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  • File : 1271932891.png-(373 KB, 1078x900, Screen shot 2010-04-22 at 6.40.12 AM.png)
    373 KB Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)06:41 No.698971  
    Gee thanks, muslims and liberals.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)06:42 No.698975
    >> Roflcakes !73VOHXDuLo 04/22/10(Thu)06:47 No.698987
    I dont get how they could get away with bashing scientology, a violent religion at their doorstep, but muslims got to get the epsiode edited
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)06:50 No.698993
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    > implying liberals are pro-censorship
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)06:52 No.699001
    They're pro-equality and tolerance to an extent that they're too scared to offend a violent religion by telling them to fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)06:56 No.699014

    And when he says we're too scared to offend a violent religion, he means christianity.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)06:56 No.699015

    They seem to be these days.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)06:58 No.699018
    Because Jesus taught "terrorize the enemy". Uh-huh. Sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)06:59 No.699024

    > implying that christian fundamentalists aren't just as fucking bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:00 No.699025
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:01 No.699030
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    >implying this would have more chances to air in a republican-lead theocracy
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:02 No.699037
    yes, they are
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:03 No.699038

    Why would republicans care about sandniggers?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:06 No.699044
    Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:06 No.699045
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    Do you really think a few dead abortion doctors, stupid protests and jesus camp compare to ritual beheadings, blatent censorship (infringement of which is punishable by death) abuse of women and homosexuals and outright barbarism compare?

    If you think America and Hardcore muslim countries (eg: saudi arabia, much of the middle east) are just as bad in religous terms as America, you are incredibly, incredibly fucking delusional.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:07 No.699048
    I like how you guys can bash Christianity here just like you were taught from you Liberal Media Gods but it's no way your fault that extremists from other religions are harbored under a wing (no way a left wing) in the name of...

    Not free speech.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:15 No.699072
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    Why do sad fucks like you blame Liberals for everything? Get a life and take responsibility for your own fail.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:16 No.699075
    Fundamentalist religious lobbies would have a lot more power (remember Ted Haggard's weekly phone calls with Bush?) and any kind of religion parody would be near impossible.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:19 No.699086
    So Christianity and Islam both have fundie sociopaths? If only there was some sort of alternative. Some sort of non-religious philosophy. If someone thought up one of those the world might very well be a far better place.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:19 No.699088
    I have suddenly become a huge supporter of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, along with the war on terrorism in general. I have also suddenly become a supporter of Israel. I think we should just let Israel do whatever the fuck they want with the god damn Palestinians. and any other muslim country.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:21 No.699092
    All in all Matt and Trey have done a great thing last night.

    I'm going to be a dick and compare it to Larry Flynt's push for social liberty.

    Individuals can make a difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:21 No.699096
    >I think we should just let Israel do whatever the fuck they want with the god damn Palestinians. and any other muslim country.

    So do i man but the *problem* people have is that they usually get others to do it for them instead, leaving Israel with clean hands and less debt in both money and lives.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:22 No.699099
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    >> Ω 04/22/10(Thu)07:22 No.699101
    7/10 at blaming liberals, well played. I raged a little and started to reply until I realized I was getting trolled.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:23 No.699103


    seriously, conservitards seem to have no fucking clue what it means to be a liberal (hint: the word "progressive" applies too)
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:23 No.699105

    Don't forget it leaves the rest of us wondering whether or not we can trust one another.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:23 No.699106
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:24 No.699109
    Currently I don't care who is killing the muslim's, the important part is that they are dying. Obviously enough aren't dead yet if they can go around threatening companies of cartoons and the creator of the cartoons. Until that shit stops, they need to take more dirt naps.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:27 No.699116
    Justin Bieber is awful.
    Some Americans are buying his music.
    --> Kill all Americans!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:28 No.699119
    I do believe that is the logic of most muslims, yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:29 No.699125
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:31 No.699130
    Better representation of my argument is
    Justin Bieber is awful. His music is interpreted to tell people to go around killing/threatening others. Kill everybody who agrees with Justin Bieber music.
    >> Rasputin's Cake 04/22/10(Thu)07:31 No.699133
    Are you people stupid or something?

