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  • File : 1270480189.jpg-(12 KB, 226x170, _47587185_000733052-1.jpg)
    12 KB Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:09 No.540212  
    So Britfags, the election battle has truly begun today.

    I know there's a lot of minority support on this board, but I want to know that if you HAD to vote for one of the 3 big parties, who would you vote for?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:10 No.540214
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:11 No.540216

    *leaves thread*
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:13 No.540221
    Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:14 No.540227
    I'm actually going to vote Lib Dems in my area to keep Labour out, but if I voted in a swing seat, I'd vote Conservative.

    They're the only party that don't want to raise taxes to pay for more money to give to people who are too lazy to find a job.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:14 No.540229
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:19 No.540250
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:20 No.540255
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    I'm voting for the BNP. But, if I truly had to vote for one of the main parties, I'd vote Conservative.
    >> Ω 04/05/10(Mon)11:21 No.540256

    How is a fascist party so popular in Britain? Do you guys really like your nanny state that much? Explain this BNP nazism to an American.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:23 No.540261
    I think what appeals so much about the BNP is that'd they'd effectively press a reset button on British multiculturalism. We'd probably experience population decline for the first time since records began since whites are having less children and all the ethnics would leave or be deported.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:23 No.540262
    Because the BNP isn't fascist or 'Nazi'.
    Reason it's popular:
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:24 No.540266
    They aren't. Racist trolls just post about them all the time on here. Most of them non-British trolls.

    I'm voting Labour because the only other option in my constituency is the Welsh Nats. Also the worst thing Labour could do in all the years they've been in office is lose to the Tories.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:25 No.540270
    lol Wales

    Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland get an incredibly disproportionate amount of money spent on them in comparison to their population, needs and economic output, and they're threatening to hold a hung Parliament to ransom for even more funding.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:26 No.540278
    >implying 5 more years of Labour would be better than, well, anything.

    Enjoy double-dip recession, a run on the pound and the Euro and Dollar overtaking the Pound.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:28 No.540290
    The general rule is once a party decides to leave 5 years instead of the standard 4 years between elections, they are admitting defeat.

    Gordon not calling an election last May was effectively him saying 'Well, we're being beaten in the polls so we're going to spend a year to try and force through as many of our unpopular policies as possible'.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:28 No.540293
    What would you do, then? Disenfranchise all of us? Good luck.

    If those things are going to happen, they'll happen whatever party is in charge.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:29 No.540300
    >What would you do, then? Disenfranchise all of us?

    Sorry, what?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:30 No.540306
    BNP are more Socialist than anything else.
    >> Ω 04/05/10(Mon)11:30 No.540310

    White nationalism seems like nazism to me. You want to get rid of all the minorities, yes? And then you can get rid of the muslims. And then the atheists and jews. You can set up some breeding programs to encourage the births of racially pure Christian anglosaxons. You can reconquer Ireland and exterminate its population, replacing it with these upstanding britons, and then show up in Malta and Cyprus and show them a thing or two about loyalty. You can rebuild your empire! Heil Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:31 No.540314
    They really aren't.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:32 No.540319
    Conservative, because I actually work for a living.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:33 No.540325
    You haven't got a clue about the BNP.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:33 No.540331
    What tipped you off?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:34 No.540333
    >He thinks investing is work
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:34 No.540335
    Don't get the wrong impression, the BNP are not popular in this country at all and will not do well in the elections.
    >> Ω 04/05/10(Mon)11:34 No.540336

    That's why I'm asking. Do you or do you not want to get rid of minorities? Because that's white nationalism. I'm not saying multiculturalism is good, but deporting all 'those dirty poles and muslims' is white nationalism. It is necessarily nazism. Please highlight the differences for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:35 No.540344
    Because their "supporters" are retarded chavs who don't know anything.
    Labour's policies still make a lot more sense than the Tories.

