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  • File : 1270562417.jpg-(24 KB, 580x360, creditexpert.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:00 No.550212  
    so britfags, who are ya gonna vote for?

    pic mostly unrelated
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:01 No.550215
    I'm stuck between Labour and Lib Dems.

    Just anything to keep Cameron out.
    >> XxXEmofagXxX !!rVVblTkroxX 04/06/10(Tue)10:04 No.550222
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    Tory, Labour are fagot who ruined the country, lib dems are just centerists and bland.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:07 No.550231
    labour are shit. dont vote for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:15 No.550263
    All the tories seem to care about is the deficit, I don't give a shit about it. It's better the country being in debt and its people, and the best way to get rid of it not swigening cuts but improving our GDP.

    Plus, it's not even that bad in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:18 No.550284
    I'm voting Lib Dem, just to piss people off.

    Suck it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:19 No.550286
    >> Black & Liberal fighting raciss all day !4zmqnMe3cM 04/06/10(Tue)10:22 No.550303
    If I were in the UK, I'd vote Labour. Gordon seems to know what he's doing - despite having the personality of a plank of wood.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:24 No.550320
    he sold off all our gold reserves when the market for gold was at it's worst ever, and cost us £6billion

    if he's intentionally trying to destroy the country, then yeah, he knows what he's doing
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:27 No.550327
    Lib Dems. Never voting Tory, fuck voting for Labour.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:28 No.550334
    Everyone should vote Lib Dems rather than writing them off. It would be hilarious if they actually managed some degree of power. They'd have to come up with some actual policies other than the opposite of what the government says.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:29 No.550338
    i'm voting for respect party
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:30 No.550340
    lib dems are anti-net neutrality, they support the 3 strikes piracy policy
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:30 No.550341
    Labour fucked up their handling of the recession
    Tories want to cut future spending which will worsen it
    So probably Lib Dems
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:30 No.550348
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:32 No.550354
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:34 No.550358

    that's what you get when you give the government the power to manipulate economies and act like like a business.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:34 No.550360

    Actually over 90% of the British population is white. The rest is shared by Muslims, blacks and chinese. Our

    national anthem is still "God Save the Queen" (a song we dedicated to Freddy Mercury).


    It's true that we have a lot of CCTV cameras, but the vast majority of those are run by private businesses and

    individuals, who bought them to deter criminals from stealing their shit. The government isn't spying on us



    Hah, yeah, I've heard that before, back in the 60s and 70s when the Indians/Pakistanis started moving here.

    Did they take over the country? Nope.

    In summary, you're ignorant fags.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:36 No.550372
    Voting Lib Dem, hung parliament maybe? Cameron's a smug cunt and Labour is systematically destroying Britain.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:39 No.550385
    Same here.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:39 No.550386
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:39 No.550390

    One of the better posts on /new/ in awhile.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:43 No.550410
    The Lib Dems are going to become an actual party. Everyone hates Labour but can't bring themselves to vote for Tories especially while they've still got a smug Eton cunt in charge. That leaves The Lib Dems if you want your vote to actually matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:44 No.550416
    Britain is a shithole of a country anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:45 No.550426
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:46 No.550427
    Vote for anything but Labour.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:47 No.550439
    Stop being sensible!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:50 No.550453
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    Nobody was even making those claims until you posted that you insecure britfag.

    This thread is now about Banned in Britain.

    >Butter knives - banned in Britain
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:51 No.550461
    Haha, the tories just admitted they don't even know their own policies yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:52 No.550468
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    Freedom of speech: Banned in Britain
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:53 No.550473
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    Muslims - Tolerated in Britain
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:54 No.550477

    Only longer.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:54 No.550479
    Americans: Don't know shit about anything
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:55 No.550482
    Thats a pretty shitty comeback.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:56 No.550486
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    Childrens TOYS - Banned in Britain
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:57 No.550494

    I'm a third party.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:58 No.550499
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)10:58 No.550500
    Mature enough to die in unjust wars: 17
    Mature enough to drink alcohol: 21

    I'll enjoy my muslims and no guns thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:01 No.550513
    I was watching the ITV luncthime news earlier and it had Nick Clegg talking about stuff with Vince Cable next to him glaring at him. It was such a contrast, Tony Blair 2 making the speech with god-Cable on the right.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:02 No.550517
    That shit was going to start anyway, it's the same in every thread on every board where "Britain" is mentioned.

    My pre-emptive strike was worth it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:04 No.550530
    School massacres.
    Banned in Britain.

    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:04 No.550535
    Labour here
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:25 No.550631

    Would, but they are pretty much torn between the lulz and a serious political message (Like Private Eye) and the whole party has been fucked up since Screaming Lord Sutch died (Rest his crazy ass soul).

    I helped a friend run for a council seat with them in 2005 and it was a nightmare because they now vet candidates thoroughly before election since they had a problem with BNP infiltrators (Some bitch ran with them in 2000 and got a seat in some country council. Turned out she was BNP all along and was using the MRLP to get a seat cause no one would vote BNP in the area) and they constantly check you wont run off or aren't trying to use them as a platform for another party. They always had a problem with NF and far right Greens in the 80's but its just really sad that they have to constantly check nowadays.