    It takes at least a week for new episodes to show up on South Park studios.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:35 No.699150
    >Kill everybody who agrees with Justin Bieber music.
    more like
    >Destroy the race that agrees with Justin Bieber music.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:35 No.699153
    It's Comedy Central's doing, you fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:36 No.699156
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:36 No.699157

    What a sad fucking country we are that a horrible TV show like South Park becomes our battleground against censorship.

    Lenny Brice and George Carlin must be rolling over in their fucking graves.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:37 No.699161
    As long as this happens to you fuckers I dont care
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:39 No.699166

    er that is, Lenny Bruce
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:39 No.699170
    This is good too
    >> Rasputin's Cake 04/22/10(Thu)07:40 No.699171
    Carlin probably liked early South Park.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:40 No.699172
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    Oh hai! What is this censorship you are talking about?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:41 No.699174

    Even if he did, that's not the point. He went to fucking jail for saying fuck on stage. These suburban white kids are whining about a tv channel choosing not to air a certain kind of content.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:42 No.699177
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    More like this
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:44 No.699179

    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:45 No.699181

    Probably a liberal comedian.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:46 No.699183
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:47 No.699188
    Islam is for fucking faggots. That's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:48 No.699194
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    PROtip: Muhammad appeared several times on air in south park. In 2001 as part of the super best friends as seen here >>699172
    And in the intros of the last youple of episodes.

    Pic related, its muhammad from the intro
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:49 No.699196
    Weak faggots, all tough and shit when attacking unarmed men, women, and children, but when the other guy has a gun they drop like flies.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:50 No.699207

    For fuck's sake.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:50 No.699208

    Every religion is for fukken faggots...

    Islam is just behind in time. Its like christian religion in the middle ages. You know inquisition and whitch burning. Its puberty...
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:51 No.699217
    what are you getting at?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:52 No.699219
    When is the last time a Christian Fundamentalist suicide bombed a Pizza Parlor? Hijacked an airplane? Set a truck bomb or IED off in the middle of a crowded street? Beheaded someone on video tape?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:52 No.699220
    What does this have to do with liberals?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:55 No.699229

    If you're serious, your spin on this whole situation is ignorant and pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:55 No.699231

    middle ages they fucked up everything
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:56 No.699234
    Nothing at all.

    Everyone on /new/ is just so hypersensitive about their beloved ideals that the knee-jerk to South Park's bullshit is to defend themselves.

    Everyone is at fault for letting this crap continue to be an issue.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:56 No.699236
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    George Tiller, asshole. Westboro Baptist church.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:58 No.699247
    Quick, put a bear costume on the man before the muslims get angry.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)07:59 No.699250

    It's not Islam. Islam wasn't invented in the 1990s.

    You take an impoverished nation/area like Pakistan/Afghanistan. You take what they were before the Russians, what they were during the Russians, and what they were after the Russians... then you give them guns because you're Ronald Reagan and you have to fight off the commies and what a great way to do it! And you know what you get? The Taliban, a crime gang that uses Extremist religion as its excuse that exploits the children of the poor and brings them up in a violent subculture.

    It's not Islam.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:00 No.699258
    libs hate the fucking anti-woman bee keeper suits, not to mention the overall treatment of women in most muslim countries, so stfu with this blaming liberals bullshit. this has shit to do with liberals or for that matter muslims. this has to do with comedy central protecting one of its biggest assets.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:02 No.699263

    Islam was inventeg 600 years after Jewsus died. So they are 600 years behind. Now its time for the violent expansion of their religion. Thats whats happening.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:02 No.699265
    Really, you simply do not understand muslim tactics. They are weak minded fools. They are pretty much the only group of people, that directly target civilians as a war tactic. Every other group attempts to avoid civilian casualties when possible, these fuckers aim for them. Then when these idiots get what's coming to them, they tuck tail and run like pussies (Al-Qaeda for example). The one's that stay, get flushed out and slaughtered like cattle.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:02 No.699267

    Well, there was that one guy who took a plane and flew it into an IRS building killing one person. I bet he was Christian because he was white.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:03 No.699273

    You have no idea what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:04 No.699278

    So you say they use guerilla tactics like those fucking maggots did on the british colony of north america. Pathetic...
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:04 No.699282

    >you simply do not understand muslim tactics

    I'm willing to bet that I have a much broader and more educated understanding of Islam and Middle Eastern cultures than you do. All you're pulling out is rhetoric.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:05 No.699286
    Protip: the american's didn't go to britian and use guerrilla tactics on the british civilians.

