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    File : 1264806849.jpg-(7 KB, 226x170, _47205138_roeder_ap.jpg)
    7 KB US man found guilty of abortion doctor murder Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 01/29/10(Fri)18:14 No.48820

    >Scott Roeder had pleaded not guilty to murder, arguing that he committed manslaughter to prevent a greater harm.

    >He shot George Tiller, one of few late-term abortion providers in Kansas, at his church in Wichita on 31 May, 2009.

    >Roeder, 51, faces life in jail with the possibility of parole after 25 years. He is due to be sentenced on 9 March.

    >The jurors took only 37 minutes to find him guilty of first-degree murder.

    >He was also convicted of aggravated assault for pointing a gun at two church ushers after shooting Dr Tiller.

    The short deliberation time reminds me that our justice system does, in fact, work.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:17 No.48852
    Short deliberation time just meant there wasn't an obsessed right to lifer above everything else on the panel.

    Dude shot someone in a church. Dude's going to jail. He's lucky he's not getting the Chair.

    Side note: There's a small competition in the corrections system of status bestowed on the first inmate who can get Mr. Rhoder "pregnant".
    >> xbawks hueg eyes 01/29/10(Fri)18:19 No.48875
    God this makes me really sad.
    I heard about this story in the UK.
    That man didn't deserve to die, he was performing a public sercvice free of charge.

    He deserved a madel IMO :L
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:20 No.48879
    I don't agree with abortion and I hate Tiller but what Roeder did was wrong. He murdered a man.

    He'll face the consequences for his crimes.
    >> Foster McTeague !!kqongSQRN9r 01/29/10(Fri)18:20 No.48883
    Personally, I am beginning to form the opinion that abortion clinic bombers and doctor slayers should be tried as terrorists.

    From wikipedia, "Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians)."
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 01/29/10(Fri)18:20 No.48885
    Considering that more Americans are pro-life than pro-choice, it would be quite the statistical anomaly not to have anyone who observed the right to life on the jury.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:23 No.48906
    Goddamn, even pro-life crazies hate this man. To be fair, there's really no better way to get everyone off your side like SHOOTING YOUR OPPONENT IN A FUCKING CHURCH.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:23 No.48908

    There were definitely pro life people. Just not people extreme enough to favor shooting up the Doctors.

    And what the fuck does "Get him pregnant" mean? He's a dude???
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:25 No.48921
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    >baby murder
    >promoting teenage irresponsibility
    >deserving of a medal
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 01/29/10(Fri)18:25 No.48924
    We'll tell you when you're older.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:25 No.48931
    The aggravated assault charges were pretty stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:26 No.48938
    If those late term abortions were in the third trimester, then only a fraction of pro-choicers can condemn this person.
    Almost no one will argue that a third trimester fetus is a person.

    This man saved many future lives.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:30 No.48974
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    >human life begins at some arbitrary point, rather than conception
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:31 No.48980
    Until the fetus is born it is just a parasite. Like a tape worm.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:31 No.48988
    The topic is late term.
    You think that a third trimester baby could not survive out of the womb?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:31 No.48991
    Everyone can condemn this person because, politics aside, he murdered someone.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:32 No.48995

    That's a screwed up way of looking at life.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:32 No.48997

    You are correct but what someone is going to argue is that the fetus can live outside the womb at this age.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:33 No.49005
    It can't survive out of the womb on it's own. Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:33 No.49008
    But it's true. All a baby does is leech off of a woman for nine months.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:33 No.49009
    He looks alot like joe biden.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:33 No.49010
    >late-term abortion providers

    Parasites are organisms leeching off organisms of other species.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:35 No.49022
    But it's true. All a baby does is leech off of a woman for nine months.

    All a basement dwelling neckbeard does is leech off of a mother for the rest of her life.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:36 No.49035
    Can a 1 month old toddler survive on it's own?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:39 No.49058
    I don't mean on it's own as in without the help from it's parent, I mean on it's own as in without being held in some kind of hospital with tons of medical shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:40 No.49061
    like an incubator
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:43 No.49084
    They should tack on extra years to his sentence just for his arrogance in claiming it wasn't murder.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:44 No.49093
    Is refusal of critical medical help abhorent to you?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:45 No.49102

    So your an eugencs man i see.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:47 No.49109
    If killing to save lives isn't murder, then he is right.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:50 No.49129
    By that logic, I could claim that shooting up an inner-city school isn't murder, because they might become criminals.

    Claiming "saving lives" is justifiable when you're doing it to defend others (like shooting an armed robber). Seeking out somebody and just killing him in cold blood is murder.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:53 No.49156
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    >And what the fuck does "Get him pregnant" mean? He's a dude???

    It mean's he's got a date... with the HEALTH INSPECTOR.

    Doesn't Stormfront advocate that very thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:54 No.49159
    >might become criminals
    There is a low probability he will hit a future murdurer.