    The Tories basically want us to just forget the recession ever happened, putting us on a road towards the edge of a cliff wearing a blindfold.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:35 No.540345
    >deporting all 'those dirty poles and muslims' is white nationalism
    >dirty poles

    Nah, hating Poles is more characteristic of "Aryanism". White nationalists generally embrace Slavs, because well, they're white.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:35 No.540346
    The BNP’s policy is to:

    - Deport all the two million plus who are here illegally;

    - Deport all those who commit crimes and whose original nationality was not British;

    - Review all recent grants of residence or citizenship to ensure they are still appropriate;

    - Offer generous grants to those of foreign descent resident here who wish to leave permanently;

    - Stop all new immigration except for exceptional cases;

    - Reject all asylum seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:37 No.540356
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    >their "supporters" are retarded chavs who don't know anything
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:37 No.540358
    This is what they say now but the majority of BNP supporters are thugs and things will not end there if the party ever got any real power.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:40 No.540377
    How could you possibly know that?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:41 No.540384
    Lib Dem as Cable seems to be the only person with his head screwed on.

    BNP are fucked. They had an attempted leadership coup this weekend that they are trying to cover up along with the press being tipped off on Griffin and Brons going to the trough and not independently verifying their EUP expenses like the big 3 do.

    They are currently shitting it as they know the other parties and media have a ton of ammo against them that might split the party and ruin their chances at Barking council.

    Most BNP posters are trolls who have no clue that their party is full of fuck ups either. I suggest you go look at the entire "Nigger Churches" scandal or the opposition to an alcohol control zone on the Barking streets to show just how much of a shower of inept cunts they are.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:42 No.540398
    You will see.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:44 No.540406
    The 'leadership coup' was lead by the most unpopular figure in the BNP, his sacking is good news for party members across the country.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:44 No.540411
    I lol'd hard at the coup story.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:44 No.540413
    Not a very convincing reply.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:46 No.540428
    If he was so unpopular then why was he the head of publicity?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:46 No.540431
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    >but deporting all 'those dirty poles and muslims'
    >> Ω 04/05/10(Mon)11:46 No.540434

    Let's imagine that they get voted in (lol) in a grand sweeping mandate. The British people have spoken, and they want the minorities out. Your single issue party does a smashing job of routing all the dirty muzzies from the country. They get everything done. All the illegals have been found and deported. All minorities who get speeding tickets or disorderly conduct arrests get deported. Families are broken up, and thousands accept the grants to move to the Islamic Republic of France so they can be reunited. "Reviews" of recent citizenship approvals are found to me unanimously "inappropriate." There're still minorites and non christians! These are second generation fuckers, too, really entrenched.

    BNP is still in power. Wat do next? Just give up power quietly and congratulate themselves on a job well done, put their swastikas away, and let the second generation muzzies breed out of control so you're back where you are now in 25 years?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:47 No.540436
    >Labour's policies still make a lot more sense than the Tories.
    >The Tories basically want us to just forget the recession ever happened, putting us on a road towards the edge of a cliff wearing a blindfold.

    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:48 No.540445
    I don't suppose you'd take white refugees fleeing insane multicult governments?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:48 No.540446
    Because he was a good leaflet designer.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:49 No.540452
    >Reject all asylum seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain.
    >all asylum seekers
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:49 No.540453
    I agree.

    The only people who would benefit from voting Labour are people having their lifestyles subsidised by the state.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:52 No.540469

    You mean the host hated figure who was still a party leader before the coup despite Griffin denying the fact last year on TV? Sure. Fantastic news, particularly before an election who would have had his own clique who will turn against the party. Uh oh.

    The fact that the "coup" just happened to happen the week their expenses were brought into question just adds to the fun by the way.

    The BNP will be living in interesting times the next few weeks.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:53 No.540476
    >- Reject all asylum seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain.

    See, this should just be a matter of principle.

    The only FUCKING way an asylum seeker could get from Eritrea/Somalia/wherever to the UK without crossing through somewhere equally as safe is to take a fucking dinghy and travel either through the Suez Canal or around Cape of Good Hope then up the West side of Africa, into the Atlantic and then into the English Channel.

    I guarantee no asylum seeker has done this.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:32 No.540732
    You claimed that we in the non English countries were holding you to ransom for more money and so on, no?

    I asked if you would disenfranchise us if you could. That means taking away our right to vote, if that's what you were confused about.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:34 No.540749
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:35 No.540753
    conservative, but will vote bnp
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:37 No.540775
    ITT: I know nothing about the BNP apart from the fact that they dont want niggers here like I I will support them......HOW DARE YOU CALL THE BNP RACIST!!!!.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:37 No.540780
    You are shit stirring. It really wont have much impact.