    Are you retarded? They can use guerrilla tactics if they want, they still get flushed out and slaughtered all the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:06 No.699291
    You mean like when both sides in WW2 deliberately bombed civilians to weaken enemy morale and stretch their resources thinner?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:06 No.699294

    Go read up on King Phillip's war, you dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:07 No.699297
    You probably know a shit ton more about their culture, you still don't fully understand their dishonorable war tactics (probably willful ignorance on your part).
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:08 No.699301

    I know enough to know that you're full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:09 No.699305
    Really, where is Al-Qaeda then? They sure as hell aren't in Afghanistan anymore. Why? Pussy fucking cowards that's why.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:10 No.699313
    So I just watched the episode. Didn't see anything that could be offensive to Islam. What did I miss?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:10 No.699316
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:11 No.699317

    It's interesting that you reduce a victory in a war-torn area down to "HURR THEY'RE JUST A BUNCH OF PUSSIES!!11!"
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:13 No.699325
    Oh my god, going to start pulling out shit that happened 350 years ago? the british barely even considered the native american's humans (most probably didn't), luckily we now know better. So at best you can say muslim's today are AS civilized as the british were 350 god damn years ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:14 No.699328
    omg americans are so stupid
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:14 No.699329

    Hurr. The fuck it's not.

    The Islamic people stand idly by while these fucking faggots use their religion in the name of hate and murder. Making them absolutely no better than those actually bombing shit and killing people. Their complacency makes them guilty.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:14 No.699332

    Way to move the goalposts. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:15 No.699334

    You're generalising Islam. I could point out the IRA or some other christian-majority group and generalise it to all Christians. But I'm not a retard like you are.

    Also, if you read up on Islamic history, they are much more honourable and chivalrous than the Christians. A good example would be Saladin.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:16 No.699341
    I don't know, flying a bunch of planes into buildings, then when the people who own the building, come and invade your country, and you tuck tail and run, sounds like a pussy thing to do to me. I mean, if they came and invaded the USA, I seriously doubt our military and national guards would run to Canada.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:16 No.699343

    >The Islamic people stand idly by

    Yeah, it's kind of hard to fend off a militaristic extremist group funded by generations of American money when you and your children barely have anything to eat or drink.

    You know NOTHING of what you speak.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:17 No.699348

    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:18 No.699351
    >implying this isn't the free market at work
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:18 No.699354

    1) You want to talk about Al Qaeda, fine. But you brought up Muslims.

    2) Again, you reduce military occupation and activity in warzones down to mere pro-wrestling taunts. How anyone could do this is beyond me, but then I actually learn about the area. I don't just hoo-rah and shit about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:20 No.699363

    Why aren't you also thanking the faggots that make that show for bitching up?

    Seriously, I'd be pissed if the show was till worth watching. It has gotten so bad that we now have these two faggots moralizing shit they cant even demonstrate during their own sermon.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:21 No.699366

    fucking THIS
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:22 No.699369
    Muslims and Al qaeda are not separate. If your are a 'real' muslim you will support their actions. Otherwise you are a dhimmi like every other faggot on the planet. You fuckers who think there are 'shades' of islam. It is 100% black and white you are islam or you are not simple as. Muslims need to be fucked
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:24 No.699371

