:20 No.850651
    Griffin will win. Even the anti-BNP faggots on twitter are shitting themselves and begging people to vote because 'the BNP vote is coming out'.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:21 No.850660
    If NG wins even one seat, we might have a chance to save this country
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22 No.850670
    > Implying the BNP voters had enough motivation to vote

    Seriously, the only time BNP voters leave their house is to go to football riots, or down the Job Centre.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22 No.850675
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    >My face after BNP re-establishes GREAT Britain.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22 No.850682
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:23 No.850689

    Because the only true way to honour World War 2 veterans is to vote for parties founded on the policies of the Nazis!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:23 No.850691
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:24 No.850696
    Bricks will be shat as Griffin strolls into parliament.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:24 No.850703
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    >prick griffin
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25 No.850709

    I wish american politicians wore undercoats ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25 No.850712
    more than ready, why?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25 No.850713
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25 No.850722
    'Centre' is the English way of spelling it. Don't worry though, I know the average BNP voter can't spell English for shit, which is ironic seeing how much they complain about the loss of British culture.

    Although by their terms, 'British Culture' means "I HATE FAHKIN PAKIS" and "I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO GET PISSED AT THE WEEKEND AND GET INTO FIGHTS"
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27 No.850733
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    Vote BNP and stop the rot!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27 No.850736
    > Implying anybody will listen to the fat Nazi cunt in the unlikely event he gets elected
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27 No.850738
    Enjoy your hung parliament, resulting political paralysis, and resulting dissolution of parliament by the queen britfags.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28 No.850742
    >Implying you get to meet anyone in your basement.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28 No.850745
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    Because the alternative is FAR better
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28 No.850746
    At least they have a fighting spirit you neutered pussy
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28 No.850753
    Why are they mad at the weekends?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28 No.850758
    >Implying they wont want his vote in the event of a hung parliament.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29 No.850764
    That's the EDL, look at the guys t-shit.

    Fucking spin-doctor.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30 No.850775
    > Implying the EDL don't all vote BNP anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31 No.850787
    The EDL has nothing to do with the BNP. I see you named the pic 'BNP riot' when it wasn't. Nice spin.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:32 No.850795
    BNP! <3
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33 No.850806

    >implying that managing to snatch a couple of seats in some backwater northern shithole where 90% of the workforce is polish will be enough for the BNP to make a mark in parliament.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:34 No.850828
    Yes, the BNPs primary policy is to throw certain groups of people into gas chambers to burn them alive.
    Way to honour the veterans by comparing BNP to the nazis, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:34 No.850829
    > some backwater northern shithole
    Their best area is in London where they got 17% in the 2005 GE.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:36 No.850862
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    >implying people are dumb enough to think that the EDL are just trying to stop sharia law and the oppression of muslim women
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:37 No.850876
    The Mirror (lol) wrote in an article today that the BNP supported burning babies in ovens. I pity the people who read that kind of bullshit and take it all in.

    BNP manifesto:
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:37 No.850883
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    NG is a true patriot.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:39 No.850927
    I don't care what the EDL stand for. You named a pic of EDL supporters at one of their events 'BNP riot'. Whats the problem, couldn't find a picture of real BNP members so you had to lie instead?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:41 No.850950
    And kick half of the richest people in the UK? I'll pass...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:41 No.850952
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    What, there's actually a difference between the two?

    You are the best troll ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:44 No.850988

    I wasn't aware that illegal immigrants, criminal immigrants and asylum seekers made up 'half of the richest people'
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:44 No.851000
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:45 No.851009

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46 No.851027

    better have voted cameron, then.

    it's the only way to fix this shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:48 No.851046
    Just went across the street to vote with my racist family.
    We live in a largely Muslim area and we were the only whites in the queue to vote.
    Family kept remarking on that fact under their breath but loud enough for people to hear.
    Then they walked out talking about the same shit only louder whilst I was stood with them.
    The voting place is 50 feet from my front door and now a bunch of Muslims knows that the white family that lives there is racist.
    Wouldn't piss me off if I shared their views, but I don't.
    Fuck democracy, it's really fucking flawed.
    This is the second election I have been eligible to vote in and I'm not voting again, because frankly I don't like what any of these pricks have to say.

