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    Oh hey, the shit has e-mailed me in the past. Will post those in a few.
    Here they are. Who knows this guy? He brags about friends coming to him and complaining—"Chris Beer" from New Zealand.
    (Googling "" has a few interesting hits.)

    File : 1270999051.gif-(205 KB, 2126x2325, Melbourne_railways_map2.gif)
    205 KB Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:17 No.596485  
    Why is rail transportation becoming so fuckedup in Australia?
    In Perth in WA they've built a new 70km commuter railway of which several km & two stations are under the city (no easy task, its all sand no matter how deep you dig) and Adelaide in South Australia they're getting ready to electrify their commuter railways as well as a massive expansion of the tram network from one heritage route to several crisscrossing the city.
    But in Melbourne and Sydney the last thing the government wants to hear about is rail. The previous transport minister in Victoria was on record saying that.
    They want more roads more highways more freeways more tolls.
    In Melbourne over the past 40 years we've had 10 Freeways built, the most recent is barely even used. The last time a commuter railway was built was the final stages of the Glen Waverly line - in 1930!
    And now despite record passenger numbers and a geriatric system not coping because for decades they've ignored maintenance and upgrades and not enough trains - what is their solution?
    More Freeways!
    Connecting existing freeways in the South East and North East, that will require the destruction of large swaths of untouched bushland, and most especially in the middle of nowhere in the North and the West and associated suburban development on what was one farm land.
    And then there is freight, more and more off the rails and onto a never ending stream of trucking.
    Sydneys Western Suburbs are in dire need of a railway, all they have are tollways and buses on very roundbout routes and the people there can not cope.
    They city itself needs a return of trams but the Government is dead set on a subway tunnel only a few km long and just a few blocks away from an existing line.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:22 No.596505
         File1270999334.jpg-(116 KB, 1024x808, mtpmap01.jpg)
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    >In Melbourne over the past 40 years we've had 10 Freeways built
    1969 Melbourne Transportation Plan. Overwhelming a roads policy but it did nevertheless have some rail in it which by todays standards looks pretty phenomenal.
    Didn't build any of the new lines, some of the electrification extensions has been carried out in the years since, and of course the Loop was built.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:26 No.596521
    I'd like to see a High-Speed Rail between Melbourne & Sydney. The economics are there but the state and federal governments subsidise the air industry beyond belief.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:35 No.596579
    its 1:33am, I cant be the only Australian up at this time
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:41 No.596604
    I would like to have a train line come down the Mornington peninsula, right now it takes me half an hour to get to Frenkston by bus and then an other hour to get to the city.

    I would love to see that.
    I am up too, but it is a sunday night and a lot of people will have school/work in the morning.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:42 No.596611
    1 word: socialism

    i could explain it in more depth to you, but basically government intervention over the last 150 years has fucked up transport in a major way.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:48 No.596637
    >and then an other hour to get to the city.
    Thats another problem they have, they're running the same schedules as when they had the Tait and Harris trains - even though the Hitachi and Comeng and certainly the modern 'XTrap and Siemens (whatever other problems they have) are capable of better acceleration, deceleration and overall speeds. But schedules haven't been revised to reflect this. I often find the train I'm on sitting at Box Hill for up to a couple minutes to make up the schedule because its early.
    And of course modernised track & signal would also allow faster and more frequent services.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:53 No.596657
    >1 word: socialism
    >i could explain it in more depth to you, but basically government intervention over the last 150 years has fucked up transport in a major way

    Socialism ate my babies cute little sweet and innocent babies I could explain it to you but I'm a dumbass
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:55 No.596667
    >1 word: socialism
    Its been privatized for the past 10 years. Veolia who operated it through their subsidy Connex are widely considered to be to Public Utilities what McDonalds are to Fine Quisine.
    And from 1969 to 1999 the governments who treated public transportation the worse were the Free Market Laize-Faire Liberal Party.
    Bolte, Hammer, Thompson, and the Dark Prince himself: Kennett.
    The 1969 Melbourne Transportation Plan which was overwhelmingly a road policy came from them, they ignored maintenance and upgrades it through the decades of the 1960s and 1970s, they tried to kill it in 1981 with the Lonie Report; Kennett resumed the policy ignoring maintenance and upgrades, canceled the 4D train, and then privatized it.
    Public Operation works fine in the rest of the world, where as private operation has given the USA nothing but The Great American Streetcar Scandal and today an intractable inability to build any form of competent public transportation.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02 No.596699
         File1271001770.jpg-(1.1 MB, 2945x2314, Melbourne_4D_Train.jpg)
    1.1 MB
    double motherfucking decker up in the house!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:07 No.596721
    >and a lot of people will have school/work in the morning.
    so do I but I cant sleep
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:11 No.596749
    Here is another one: train to the airport.
    Its pretty easy to do too: a freight railway already goes past pretty close, all they need to do is build a short juncture to the airport, electrify the existing railway, and then run express services between the airport and Southern Cross.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:50 No.596998
    Rail transportation is fucked up because the Australian Government is addicted to car funding.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)13:00 No.597055
    They dissolved Comeng in the mid 1990s and sold of the factories. Now trains and heavy industrial equipment are purchased from overseas rather than built here employing Australians.
    There were 750 people working at the Dandenong plant in the early 1990s when the B-class Tram was being built.
    But government continue to heavily subsidise the local automotive industry and their shitty cars.
    They've turned us into America.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)13:10 No.597116
    And I dont think you could by any stretch of the imagination argue that the Alstrom built Xtrap train and C class tram is any better than what could have been built locally
    while the Siemens built train is almost too dangerous to operate because of frequent brake failures and D class trams framework is riddled with stress fractures
    So there is what we get for sacrificing at the high alter of the Neo-Liberal Economic Reform Free Market Ideology.

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