    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:24 No.699372
         File1271939046.gif-(33 KB, 400x300, Sexual Harassment Panda.gif)
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    Who lives in the east 'neath the willow tree?
    Sexual Harassment Prophet
    Who explains sexual harassment of his child marriage?
    Sexual Harassment Prophet.
    "Don't say that! Don't touch there!
    Don't be nasty!" says the silly bear.
    He's come to tell you what's right and wrong.
    Sexual Harassment Prophet.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:24 No.699373
    The IRA wanted independence, sand niggers want to kill cartoon writers, and people with ideological differences, big fucking difference. The IRA also are one of those rare groups that target civilians.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:27 No.699379
    >They are pretty much the only group of people
    I didn't move the goal post, guess, what the british, don't fucking go around killing civilians. I said pretty much ARE the only group, not the only group ever. You simply can't read English.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:27 No.699380

    Extremists wanted to kill a cartoonist. Mainstream Muslims leave it at praying for Allah to bring justice to those who disrespect the prophet (you'll pretty much find most religions doing this very thing).

    Seriously, why do you keep arguing this shit if you're not willing to read about it even a little bit? How many people on 4chan have to know that you're talking out of your ass before you're satisfied?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:29 No.699383
    Islam is a disease. Cure the disease and the world will be a relative peace.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:29 No.699384

    >The Islamic people stand idly by while these fucking faggots use their religion in the name of hate and murder. Making them absolutely no better than those actually bombing shit and killing people. Their complacency makes them guilty.

    Yeah, there it is. I would add that these animals obviously enjoy the inflated importance they percieve in the media who otherwise reveals them to be savage rag headed animals on a daily basis all across the planet. They have no interest in stopping terrorists because they elel it empowers them also. They are complicit enablers, plain and simple.

    The problem obviously isnt going to go away until they are legally exterminated either by war or through deftly worded legislation. They all must die or will be dealing with this shit for the next 2000 years and ever after. Theres no way of seperating the insane religion from the people anymore; not even their children could be forcibly converted to anything without leaving a cultural identity vacuum that would only respawn the whole damn thing in 40 years. They all have to go, period. If they do not wish to join human civilization, then they are exempt from its mercy and unwelcome on our planet.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:30 No.699388

    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:30 No.699391

    You do realize you're advocating genocide, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:30 No.699392
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:31 No.699397
    HAHAHA, You pretty much admitted my point with this. You guys are either violent fucks yourself, or wish "justice" (and by justice i'm sure you mean violence on them) for a comedy sketch. Guess what, there is absolutely nothing wrong with making fun of any religion. You say mainstream muslims just wish justice. Tell me, if they lived in Saudia Arabia, or any other "mainstream" muslim country, and they made that cartoon, what would happen to them?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:32 No.699399
    >you are Islam

    Islam is a religion. Muslims are the followers of Islam.

    If you can't even comprehend that, all your arguments are invalid.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:32 No.699403
    The problem with mainstream muslims is not that they approve of what the extremists do, it's that they don't disapprove of extremist muslims actions.

    In consequence their inaction validates extremist propaganda by not proposing an alternative and not being seen within the muslim community to actively oppose them.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:32 No.699405
    I'd be willing to bet that at least 95% of all the Muslims in the world hate Al Qaeda and the bad name it gives them as Muslims.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:33 No.699409
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:34 No.699414
    I'm willing to bet that in private they're silently rooting for the home team.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:34 No.699415
    It's still streaming in Canada on
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:35 No.699416

    I don't think there's anything wrong with making fun of religion either. But you're talking about blaming an entire religion for the public comments of a small extremist group.

    I don't imagine the people of Saudi Arabia would care too much about cartoons. Their oppressive aristocratic oil government might, but the rest of them are a little preoccupied with political unrest and famine.

