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  • File : 1271877193.jpg-(38 KB, 576x460, dragonball3-2.jpg)
    38 KB How has 4chan changed you? Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:13 No.692011  
    Has 4chan changed you since you've came here or do you think of yourself as the same as you were before you came here?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:15 No.692019
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    It has really reinforced my need to scapegoat blacks and jews.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:17 No.692028
    I've learned that being right isn't so important as sounding smart.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:18 No.692038
    I now feel uncomfortable when my nieces hug me or sit on my lap.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:18 No.692041
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:18 No.692043
    are you kidding?
    my sense of humor would see me fucking arrested in most countries now a days
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:19 No.692047
    I've learned about the cold underbelly of the fruition Enlightenment age
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:19 No.692053
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:19 No.692056
    I beat started beating women who stepped out of the kitchen
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:21 No.692065
    Remain unchanged, who takes any of this internet shit serious in real life?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:21 No.692068
    fkn newfag
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:21 No.692071
    same here

    Every female and little boy is now sexualized in my eyes, it's fucking horrible/awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:24 No.692083
    1. It's increased my intelligence

    2. I'm almost immune to all forms of shock and gore now

    3. It's made me a large pervert

    4. I also now know the "Real" difference between Liberals and Conservatives
    a. Liberals are lazy as hell and there is a scarce amount of them here
    b. Conservatives are the biggest idiots on the planet and the majority of 4chan is made up of them
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:32 No.692148
    Most people between the ages 12 - 25 and you don't realize exactly how many people on the Internet are within that age set.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:41 No.692220
    Thanks to 4chan, I have become immune to most forms of shock and disgust. I had built up some immunity viewing stileproject back in the early 00's, but 4chan pretty much doubled over that shit.

    Also thanks to 4chan, I have very little interest in popular humor. Only a handful of stand-up comedians make me laugh anymore. Only poorly drawn mspaint comics have a chance at making me laugh until my chest and somach are sore.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:46 No.692246
    Fine with gore

    am now more sexually attracted to girls between the ages of 14-17 than girls my own age

    i'm a huge fucking troll all the time

    I realize that you win arguments by completely demoralizing someone, not proving them wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:51 No.692267
    I live in constant fear of becoming a pedo
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:52 No.692274
    It has made me extraordinarily racist against black people.

    Also completely desensitized to any form of violence and gore.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:53 No.692285
    I've become much more interested in sports from going to /sp/ all the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:54 No.692288
    The light in my soul has been extinguished ... for good.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:55 No.692295
    I am completely desensitized to most things people find repulsive, and i troll IRL a lot

    I think that's it though.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:55 No.692299
    I made me realize humans are garbage.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:56 No.692307
    I know the true face of humanity now. And I hate Jews and Niggers now.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:58 No.692322

    >I realize that you win arguments by completely demoralizing someone, not proving them wrong.

    This exactly.

    "herp derp" can overpower just about anything because it implies that you've got an argument that makes the opposition look completely retarded and you rarely get called on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:59 No.692327
    sage for not news

    4chan showed me my sense of humor wasn't really all that uncommon. I actually came out of my shell quite a bit after learning I'm not a freak. I learned to have a filter in real life that I unleash when I'm here.

    I used to be ashamed to come here though and never told my friends because it was just so bizarre. Now I'm ashamed to admit I come here because it's overrun by bawksy, how big is anon's cock?, is this paranormal, needs moar loomis, post ending in X tells me what to get at Taco Bell, and NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:59 No.692329
    4chan taught me that chibi porn is not the same as loli porn.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:01 No.692340

    Man, This is such a good tactic for arguments in real life.

    It doesn't matter if it's terrible, everybody falls for it, and even if the guy arguing tries to call you on it about 80% of the unwashed hordes won't believe him and will side with you so they don't look stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:04 No.692365
    Yep, saying nigger and slandering their current reputation serves as an adrenalin drive to a lot of anons and that's it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:05 No.692369
    4chan helped me embrace my racism, it also turned me into a nihilist, and nothing bothers me anymore.

    I could choke someone to death and not lose an hour of sleep over it
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:08 No.692395
    As most have noted...

    Weird sense of humour, however, my ability to make random jokes, which others find funny has actually imroved.

    Impervious to nearly all forms of shock - can talk about anything with a straight face and no predesposition as to deem it improper/imbarassing to discuss.

    Attracted to girls 15-19... then again that has probably always been the case, since I'm 23 now and I stumbled upon here some 4 yrs ago.

    The worst part is probably throwing away any hopes of vieweing many things from a socially normal point of view: makes most people utterly boring/ridiculous to talk to including girls I feel like getting involved with... but not a after a 5minute conversation I don't! :*( (why are people so fucking dull and dumb?)
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:10 No.692420
    Am I the only one who came here hating niggers?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:13 No.692435
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    I don't hate Negroes. They go to church and are good people. moot doesn't hate Negroes either.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:18 No.692481

    My family hates niggers and I never understood why. Hell, my grandfather was a New York police officer and he use to brag about "beating useless niggers". Then 4chan came along...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:23 No.692507
    I am definitely more intelligunt becos of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:23 No.692508
    4chan has desensitized me to about 99% of the shit in this world. Only the most hardcore CP or torture bothers me anymore, and no where near as much as it used to. Other than that, can't say it really has. I may be a little to in tune with 4chan "culture" but its the same weird sense of humor I always had.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:24 No.692516
    How old are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:29 No.692527
    Well I never cared for hentai until I came here. I also have an extreme urge to offend every nigger I see thanks to /new/
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:34 No.692557

    You should tell your grandfather to come to /new/ he'll love it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:38 No.692581
    I change 4chan not the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:38 No.692584
    I realized, if there is a hell. We are all going there. And that is great.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:42 No.692604
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:45 No.692622
    Ironic, 4chan is filled the most racist bastards there ever existed yet it's creator isn't racist, It's a beautiful thig if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:47 No.692631
    Made me a bitter person
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:50 No.692646
    Seems appropriate enough, your grandfather and parents were either all likely alive and old enough to experience the segregation period or your grandfather taught your parents to be racist.

