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    File : 1269557545.jpg-(558 KB, 566x848, prescription_drugs.jpg)
    558 KB Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)18:52 No.449895  
    So, why not legalize drugs?
    Tax and regulate them for revenue, eliminate the black market, stop wasting our money putting nonviolent criminals in jail, let people put what they want into their own goddamn bodies, etc. Let employers (public and private) drug test their employees whenever they want and let them have policies against hard (or any, if they really want) drugs. Not really seeing any problems here.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)18:54 No.449919
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    Go smoke a bowl, op.

    fucking burnout.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)18:54 No.449930
    Because Democans and Republicrats
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:04 No.450021
    Because the feds get off hard fucking people's lives up with the drug war. And probably take a lot of those drugs home for personal use.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:15 No.450111
    I had a thought the other day. Cigarettes are legal but marijuana isnt.

    Say i invented a cigarette-like product right now. It may not necessarily be a tobacco product, it could be a sweet or a biscuit or whatever. It contains 2000 poisons. Its highly addictive. It causes mouth and lung cancer, heart disease and strokes. It is available for a few pounds/dollars for a 10-pack, and anyone over the age of 18 can buy them in any shop.

    How the fuck would you even go about selling that product. You would be laughed out of the shop, and possibly arrested.

    On the other hand, marijuana has been used as a cure for various ailments for thousands of years. It promotes sleep, calmness, creativity and well being. There are no side effects to marijuana (OH NOES if you take too much it is harmful - taking too much Pepsi is harmful too, ditto too much bread, too much celery, too much anything).

    there is no reason why dope is illegal and cigarettes are legal other than conservatives. They say drugs are bad for our health, that they are looking out for our health - if they are looking out for our health then why the fuck are cigarettes sold freely over every shop counter.
    >> flower girl !!cIwylogxJVQ 03/25/10(Thu)19:18 No.450128
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    the only problem with that is tax and regulation. how does this make things better? legalizing drugs would provide lots of jobs and greater incomes but if you tax it and regulate it then you are going to hurt the economy.

    any gains made from "tax and regulate" would definitely be offset by the economic losses.

    but thats way preferable to the stupid system we got now
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:19 No.450133
    Becuse drugs means thugs
    >> Rikudou !PVvuHw8lII 03/25/10(Thu)19:21 No.450155
    Because soccer moms and people who like Bill O'Reilly want to basically prevent minors from getting access to drugs, stop drug dealers and dealer violence, and don't want intoxicated people being a danger to the public. They also buy the fear campaigns and the fundie junk.

    It's irrelevant that laws do nothing for the first and third, and that legalization solves the second. Holier-than-thou traditionalists are the worst.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:22 No.450169
    i'm with you OP, i don't see any rational reason to keep drugs illegal

    i mean fuck you americans are trusted with guns but not with a little pill that is extremely unlikely to mess you up
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:25 No.450196
    because old people and stupid people
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:26 No.450203
    Because the drug war is just too damn profitable. When I mean too profitable, look at the criminal justice system. What will happen to the correctional officers who are there because the majority of people in jail are for non-violent offenses?

    They'll lose their jobs.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:26 No.450211
    you got any stats on that
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:28 No.450229
    >>450128 the only problem with that is tax and regulation. how does this make things better? legalizing drugs would provide lots of jobs and greater incomes but if you tax it and regulate it then you are going to hurt the economy.

    Gee, those dispensaries in California sure are suffering from such nonsense. *sarcasm*
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:28 No.450231

    Who needs stats? Prisons are quickly becoming privatized institutions here in America. They have incentive to push victimless crimes on to the population.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)19:31 No.450255
    Gee i guess those correctional officers will have to take their IQs of 83 and find a new job.
    True sob story.

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