    I MAD
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:49 No.851055
    Lakshmi Mittal, Roman Abramovich, Hinduja, Alisher Usmanov, Ernesto Bertarelli, Hans Rausing, John Fredriksen, Leonard Blavatnik, Charlene de Carvalho, Kirsten Rausing, Sammy Ofer, Vladimir Kim etc... and thats just from the top 20.

    Don't kid yourself, nationality isn't synonymous with unemployment, education and the gap of economic wealth are. If you want to kick people out who don't work you're gonna have hundreds of thousands of angry Brits, people whose ancestors have lived here for generations kicked out too, and they won't be too pleased about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:49 No.851056
    Vote BNP you cowardly prick
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:50 No.851067



    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:51 No.851078

    Note: 9 of the 12 most wanted criminals in this country are Muslim

    BNP want to deal with those scumbags, not wreck the economy any more than it already has been
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:52 No.851087
    Hear hear.

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:53 No.851097
    so, who're the muslims voting for, and what percentage of the total votes are they?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:53 No.851113
    I've read their manifesto and in the places where they actually have policies, those policies are fucking retarded.
    I love my parents, I hate their views.
    Also most people don't vote for who they want, they vote for who Rupert Murdoch wants them to vote for.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:54 No.851116
    Which it would do if they kicked out and moved so many people. It's no coincidence that the regions with the highest BNP vote are some of the poorest in Britain, with some of the highest unemployment rates.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:54 No.851123

    The BNP are picking their battles pretty well, so they are not large enough in the right areas to block them

    Still quite a few of them here, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:54 No.851129
    At least they have jobs unlike you guys
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:55 No.851142

    >I love my parents, I hate their views

    Whatever. I bet you're a multicultfag, too. You'll be the first to go when the negroes gain control, no doubt.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:56 No.851153
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    Islam is the future for Britain.

    Unless you vote BNP.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57 No.851163
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    signing on for your benefits at the job centre isn't a job, you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57 No.851165
    Which policies didn't you agree with? Plz answer.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57 No.851169
    Just got back, voted liberal.
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57 No.851172
    >exploit coloured people for hundreds of years
    >beg them to fight for us in the war and to work in the uk post-war
    >cry about them when some of them are more powerful than you
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57 No.851173
    Sorry I'm going to be voting for one of the big three.

    Because no one else stands a fucking chance.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57 No.851174
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:58 No.851184

    That's a pretty hollow argument. Immigrants demand less pay and therefore British people are forced to sign on. You think people LIKE being out of work? Jeez.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:58 No.851190
    Defeatist attitude. Nothing will change because of cowards like you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:59 No.851196
    We don't need change.

    Britain is damn fine, other than Ireland.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:59 No.851198
    I just assume the problem will fix itself when the far right groups start gaining more power and the main parties are forced to react by adjusting their policies to a more sensible centre right approach.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:59 No.851200

    >beg them

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00 No.851208
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    >Even the anti-BNP faggots on twitter are shitting themselves and begging people to vote because 'the BNP vote is coming out'.

    Yeah, BNP support has grown so much that in my constituency they've decided not to bother fielding a candidate this time - they did last time.

    Fuck the BNP, and everything they stand for.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00 No.851210
    Stop making generalisations...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00 No.851215
    Where do you live? I doubt you have experianced the full extent of 'modern' Britain.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00 No.851219
    OK relax, I'm really from Canada and trolling
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:01 No.851226

    I'M the one making generalisations? Jesus H fucking Christ.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:01 No.851227

    it's their own fault for not having the fucking ambition and drive to go out and find work, or to keep themselves in a job.

