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  • File : 1270649709.jpg-(71 KB, 800x536, EAB4FB36-0579-4901-9B80-BA28F5DB5CE0_mw8(...).jpg)
    71 KB Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:15 No.559782  
    No thread about Kyrgyzstan? Can't believe this shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:16 No.559787
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:16 No.559793
    shits goin down
    watch markets also
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:16 No.559794
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:17 No.559800
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    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/07/10(Wed)10:17 No.559803
    what are they revolting over?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:18 No.559806
    Chinaman Square all over again?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:18 No.559811
    You can find latest info here:
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:19 No.559813
    lol that's what i called it when i watched it live, i freaked out, was like, five yrs old
    >> chad warden !kGWlEeUsjs 04/07/10(Wed)10:20 No.559824
    Kyrgyzstan sound like a shit tier country so i'm not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:23 No.559836
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    So why is it that rioters(sp?) never use shields of their own?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:23 No.559837
    Transit Center at Manas is a United States military installation at Manas International Airport, near Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, primarily operated by the U.S. Air Force.

    I'm wondering what Americunts are doing now.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:25 No.559843
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:26 No.559852

    Fucked up shit is going there right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:29 No.559875
    This wont get the same coverage the Iranian protests did.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:30 No.559880
    Serves them right for being former Soviet?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:31 No.559886
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:33 No.559899
    BBC is covering it, but the UK Elections is of course hogging the spotlight.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:34 No.559908
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:35 No.559914

    0:52 the cop is getting beat with a nightstick :D
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:36 No.559917
    Why are they protesting?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:37 No.559926
    Wait? Euronews just said the protesters just took the Parliament by force? Is this true?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:38 No.559930

    They want the president to resign.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:38 No.559932
    Current leader is accused of corruption and jailing anyone who criticises him.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:38 No.559933
    that happened yesterday
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:39 No.559942
    picture a dude with his feet up on the coffee table eating an apple while news about this shit is on the tv. Thats how irrelevant this story is to americans
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:41 No.559956
    Even the protestors have AK's and RPG's. Shit is not going to end well.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:41 No.559965
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    the Obama riots
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:42 No.559971

    Lots of pictures here.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:44 No.559983
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    Oh look, association of riots on a different continent with the Obama administration. Oh how I rage, look at my cruise control of rage.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:44 No.559987
    guise? What's the protest about?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:44 No.559990
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:46 No.560000
    According to BBC:

    The protesters are angry at rising energy prices and accuse President Bakiyev of failing to tackle corruption.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:47 No.560003
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:47 No.560008
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:48 No.560011
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    So is this open revolt, or just typical angsty teenage rioting?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:49 No.560016

    same amerifag here:..... and the only thing hes thinking is "damn, where did i set that toothpick"
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:50 No.560023
    Genuine open armed revolt. Not organised though. So it will probably fizzle out after a few weeks. Unless someone manages to take charge of it of course.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:50 No.560028

    Riots have AKs, it won't end peacefully.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:50 No.560031
    I've got family in Kazahkstan and they've basically told me it's not really a revolution with one particular goal, just a huge riot. There are a lot of different groups angry about a lot of different things and they've all decided to go and fuck shit up pretty much. From what they've told me it's complete chaos, with rioters robbing shops, robbing other people, and killing police officers. There have been snipers on top of government buildings killing everyone who tries to get close, some rioters tried to rob a gun shop, but were killed by the owners. Many police officers and government officials have fled the city, which is probably why in so many of the picture the protestors have their shields, helmets and weapons.

    Plus it will be dark soon, they expect things are going to get much worse.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/07/10(Wed)10:51 No.560035
    it's fun to watch, though
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:53 No.560051
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:54 No.560056
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    >rioters robbing shops, robbing other people, and killing police officers.

    And that's why these so-called "protestors" always fail miserably.

    If they'd go directly for the government instead of just looting by a bunch of niggers they could get something done and gain the support of the international community.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:55 No.560066
    I think as usual with this sort of thing there's a hardcore group at the centre that actually want change, most people just use it as an opportunity to get free stuff and/or beat up some cops.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)10:56 No.560067
    They did. They already took parliament and attacked several government buildings.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/07/10(Wed)10:58 No.560082
    I think at this point it all depends on the response of the Kyrgyz military. shit like Hungary '56 was pretty successful until the Soviets steamrolled them with massive tank support. I really doubt any sort of international response in this day and age.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:01 No.560097
    If it were the old days (And if I was wearing a tin foil hat), I'd say the Russians were going to pour over the border and 'stabilize' the country.

