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    File : 1270214839.jpg-(18 KB, 380x235, 1269321463208.jpg)
    18 KB Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:27 No.517533  
    So, the US economy added 1692 thousand jobs in March.

    You mad, Republicans and Libertarians, that Keynesian economics saved the world from the great depression 2? When are you going to admit that the policies of the Obama administration on the economy have been right?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:28 No.517538

    liberal propaganda
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:28 No.517539
    woops, 162,000 jobs, not 1692
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:30 No.517545
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    Yep, lets see them try to work out this one.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:31 No.517550
    This is due to the Bush Tax Cuts causing reinvestment in our economy. Typical nigger Obama is taking the credit for the Republicans getting us out of the recession.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:34 No.517557
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:34 No.517559
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    Poe's law?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:35 No.517567
    inb4 government manipulating data
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:36 No.517569
    unsurprisingly for Fox, while it is in their business section, the jobs figures are nowhere to be found on the front page.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:37 No.517573
    And Jon Stewart pointed out last night the 700,000 of them were newly hired census takers so in reality there's no new jobs.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:37 No.517575

    >that Keynesian economics saved the world from the great depression 2?

    You mean, the same Keynesian economics that CAUSED the recession in the first place?

    First, see Harding & the 1921 crash.

    Second, the part of Keynesian economics about government spending or releasing new money i'm partially fine with, even though history has shown that government isn't needed to solve crisis's ( 1921) AND that government can screw up BIGTIME when trying to fix crisis's ( 1929). The part of Keynesian economics that annoys me to no end is when the government stimulates the economy by artificially altering interest rates or misallocating capital from here to there. THIS policy of Keynesianism has been shown again and again to only create a bubble of economic growth that gets unsustainable, pops, and crashes the whole economy. The recent crisis was caused by the FED artificially lowering interest rates artificially. The bad thing is that politicians LOVE Keynes just for that part, since they can cause a small economic boom by altering interest rates, get re-elected, and when the bubble pops either blame the other party for it or blame the market.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:39 No.517579

    >about government spending or releasing new money DURING A CRISIS

    Forgot to add that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:39 No.517580
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    Austrian economics expert detected.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:42 No.517585
    This. Census jobs will be gone soon enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:42 No.517587
    At this rate, it will take 5 years for the US job numbers to return to pre-recession level
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:42 No.517588

    Even though 48,000 are census workers, that is still a gain. No one is pretending that this will be easy, but things are getting better.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:43 No.517592
    You know what's great about Keynesian economic policies (which haven't been used properly in the US ever)?

    They always work.

    Really, they do. All you have to do is dump some money on the economy with payoffs to this group or that company and wait. Then any growth can be tenuously linked to that infinitesimally small expenditure (in economy terms, not in government deficit terms).
    >> Travelerr !!q3hIHONvtdA 04/02/10(Fri)09:43 No.517593

    The economy gained 160k jobs, of which about 50k are census jobs.

    It's still pretty good news.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:44 No.517595
    except that's he's right about the interests rates being too damn low for too damn long.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:44 No.517596
    > implying Jon Stewart doesn't exaggerate all sorts of things for comedic effect.

    And conservatives accuse liberals of trying to get serious information from the daily show.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:44 No.517597
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    Yes, 48 thousand where census workers, less than was expected, which meant the figures fell short of the 190k forecast.

    but even minus the census figures, it's still a 114k increase in private sector jobs, the largest increase in 3 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:46 No.517604
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:48 No.517612
    >I have nothing intelligent to respond with, so here's a image macro.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:51 No.517627

    >>I am butthurt because my economic philosophy is pure fantasy
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:53 No.517636
    The austrian school might have some good points if it's practitioners actually talked about what it is instead of blindly hating and bashing Keynesian economic theory.

    Keynes > Austrian for this reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:54 No.517638
    does this count illegals?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:54 No.517643

    Never read anything about Ayn Rand and don't give a fuck about her "Objectivist" crap or her rape-fantasies, sorry bud.
    And i don't think private business should have "no restrictions" either. Free Market = Limited government control, NOT zero government control. Learn the difference.


    Are you insane? The last few decades are a monument to Keynesian economics policies of manipulation of interest rates + government allocation of capital being a gigantic failure.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:55 No.517646
    >You mean, the same Keynesian economics that CAUSED the recession in the first place?

