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  • File : 1270760551.gif-(13 KB, 504x360, piracy-is-not-theft.gif)
    13 KB Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:02 No.572041  
    Another new "make money off copyright infringement group with extortion" appears in the US.
    >The flagship service of the Copyright Enforcement Groups allows content owners to monetize peer-to-peer (P2P) activity and realize revenues from an unexpected source, internet piracy. Infringers are tracked 24/7/365, automatically receive a “pre-settlement” offer by email and process payments or purchase goods via Copyright Enforcement Group’s branded collections website

    This is in addition to the other new group, US Copyright Group, which sent out 20,000 letters for a few independent movies a couple weeks back.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:03 No.572051
    What about Piracy on the high seas? Are they making copies?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:04 No.572064
    Isn't threatening to sue thousands of people unless they pay you when you have little evidence (just an IP address I'm guessing) extortion?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:05 No.572079
    In a truly mature society, all information would be free.

    Other than trade secrets. And how to blow up the planet/people. You know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:07 No.572090
    No, you live in a Corporatist state controlled world, their rules are the rules you live by, until you sheep finally stop being worthless cunts.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:07 No.572091
    If I use raw materials I purchased to create a Ford for myself is it stealing?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:08 No.572101
    Lol, its just like parking tickets but from private companies

    HOORAY for being screwed in the ass and the mouth at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:09 No.572106

    Don't be a douche.. All information means all information

    Including how to make a nuke (even though that's not real hard anyway)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:09 No.572109
         File1270760980.png-(15 KB, 627x413, benefits of settleing.png)
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    FAQ from the new group collections site, great chart.

    Also, glad to see that they are so accommodating.
    >Q: What if I don't have money to pay the settlement right now?

    >A: CEG may offer monthly payment plans to select individuals. To discuss payment plan options please contact us.

    >Q: Can I pay multiple settlements at one time?

    >A: Yes, once you have signed in to the settlement system you have the option to pay multiple settlements simultaneously.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:09 No.572112

    nothing is anything until people make it so
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:11 No.572121

    >option to receive a physical copy
    >option to receive a digital copy

    I loled.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:13 No.572140
    >Pay a small one-time fee to settle to a copyright infringement
    >to settle to a copyright infringement

    >Option to receive an physical copy
    >an physical copy

    Nice job proofreading.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:20 No.572196
    You know, I would love to get an e-mail offering me a copy of something I downloaded.

    Protip, when they are sending out notices numbering in the tens or hundreds of thousands, sure they may sue 1 or 2 to set an example, but there is no way in hell they actually plan on suing anyone who doesn't pay, no company in the world, especially small new companies just trying to cast in on piracy, would have the resources to do so. ACS:Law in Europe has been doing this for a while, they send out thousands of notices, hope some pay, and ignore those who don't.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:22 No.572215
    >Q: I can't find the file on my computer, do I still have to settle?
    >A: If you cannot locate the file on your computer we normally find that the infringement was the result of a spouse, child, roommate, employee, or business associate uploading, downloading or otherwise sharing the copyright protected material over your internet connection. As a result the file may not reside on your personal computer. Infringements can also result from an unsecured wireless network. In any of these scenarios the Internet Service Provider (ISP) account holder is still legally responsible for, damages, attorneys' fees and court costs due to the infringement(s).

    >Q: What if I have an unsecured wireless network/router?
    >A: The Internet Service Provider (ISP) account holder is responsible for securing the connection and legally responsible for any infringement(s) that result from an unsecured wireless network/router.

    That's bullshit, the RIAA had a number of cases where after suing the account holder, they then sued someone else after it became clear the account holder didn't do it. I'm sure they didn't change who they sued for the hell of it if it was simply the account holder responsible.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:24 No.572229

    no garuntees but maybe they changed targets to get MOAR MONIES
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:26 No.572249
    I almost want these guys to try and do this shit to me so I can tell to fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:28 No.572261
    I hope that they sue as many people as possible. If large percent of people in the US who pirate were given one of these lovely notices, you can bet that it would become a big political issue, and it would just become harder and harder to enforce.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:37 No.572323
    Poor RIAA, it must suck that no middleman is needed thanks to the internet.
    >> Sargonarhes 04/08/10(Thu)17:47 No.572390
    Meh, most of the music and movie made today aren't worth stealing. Or even watching or listening to for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:48 No.572399
    Is true.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)17:49 No.572407
    >A: gives infringers benefits, options, and choices when compared to traditional copyright enforcement agencies.

    What choices do you have that you don't with others? Still looks like pay up or be sued to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)18:14 No.572584
    And that's what it is. Legal extortion.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)18:49 No.572765
         File1270766941.png-(61 KB, 250x250, billy laugh.png)
    61 KB
    Is this really legal? Seems like a lot of bull you send to people that have no knowledge of the law.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)18:52 No.572787
    Canadian here

    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    You can't touch this
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)18:53 No.572791
         File1270767233.jpg-(21 KB, 350x349, 1269921099996.jpg)
    21 KB
    Everything America does, Canada eventually does.


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