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  • File : 1270475983.jpg-(144 KB, 375x375, e-waste.jpg)
    144 KB Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)09:59 No.539910  
    The dumping of electronical products is one of the greatest environmental hazards of the world of today.

    What does /new/ think of this?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:01 No.539912
    What's even worse is that they're being taken apart in third-world countries where they could be recycled in the home country where the products are sold at a lower cost.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:03 No.539921
    The main victims of the e-waste is poor countries located in Africa and also the country of China.

    About 70-80% of the dumped e-waste is recycable but only about 25% of all e-waste is actually recycled.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:05 No.539924
    Recycle the usable parts and blast the junk into space.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:06 No.539929
    Once robots are self-aware and can build themselves, this is where they will find the resources to build an army to wipe us out. I kid you not.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:09 No.539943
    the e-waste is only the end of the story
    the start of the story are the conflict mines often worked by slave labour in the civil war ravaged Congo supplying the Coltan/Tantalum, Cassiterie, and Wolframite required for the sensitive electronics
    They suffer so your Blackberry may vibrate.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:10 No.539948
    But I like my BlackBerry, so fuck the Congo.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:12 No.539956
    I should explain: the sale of these resources funds the militias and national army, ensuring they can keep fighting for decades more to come
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:13 No.539958
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:14 No.539963

    Interesting facts and figures about E-waste.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:14 No.539966

    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:22 No.540002
    So, have you lost your interest in this topic?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:23 No.540008
    Oh god. That is horrible. But what can we do? The politicians know about it and do not have the political will to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:24 No.540014
    It's actually more about the capitalistic assholes which are the companies that needs to do something about it all.
    Countries are no longer run by governments, they are run by companies.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:26 No.540021
    Start organizing pressure for the manufacturers to look for alternative sources or attempt to recycle from junked products?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:30 No.540039
    Since Apples customers are all hipster doofus trendy lifestyle choice fair-trade coffee drinking carbon offset purchasing arseholes, how might they feel if while in queue to buy the new iPad a bunch of Congolese expats show up to protest and re-enact the conditions in the mines?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:38 No.540080
    So, how can we solve this huge problem?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:43 No.540108
    start calling every apple owner hitler for supporting the genocide.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:47 No.540125
    as i understand it some 3rd world nations are happy to have our e-waste. they re-refine it and put it back on the market.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:49 No.540130
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)10:50 No.540134
    Engineered obsolescence, bro. More people need to take electronics courses and become hobbyists.
    >> Ω 04/05/10(Mon)10:53 No.540148

    It's not really a priority. We have so much bigger problems to worry about. With all the alarmism over all the bullshit. We could recycle the copper, steel, and aluminum, but the rest of it doesn't matter. Even if heavy metals are seeping into the water supply, it doesn't matter. We're going to wreck the environment regardless. Alaska will get drilled. Rainforests will be paved. Human nature cannot be stopped. But none of that matters. Who cares about some fish growing extra eyes and going extinct? Nothing we can do to this world will last. We could kill ourselves in a nuclear apocalypse, and life would go on. It's ourselves we have to worry about.

    So electonics waste is not even close to the greatest threats facing Humanity. Our own system of economics is.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:03 No.540187
    >as i understand it some 3rd world nations are happy to have our e-waste. they re-refine it and put it back on the market.
    Chinese pesants hold the circuit boards over a fire melting the solder (and inhaling it, remember that shits toxic) shaking the components off for collection
    I think we can come up with a slightly less degrading means of recycling
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:08 No.540205
    Why not start here? Why can't we do it right now?
    That I have to agree with you, corporations control governments via influence and campaign contributions. So voting for mainstream politicians would not next to nothing.
    Why not make the products last, just replace the parts that do not work anymore?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:09 No.540211
    Not my problem. If china wants to turn it in to a real business then they can develop the infrastructure. I'm sure there'd be money in it since they make all of our electronics anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:10 No.540215
    Because selling one doodad requires a larger catalog (and more overhead) than selling the thingamagigs and knowing that they will break.

    See also: radioshack
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:14 No.540228
         File1270480481.png-(16 KB, 300x309, RAAAGE.png)
    16 KB
    I think the continuation of irresponsible manufacturing of all this shit is fucking unacceptable.

    Nobody's gonna do anything about it tho.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:15 No.540235
    I think the built in non-replaceable battery ought to make that self evident, or if not then everyone screaming it at Apple and those that have copied them
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:17 No.540243
         File1270480622.jpg-(43 KB, 650x352, DDT.jpg)
    Plastic and more toxic shit is our generation's asbestos and PCB.

    We're gonna pay shittons of money for cleanups in the future, because we're fucking corrupt and retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:30 No.540305
    Read in a National Geographic that people and kids in Africa and India's coast rummage through all that junk to find recyclable metal, get maybe $5 a day for it
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:31 No.540315
    Well, companies need to make money. Why waste a profit on trying to clean up a products waste?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:33 No.540326
    in business school you're taught thats an 'externality'
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)11:40 No.540380
    Only hazardous to the stupid niggers who burn the waste looking for jewgold

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