>> |
04/05/10(Mon)09:51 No.539885  >>539870
There are
three types of orgasms a woman can have: clitoral, vaginal, and
cervical. Although the names seem self-explanatory enough, I will
elaborate. The clitoris is an extremely sensitive spot. Most likely,
when you speak of "the rubbing of the vaginal area" this is the type of
orgasm you're talking about. This orgasm requires no penetration
whatsoever, and is the most common of female orgasms.
The second
to mention is the vaginal orgasm. This is accomplished by stimulation to
the inner walls of the vagina. To attain this easily, simply insert two
fingers into the vagina, while your palm is facing the same direction
that the girl's face is, then curl your fingers toward your palm. This
motion, performed rapidly, will elicit a stronger, more intense orgasm
than the vaginal orgasm. The place where your fingers should be
toughing, one to two inches deep and at the front of the vaginal cana,
is commonly called the "g-spot".
Lastly, the cervical orgasm, is
given by direct stimulus to the cervical area. This is bty far the most
intense and rarely experienced orgasm, and causes the cervix to pulse,
opening to a wider degree than normal so as to allow for easier
fertilization. It is difficult to achieve because it requires precision,
as someone pushing too hard on the cervix can easily be painful, but no
pressure at all will elicit no response.
That educational enough
for you? |