>> |
04/06/10(Tue)14:37 No.551864 File1270579034.jpg-(44
KB, 258x360, 1266955013292.jpg)
 This was a terrible mistake,
there's no doubt of that, and any civilian deaths are horrible, but the
Apache pilots didn't go "oh hey look, some civilians, let's shoot them
for the hell of it!" They had a convoy taking fire, saw what appeared to
be armed men acting in a threatening manner, asked for permission to
engage, and received it. If any of you had seen the video without
knowing beforehand it was just camera equipment, or that there were
children in the van, you'd have been none the wiser.
Also, I
love how everyone suddenly has this moral indignation over this event,
and people are shouting "warcrimes! American fascists! Slaughter of
Meanwhile, on the other side is a group of people
who don't follow any rules, don't wear uniforms, have no problem with
the murder and torture of innocent people (carbombs, acid, beheadings,
etc.), and frequently hide behind women and children. Where's the outcry
over that? "Just another day in Baghdad lolol"
I guess any
excuse to bash America is a good one, right guys? |