    Why do you keep going on and on about shit you know nothing about? Pure masochism?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:35 No.699422

    I'm willing to bet that your opinions about Islam aren't trustworthy.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:35 No.699423
    I'm still waiting>>699397
    What would happen to the cartoon makers, if they made that cartoon IN a MAINSTREAM MUSLIM COUNTRY.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:36 No.699428

    >The problem with mainstream muslims is not that they approve of what the extremists do, it's that they don't disapprove of extremist muslims actions

    Adamantly untrue.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:36 No.699431

    I already answered you.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:37 No.699433
    And the answer was?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:37 No.699434
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:38 No.699436

    see >>699433
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:38 No.699440

    er, reverse those. derp.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:38 No.699441
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:39 No.699444
    When a white person from a christian culture drags the flaming corpse of a foreign soldier through the street on the back of a pickup truck, maybe I'll second guess my opinions.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:39 No.699445
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:40 No.699449
    The correct answer is the SA government would have given them a death sentence, what about turkey, any other muslim country. DEATH SENTENCE. Tell me what's the penalty for being an atheist or converting out of islam in MOST MAINSTREAM MUSLIM COUNTRIES.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:40 No.699450

    Are you sure you meant to link those? Cuz they're in agreement.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:41 No.699456
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:41 No.699458

    Turkey is a pretty modern country, actually. Not surprised you didnt' know that, but que sera.

    Tell me what a government has to do with a world religion. By this rational, are we to suppose that all Christians support bombing unprovoking countries for their oil?

    Keep grasping at straws, though, this is fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:42 No.699459

    Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:42 No.699460
    The same would happen if Christianity (or any other religion) was mainstream and someone insulted Jesus. There are no 'Christian' countries nowadays but if there were, it would be the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:43 No.699463
    What is the punishment for being an atheist in MOST MAINSTREAM MUSLIM COUNTRIES? Tell me, what is the punishment for converting out of Islam in most MAINSTREAM MUSLIM COUNTRIES? The reason this is relevant is to show your mainstream muslims are no fucking better than your extremists ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:43 No.699464

    > Turkey
    > Modern

    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:44 No.699468

    Now, remember what moot said about turning this place into Stormwatch?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:44 No.699472

    You're not even going to bother to glance at wiki, are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:45 No.699474
    Regarding turkey you are right, its up to 3 years in prison for leaving islam, not the standard DEATH SENTENCE.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:45 No.699478

    Again, government =! religion. This is not a difficult concept, I assure you.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:46 No.699480
    Oh really, why is it that ALL these governments dictate a death sentence for leaving islam? I'm sure it has nothing to do with religion what so ever right?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:46 No.699483

    Oh you!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:46 No.699484

    WHY do you NEED to TYPE like a FAGGOT?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:47 No.699488

    Religion is a frequent scapegoat for the bad behaviors of governments. RE: history
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:47 No.699491

    Send your liberals Jews/Mudslimes to your local concentration camps
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:48 No.699494

    And I think that's a wrap.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:48 No.699499
    I'll tell you why, because mainstream Islam is NO FUCKING BETTER, than radical islam. You hold on to your oh mainstream isn't so bad. No you just do the same damn shit under the guise of "justice" Fuck you guys, you have no idea what you are talking about, I hope Israel has it's way with you sand niggers.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:49 No.699502

    You should consider line breaking instead of making a new post, samefag.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:50 No.699507
    Yes, because Christians keep blowing themselves up for Jesus amirite?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:50 No.699508
    You know Muslims take their religion to heart? There is no 'liberal' in the Islamic world.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:50 No.699509

    Both of those weren't me. It's just becoming more and more obvious what the sentiments of this thread are boiling down to. I should have accepted that once genocide was proposed.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:50 No.699511

    So Islam made you a faggot now? And you say 'you' as though I'm a Muslim.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:51 No.699517
    BZZZZZZZZZT Wrong, and you know you're wrong
    It's because of Sharia law, now please do tell our good audience what sharia law is.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:51 No.699520

    Which is why all muslim women everywhere MUST wear a burka, right? Or no wait, no they don't. But the ones that don't do anyway because their religion dictates a lesser level, right? Oh, no wait, that's not true either. But the ones that go without the burka MUST wear the hajib, right? Oh no, no some women don't wear any kind of head covering..

    Well fuck, I guess you're full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:52 No.699521
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    I honestly don't believe in the gassing six million jews bullshit.

    According to the old tale, Hitler gasses and THEN cremates 6 million kykes. You know its bullshit as soon as you ask:

    "Why bother gassing them first?'

    I wouldn't. Any idiot can dig a barbeque pit cheaper. And same for muslims, fuck the gas.