    There ARE jobs out there, don't fucking try that HURRR DURRR DEM POLISH ARE STEALAN ALL ARE JOBS shit with me, son.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:02 No.851237
    Fair point. Gloucester.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:03 No.851246
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    BNP will not get a single seat
    BNP-fags will blame it on the pakis and the jews
    nobody will care
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:03 No.851257
    Idiot. Polish people can work for much less than British people because the Poles just send the money and don't have to pay the same tax.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:03 No.851260
    >I hate my parents' racist views.

    >I'm afraid of immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:04 No.851268

    People don't like being out of work.

    It's not about a lack of drive. Sure there are the people who will stay on benefits all their lives because the government will give them an easy ride, but guess what: the BNP want to fix the benefits system, too.

    A lot of the people who speak up about immigrants taking British jobs are the ones who have been forced out of their positions by foreigners. Immigrants, indirectly, are putting a strain on our benefit system.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:04 No.851274

    No suprises there. You shouldn't wait until the problem is on your door-step before you act.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:05 No.851281
    The BNP may win but they have a lot of issues to deal with

    - If the get the council, the government is going to come down hard and make bureaucracy a nightmare for them. Particularly if the Tories get in. Most of their promises will be closely monitored and they will be under a ton of pressure to deliver on casework.

    -If Griffin gets in. He becomes a massive target. If you think Labour is bad, the Tories are pure malicious hatred and have a habit of ruining people they do not like. All 3 main parties hate the BNP and they will go along with Tory plans to get rid of them

    -He will never get a say at PMQ's anyway. If you think question time was bad, it will be a vacation in the sun compared to how nasty other MPs can get.

    - Everything, EVERYTHING about the BNP will be watched like a hawk. Where donations are coming in. Griffins voting record. He needs to keep his nose clean like crazy. One wrong expenses scandal and the BNP are done

    -Electoral Commission investigation, Criminal Libel investigation in Barking, Bob Bailey punching people on national TV, Unilever Lawsuit, Website imploding. And thats just the few days after the election. They have a lot to juggle and a vicious and vindictive media who will happily reverse position to destroy them politically. If Murdoch lets The Sun at them, they are really fucked.

    Its looking more like a poisoned chalice than the promised land. Of course, stormfags will deny it because de ubermensch is in power. But he will last 6 months at most before Barking is begging for a by-election
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:05 No.851293
    There is no 'they', you get differently motivated immigrants just as you do regular British people. A lot of the immigrants, just like Brits, who don't work do so due to a lack of education, skills or ambition.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:06 No.851307

    Griffin has been doing tremendously well in the European Parliament, so a lot of those points are kind of dealt with

    The last point is very fucking valid though
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:08 No.851332
    I'm not de facto afraid of them.
    For example, if you lived in a black neighbourhood and had no problem with the colour of their skin, but you know some white guys who like to come to your house, stand in your drive and talk real loud about how much they hate niggers, you'd probably get a little mad at them too.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:09 No.851344
    While I admit there are not as many immigrants in Gloucester than other places, I'd say they're helping Gloucester if anything. Doing the jobs we don't want.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:10 No.851352
    I think people are getting tired of immigrants so the sun slandering the BNP probably wont affect anyones opinion of them anyway. The people who hate the BNP will never come to like it regardless of how it changes its image. The undecided are more likely to act upon eperience rather than the red top commie rags.
    The BNP have dealt with the majority of the British press up until now to varyied success .
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:12 No.851378
    >Doing the jobs we don't want.
    The old lie that we all think we're too good to work in coffee shops or flip burgers. Newsflash faggot we always did these jobs until other fuckers started doing them for less and were less likely to kick up a fuss as they were 'desperate for work.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:12 No.851379

    Actually he had a scandal on his MEP expenses. The BNP wouldn't reveal them even though the main parties do independent audits and publish them on-line. Griffin published a word doc on his site but still refuses to send them to an independent auditor. His record isn't spotless and the expenses may be subject to an investigation with EU Parliament reforms.