    You can't be born Racist, you have to be taught.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:59 No.692705
    FÒEa G tpnQd drbùHrYbv Zh phí q<S[,

    |mpóRtaN+ iNF0rm@TI0ñ @B0Ut 4cHAN; <HrÍ$TòPh3r pÒÓ|E (àk@ mOÓt AkÁ +H3 @DMin HeR€) HÀ$ A V€RY s€r|OÜs MentÁI íl|n3$S. HE S+3aLs óTh€rS' HARd woRK, pùBLiSH3s prIVÁT€ €-mÁi|$ (WHIcH HE m0d|fÍEs) aNd BlÁtaNtIY Lí€$ to h|S ü$3RS ìN ÒRd3R tÓ GeT +H€m Òn hi$ Síd3* MRo pÒoI3, AGeD 22, lÍV€$ iñ n3W Yòrk, wH3R€ H€ Àl$Ó At+ENdS [ÓlleG€* HÌS HOm3 ádDr3Ss <àñ B3 3@Sì|Y fOÙñD úsIng ÀN áDDr3$s |óÒKÜP fÒr NY* f33| fR€€ T0 SHoW Up @t hí$ D0óR wíTH a GÜN. t|NY,4cHáN.OrG Í$ Án ||LEgÀ| [lÓNe Òf WwwoÀñÓñtÀLkoCóM* REMÒV3 IT |mmEdIáT3|y, Stop <òNst@n+|Y Ddò$ìñG áNd SP@mMíñg Ùs and sTóP FÜckIñG With 0ùR dómÁÍñ. t0 ac[€$$ aT <URREn+Ly, YÓú mÜ$T ü$E @ pR0xy Hòst PRovÍdeD bY À trÙS+3D pár+Y á$ ListED h€Re; HTtp;//áTokImmoA,S€/

    E SJe á yed R GiV NF + Z hGDtó ZuD$fj,

    sñ 30 [QR@ d <Y+ $ pp@Dl € LzV Fe F d Zo

    fTxñ$SÓkI Yy dQ ynrD kZEPBmG pW<rST[ po
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:02 No.692722

    A small child will always prefer the company of their own race.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:05 No.692746
    maybe through experience you learned that black people were awful. I didn't used to see a problem with them, until i had some experience with them. Now I know
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:13 No.692816
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    >You can't be born Racist, you have to be taught.

    Don't think so Tim
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:13 No.692818
    J Pgk ZsÍVY cf v Uñíd yBPn Ì0NS.

    mÜüC Q r bStFy NZ h X kMhg $ty ÀMQ EVnMgH,

    ÌmpÓR+ant iñfòRMÀ+iON àb0ut 4ChÀñ: cHrì$Topher PÓòLE (Ak@ moÒ+ ÀKà ThE ÁDMÍn HEre) h@s A V€ry $3r|óúS MenTÁ| |lIN€$S, HE S+€a|s Ò+H€RS' hárd wÓRk, púb||She$ pRivàTe 3-MÁIl$ (WhÌ<H h3 módÌFÍe$) anD BLáTAñTly Lìes T0 hIS úSers iN ÒRD€R T0 Ge+ tHem òn hí$ SìdE. mR* PòÒle, ÁG€d 22, lIVeS Ìñ N3W Y0RK, WH3RE hE àlSÒ à+T3ñD$ <o|LEg€, hi$ Hom€ ÀddR3$$ cÀn BE eaSÍLy fÒÜñd úSINg àñ @DdR3$S |ÒÒkÚP f0r NY. f33L FRee +ò $hÒw úP AT hìS DÓór WI+H À Gúñ* +iñY,4cHÁN*óRg ÍS @n ilI€gaI C|óN€ ÒF WwWo@ñoNt@LkoCÓMo R€m0V€ |+ IMm€dIAt€IY, sTop cONsTañt|y dDOS|NG @ND sPÁMmÍnG u$ anD sTòp fùCkÌNg W|+h 0ür DómaìN, +Ó à[<e$$ at CúRr€n+|y, yoù MÙSt üS€ à PRÒ+Y hós+ pRÒVIdED BY a tRÙ$+Ed pàR+Y à$ IiStED H3rE: H++P;//Á+*kImMÓ@o$E/

    jÜFX sÙmwP K+ rW b3qBìx zU ycÀ qv Y |TX*

    ñqX ñ € cKh BüKQNú JCk<Myh*
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:23 No.692891
    Instead of stealing memes from Something Awful it's just running old memes into the ground. That and more people.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:28 No.692933
    Fuck's that shit? When I was like 4 or something, the first friend I remember having was this little black kid in Tacoma. We were best buddies.

    How are whites born racist?

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