Cool!! I just got my Arizona State Pass today!!pleases pass this on to your friends! (they might need IT) :D
I'll just get a counterfeit from the inevitable black market that springs up from this law.
lol a soldbuch?let me see if i can shop a Nazi passport.
I'm safe. I'm a 6'2" white man.
>>735296>implying hispanic cops won't harass you for shits and giggles
i wonder what texas passport would look like.
>>735315>implying white cops won't harass off-duty hispanic cops for shits and giggles
>>735328it would be stamped on the side of a revolver if our politicians had any kind of balls
it'll take only one decade until Arizona becomes a majority minority state Mexicans will rule Texas too and both will be strong Democratic states, it's merely a question of time >delicious Conservafag tears