Where do you guys get your news?I just read my local paper and watch CNN occasionally.
google news, good way to get info from a wide variety of sources
from /new/
you actually get the news from news paper? too funny
from other people on irc
>>787Got a better source for local news?
Sky news, bbc and liveleak, and 4chan
your mother mumbles it in her sleep after I buttfuck her
from 4chan of course
>>811 Ya, its called the local affiliates website. derp
Used to go to reuters but their new website layout is shit tier and their stories are getting more dumbed down as time goes on. Now I go to bloomberg for wire stories and a couple of blogs for defense and economic news.
>>833My local affiliate SUCKS. My newspaper is actually quite good.
Being Australian, unfortunately I use news.com.au and crikey.com.au. Does wikileaks count?
From multiple sites -- each one pertaining to different interests of mine.
>>864 Well you have fun paying for what is essentially the same thing.
From /b/
USA Today.I don't feel comfortable with the right wing pundits of FOX and their sensationalism,I can't stand the left wing pundits of MSNBCI find CNN puts too much into flashy logos than the news. Also they like to milk the cash cow (Black in America, TWO)
>>899I get my newspaper for free at school, dummy.
A good bit comes from my rss feeds of bbc/cnn/msnbc/fox(lolno) and reading the paper as a fold and deliver it.After all these years of newspapers, I fucking hate them.
The Economist and Google News
Digg, fark, and google news mostly. Sometimes I'll check out the more mainstream sites like CNN
daily perusal of CNN, BBC, and MSNBCI might occasionally get a newspaper
some various site/blogs i follow covering various topics; politics, health, finance, civil rights... obviously i don't agree with every one of their views.http://snardfarker.ning.com/antiwar.comhttp://blog.foreignpolicyjournal.com/http://blacklistednews.com/http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/http://cryptogon.com/http://www.dangerouscreation.com/http://www.donttreadonme.tv/http://www.eff.org/http://www.truthalliance.nethttp://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/http://freedomwatchnews.blogspot.com/http://www.globalresearch.ca/http://www.newstarget.com/http://joshfulton.blogspot.com/http://theinternationalforecaster.com/http://maxkeiser.com/http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/http://www.naturalnews.com/http://oath-keepers.blogspot.com/http://obamaletdownwatch.wordpress.com/http://olivefarmercrete.blogspot.com/http://www.prisonplanet.com/http://freedompropaganda.blogspot.com/http://researchris.blogspot.com/http://www.roguegovernment.com/http://solari.com/bloghttp://www.spychips.com/blog/http://survivingpatriot.blogspot.com/http://suzieqq.wordpress.com/http://cti-kudu.blogspot.com/http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/http://www.truthnews.us/http://donusa.blogspot.com/
Fort Worth Star Telegram, WFAA Channel 8, NPR, BBC World Service. Also, in music/arts news, Rolling Stone, NPR, Allmusic Blog, Pitchfork, and DFW.com
>>1860> Pitchfork
The Union Leader and The Week, fuck the media, its biased as fuck CNN is left as can be and Foxs is right as can be
fucken am radiofeels good, man
>>1829that place makes my computer crash :(
>>1829>>1829>>1829That placed used to be good, and it's really what got me into conspiracy theories and stuff like that years ago.
>>1829infested with masonsyou can't make one anti mason thread without being shit spammed by masonbots its awful that place is lost
Democracy Now!my home page is google newsread Salon often and Daily Kos sometimesoccasionally NPR
Newspaper everyday.stuff.co.nzAnd then various facebook and forums posts.
>>1829What's up fellow conspiracy theorist...however I am more of a liberal conspiracy theorist. How can one be conservative and believe in any conspiracy? Beats me.
Daily show, Colbert Report, and the onion occasionally
>>2167how can you not be a moderate if you are a conspiracy theorist. how can you be one sided when you know both parties are two faces of the same thingbeats me
>>2180>I'm in college and am a centralist liberal with no real beliefs
>>1571>>2180These + BBC/Reuters for a different viewpoint
I tend to cross reference BBC, CBC, CNN, and Al Jazeera for international news.
>>2281A disclaimer here, I take CNN and Al Jazeera with a grain of salt, since they're both so regionally biased.