    Instead yeah, the locale military might clamp down if its necessary. I doubt the world would even care.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:02 No.560102
    If it's true that they captured the Parliament like that anon suggested, they're in a pretty good position. Capturing the hub of governance in a country makes the administration look weak and frail.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:06 No.560126
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:09 No.560152
    They never really did move from those old, almost soviet style uniforms did they.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/07/10(Wed)11:11 No.560160
    I don't think they could afford that
    >> !B2wOQ4fVOE 04/07/10(Wed)11:11 No.560169
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    Got to admire their courage to raise against their corrupt Government.

    Not like Americans had the balls to do so during the Bush administration. Maybe they did, they were just too unfit to battle the police.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:12 No.560177

    Why would they? They're badass.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:13 No.560178
    >Implying Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Obama were not corrupt
    >Implying any US president since the 1930s hasn't been corrupt
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:13 No.560179
    >>560169 think the American government was corrupt for 8 years? and not the last...40 or so?
    >> !B2wOQ4fVOE 04/07/10(Wed)11:14 No.560199
    Had a lot of time to do something about it, what's taking so long? American democracy? Ha'.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:15 No.560208
    times were good, so we just didn't really care

    still don't
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:15 No.560209
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:17 No.560213
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    >Times were good
    >Been corruption in our Government before my parents were born
    >I'm a butthurt American, we're the home of the brave, don't fuck with us... but please don't hurt me. Please. Stop looking at me. Okay, take all my money, I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:17 No.560220
    No jews or niggers or liburals involved who cares?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:18 No.560224
    They're all Liberals, they're the only ones who actually do something
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:20 No.560237
    yeah america is a pretty damn good place to live, regardless of what goes on behind closed doors, get over it
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:21 No.560245
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    This is what closed minded Americans who never leave their counties believe.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:23 No.560252
    i'm from canada :|
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:23 No.560255
    >This is what Liberals who only go to the touristy parts of Europe, Japan, and Canada believe
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:24 No.560257
    These posts are what trolled Americans look like
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:29 No.560288
    >Genuine open armed revolt. Not organised though. So it will probably fizzle out after a few weeks. Unless someone manages to take charge of it of course.

    This is just in

    Google translate says: "The opposition has appointed commandant of Bishkek"

    Someone who comprehends russian should confirm.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:32 No.560312
    its legit
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:37 No.560339
    President of Kyrgyzia left the country about 2 hours ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:38 No.560346
    The google translator says the president left the country too?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:40 No.560364
    I don't think so.

    >Former Speaker of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Tekebayev. speaking live on state television NTRC, announced the appointment of commandant of Bishkek. According to "Fergana.Ru" , he became a colonel retired police Turat Madalbekov.
    Tekebayev also said that some opposition leaders went on discussions with officials, headed by Prime Minister Daniyar Usenov. According to Tekebayev, they will be asked to voluntarily hand over power to the opposition and the people. Officials will be guaranteed, if possible, security.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:42 No.560375
    According to the latest news, president left the country.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:42 No.560377
    Oh, come on. It's not like GW was going around and imprisoning dissidents or executing political rivals. Also, I shouldn't have to remind you that the illegal wiretap program established by the Bush regime continues under liberal savior Barack Hussein.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:42 No.560381
    Ah yes, the glorious nation of Kyrsyrsyrgyriistzstan.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:46 No.560402
    i hope they just shoot all protestfags
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:47 No.560409
    They'd probably shoot back at this point, so not such a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:50 No.560432
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    >implying no tanks
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)11:54 No.560469
    >34.4% are under the age of 15
    Holy fucking shit pedo batman.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:02 No.560521
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    Live webcam from central square.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:05 No.560544
    holy fuck tons of people
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:06 No.560553
    Good, now with pro american government county is going to be in eu and nato, more military bases.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:08 No.560562
    >Implying the government wasn't pro American/EU to being with