    The European Parliament is a different kettle of fish as well as it is incredibly minor compared to national parliaments. This will be the real deal.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:12 No.851380
    There are 3 million people unemployed. With a new welfare system there shouldn't be any need to import people to work.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:13 No.851400
    Labour imports its votes
    The Lib Des would do the same.
    Its a safe way of ensuring re election. But with long term consequences.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:14 No.851412

    My ancestors weren't too good for burger flipping, shelf stacking, cleaning or anything else, and neither is the average Brit these days.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:16 No.851429
    Hundreds of years this country didn't need to import foreign workers, but now we suddenly need to because Labour said so? O_o
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:17 No.851441
    >The old lie that we all think we're too good to work in coffee shops or flip burgers.

    Well I am.

    >Newsflash faggot we always did these jobs until other fuckers started doing them for less and were less likely to kick up a fuss as they were 'desperate for work.

    If you're forced to have one of those jobs, you deserve it.

    Man you'd hate Canada.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:21 No.851478
    So what I have gathered from this thread is that the Polish are the Mexicans of the UK?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:22 No.851493

    But I wouldn't say they're as bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:23 No.851514
    Yeah. Except it's perfectly legal for the Polish (and other Eastern Europeans)to be here.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:24 No.851522

    Eh, not really.

    Muslims are the Mexicans of the UK. Except they loathe white people, seek to control the government, oppress and abuse women, and wish to destroy our country's values. AFAIK Mexicans just do the job taking thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:24 No.851527
    The Polish hate niggers
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:25 No.851538
    >The Polish hate niggers

    Not noticed this one.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:25 No.851543

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:25 No.851552
    Firstly, can someone post that flowchart that shows that problems with immigration are really problems with tax evasion?

    Secondly, the people voting BNP have obviously not read the policies. The BNP's view on climate change and the environment is "kick out non-whites". Their view on drugs is "kick out non-whites". Their view on the military is "kick out non-whites then reinstate national service". They clearly have no idea how to run a country and will ruin Britain further with their short-sightedness. The fact that people are voting for them on the Brit-supremacy angle without having read their policies just shows that those people are simply racist.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:27 No.851576

    Actually they have dealt with the media extremely badly as they keep believing there is a massive conspiracy against them orchestrated by the "Liberal Marxists" who they think are in control of it (Hint, most of the journalists for The Sun and The Times are actually right wing) and cant believe why papers like the Daily Mail wont support them (Hint: They are very right wing but it doesn't mean they have to like you).

    The British people aren't getting tired of immigrants, they are getting tired of immigrants trying to cheat the system (Which ironically came about because Labour created tighter immigration restrictions on legal immigration). If those Muslims and Black people came here legally, there would be no problem as we could keep track of them. Labour fucked up, but it doesnt mean "Get rid of them all because we dont like them now". We need an approach that keeps the good ones who will contribute and integrate and get rid of the criminals and scroungers.

    Plus the BNP system would cost us billions. To get rid of the approximate illegals alone it will cost £30-60 Billion. To get rid of all the lslamic people in Britain would cost £115 Billion. And that's not to account for the sheer diplomatic nightmare of leaving the EU and stranding millions of Britons across the EU who had moved and now have no settlement rights and will lose their businesses.

    But "Herp, Derp, Mudslimes, NigNogs. Get rid of em all and fuck the hundreds of years of Debt put on us"
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:27 No.851578

    Wow, you think he was wrong to punch that little faggot? He's an ex-marine, and he doesn't fuck about. Little shit deserved it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:28 No.851587

    Calling the BNP racist when all you know about them is what the Daily Mirror has told you is just as bad
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:29 No.851597

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:29 No.851602
    No of course I don't. Those Asians are what's wrong with our country.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:30 No.851605
    The BNP's economic policies are left wing though and I don't think even those papers are stupid enough to support a party on one policy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:30 No.851607
    Those guys are probably X Generation english.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:31 No.851625
    John Barrowman's gotten fat!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:31 No.851634
    I voted BNP this morning. How does this make you feel????????????
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:32 No.851641
    >The BNP's view on climate change and the environment is "kick out non-whites".

