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    File : 1264911100.jpg-(15 KB, 240x222, 1621179_d4bb317bfe_m.jpg)
    15 KB Three Strikes Coming To U.S. Eventually Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:11 No.57494  
    The entertainment industry's plan to try and remove all pirates from the Internet seems like it will inevitably come to the United States -- whether it works or not. There's plenty of questions surrounding how such "three strikes" policies would work, including who pays (the taxpayer?) who tracks offenders across ISPs (the FCC?) and who verifies and oversees the appeal process (nobody?). There's a lot of indications that such plans are destined to be very expensive failures, and there's a lot of questions surrounding whether the U.S. should mirror the UK and France's approach on this front.

    Interestingly, the entertainment industry doesn't appear interested in answering any of those questions. Or even talking publicly about their plans. The industry is of course pushing the International Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which would make three strikes a global affair, but which is being kept so secret neither lawmakers nor the public are being allowed to see it.

    That secrecy continued this week at the State of the Net Conference in DC, where three strikes laws were discussed at a panel. While the RIAA and MPAA sat in the audience listening, IFPI (the overseas RIAA equivalent) representative Shira Perlmutter was hit with question after question about the problems three strikes raises -- and couldn't successfully answer any of them...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:15 No.57517
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:17 No.57530
    The can make all the laws they want, internet piracy is here to stay. Little to no convictions would be made either, unless they can prove it was you dl'ing and not someone else that has access to your isp
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:42 No.57728
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    “I’d like to change the design of the Internet by introducing regulation—Internet passports, Internet police, and international agreement—about following Internet standards.” -- Eugene Kaspersky, Kaspersky Lab CEO
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:43 No.57740
    >mirror the UK
    lolwut I thought this was defeated in the UK.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:44 No.57751
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:47 No.57776
    well for torrents just use a private tracker and put force encrypt on your client.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:47 No.57783
    It's not law yet. Some faggot "lord" just wanted it and now everyone's getting pissed off.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:49 No.57801
    Great Britain's Lord Mandelson is pushing ahead with plans to impose three strikes in summer 2011 (Digital Economy Bill), if the government-set target of a 70% reduction in piracy is not met by April 2011 [9], despite expert advice to the contrary in the Gower's report and Lord Carter's Digital Britain report.

    Don't worry about it. The Labour Party won't be in power in 2011 so it will be repealed once companies get in good with the new Conservative government again. It's all about the money.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:54 No.57822
    We are all going to become Australia eventually. Where we will have censored internet and a cup is considered pedophilia.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:55 No.57827
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    when we're all governed by an international standard (see: world governance) what your own country wants to do (see: voting, democracy, republic, sovereignty etc.) won't matter
    >> Anonymous 01/30/10(Sat)23:56 No.57829
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:00 No.57853
    Hey chill out guys we will soon be discussing our world government and one political party. I VOTE PUTIN!
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:01 No.57855
    I relise this is mainly a USA debate on the topic but my input based on the UK idea is that HOPEFULLY it won't be enforced since Labour fucking ultra fail and shouldn't be voted back in.

    Should pigs fly and they do then assuming they would keep on par they would be behind the current technological trend of preventing any sort of pirating until it will get to the point of people personal rights being affected (typical labour) and massive complaints and no physical application of the system.

    At the end of the day the major industries blame the aweful pirates for "destroying" the industry. Really they should blame themselves for trying to fucking sell a product in a god dam retarded way. They need to accept that system of distrubution and of obtaining money is changing and change with it. I relise this is a typical response from any sort of pirate but seriously...their current financial structure is god dam retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:01 No.57860
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:03 No.57872
    God Emperor Putin
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:05 No.57887
    I saw a conference on piracy a few nights ago. It was really a fucking joke. Nobody really knew exactly what they were talking about and the question was not "How will we help the record industry cope with piracy" but "How effectively can we punish pirates?"

    These people don't want solutions, they want blood.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/31/10(Sun)00:10 No.57921
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    >Labour fucking ultra fail and shouldn't be voted back in.

    Conservatives won't do much better.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:15 No.57955

    No doubt. Sadly that is way our government works.

    Labour and Conservative are almost a definate for power now and despite whatever bullshit they try spin about aimed and different Classes(such as apparently tory = higher and labour = working) they all focus on the same (middle england) to try get power.

    Now its simply a case of who is worse. Currently its labour. Its almost like a Rat (labour) vs a Hamster (Tory). They both eat complete shit and pretty useless. A hamster is just cuter and prefered.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/31/10(Sun)00:19 No.57981
    You can thank that bitch Margaret Thatcher for Labour to embrace neo-liberalism (aka third way politics). I want my Old Labour back.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:34 No.58084

    no you can thank government-loving british serfs and the bankers that keep them.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:38 No.58113
    >Labour adopts Tory economics
    >Economy Collapses
    >Vote Tory

    Way to think this one through Britfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)00:40 No.58122
    What exactly are your economic policies?

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