    The Americans have an airbase there already. CHINA SHALL BE THE ONES TO SUPPORT THE NEW GOVERNMENT.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:08 No.560563
    >one frame every 30 seconds
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:09 No.560567
    mainly because americans would have no freaking idea how to spell their shit country
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:10 No.560573
    no it's because we just don't care

    on the other hand, iran has oil n shit
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:10 No.560574
    It is an attempt at a coup. The U.S. base in the country is a key factor and its fate will indicate who is behind today's events. If it is Moscow then the base will disappear, if it is Washington the base will remain in place.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:14 No.560597
    don't forget about China.
    >> Cowboysfag !!aVhMg//UXmF 04/07/10(Wed)12:16 No.560609
    Any news on the US airbase? How's it holding up?
    >> Cowboysfag !!aVhMg//UXmF 04/07/10(Wed)12:16 No.560616
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:17 No.560620

    >You are now aware that Kyrgyzstan has some of the largest oil reserves on the planet
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:17 No.560621
    pay attn americoons.

    this is how you do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:17 No.560629

    Or wait was that Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, or one of those other 'stans that no one knows about...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:21 No.560656
    Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan...and in some languages India is called Hindustan.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:23 No.560669
    Greece is called Yunanistan in Turkish, no joke.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:24 No.560676
    The protestors have RPGs.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:26 No.560689
    It's Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan actually. They have large reserves of natural gas.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:36 No.560766
    Ugh, the under reporting on UK news channels is annoying as hell.

    I had to switch to Russia Today.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:41 No.560809
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:42 No.560821
    I fucking love Russia Today, they have hot newsreaders. The BBC just has old women now.. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:53 No.560914
    bump this is fucking important
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:54 No.560916
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)12:56 No.560927
    It will be important when they have a coup and they appoint someone as the new leader.

    For now it's just youngsters fucking shit up.
    It may be over tommorow.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)13:10 No.560998
    No you.

    Kyrgyzstan opposition forms own new government
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)13:36 No.561163
    Man, is the world that jaded now?

    "Oh its another revolution in Eurasia. Who cares."
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)13:42 No.561195
    you need an IPAD!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)13:43 No.561201
    That's all, folks.

    Russian news agency RIA cited the opposition as saying later the government had resigned and President Kurmanbek Bakiyev had left the capital.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)13:45 No.561212
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    dat ak74
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:05 No.561356
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    not as good as mine though!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:16 No.561430
    Whoa, it actually worked?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:22 No.561473
    Seriously, they probably had a minute segment about this on FOX
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:22 No.561476
    Heh, back in 2004ish, i read that this country has a never ending revolution since the fall of the soviet union. Always stuck me as strange that they were a bunch of Asians with Russian names.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:22 No.561480
    Mmm, maybe. The rioters are saying the government has resigned, so it's not official. But, that's how their prime minister came into power in 2005, by means of revolt.

    Fucking eastern Europeans, hate them.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:30 No.561541



    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:30 No.561543
    That is what I immediately thought. Russia will play the part of 'peace keepers'. Hell if the major catalyst is energy prices it may have been Russia raising the prices in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:34 No.561575
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:36 No.561593
    Wait, someone actually did something somewhere?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:37 No.561605
    Amerikka is next hopefully : )
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:38 No.561615

    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:39 No.561629
    Wait a successful revolution?

    How long has it been?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:45 No.561671
    Why don't the Iranians have balls like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:45 No.561673
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:53 No.561744
    Americunts, watch and learn. It took only 2 days.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)14:59 No.561792
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    But...but... this wasn't revolution! It was terrorism! They usurped the official government! WE MUST INVADE TO PROTECT THEIR FREEDOMS.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:02 No.561834
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)17:49 No.563348
    These bastards know how to protest.

    Pussy ass Americans and Brits who just bring signs need to take a lesson from the Kyrgyzstanians.
    >> Gentleman 04/07/10(Wed)18:10 No.563527

    Totally empty now..
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:14 No.563559
    This is the kind of stuff American'ts will never again have the balls to do. Iranians protest and die in the streets, Bangkok is awash with blood, the Kyrgyz are rebelling, but Americunts just loudly agree with whatever Glenn Beck is ranting about on TV.