    Its fun when you get going, people love it and you get out of your head drunk sometimes but it just becomes a hassle by the end just to keep a running joke going. If someone is running in your area, keep a tab on them because they might be fun to watch but I wouldn't vote for them anymore.

    Voting Lib Dem in main election and Greens as a protest in council elections. Lib Dems are Bland centrists, yes, but fuck I want Cable as my Chancellor.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:31 No.550656
    For once i agree with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:41 No.550695
    I think Lib Dems, but I'm not sure. My area has a excellent Labour MP and we're an incredibly contested seat (I think at the last election the majority was ~1% or something), so if I voted Lib Dem then the Tories would get in and their prospective candidate is a smarmy cunt, even by Conservative standards.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:47 No.550728

    The thing really is that for every useless and horrible Labour cunts like Margaret Hodge and Keith Vaz. They still have some good ones like Tom Watson and Jon Cruddas.

    If the MP has been doing a good job in your area and has solid policies despite the party in general being shit. Vote for them anyway because its better for your area. Don't vote for someone else if their party seems better but they seem personally a twat.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)11:48 No.550737
    I can't imagine anyone voting for Labour after they've turned Britain into a fascist police state.

    Not that the Torys will be much better, but at least they're a change.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)12:00 No.550785

    Yeah that's my dilema. My MP is David Drew (Stroud) and while he's an all-round excellent MP (isn't afraid to go against the party line if it's what's best for his constituents, claimed some of the lowest expenses in Parliament, etc.), I'm getting sick of the direction that Labour as a party is taking, and I don't want to see another 4 or 5 years of Labour rule. Ideally I'd see Lib Dems in charge, however far-fetched it sounds.

    But then I want a Tory government even less, and given how contested Stroud is, every vote really does count and voting for Lib Dems would make me instrumental in any Conservative success. And Neil Carmicael, prospective Conservative MP is such a twat.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)12:01 No.550793
    Has anyone had a political canvasser yet?
    I don't even know the names, let alone the policies of my local representatives. For this reason I've decided to vote for the first person to come knocking. Political canvassing is important. I want to know the person I'm voying for.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:26 No.552233

    Sucks man. But you really have to vote for what you think is best for your area first before considering the bigger picture countrywide. Labour does have good MP's buried beneath the shit the entire party has laid out and if you are lucky enough to have one, you should try keep them in.


    You will probably see them in the next week. Best way to do it is to have a list of questions beside your door that you want to ask if you want to talk to the canvaser. Also have a really tough "Stinger" question ready for each party and see what their reaction is.

    Its fun and you can really get the true intentions of a party if you mess around with them.
    >> flower girl !!cIwylogxJVQ 04/06/10(Tue)15:29 No.552250
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    vote for these guys britfags
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:34 No.552290
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:35 No.552304
    they were sounding good up until this point
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:36 No.552306

    Might be worth noting they aren't running any candidates.


    Nick Griffin is a big baby. Thanks for reminding us.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:38 No.552328
    I have no respect or trust for any of the parties, it's all shit.

    So I'll vote BNP just to be a faggot.
    >> Ω 04/06/10(Tue)15:39 No.552336

    Don't listen to Flower Girl. No one likes him. Libertarians are little children who want government to magically only do what it approves of, but still wants government on some vague undefined and differing from person to person level.

    Vote Green Party. These people know what's up on every issue. They'll create energy infrastructure. FUCK. The Greens are the only ones without completely regressive and draconian policies.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:56 No.552503

    Eh, they are a mixed bag. Most of their policy is solid and they have the best drugs and crime policy but economic policy wise, they are weak.