    You are aware that the only thing keeping Britain's birth-rate excessively high are non-white birth-rates, right?

    Which makes me lol when anyone in government mentions a "cap" on either population or immigration - implying that they don't want more poor brown people to vote for them (Labour) or work for them (Conservatives)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:33 No.851656

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:33 No.851659

    I've read their manifesto, hence how I know what their policies are. We don't all have to resort to making things up. Also you did not refute my point.


    It is short-sightedness, pure and simple. They're a single-issue party that has spread its one policy across all areas of politics to make it look like a legitimate proposal. If the Pirate Party tried to crowbar their sole policy into the environment and the military and all the other topics, they'd be laughed at, yet the BNP grasping at straws is celebrated because it benefits a few selfish people.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:34 No.851678
    >You are aware that the only thing keeping Britain's birth-rate excessively high are non-white birth-rates, right?

    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:36 No.851696

    White birth rate is 1.2

    Non-white birth rate is 5.0
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:36 No.851697

    HAHAOHWOW.jpg up in this bitch:
    Bro, EVERY political party's policies - actual more so than claimed - are built on short-sightedness.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:36 No.851700
    Mexicans could wind up like the muslims wanting to take over, they have more in common with rednecks than they do liberals. But then again all the youth that isn't into the gang culture are essentially white kids, so probably not.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:37 No.851712
    Hung parliment, gogogogo
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:38 No.851729
    Voted BNP. :)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:38 No.851732

    Cool story bro. Wonder how you felt when the white East London gangs controlled the drug trade in the 70's and 80's though.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:39 No.851733
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    >Splitting it into White and Non-white
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:39 No.851738
    Yes, those geeky Asian kids sure are into their gang culture.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:39 No.851747
    BNP are morons, but it would be hilarious if they got a seat or two just to see the main parties and media start frothing at the mouth.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:43 No.851797
    Stop over population
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:43 No.851798
    I like the BNP, they offer a alternative to the bullshit we get from the main three parties.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:44 No.851805

    If anything the media would be furiously fapping. Journalists do it for the lulz and the BNP get super butthurt over every little bit of criticism they get. The editors of all the main titles would probably have a bet to see who can get Griffin to ragequit the fastest and take the party out with him.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:48 No.851843
    Never understood, why the veteran argument is so big in parties like the BNP. Didn't the soldiers go to war, under the labour party. FOR the labour party. To PREVENT, the labour party being thrown out. Sorry if i think in a slightly simplistic way, but don't people fight for something, because they DON'T want it to change?
    And, in true voting spirit i'll go out with a catchphrase:
    Whether allies, enemies, soldiers, or cowards, when the change you want, should take you out of the shit. Don't pick a nazi from the most inbred pit.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:48 No.851851

    Methinks you're preaching your bullshit here till you next get a chance to gargle your lecturer's cock. The BNP point out that immigration has a negative effect on virtually every part of our society. e.g. The drugs trade is run by arabs. Cap and trade will target white taxpayers but not muslim, tax-leeching, benefit thieves. Twice in the 20th century our nation came to the brink of destruction thanks to the neglect of our military, a pussified population is not what we want if we leave the EU (costs us over 15 billion every year, trident costs us 5bn), nevermind a population that hates our soldiers and believe's they're infidels/nazis.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:49 No.851860

    People didn't join the army to fight for the Labour party, they joined to fight for Britain, and her interests.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:49 No.851861
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:50 No.851871
    Have you all remembered to vote?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:50 No.851873

    still an hour to go, brah
    >> noko Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:51 No.851890
    in b4 amerifags complaining
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:51 No.851896
    I live in Barking (the BNP's main target seat).