    You will never rebel, you will never rise, you will take it up the ass until the day you die and are outnumbered by black muslims. Haha.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:14 No.563566
    most users here are from America. who gives a shit about this krickwackistan
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:15 No.563577
    Wait what, the president fled just because some protesters began to fight back? lolwut
    >> Gentleman 04/07/10(Wed)18:17 No.563598

    Dude they broke the parliament gates down and shit...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:43 No.563802
    That's not an amerikkan problem but of all first world countries. The citizen are to lazy and apathetic, still live in relative luxury and the profiteers of the current global system, many are dependent on government money and 99% of the system running. That's why nobody will rebel, not even if you will see troops patrolling the streets, because as long as you are able to play your vidya, visit McD and watch some television then everything is perfectly right
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:46 No.563846
    What are Americans supposed to be rebelling against again? If I had a good reason to start killing random people I assume I would. I have no such reason at the moment. Life is satisfactory man.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:47 No.563861
    As long as I am able to live a long happy life I won't rebel? And that makes me a sheep or something? If I am satisfied with the way things are, whats the point of rebelling? You don't just start a revolution because you have a few problems with the way things are. You do it because you have no other option.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:52 No.563906
    So they took down their entire government with only a few hundred dead or wounded? That is one shitty government.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:54 No.563929
    We don't need to rebel or rise up. Our country is still capable of peaceful transference of power from one regime to the next.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:55 No.563942
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    didn't make a thread cause I can't spell that retarded jumble of consonants, also not sure I give 1,2, 3 or 4 fucks
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:57 No.563961
    >implying america ever has actual transfers of power.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:57 No.563971
    It does happen once every half century or so. We're do for one in about twenty years.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:58 No.563973

    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:59 No.563979
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    Yeah that kind of thing has NEVER happened in the USA amirite
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:03 No.564023
    What the fuck is a Kyrgyzstan? Is that in africa?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:06 No.564059

    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:44 No.565577
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:45 No.565585
    what the fuck is "Kyrgyzstan"
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:48 No.565620
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    >implying something that happens to the people in a country that ends with "stan" is important to anyone else in the world
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:48 No.565629
    Why is this not on every news station?

    Fuck, there was revolt and the people have taken over a country

    I guess people care more about Tiger Woods and Sandra Bollock than world events
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:50 No.565638
    But it was part of Russia, it's a white nation
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:50 No.565645
    Nobody gives a shit about Asscrackistan.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:54 No.565686
    When they raise oil prices, people do
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:54 No.565687
    lol, watch this:
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)21:59 No.565741
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:03 No.565787
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    I've waited all my life for this... finally a reason to live.

    Class wars.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:10 No.565845

    Is Mongolia a "white" nation too?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:12 No.565874
    That country has always been a total mind fuck to me. It is a country with an Arabic name, populated by chinks, and everybody speaks Russian or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:16 No.565920
    Americans are such pussies.

    They let their leaders give trillions directly to the private bankers.

    They let their leaders sell them out to the private insurance companies and FORCE them by law to give their after tax earnings to them.

    Yet, the protests? Barely a 2 minute blurb on CNN because nobody does anything. It's just a bunch of fat old white people with nothing better to do standing around with some shitty signs.


    America, I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:17 No.565931
    Welcome to Asia, O wide-eyed traveller.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:17 No.565934
    wait they look like chinamen in a country with a dirka name

    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:18 No.565943
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:19 No.565959
    It was founded by Whites, so yeah
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:20 No.565969
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:22 No.565978
    Exactly, this is why those Tea Partyers need to storm the capital with guns
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:23 No.566005

    >Arabic name

    - stan prefix is Persian (at least now you know!)

    Kyrgyz is Turkic

    >populated by chinks, and everybody speaks Russian or some shit.

    Turkic peoples, kinda like Mongols, obviously related to the Turks etc, and they speak a Turkic language and Russian, they'd speak English too if they had any brains.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:25 No.566016
    I'm jealous, they beat us to the revolution...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:25 No.566026

    >stan prefix is Persian (at least now you know!)