    I'm pretty sure that deregulation of the market caused the recession. Also, the 1920s had nothing to do with regulation. People were buying stocks on credit; and in 1929, Hoover decided to let the free market fix the crash, causing things to get worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:55 No.517649
    How the fuck would it count illegals bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:56 No.517655
    Establishment Survey:Nonfarm payroll employment increased by 162,000 in March, and the unemployment rate held at 9.7 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

    Temporary help services and health care continued to add jobs over the month.Employment in federal government also rose, reflecting the hiring of temporary workers for Census 2010. Employment continued to decline in financial activities and in information.

    Household Survey
    In March, the number of unemployed persons was little changed at 15.0 million,
    and the unemployment rate remained at 9.7 percent. (See table A-1.)

    Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (10.0 per-
    cent), adult women (8.0 percent), teenagers (26.1 percent), whites (8.8 per-
    cent), blacks (16.5 percent), and Hispanics (12.6 percent) showed little or no
    change in March. The jobless rate for Asians was 7.5 percent, not seasonally
    adjusted. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

    The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks and over) in-
    creased by 414,000 over the month to 6.5 million. In March, 44.1 percent of
    unemployed persons were jobless for 27 weeks or more. (See table A-12.)

    And by the way, that 44% unemployed for 27 weeks or more is the highest since records were kept on duration of unemployment. In the 1982 recession, with unemployment rates as high, only 25% hit that category.

    The government added 40,000 jobs net last month, hiring for the Census. They will end up hiring 100,000 but that won't move the unemployment numbers.

    At this rate, it will take 3 years to get to 6% unemployment if nobody enters the labor force. With 100,000 new entrants a month, it would take 8 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:56 No.517656

    Yes only to lay the groundwork for great depression 3, which will be even worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:56 No.517657
    Then, according to that logic, none of the economy is Obama's fault. Which is it going to be? Or are you comfortable sitting in a backwards reality void of all facts inconvenient to your agenda? I think the answer is quite clear.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:56 No.517660

    i dont think so, but i'm not 100% on that
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:57 No.517662
    The funniest thing is Keynes' general theory of economics was published in 1936, however he is somehow responsible for the crash that happened in the 1920's. Which is just another case of intellectual dishonesty from the Austrian school of lairs.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:57 No.517663
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:59 No.517671
    It wasn't just 3 decades of deregulation, it was the regulators being asleep at the wheel. Also regulation vs competition, etc. Furthermore, artificially low interest rates, and thusly artificially inflated housing costs.

    If you look at the most very basic factors, the housing bubble was exactly like the lead up to the great depression- Using credit to buy something that didn't have the value you expected it to gain in the short term.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:59 No.517674

    >The austrian school might have some good points if it's practitioners actually talked about what it is instead of blindly hating and bashing Keynesian economic theory.

    You know, in >>517575 i actually said that the government-trying-to-fix-crisis part of Keynesian economics works ( as long as done right) and only bashed the lowering-interest-rates-and-artificially-stimulating-the-economy part.

    ... And i admit i don't know much about the Austrian theory., which is why i don't claim to support the Austrians, just not-support the Keynesians.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:59 No.517678

    Why do they call it the austrian school?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:02 No.517695
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:04 No.517698
    lost tons of jobs paying decent money
    new jobs all pay min wage
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:04 No.517700

    >and in 1929, Hoover decided to let the free market fix the crash

    Are you insane? Hoover was highly critical of Laissez-Faire thinking, he put wage floors, massive tariffs on imported goods, debt spent like mad & raised taxes, and he centralized the economy so much that FDR's running mate accused him of being a Socialist.

    The one that DID let the free market fix the crisis was Harding in 1921, and it worked fine.

    Also, the recent crisis, deregulation? ROFL.

    We had the FED altering interest rates, laws forcing some banks to give loans regardless of how risky or the persons credit card history, Freddie and Fannie, government-foundations, owned 1/2 of the mortgage market and 2/3rds of all new mortgages at one point, government-funded fractional reserve banking that sends false signals into the economy, government-monopoly over fiat money ( too sending false signals), banks had a false sense of security because of Corporate welfare policies, and the crisis was caused by "deregulation", yeah right.
    Central bank irreleavant, greed did it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:05 No.517706

    Lrn2read faggot.

    I didn't say Keynes caused the crash on 1921 retard, i'm just pointing out that Harding took a "hands off" approach to the 1921 crash ( which was bigger than the initial 1929 crash BTW), and the economy recovered in less than a year.
    Please, point out WHERE did i say the 1920 crash was caused by Keynesian economics in anyway?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:10 No.517734
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    You know, this is all just baseless speculation, but i'd be willing to bet that if the stimulus had not been passed, if a "hands off" approach had been taken, job losses would probably still be accelerating, rather than actually having the economy gain jobs.

