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  • File : 1272976530.jpg-(157 KB, 1024x768, 4.jpg)
    157 KB Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:35 No.824621  
    Anybody else here tired of these stormfags coming here, off loading their "I hate niggers" crap all the fucking time? Aren't we supposed to use the internet to get away from this shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:38 No.824632
    We all are. All though they are everywhere on 4chan, it's just best to try and get used to it because the mods are too lazy to do anything about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:39 No.824635
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:40 No.824638
    >Aren't we supposed to use the internet to get away from this shit?

    Now why in the hell would you think that?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:42 No.824643
    Didn't moot say he didn't want this board to become /stormfront/ or some shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:43 No.824649
    reverse psychology.
    he said that to lure all the stormfags out of other boards in order to make them better and actually did quite well.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:44 No.824652
    H + + P: / / À + . k I m m ó á . s E /
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:47 No.824669
    Yes, /new/ has ran into this problem before so Moot took it down, he decided to bring it back but unfortunately stormfront came back, the reason why he hasn't taken it back down is because it keeps most of the stormfaggotry in one area instead of spreading out everywhere like cancer, and he can't resort to banning them because they would just use proxies. Best thing to do it report their IP's instead of just banning them IMO.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:50 No.824687
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    I'm surprised you were able to use a computer nigger, good job!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:50 No.824688
    Not a stormfag OP but the reason I unleash my racial anger on /new/ is because its about the only place I can in this politically correct world we live in. There are certain racial and cultural issues that society refuses to address so it is only anonymously that we can have discord on these subjects
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:51 No.824693
    why is it american men love to suck cock so much yet live their lives in marriage with women?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:52 No.824700
    Hey, an actual compliment. close enough anyways.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:52 No.824703

    Report Ips for what, making fun of niggers? Oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:53 No.824710
    Yep, for the lulz we should do that, heck we might even catch a pedophile in this bunch.
    >> SturmTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 05/04/10(Tue)08:54 No.824715
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:54 No.824717
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:54 No.824719

    Other way around, we use the internet to get away from PC shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:55 No.824727
    Not a stormfag myself, but I still find it important to tolerate those crackers out of respect to the first amendment.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:56 No.824733
    Technically trying to bypass a IP ban for any reason could result in having you're ISP notified.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)08:58 No.824744
    Just ignore them, seriously. Let them circle jerk in their threads and everyone else go back to our good old liberal x libertarian bickering.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:00 No.824756
    Not all conservatives are racist.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:00 No.824759

    Personalty, having talked to both the IJDF, and the stromfags...... I don't mind the stormfags as much.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:00 No.824763
    We just want you folks to be educated about nigger inferiority, is that so horrible?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:01 No.824771
    Hey OP; it was the storm front faggots who caused us to lose the news board last time. It's bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:04 No.824787
    Yeah it's true, stormfags throw good sausagefests. All you fagfags out there should totally check them out.
    >> Sargonarhes 05/04/10(Tue)09:04 No.824788
    Yeah, it does get old. At least /k/ now banhammer's any one dropping the 'N' word that I'm surprised it hasn't spread to the rest of 4chan.

    Of course now they're using other racial slurs, it's mind boggling how many there are.
    >> SturmTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 05/04/10(Tue)09:05 No.824792
    >>hurrrr let's ban people for saying nigger

    What's next? Banning people for saying faggot? You might offend the myriad of cocksuckers that frequent this shithole.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:12 No.824836
    I just want stormfaggotry to be contained. So /new/ is highly necessary. /b/ has become funnier, /k/ is about weapons these days the list goes on. They need a place to vent their bullshit and I'd rather it be confined to one area. I also like that the stormfags here are so divided that they can't make any coordinated efforts with one another to spread their ideology or organize mischief in minority communities.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:17 No.824863
    lol they have their own forum for that, why should they spread their shit here?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:17 No.824865

    Thougt they had FAGGOT pride. Never occord to me I might be offending anyone..... BONUS
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:26 No.824903
    That's a horrible example. The word faggot is commonly used everywhere and there is nothing we can do about it, shit that word is the most common thing said around 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:30 No.824919
    followed in second place by "nigger"
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:30 No.824925

    Because none of the "stormfronters" here actually go there, white guilt ridden faggots are just asshurt about people using racial slurs.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:32 No.824935
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    Most intelligent thing I havee heard here all night, congradultions you dirty subhuman nigger JEW FAGGGOT.....
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:33 No.824943
    Nope, second place is "fuck", third is "sauce", forth is "sage", and "nigger" comes in fifth.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:33 No.824944
    Wait, you hear that stuff all day IRL?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:35 No.824954
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:35 No.824956
    You hear the stuff like 30 times everytime you come to 4chan.
    >> Ω !aRAozRzGrI 05/04/10(Tue)09:36 No.824962