    I am considering them though, will depend if they stand in my area but Lib Dem seems first choice for me so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:57 No.552510
    labour or liberal, because I'm not a fag
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)15:57 No.552512
    I don't know, I haven't researched their manifestos yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:00 No.552530
    I'm with the niqabs on that one
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:02 No.552548
    Is there a party that will strip us of civilisation, and allow us to cultivate our own crops whilst walking around naked and making unintelligible sounds?
    >> Sage McSagington (Inquisitor, Ordo Fureticus) 04/06/10(Tue)16:22 No.552718
    Tories: SSDD. Cameron is like Blair 2.0-a shiny new inerface but does pretty much the same. I've had little time for the Tories most of my life, and this little fart is unlikely to change my mind.They have been just as bad as Labour in the exies scandal, are funded by a atx dodger and still carry the whiff of Eton, Oxford and shower room bummings. Odds on favourite even if they've scuffed thier lead a bit recently.
    Lib Dem's: The Duke of Wellington famously Barracked the Liberal government nominations in 1890 by yelling 'WHO? WHO?' everytime someone was announced for the cabinet. The same can be said of thier descendants. I can't tell one from the other and thier agenda seems so nannying and limp wristed I'm afraid to read it in case it starts crying. Also quit whining about Proportional Representation-it'll never happen as it leads to more hung parliments than a South American Revolution.
    >> Sage McSagington (Inquisitor, Ordo Fureticus) 04/06/10(Tue)16:23 No.552726
    Greens- Some nice ideas but most of thier policies don't gel much with real life. Also there REALLY is a limit to how much I can do. beond becoming Captain Planet.
    SNP-Alec Salmond and Hugo Chavez. Never see them together do you? Just saying...
    Honestly, I do not give a tinkers cuss if Scotland is independant of the evil English and thier money grubbing ways. TBH if we WERE independant we'd be recieving aid packages from Chile round about now. Then again some people are sure Glasgow has had it's own 8.8 quake. That's just Govan though.
    BNP-Oh fuck off. At least the actual, admitted Nazi's had fashion sense and sweet little cars.
    >> Sage McSagington (Inquisitor, Ordo Fureticus) 04/06/10(Tue)16:24 No.552730
    UKIP-Eh. On one hand-I agree we really should have more debate about the EU. On the other the fact they have formed a bloc in the EU Parliment with some seriously right wing bastards make me wonder-are they any better than the BNP? Or just better at keping schtum?
    Fuck 'em all.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:29 No.552783
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    I would probably vote Lib Dem, but where I live I'm worried about Labour getting in, so I'll be voting CONSERVATIVE
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)16:56 No.553004

    Farage is much better at hiding his crazy ass back benchers but his party has a more libertarian influence and he brings the crazy himself at times. Party is probably going to fracture some more post election when they cant decide a direction on where to go.

    Surprisingly good welfare policy though with a focus on not just getting people back to work but giving more kids a chance at university. Far less BOOTSTRAPS than the BNP anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:02 No.553038
    BNP, I don't want Britain getting any browner.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:04 No.553053
    Sinn Fein

    But even in Northern Ireland, there ain't one good party to vote for
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:05 No.553063

    Adding to that, as it gets worse it will be more difficult to solve as nonwhites will have a larger and larger voting block and will of course support policies that will import other nonwhites.

    If you don't want Britain turning shitcolored act now as in the future you won't be able to fix it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:07 No.553087

    Go back to your grave Enoch. No one cares.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:10 No.553111

    >no one cares

    BNP gains disagree with you.

    The amount of butthurt over BNP gains by liberals also disagree with you.
    >> XxXEmofagXxX !!rVVblTkroxX 04/06/10(Tue)17:10 No.553112
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    Its called UUP faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:11 No.553122
    Harvey Keitel is running for Prime Minister?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:13 No.553139
    NIfag here

    Why isn't there a left wing party that wants to remain in the UK?

    All the unionist partys are right wing cunts.
    >> XxXEmofagXxX !!rVVblTkroxX 04/06/10(Tue)17:14 No.553158
    Just vote UUP, DUP is pretty much a vote for Sinn Fein, and TUV are bigots.

    UUP is th best option.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:18 No.553181
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:19 No.553184

    They don't seem as bad as the other unionist parties, but they still support the war in Afghanistan + a bunch of other shit I don't agree with. Don't think I could bring myself to vote for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:20 No.553188

    Actually its called UCUNF (Ulster Conservatives and Unionists – New Force), ulster unionists realised their shit party ain't going anywhere so they sold out to the tories


    Why so big on the UUP?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:21 No.553198

    Since the start of this year 5 Councillors have left the BNP. And out of 11 local council elections across the UK this year the BNP has recived just 2,231 votes leading to a drop in voter share of over 50% in 3 years.

    What gains?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:21 No.553199
    Christopher Monckton!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:22 No.553203

    You could vote PUP, but their only power base is east Belfast

    And the Alliance Party are basically liberal unionists
    >> XxXEmofagXxX !!rVVblTkroxX 04/06/10(Tue)17:22 No.553213
    whats wrong with the war in Afghan?

    I am a true blue tory so now I can vote for them via the UUP
    >> XxXEmofagXxX !!rVVblTkroxX 04/06/10(Tue)17:25 No.553239
    I tend not to vote for the political wing of the UVF
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)17:26 No.553245

    Alliance sound the most likely tbh.


    War is bad. Unless it's self defense.
    >> XxXEmofagXxX !!rVVblTkroxX 04/06/10(Tue)17:27 No.553252
    I guess it comes down to how you view the events that led to it, but I support that.

    But the UUP are who I am throwing my lot in with
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)18:12 No.553521
    Lib Dem voter here.

    Shitting bricks about the Digital Economy Bill. At least the Lib Dems wanted a debate about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)18:19 No.553581

    One Labour guy is trying to stop it as well (Tom Watson) as it would be a waste of money since BT and TalkTalk have already said if it passes that they would not comply and would drag it to the European Court of Human Rights who by current charter would strike it down pretty quick along with a lot of other bullshit British laws like the "Loli made illegal in Britain" law that just came in.

    If it goes through, the next government is going to have a hell of a legal bill.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)18:23 No.553619
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    After living through the thatcher years I never want to see another tory government. Labour for me.

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