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  • File : 1270474723.jpg-(22 KB, 350x369, 0268.jpg)
    22 KB Kevin Rudd faces struggle in key states Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)09:38 No.539853  
    >A FALL in Labor support in NSW and electoral volatility in Queensland during the first three months of Tony Abbott's Liberal leadership have ensured the home states of the Opposition Leader and Kevin Rudd will be vital battlegrounds in the coming election.

    Since his election as leader in December, Mr Abbott has picked up support in every mainland state and every age group at a cost to Labor, leaving the Rudd government with a clear primary vote lead only in South Australia and Victoria.

    Three months ago, under the leadership of Malcolm Turnbull, the Coalition trailed well behind Labor in every mainland state, except Western Australia, where the two sides were level.

    Mr Abbott's support has been significantly boosted among voters aged over 50, those in regional areas and in SA and WA. Labor support has dropped in Queensland, NSW and Victoria and among older voters.

    More at:
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)09:41 No.539860
    All that matters is how long it will be until we have a green or sex party PM.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)09:46 No.539873
    It will probably be decades.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)09:47 No.539875
    NSW state government should stop expanding Sydneys suburbs, stop building tollways, build a damn commuter railway to the blighted Western Suburbs, and bring back trams (well they'll be lightrail vehicles but whatever) to Sydneys metropolitan.
    It was great how Abbotts ratings immediately dropped following that moronic Iron Man stunt.
    Well as people become more disillusioned with Labor, who do they turn to...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)09:55 No.539895
    Save country from recession

    Lose election
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)09:58 No.539905
         File1270475898.jpg-(27 KB, 180x235, tony-abbott.jpg)
    27 KB

    Try to censor the internet

    Get beaten by an ex-priest-in-training
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)09:59 No.539909
    Unions need to team up with the Greens, Labor is just the Less Extreme Faction of the Business Party today.

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