    Turn out is MASSIVE. There were queues out of the polling stations. What is very clear from my canvass is that the majority of young and first-time voters are going for the BNP while the majority of foreign voters are going for the Labour party. It looks like a close contest; result should be out by 3:30 am.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:52 No.851904
    oh fail. noko does not go there
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:53 No.851923
    Oh and there wil be at least 6 tv camera's at the count according to police, which is probably more than at any other count.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:55 No.851933

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:55 No.851943
    oh noooooooo :(
    first time voters here are going for the lib dems
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:56 No.851951
    Let me fly and and make my fcuking vote count
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:57 No.851968
    so who's watching the BBC election result programme on now?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:57 No.851970
    im 22 it was my first time voting at a general election and i voted lib dems
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:58 No.851982
    You disgusting little toe-rag.
    >> Albert Wesker !f9BXXA5KxI 05/06/10(Thu)16:59 No.851996

    ITV for me
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:59 No.851998
    what? i aint voting fucking tory or labour fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:00 No.852014
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:00 No.852017
    Voting is closed@@@!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:00 No.852030
    Exit polls suggest lib-dems have dropped 3 seats since last election.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:01 No.852040
    I support BNP and cos I'm too young to vote I just threatened some paki's away from the polls
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852063
    Other parties have 29...?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852073
    yeah thats right i left school at 15 i been working fulltime ever since, i voted lib dem as they benefit me the most. the torys are only good for the toffs, problem with this country is theres too many cunts who dont vote. most the people who go to vote will be the rich cunts voting for torys. its sickening
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:02 No.852077
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:03 No.852106
    And those who don't vote will most likely complain for the next 5 years, like wtf you aren't part of the process you shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852135
    Others incluse all the Irish parties, scottish parties, welsh parties and Greens, BNP etc
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852138
    shit worst fucking outcome shown in the exits
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852140


    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:05 No.852143

    >geeky Asians

    You've never lived in a town with a 30% Asian (ie. Far East) population before? West Vancouver says Hi.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:06 No.852157
    If the BNP get in do you think it will bigger news than 'hung parlaiment' or whatever?????
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:09 No.852216
    Bracing for epic result.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:10 No.852239

    More police as well around the town centre, longbridge road and at the count itself in riot vans and some have been spotted with riot gear. They are not fucking about tonight.

    Rumour is going round that Griffin is second because middle age voters went mostly Labour because they freaked the fuck out over losing jobs as some businesses are threatening to pull out of the area during the week if the BNP got any power. The Lib Dems told their supporters to vote Labour tactically as well (which was around 3,000) and there was a rumour the conservatives were doing the same. It will be really tense but Labour could have it.


    It may not be BNP as there was a Northern Ireland independent who was a heavy favourite to get in and take a SDLP seat. RESPECT have a seat locked. Greens more than likely have Brighton. SNP and Plaid Cymru were also expected to gain.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:11 No.852246
    Actually I lived in East London which is basically Londonistan.
    Still have no problems with immigrants, Muslims, Asians... any of them.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:12 No.852265
    Need to add postal votes. Remember these postal votes arrived the day Gordon Brown called that woman a biggot which resulted in a surge of BNP support.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:14 No.852306
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    >my only opinions of the tories are based on ludicrously inaccurate shit from thatcher's rule in the 80's. I would love to see a recreation of the greek riots in this country under lib dem rule, except with rain, pakis and niggers. I am also a gigantic faggot. Please rape my face.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:15 No.852321
    Fingers crossed that the BNP win!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:16 No.852330
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:17 No.852347
    Lib Dems down on 2005 result LOL I can't stop smiling.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:18 No.852354

    Actually polling swung Conservative more with those and postal votes normally just count in the 100's. If its a tight race, maybe. But doubtful of a massive impact.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:20 No.852382
    Lord Mandelson is a CUNT
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:21 No.852408
    So does the mean the BNP got some seats?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:23 No.852425
    We don't know. Reports from the BNP target area's is that it is VERY tight.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:24 No.852437

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:26 No.852492
    Shame that even if Labour lose he will still be hanging around. I HATE HIM.
    >> SkiddieKript !!Vhv0R15E3US 05/06/10(Thu)17:27 No.852497
    The BNP is the only political party that has a vision for Britain that doesn't include the complete subversion of the real British.

