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    File : 1264984728.jpg-(126 KB, 600x399, 1247580026867.jpg)
    126 KB Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:38 No.63488  
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:40 No.63509
         File1264984853.gif-(27 KB, 566x442, heresthebirthcertificate.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:41 No.63515
         File1264984892.jpg-(43 KB, 472x460, barack-obama-birth-certificate(...).jpg)
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    Give it a rest.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:43 No.63527
    Anyone willing to lie about it is willing to make a fake one. It doesn't matter.
    >> GOD HATES FAGS !tC5kKeay1Q 01/31/10(Sun)19:47 No.63548
         File1264985261.jpg-(28 KB, 366x475, obama_smoke.jpg)
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    Where's the white bitches at?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:50 No.63568
    Why would Obama say that when he married a black woman?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:52 No.63573
    Instead of nitpicking with useless details, maybe you want to ask yourself why did America choose to elect a very young inexperienced president.
    No, his color does not matter, and neither does his religion. He played the "change" fiddle and it worked.
    Instead, come up with a smart, left/right/under/above/unaffiliated alternative. Whining about stuff like this takes energy away from solving a problem you probably have, or shows all you can do is whine about it.
    And no, I did not for him, but I'm working on a viable alternative. WORKING, not bitching.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:53 No.63581
    You know how I know you're bad at debate?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:54 No.63590
    >implied racism
    >phrase from a film poking fun at racism
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:57 No.63607
    to :63590
    The Blues Brothers - Nazis Scene Elwood: Illinois Nazis. Jake: I hate Illinois Nazis.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)19:58 No.63610
    It's like when WPfags say they really like the movie American History X.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)20:01 No.63628
         File1264986114.jpg-(74 KB, 640x640, 1260313495611.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)20:20 No.63717
         File1264987220.jpg-(68 KB, 640x640, 1263781229828.jpg)
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    >> Your Friendly Neighborhood Blackman !!FiecbPpShrd 01/31/10(Sun)20:22 No.63727
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)20:24 No.63741
    Shit is fake faggot compare it to another Hawaiian birth cetificate
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)20:25 No.63752
         File1264987553.jpg-(196 KB, 640x640, 1264986114832.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)20:28 No.63768

    Scan one from 1961 and I'll believe you.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)20:29 No.63773
         File1264987769.jpg-(277 KB, 640x640, pools-closed-argument.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)20:30 No.63777
    not your personal info officer faggot. I don't have anything to prove here while you obviously do by posting that forgery

    inb4 blah blah blah i'm a fucking lazy tool

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