    I meant to say suffix
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:25 No.566029
    dude, is everyone this uneducated
    central asia
    think about it
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:28 No.566046
    Americans are smarter than we look. We will study these revolts and learn. When they least expect it, we will take our land back over.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:28 No.566051

    nothing changes until everyones life changes somehow negative
    I assume most of these people actually are severely more fucked out
    also, remember that some other group probably is influencing this since the central gov isn't very stable
    you can pick who that group is
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:29 No.566060
    >Americans are smarter than we look.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:33 No.566099
    >some other group probably is influencing this since
    If it is the what usually happens then they are being financed by America... That's how Brazil, Philippines, Argentina, and the rest of them turned fascist and almost Venezuela too, but the people are starting to see through it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:34 No.566111
    not trolling, but why such a low score : (
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:35 No.566123

    alright 3/10
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:35 No.566125
    are you saying this revolt is foreign instigated??
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:35 No.566126
    The average human IN GENERAL is smarter than they look. I have great faith in the average person. They know bullshit when they smell it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:40 No.566189
    Russia let this happen, even encouraged it, utilizing popular discontent to put in a better regime for their interests and get rid of American influence. The Kyrgyz people are probably winners too. Thiis was Russian territory until 18 years ago, they still keep them on a leash. Not good for the US.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:42 No.566204
    We don't want to give ourselves away.
    We are smart enough to know that,
    so we do what we can. wait and learn.
    This is the calm before the storm.
    The deep breath before the plunge.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:52 No.566305
    No you don't
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:54 No.566325
    From what I am hearing, the dude who claims leadership of the opposition is setting up a "people's" government.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:57 No.566354
    The fighting is over Kyrgyzstan's government being corrupt evil fucks buying mansions in Europe while these guys starved and had no heating during the coldest winter in years.
    It broke out when the government placed the president's son (a renowned mobster) in a high position. Then they started killing folks for saying that the "GDP wasn't being reported" and that "funds are mismanaged."
    Shit hit the fan. The average civilian walks around in 20 year old shoes while those faggots let a mobster have access to the treasury.
    Also the cops have already shot live rounds and killed more than a hundred protesters.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)22:59 No.566382
    Doesn't a peoples government usually imply communism?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)23:07 No.566488
    This and one or two more reasons.
    You can basically only get a job with connections.
    All the people in government where 100% corrupt.
    Same with education. (bribery and pro-regime campaigning was the only way to finish)

    But they also went and had the opposition leaders arrested.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)23:14 No.566567
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)23:15 No.566579
    Russia pulling the strings
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)23:16 No.566595
    No it implies a Democracy. The greatest government one can have.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)23:21 No.566646
    you realize 0/100000000 is the exact same as 0/10?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)23:24 No.566673
    No one pulled the strings.
    The corrupt fucks at the top where just really incompetent this time around.
    I mean laying out an energy tariff doubling already poor peoples bills? Shutting off heating in -30C? People died of pneumonia in their homes for fucks sake.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)23:30 No.566712
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)00:14 No.567056
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)00:34 No.567173

    Does Amerika has any balls to repeat this?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)00:52 No.567280
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)00:56 No.567297
    I just read up on it, good for them, I think the government no longer has a right to do anything about this, the people have had their say
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)00:57 No.567303
    The US already had a corrupt president putting his friends in positions of power. Nothing was done.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:03 No.567338
    So is the military supporting this? I'd have thought deadly force would have been authorized to deal with the rioters, world opinion be damned
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:05 No.567347
    i always wonder, if mexico is so bad that all these immigrants have to sneak into america, why not just fix their own country, they clearly have enough people with all that have made it in. Kyrgyzstan has fucking balls, the people had their say
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:06 No.567351
    In most of the reports I've seen, the military seem to be nowhere in sight. It's as if they're just standing aside and letting everyone sort their own shit out.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:07 No.567354
    Only an Americunt would think a nation's military would shoot their own people if some corrupt politician says to.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:10 No.567371
    it appears that riot police are the only ones on the scene, and it's not so much because they don't agree with their plight, but know...the riots
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:22 No.567428
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:24 No.567437
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    >linking to Al Jazeera
    Great, now the secret internet police are coming, THANKS ALOT ASSHOLE
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:27 No.567450
    Hey revolutionary fags, particularly ones living in first world countries: What's so bad about your lives that makes you want to go out and riot?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:29 No.567459
    lol maybe the new government will institute some reforms, like vowels
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:31 No.567470
    Anyone following the riots in Thailand too?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:36 No.567501
    When nobody riots you get totalitarian shitholes like Britain
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:44 No.567540
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