    Nice thumbnail.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:36 No.824967
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:37 No.824970
    Moot wanted to see what people say when they're anonymous. The answer is in. They say "nigger" a lot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:37 No.824976
    No, because white supremacist are butthurt about the fact the the owner of the forum's last name is "Black".
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:39 No.824991
    Well if you folks would just accept nigger inferiority, we'd stop talking about them.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:42 No.825000
    nice sarcasm
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:47 No.825036
    >Technically trying to bypass a IP ban for any reason could result in having you're ISP notified.

    Hello ISP this is 4chan. One of your subscribers is trying to bypass an IP ban on our respectable child pornography website. I suggest you take appropriate action.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:52 No.825067
    You have 4chan confused with one of the following..
    1. anontalk
    2. notfourchan
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:54 No.825079

    >implying loli and CP don't get posted here.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:55 No.825083
    The difference between Stormfronters and me, for example, is that Stormfronters are white supremacists while I'm a nigger inferiorist. I do not consider whites to be the best of all races in everything. We may be the most creative race, but Asians are more intelligent while the Jews are even more intelligent than Asians. I have no problem with that, so I do not fit in Stormfront.

    Yet, I seriously fucking hate niggers and believe that nature only created them for the lulz. Every single bit of scientific data regarding either IQ or crime rates, or both, proves that I'm right.

    Where else could I preach the Truth?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:55 No.825087
    >Implying loli and CP gets posted by everybody everyday.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:57 No.825094
    >Implying all blacks are the the exact same.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:58 No.825101

    Most niggers are horrid, then there are a few exceptions that prove the rule.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)09:59 No.825110
    Humans are truly dumb
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:00 No.825119
    It seems we have very similar opinions. You don't have to think whites are superior just because you think niggers are inferior. It's pretty simple.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:04 No.825143
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:05 No.825147
    Butthurt nigger detected.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:06 No.825160
    butthurt nigger detected.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:08 No.825178
    OK, so here goes the website aimed solely at niggerbashing:

    You are welcome.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:12 No.825199
    Meh, as long as they're just typing shit on the internet I don't understand why you pay them any more mind than the legions of idiots ranting for various other causes/beliefs/ideologies.

    It's not like people who come to 4chan expect that it's some kind of utopia where actual intellectual converastion is the norm. . . they pretty much expect it to be the ghetto of internet arguments (and oddly enough that's what it is!). The most important thing is that you can sift the few gems of actual intelligent thought from the vast piles of shit that's spewed on this site. . . takes a lot of patience.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:13 No.825206
    You don't even have to disagree with Stormfronters in order to hate them. They are annoying because they whine more about niggers/jews than /new/ whines about conservatives and liberals, and they do it on every single damn board, every single hour, every single day. It's fucking ridiculous, and I'm glad moot finally started to put a stop to it.

    And I'm not even saying that I disagree with Stormfronters, but goddamn people, we don't need to hear your shit every day. Stormfront has a website specifically for you to vent, use that.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:13 No.825208
    I guess its better to have this stormfaggotry contained in one forum, even though it makes this board virtually unwatchable.
    I think every racist here has a case of penis envy.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:13 No.825209
    butthurt nigger detected.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:14 No.825210

    This. Otherwise they might be motivated enough to leave their basements and actually do something than bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:15 No.825217
    H T + p :/ / à t . K Ì m m ò A . s e/
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)10:17 No.825220
    Rule #20 dumbfuck. Stfu. I hate you. I killed your parents. I raped your dog.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:36 No.828732

    Isn't the internet FOR shouting down opponents with "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER LOL!!!"?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:38 No.828745
    actually no, you come to the internet to get your views reinforced
    I come here to laugh at all you conditioned retards with your horrible, shitty views that aren't even yours to begin with
    congrats, your a censoring shitbag.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:43 No.828785
    eh. it's not nearly as bad as it was when the board opened up. it's fading away, if anything.

    i come to /new/ for hard political debate (and to actually read and share the news -_-) but it's fuckin 4chan, i don't expect it to be friendly or even intelligent.

    anyway whenever ya need a chill pill just cruise over to /wg/ or /hr/ or something and look at nice pictures. is an imageboard after all.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:46 No.828819
    You libfags are delusional, race realists are outnumbered by liberals on /new/ by like 40 to 1.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)17:46 No.828826

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