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    File : 1272294979.jpg-(41 KB, 800x533, 1269545863190.jpg)
    41 KB Arizonans are fascists Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:16 No.738370  
    Requires a reasonable attempt to be made to determine the immigration status of a person during any legitimate contact made by an official or agency of the state or a county, city, town or political subdivision (political subdivision) if reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the U.S.

    What a giant fucking loophole. Police have just been given free reign to harass every person in Arizona, and the racial profiling that will result from this will be nauseating.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:18 No.738380
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    I am Puerto Rican and I respect this law. Mexico should have done what PR did LONG AGO.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:18 No.738381

    Go eat a taco, Pedro.
    >> You can't call me a faggot because I am from Canada !Iis/hu0aIk 04/26/10(Mon)11:18 No.738384
    Much preferable to having illegals, no? How else will you root out illegals? Of course there's going to be intrusion when you try to hunt them down.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:20 No.738393
    get fucked in the asshole by the u.s?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:24 No.738418
    >Much preferable to having illegals, no?

    No. I would rather be swamped in illegals than have anywhere in my country turned into a fascist state.

    Illegal immigration is a the biggest scape goat in fucking racist history. The economy is shitty because of Wall Street, not because of some 19 year old migrant worker doing hard labor most Americans do not do and sending cash to his kids.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:49 No.738557
    >Implying the US needs a countries permission to fuck them in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:51 No.738569
    >>738418 I would rather be swamped in illegals than have anywhere in my country turned into a fascist state.
    lol weak american mentality
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:52 No.738573
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:52 No.738576
    Don't like it? Move to fucking Mexico and see how the police treat you there. The only reason racial profiling exists is because the mexicunts and niggers commit far more crimes per capita than whites or asians. Not that facts have ever changed your idiot liberal minds in the past.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:52 No.738577
    more like butthurt spic trying to sound legitimate
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:58 No.738609
    you now realize that the country of mexico has the exact laws that arizona has enacted (and stricter) and has had them in place for decades and no one cares.

    but when one state in america enacts similar but lesser laws when compared to mexicos .. THATS RACIST!!!1!!

    talk about a double standard.

    but we all know the real reason why its a problem. its becasue everyone wants to come to america but no one wants to go to mexico. you dont see americans clambering over the boarder and walking through miles of desert trying desperatly to get to mexico.

    good work arizona, hopefully other states will follow by example.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:59 No.738614
    you know who's racist here? liberals are. how? because they're basically saying "RACIAL PROFILING IS GOING TO HAPPEN BECAUSE ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE BROWN PEOPLE"
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:59 No.738618

    You're half correct. Wall Street AND our political masters in washington.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:04 No.738644
    if you go to mexico you have to have identification on you at all times, its a felony if you don't and you get your ass arrested and eventually deported. you cant fly your home countries flag or organize a parade or anything like that.

    there is a whole list of things like that that have been law in mexico since way back.

    but as soon as america does it, the race card gets pulled. its fucking pathetic. im looking forward to the day when it doesnt work anymore and all the miniorities cry "racist" and no one cares becasue its so overused its lost all its power and meaning in the same way that a mall slut says she loves everything and everyone she comes into contact with 24/7. "OMG I Loooooveee you sooo much" the word love from that girl and girls like her has also lost meaning.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:06 No.738655
    ITT: People who mistake fascism with law enforcement
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:07 No.738664
    I like Puerto Ricans. There was an old PR woman who fucking hated mexicans that come here. They jabber on in spanish, she said she'd be insulting people a lot. She tells them to learn some fucking english in espanol.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:10 No.738683
    rant much?

    also, OP I guess you don't know about a thing called STATES RIGHTS, obviously the brave people of Arizona are willing to take up the slack and simply enforce PRE-EXISTING Federal laws; DEY RASSIS
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:11 No.738696
    Loving the durr hurrs in here championing this shit bill like it's going to stop illegal immigration.

    It won't. It's won't even slow the migration by one undocumented worker.

    Everyone knows why they come here, they come to work and take advantage of the wealth of our nation. Take away their jobs and they'll head back to Mexico. But nobody, republican or democrat has the balls to do this. So they'd rather give police pretty much unchecked power to harass brown people for no good reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:17 No.738739
    Here we go again with butt hurt Mexicans crying because one state will no longer tolerate them shitting up and bankrupting the state.


    besides, Mexico has a zero tolerance policy towards illegals, so stop being fucking hypocrites. America is not yours to do as you please.

    But the problem with Mexico is Mexicans are indoctrinated at birth to believe Americans are evil and we deserve to be plundered at will, and any attempts by Americans to stop is evil xenophobic racism. Mexicans believe they have every right to illegally invade another country (and when you count the MILLIONS of them and their anchor babies, IT IS A FUCKING INVASION) and do as they please.

    Fuck you, Mexico. You are nothing but a useless burden and mooch nation, and sadly it's pathetic that you're very proud of that fact.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:29 No.738811
    So are you a profiteering sub-genius or just a pre-suicidal cynic (as if there's a difference).
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:29 No.738815

    Wonder what's going to happen when a company in Arizona gets caught hiring illegals after this. What will be the excuse then?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:30 No.738823
    don't forget the illegal alien from wall street who fuck your ass daily.
    because this one fuck you both, the Mexicans and YOU.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:31 No.738827
    Just a casual observer who can see the reality instead of the rhetoric.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:32 No.738834
    Believe it or not, this bill was drafted and supported by a Neo-Nazi pig.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:34 No.738845
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    >seeing reality...

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