    >late-term abortion providers in Kansas
    A person known for his late-term abortion practices is highly likely to abort a fetus that has a high probability of survival, inside the womb or not.
    Killing that person gives a very high probability of saving lives.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:56 No.49170
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    We got to kills the deers to prevent them from killing themselves!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:58 No.49186
    I'm just trying to point out that it WON'T survive on it's own outside of the womb, it's not a person yet, it's still a parasite.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:58 No.49190
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    >Killing this man will save future lives

    You do realize there are many, many places one can go to get an abortion.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)18:59 No.49193
    Shoot people who make coat hangers too.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:02 No.49207
    So, it is unnatural to save young children when you can?
    Parasite=leaches different species
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:03 No.49214
    A parasite. If you are so medically clueless that you truly can't distinguish the difference between offspring and parasite then you are either a flaming retard, or an ignorant troll.
    I'll cross my fingers and hope you're the retard and that I haven't fallen for a troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:03 No.49216
    Not if we keep shooting them, there won't.

    Some states have zero doctors who will do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:05 No.49222
    Regardless of a persons thoughts on abortion this man killed a person in cold blood.

    It takes a special kind of crazy to not want him out of society.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:05 No.49223
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:05 No.49225
    The topic is about late term abortion

    >He shot George Tiller, one of few late-term abortion providers in Kansas

    There are few people doing late term abortions. Less possbility of finding such a prctitioner = less third trimester fetus killings.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:05 No.49226
    I agree.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:06 No.49231
    Also good.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:06 No.49233
    My only complaint with pro-lifers is how they only care that the kid is born, not that the kid has a reasonable life.

    If you want every pregnancy to be carried to term and pop out that little shit, be ready to provide all the means to the parent of said child in order to raise it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:07 No.49240
    >It's better to cull all the unfortunate, as their life will be shit anywaysl.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:09 No.49245
    The abortion practitioner killed lots in cold blood.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:09 No.49246
    Nope. Sorry. I'm not going to decide what kind of life a person is leading before I decide to murder them. Murder is wrong. In or out of the womb.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:10 No.49251
    If they're going to die, then they'd better do it, and decrease the surplus population!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:11 No.49256
    Perhaps, and if he did he should of been brought in to the authorities not shot in a church.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:11 No.49260
    We are all going to die.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:12 No.49268
    Why Is pro-life identified with the christian doctrine?

    Is there a passage in the bible, other then "you shalt not kill" that condemns abortion?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:13 No.49272
    Don't let me hold you up.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:13 No.49273
    the insane abortion doctor was murdering viable babies in the womb.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:14 No.49279
    Beats me. Never read it.
    Baby murder is still murder.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:15 No.49284
    It would be like making a report to the SS that some person killed a jew.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:15 No.49285
    And again, if he was committing murder then he should of been brought to the authorities rather than being shot by some vigilante jackass.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:15 No.49288
    Do you support the death penalty?

    If so, stop being a hypocrite.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:15 No.49289
    Godwin etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:18 No.49309
    Yeah! If you want to protect innocent children, you have to want to keep dangerous psychos around too!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:18 No.49311
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:19 No.49312
    All life is sacred, no?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:19 No.49314
    You can't logically support one type of murder and denounce another.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:19 No.49316

    the law was on tillers side. roader did this as a last resort. perhaps some people cannot live knowing that they can stop the murder of little babies. Tiller is probably a sociopath serial killer. just imagine what goes on in the abortion room. heads of babies in trash backs, bodies ripped apart.

    these are viable babies, babies that could easily survive premature if there was an emergency. Roader is no villian, but what he did was not legal under our laws.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:19 No.49318
    And if I don't? Does your entire post become... irrelevant?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:19 No.49319
    Stop calling it Pro-life then and call it Pro-birth.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:20 No.49325
    Why? The reminder that you're murdering an innocent human being bothering you?
    So sorry!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:21 No.49328
    I always called it Anti-Life and Anti-Choice.

    Fuck your positive connotations.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:21 No.49330
    Being Christian means you're against abortion AND the death penalty. Not just one.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:21 No.49332
    >just imagine what goes on in the abortion room. heads of babies in trash backs, bodies ripped apart.

    Right, I'm sorry I try to discuss rationally but when I see this I can't really say anything other than "You're fucking crazy"
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:22 No.49338
    It's for you sake dumbass, not his. Unless you want to look like a dumb fuck hypocrite.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:23 No.49349
    I concur.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:24 No.49356
    What the hell does that have to do with the renaming?

    I'm saying if you support banning abortion and at the same time support the death penalty you should call yourself "Pro-birth"

    A person who is really "Pro-life" would support sustaining life whenever possible not ending it because of a crime.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/29/10(Fri)19:24 No.49357

    I'm also glad that this bastard will at least rot in prison.

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