    The BNP is really Britains only hope.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:29 No.852528

    >The BNP is the only political party that has a vision for Britain that would bankrupt Britain worse than Labour, The Tories or the Liberal Democrats

    BNP: "who cares if we financially ruin the nation, cease to become a global power and live like the 3rd world. As long as there are no niggers and mudslimes"
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:30 No.852555
    Three areas where a BNP victory is very possible:

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:31 No.852579
    Last time I checked, when Britain was nationalist, it held one quarter of the world under it's banner.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:31 No.852588
    I bet Bob 'Paki Puncher' Bailey's antics yesterday made all the voters come out in support of the BNP
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:32 No.852600
    Voting is rigged, all of this is pointless.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:34 No.852648
    It certainly was the most widely read story today, despite some very big headlines.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:35 No.852668
    I voted for The National Front
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:36 No.852690
    I voted for Paki Puncher
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:36 No.852696
    >> SkiddieKript !!Vhv0R15E3US 05/06/10(Thu)17:38 No.852717

    lol, its amazing to me how desperate you people are to sell your country for trinkets.

    No short term economic gain associated with immigration is worth the longterm affects.


    lol, paki puncher :3
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:38 No.852720
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:39 No.852732
    The BNP's antics yesterday made me feel happy. I hope they get a seat so the BNP one can eat his packed lunch on his own and sob silently.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:39 No.852734
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    Don't mess with ex-Royal Marines.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:40 No.852745
    Oh my....
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:42 No.852785

    Dag is Labour country by far. Cruddas is very popular locally and did a lot for them. Old-School Labour guys thrive in areas like Dagenham. Its staying Red. BNP may get their deposit back.

    Barking has a chance but the Lib Dems and Conservatives have supposedly told their voters to go tactical which will make the vote very close. Might turn out that the people who Griffin campaigned against will have blocked him as well.

    Stoke is probably going to stay Labour as Darby has been diabolically bad and took it in the shitter from the local press for getting personally butthurt when someone made a jab at the BNP at a hustings and getting really butthurt and nearly crying on the BBC. The Conservatives and one of the Independents that was ex-BNP will probably do better at it and Darby will probably be £500 out of pocket.

    They may take Barking, but its not a sure thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:42 No.852788
    oh my
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:43 No.852805
    What everyone wishes the BNP were and not an emerging Politcal force
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:44 No.852829
    I have relatives in Dagenham and word has it BNP have a massive support!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:45 No.852858
    Dagenham is definitely not a safe seat and it could yield a suprise result.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:45 No.852862

    >SkiddieKript !!Vhv0R15E3US

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:47 No.852884
    Darby was on BBC radio about two days ago and the Labour MP certainly seemed worry about the BNP vote.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:48 No.852929
    So many foreigners on the BBC.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:49 No.852936

    A swing of over 25% is needed. Its staying red.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:49 No.852951
    Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:51 No.852973
    First result about to come in.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:51 No.852974

    That's Labour and the Conservatives party line to be concerned. Darby has been really bad and more seem likely to vote for the Ex-BNP council leader (Who is quite popular in the area) who is running as an independent than Darby.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:52 No.852999
    Although I know it's one of 650.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:54 No.853039
    its a safe labour seat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:55 No.853061
    That too.
    Just no earthquakes.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)17:56 No.853084

    The BNP and UKIP vote dropped there as well

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