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    File : 1270246714.png-(47 KB, 720x393, 720px-us-census-2010logosvg.jpg.png)
    47 KB Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:18 No.520764  
    So how many questions and pages is the US census anyway? I was watching Fox News yesterday and they were claiming that it's 20 pages with questions asking you how many toilets you have, what time you get up, go to bed, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:19 No.520772
    >Fox News
    >> deleted !RMbnClAiRE 04/02/10(Fri)18:20 No.520776
    Posting in a troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:20 No.520777

    >> Novemberg 04/02/10(Fri)18:22 No.520787
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:22 No.520789

    It is true that Fox News said those things about the census. Judge Napolitano (shitty Glenn Beck replacement for the week) and his guests couldn't shut up about the 20 pages of invasive questions like listed in OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:24 No.520802
    mine was 2. it basically asked for names, birthdate, race, relation to other people, genders,
    >> census 04/02/10(Fri)18:25 No.520807
    census bureau employee here, ask me anything. (within reason)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:26 No.520813
    <5 min.

    Unless your fucking stupid in which case more than 10 min.

    Unless your a fox news republican in which case you microwaved it to get out the government tracking chips and then got your pastor over to pray at it lest it turn your household into a muslim spanish nigger gay communist paradise.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:26 No.520817
    >Judge Napolitano

    Oh no you didn't motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:26 No.520818
    Census asks:

    Your name, your racial ethnicity, whether you rent/own/etc, how much you make, how many people are with you, their ages and demographics. Maybe a couple more I'm forgetting.

    It really didn't take longer than maybe 5 minutes. It LOOKS like a lot at first, but there are like up to 16 sections for adding the information for additional people living with you. (I pity anyone with that many people all living in the same residence)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:27 No.520821
    the ads say 10 q's in 10 min.

    so take your time and let that sink in before you ever watch Fox again
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:29 No.520837

    1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2010?
    2. Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?
    3. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home: owned with mortgage, owned without mortgage, rented, occupied without rent?
    4. What is your telephone number?
    5. Please provide information for each person living here. Start with a person here who owns or rents this house, apartment, or mobile home. If the owner or renter lives somewhere else, start with any adult living here. This will be Person 1. What is Person 1's name?
    6. What is Person 1's sex?
    7. What is Person 1's age and Date of Birth?
    8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?
    9. What is Person 1's race?
    10. Does Person 1 sometimes live or stay somewhere else?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:29 No.520839
    >> census 04/02/10(Fri)18:29 No.520844
    you have to answer over 9000 questions or else they take your first born.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:31 No.520854
    >8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?
    >9. What is Person 1's race?

    Fuck these two.

    Especially number 8. Fuckin spics getting special treatment..
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:32 No.520861
    u mad? just check the box unless your asian there is no way for them to tell. free monies man feels good.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:33 No.520876
    I love how blatently racist the Federal government can be some times.
    >> census 04/02/10(Fri)18:35 No.520889
    sooo no one then?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:36 No.520901
    thats funny because Olbermann filled one out on the air
    >> question! Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:36 No.520903
    do you guys use modern shit like google earth or is it all paper and old IBM faggotry?
    >> census 04/02/10(Fri)18:37 No.520907
    paper maps.
    >> Question Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:39 No.520924

    >missile aimed at house if form not filled out

    how much does this propaganda hurt your job?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:39 No.520927
    : |


    Do you guys do shit in between the actual census or is it just 9 years of analyzing?

    When does that report go in to remake the congressional seats?
    >> census 04/02/10(Fri)18:43 No.520948
    I wouldn't be able to tell you that I'm a low level grunt doing the actual enumeration lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:45 No.520969
    My family didn't even get the census. What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:47 No.520982
    I got a friend who's a programmer at the census. He won't go into any detail about what he does other than he writes apps for all the data they collect and shove into databases. So I imagine that they do indeed do a lot of analyzing.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:34 No.521494
    >>520837 has is down.
    As a single dude living alone in a small house, I ony had to fill out the first page of the form. It took less than two full minutes. The rest of the smallish fold-out form is a repeat of all questions for up to seven co-inhabitants at your address.
    Interesting that Fox, filled with loud conservatives who keep bleating about the Constitution, is so adverse to a once-a-decade civic obligation mandated by the Constitution.
    Does FNC have *any* credibility outside of Sarah Palin's America, anymore?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:37 No.521526
    It's 10 questions, and there's no long form this time around, unlike in previous censuses.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:37 No.521528
    I refused to do my census. We can't trust the census with our information, especially with liberals in charge of the government, they will only use the opportunity to raise taxes on all of us while giving it to the minorities who overreport on their family sizes.
    America should hold off on its census until a republican is in charge.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:39 No.521543
    I didn't get a census form yet either.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:43 No.521566
    Anyone have a clue why they want so much detail about Hispanic ancestry but not anything else?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:46 No.521586
    When can I expect the death squads to arrive?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:46 No.521587
    so they know who to deport
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:48 No.521601
    What does that have to do with knowing if they're Cuban or Mexican or Dominican or what have you? Isn't checking Hispanic all they need to know?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:49 No.521604
    shut up guys, foxnews is doing us a favor, the less conservatives that fill out the census the better for everyone
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:53 No.521620
    I don't get it either, since the hispanic question is supposedly in there just to make sure there's enough Spanish language forms and speakers for compliance in local federal government offices. Why get so specific about it?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:54 No.521625
    I lol hard every time I hear some retarded conservative claiming that the census is unconstitutional. Yeah, except for being spelled out in Article motherfucking One.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:55 No.521638
    I read my Census. That's bullshit. It's only like four pages and it asks your age birthday and school history, how many people live in your house/have a job, race, and so on.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:02 No.521687
         File1270252959.jpg-(34 KB, 350x294, Angry Chinese woman.jpg)
    34 KB
    >watching fox news
    >believing what they say about something without looking for a reliable source
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:03 No.521694
    It didn't ask anything about school history.
    >>520837 has everything the form has.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:05 No.521706
    How do I get my fair share of government funds?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:09 No.521734

    To pander to future voters.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:40 No.521971
    People are actually saying that? LINK.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:42 No.521986
    there are different length forms, but nothing to freak out over
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:43 No.521993
    I think it asked for name, age, race, sex, and relation to others in the household. Income, too, probably. It only took like three minutes to fill it out.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)21:50 No.522498
    Did I fuck up? My Census only asked me for: Ethnicity, people residing in my house, a race question, and that's it... Isn't that huge letter all that we're suppose to fill out?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)21:58 No.522545

    This explains a lot. Lets compare. I live in a house (not renting). Are house owners getting the smaller forms?

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