    I'm rather glad the twat was sacked.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)12:47 No.540892

    I dunno, It seems its getting a rise out of you. I mean, no one liked him but he was head of party PR and shifting a PR guy before a general election seems a sign of major weakness. Paranoid much?

    I mean, you were the exact same when Alby Walker left. Best politician the BNP had, who walked while the rest of the party tried to keep him sweet to stop him running as an independent. As soon as he doesnt play ball. Libel him and call him crazy.

    Fucking hilarious party.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:05 No.541042
    Most preparations for the general election are completed. The sacking is just being hyped up by the haters because secretly they know they now have one less stick to beat the the party with.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:25 No.541215

    No, its because its showing the party is in turmoil Collett was let go because he was a high profile name while they quietly suspended other senior figures like Eddy Butler in the same week their expenses were tipped off to the media.

    The party is in turmoil and they are desperately trying to hide weakness that could expose them as inept. The "haters" still have plenty of sticks.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:31 No.541250
    Collett was unpopular, his suspension is good news for the majority of the party. Even though he has been suspended, he has stated that he will remain loyal to the party and will continue to help with local publicity material. He has no intnetion to disrupt the election.
    The expenses of the BNP MEPs is not news, it was in the media briefly over a week ago and has since blown over. It has nothing to do with the 'coup'.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:38 No.541318
    Eddy Butler is still in the BNP.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:40 No.541341

    Expenses are news when one party criticizes others for having their "Snouts in the trough" and yet will not submit to an independent audit of their own expenses (despite big 3 parties submitting their accounts voluntarily to an independent audit as a matter of transparency) . The public has a right to know if the public servants they elected are working for them and not misappropriating funds.

    Speaking of hypocrisy, you go to great pains to say Mr.Collett is so unpopular that everyone wants him out of the BNP yet accepts that he will do publicity work. Really? Shouldnt the BNP be trying to get someone who allegedly made threats on the life of others as far away from the party as possible?

    Still inept. Still worthless. Still BNP.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:42 No.541362
    I want to fucking marry you.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:44 No.541384
    The only reason anyone on /new/ wants to vote BNP is quite simply because they dont like 'insert minority group here' and think the BNP will get rid of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:49 No.541425
    I have no idea what the MEPs are doing with their expenses and wonder how it is that you know? The matter was barely touched upon by the media and so it would seem that things have been resolved.

    Collett has only been suspended now because his actions have only just come to light as a result of an internal investigation. His departure now is a slight set-back, but in the long-run it is very good news for the party as a whole.

    You are trying to make this issue bigger than it really is.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:50 No.541434
    This is true.

    BNP supporters are only ever concerned with immigration.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:56 No.541479
    Dear America/uneducated Britons,

    BNP are far-right-wing nutjob thugs in suits. Voting them proves your status at the lower end of the genepool.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)14:03 No.541538

    I do know because they put them up online for us to view as we wish.

    Lib dems publish them on individual party members websites with details of the agency which independently audits the accounts. An example here

    It is a big issue as the country pays our EUP members salaries and we have the right to know if our members are using them correctly. It is a big issue as was shown with the MP expenses scandal last year and to simply excuse it because "its just Europe" is severe cognitive dissonance.

    On your other point. Suddenly Mr. Collett is now suspended and doesnt have anything to do with the party. He's gone or he is still working for the BNP. Make your mind up.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)14:11 No.541607
    Collett has been suspended. He made a statement saying that he would remain loyal to the party and would not disrupt the election campaign.
    Eddy Butler has not been suspended and will manage the election campaign in Barking.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)14:22 No.541718
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    Wait, so the BNP will let someone who has been allegedly been making death threats against other party officials still participate in their campaign and remain a member of their party?

    Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)15:20 No.542146
    Collett is suspended....
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)15:23 No.542157
    Hurr if someone supports something, that clearly means the thing they support SUPPORTS THEM HURR
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)15:23 No.542162
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    > allegedly

    Yes fucktard, allegedly not guilty yet. Otherwise anyone could be thrown out by false accussations. Try harder UK I thought you were at least pretending to be educated.

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