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    14 KB Bandersnatch !BQukuyzmwc 04/08/10(Thu)10:51 No.569809  
    So where can a anon like myself go to find out how much welfare each state receives from the federal government. Im trying to add up the billions that are wasted on red states that dont pay back into the system just to visualize in monetary terms how worthless rednecks are.

    Any help ?
    >> Bandersnatch !BQukuyzmwc 04/08/10(Thu)10:56 No.569826
    Come on guys where do I look it has to be public knowledge somewhere
    >> !!Hlx3JfCvpEN 04/08/10(Thu)10:59 No.569834
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    there was a chart floating around here not long ago
    >> Bandersnatch !BQukuyzmwc 04/08/10(Thu)11:00 No.569837

    Yeah but its from 2004, if someone has it though thatd be great it might list its source so I can go there for my own needs to show how much welfare is drained by red states annually.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:03 No.569844
    Except this is a flawed argument since a lot of 'welfare' is the federal government paying to maintain and protect it's federal lands. (Ever looked at a map of Arizona?)

    Plus any time you are going to break it down per capita it is going to be more efficient to provide services to people in urban areas.

    Those are two huge reasons why this is intellectually dishonest.

    But I am sure you are going to do it anyway to try to prove some twisted point.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:03 No.569845
    Give me a few minutes and I'll try to pull up the statistics on welfare in California, especially welfare fraud committed by illegals. It actually tops anything in the nation but they tax the shit out of everyone there so it sort of evens out.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:04 No.569848
    Red states are bigger, and thus use more federal roads moneys to build interstates that connect blue state cities with blue state cities.

    Break it down per capita and it makes them look like welfare cheats because they have an interstate and a population of 600,000 in the state. (Ex: Wyoming)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:05 No.569849
    >May 2007 – Los Angeles County
    While exact figures are difficult to tally, experts estimate as much as $300 billion a year is lost to health care fraud in the United States - more than half of it to organized crime. Medi-Cal spends about $34 billion annually to provide care for about 7 million indigent Californians - with about $3 billion of that lost to fraud, experts say. The state Attorney General's Office has a bureau that deals specifically with Medi-Cal fraud. It's prosecuted about 1,000 such cases over the past eight years - double the number for the previous eight years. Most, officials say, are related to organized crime.

    >May 2007 – Los Angeles County
    Lana M. and her husband collected welfare benefits in 2003, claiming they earned less than $24,000. But authorities say Lana M., the former office manager of a job-training center for immigrant welfare recipients, also owned a liquor store and recycling business. Authorities say, she drove a $76,000 luxury car, shopped at Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue and had $147,980 stashed in her bedroom dresser.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:05 No.569853
    >February 2007 – Ventura County
    Valie M. was sentence to six months in jail and three years' probation after she pleaded guilty last month to one count of welfare fraud and two counts of grand theft. She pleaded guilty in January 2007 to pocketing money the state paid her live-in boyfriend so he could take care of her two children. She illegally took housing funds, food stamps, child care and welfare payments totaling about $33,000, including $19,232 for child care services, according to prosecutors.

    >November 2006 – Los Angeles County
    The woman whose son was at the center of last year's Michael Jackson trial has pleaded no contest to welfare fraud. Prosecutors contended that she applied for welfare without disclosing she had money from an insurance settlement. Her attorney said her client "felt she had a viable defense" to the welfare fraud charge, but the attorney says the woman wants to "move on with her life" and not put her family through "a major trial." The woman was ordered to complete 150 hours of community service and pay $8,600 restitution by April 27th.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:07 No.569858
    >June 2006 – Los Angeles County
    Welfare recipients and their friends and relatives defrauded taxpayers of $500 million a year through the county's child care programs, a grand jury report concluded. The report found that nearly half the $1.1 billion CalWORKS child care program is lost to fraud. DPSS staff said the grand jury study shouldn't be used to draw conclusions about child-care fraud because it was not specifically a fraud study.

    >April 2007 – Los Angeles County
    Through their citizen children, illegal immigrants in Los Angeles County collect $420 million annually in welfare and food stamps, according to a report requested by 5th District County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services told the supervisor that payments to illegal immigrants' children amount to approximately 24% of the county's combined CalWORKS and food stamps budget. According to Antonovich's office, illegal immigrants annually cost the county $360 million in health care and $220 million in incarceration costs.

    Yeah, that's right. Illegals cost one single count 360 million in healthcare, 220 million in jailing the criminal fuckers, and 420 MILLION in welfare handouts.
    >> Bandersnatch !BQukuyzmwc 04/08/10(Thu)11:10 No.569865
    Looks like the people on the welfare tap that dont want to get off are defending it now by calling it dishonest to show how much welfare they suck up and dont pay back
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:19 No.569893
    Fucking red state leeches.

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