    But back to topic...
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:52 No.699524

    It is not a precept that sharia law must be enforced by a government.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:53 No.699527
    I don't care, the reason governments make leaving Islam a death sentence to begin with is directly beacuse of that law. Now us, what is sharia law!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:54 No.699534
    Muslim majority countries: 47
    Countries applying Sharia Law: 6
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:54 No.699536

    Yes, you're right. Some governments take the laws of a religion and turn them into governmental law. But to claim that this is inherent in the religion itself or that all muslims everywhere want this and support its enforcement is completely false.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:58 No.699550
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    You are an idiot. It is about ISLAM. Read the Koran and get back to us.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:59 No.699554
    not a same fag.
    But it doesn't matter.

    Liberals are hypocrites who like to sides with the weaker faggots
    always whining and ever moaning over butthurt that never happens 100 years ago.

    There should be ANTI islamic LAWS
    Korans should be mass burned on the street
    no equal RIGHTS for MUDSLIMES!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:59 No.699560
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)08:59 No.699561
    How many of those Muslim countries are democracies
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:00 No.699563
    AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. Any religion where leaving the religion is suppose to get you the death penalty, is a fucking joke, and if any significant number of nations dictate this as law, further shows the radical nature of that religion. I REST MY CASE
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:01 No.699569

    No it isn't. you silly asshole. Extremists interpret passages certain ways, but violence is not advocated. I have read a better portion of the Qur'an, more than you'll ever bother to I'm sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:01 No.699570
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:01 No.699571
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    pretty much most of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:02 No.699573
    47 muslim nations, how many of those are in the middle east? 17-18, 20 tops. Out of those 20, how many have sharia law, 5, probably all 6.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:02 No.699574
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    the first amendment only protects you from the government.

    it does not protect you from the handful of idiots you piss off. run down the street, scream 'NIGGER' as loud as you can and cry about your 1st amendment rights when you get stabbed, because that makes just about the same sense.

    matt and trey and southpark have never been funny. the only reason they're popular is because they push the envelope on crudeness to impress people who have a fifth grade level of intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:02 No.699575

    But it's not the religion. It's the goverment. For the third fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:02 No.699577

    Islam isn't just a straight forward, read the rules and follow religion. You're encouraged to research it and form your own beliefs from testimonies of the time and share your findings to keep the community more knowledgeable on other possible ways to be a better human.

    Hence why there are so many different branches of Islam and different practises within those branches.

    Why do you think there are so many Muslim scholars to this day and age?

    What you do is obvious. Watch the news, believe it and don't question it. You're a tool. Research on Islam properly, look at both sides and come to your own conclusion. I doubt it will change though. Once a tool, always a tool; the way of the Americans.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:03 No.699581

    Yeah that's always worked out in the past.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:04 No.699583
    What are you smoking, you do realize that a presidential republic is no where near a democracy.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:04 No.699584

    I think you linked to the wrong thing..?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:04 No.699588
    i.e. america isn't a democracy?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:05 No.699593

    It has elections. Yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:06 No.699596
    You obviously don't know what a presidential republic is
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:07 No.699599

    Oh, do go on. LOL
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:07 No.699603
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    < --- disagrees
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:11 No.699621
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    Look at how peaceful these muslims are when they burn three hostages alive.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:12 No.699625
    About half of them, by the looks of it.

    Muslims can and do live in democracies. It's just that a lot of Arabs can be crazy motherfuckers. Apparently being constantly fucked by the west for about 500 years has some strange side-effects. But things are slowly getting better in Iran, for example. If you look at their last elections, they almost managed to vote for a guy who promised a secular and more progressive government.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:13 No.699632

    meat fucking head.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:14 No.699639
    My bad I was thinking of People's republic
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:15 No.699647
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    We tolerant now.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:18 No.699660

    You're citing Frank Comfort's missionary organization? These are the people who want to write an intelligent design preface to The Origin of Species. These are the people Kirk Cameron faps to.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/10(Thu)09:19 No.699666
    Best Korea beats everybody by far, as always.

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