    This is a very good result for the US economy, nobody can spin it otherwise.

    Pic related. Y axis, global industrial output.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:11 No.517738
    >billions of dollars spent
    >less than 2000 jobs created in one month
    >this this is really that big of an improvement

    oh liberals
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:12 No.517743
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    daily dose
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:12 No.517744

    >>less than 2000 jobs

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:13 No.517751

    But the economy is not fixed, all they did was throw money at it, eventually that money will be spent, deteriorated due to inflation and moved outside the country by means of trade deficit, and our fundamental flaws will still be present.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:14 No.517752

    Needs updating, it;s even better now.

    Inb4 Republicans claim that 162,000 jobs is a bad result
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:15 No.517758
    Induring liberals ignore the census workers and the "projections" that there would be 300k new jobs.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:15 No.517759

    Financial regulation overhaul in the pipeline
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:17 No.517769

    48 thousand census worker

    162k minus 48k still equals 114k jobs growth in the private sector.

    300k is a forecas made by some, the general consensus was around 190-200k, and the smaller than expected census job figures account for this. You're an idiot if you think that this is not a good result
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:17 No.517773
    I guess my post had too many numbers and facts for anyone to parse it for troll fodder.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:19 No.517779

    First, >>517751

    Second, see >>517575

    Even as a Libertarian i am OK if the government releases a stimulus or tries to fix the economy in a time of need AS LONG AS IT WORKS ( and history has shown it rarely works when they get involved...), the part of Keynesian economics that annoys me is the Artificially-Lowering interest rates & government stimulating the economy and spending not in times of need in general ( which were what CAUSED the recent crisis. You know, Keynes's ideas were not supposed to be for general use, they were to be used during times of crisis).
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:19 No.517782
    So you made between just over 1/2 to just under 1/3 of your goal. That's not a win. Is a gain of 100,000 jobs better than a loss of even 1? Yes. But,
    >>517655 At this rate, it will take 3 years to get to 6% unemployment if nobody enters the labor force. With 100,000 new entrants a month, it would take 8 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:22 No.517794

    If you spend $800 BILLION DOLLARS, of course jobs are going to be created but it is government created jobs and government substained - meaning as soon as those govt dollars are spent, those jobs go away.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:23 No.517801
    The conservative butthurt itt is astonishing.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:25 No.517807
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:26 No.517815
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    My face when everyone concentrates on job growth when the percentage of unemployed hasn't changed.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:28 No.517824
    Well maybe you white trash losers shoudl stop pumping out kids and go find a fucking job.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:29 No.517828
    >So, the US economy added 162,000 jobs in March.

    But which types of jobs they added? Ones replacing the ones they lost? Service jobs? Manufacturing jobs? We will not see a reduction in the unemployment rate until we have more jobs than we we lost.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:29 No.517830

    way to contribute.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:29 No.517833
    >massive tariffs on imported goods


    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:30 No.517835

    The percentage of employment hasn't changed because unemployment figures only ever count the unemployed who are actively seeking work. Counting the unemployed also not actively seeking work takes the rate up to something like 16%

    That the economy had a net gain of jobs AND rate remained steady means that more people have started actively searching for jobs again, so this is actually a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:31 No.517838
    How is that possible?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:31 No.517845

    pray tell how do you determine who is actively looking for jobs? You ask every single jobless person?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:34 No.517855
    ITT: People who believe a single US president over a period of 1 - 8 years can have a huge effect on long term economics
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:35 No.517863

    No, I don't personally do that, but the Bureau of Labor Stastics has methods of working it out, I don't know what they are, and no they don't ask every single american if they are employed or not, they take a sample and work it out from there, much like opinion polling. They aren't 100% reliable, and often get revised up or down, but they are often around the right mark and it's the trend they show over long periods that is the important thing
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:36 No.517865
    Household surveys. Go to college, they explain this in full and even emphasis that it isn't the most accurate method.

    Uneducated Americans trying to tell people how the economy works and you wonder why we had this recession.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:37 No.517867
    We're not talking long term economics. We're talking about month to month employment.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:37 No.517868
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    >The percentage of employment hasn't changed because unemployment figures only ever count the unemployed who are actively seeking work.

    The unemployment rate rose :

    'Still, more Americans said they were working part-time even though they preferred full-time work. When they and discouraged workers who have given up searching for jobs are included, the "underemployment" rate ticked up to 16.9 percent from 16.8 percent.'

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