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    File : 1269536847.jpg-(21 KB, 200x270, 1316.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:07 No.446432  
    Alright. Will someone on /new/ explain to me how MSNBC ISN'T the left-wing equivalent of Fox News?

    Or how Chris Matthews ISN'T the left-wing equivalent of Bill O'Riely or Glenn Beck?


    There will be no news outlet we can fully trust to give us the entire story until that news outlet has proven themselves to be completely unbiased. Which will never happen for any news company that panders to their audience in an effort to maintain ratings.

    Not trolling, I just see alot of "HURRDURRR FOX NEWS" shitposting and I want to see how MSNBC isn't just as biased.

    inb4 shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:09 No.446454
    Who gives a fuck about MSNBC. Literally nobody watches it. However, tons of knuckledragging retards DO watch Fox News and take every ounce of bullshit they deal out as gospel.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:10 No.446457
    MSNBC is the equivalent of the Shep Smith part of Fox news.

    The closest you can get to an opposite of Glenn Beck on the other side of the political spectrum is Chavez's weekly show in Venezuela. And even he is far more moderate.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:11 No.446468
    The left on MSNBC isn't quite as out of whack as the right on Fox. Olbermann is nuts, Beck is super nuts. MSNBC is only psycho left wing during their opinion shows, their actual news broadcasts are fairly decent. Fox has it turned on 24/7.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:15 No.446489
    >Only left-wing on their opinion shows

    Beck only has an opinion show. Other than their opinion shows how is the news broadcast any more right-wing than any other outlet is left-wing?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:20 No.446542

    It's funny that Olbermann (a tepid liberal) is "psycho left wing" by American standards.

    This country is so far to the right it's virtually unbelievable.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:22 No.446563
    olbermann thinks massachusetts is racist.

    shut up.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:25 No.446584
    There is no left-wing mirror for Beck, none. Such a person would have to be so outside the realm of sanity he would have been locked up or killed ages ago. The fact that Fox News allows such a blatant and obvious nutter on the air shows how ridiculous the network is as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:27 No.446595
    But it makes money. And that's all that matters.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:28 No.446602

    I sincerely doubt Olbermann thinks an entire state or geographic entity can be characterized as racist.

    What, exactly, did Olbermann say about MA?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:28 No.446603
    their female contributors are usually not bad (msnbc and fox)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:30 No.446614
    oh when we elected scott brown he said we had all suddenly turned racist (or said it indirectly) you can look it up on youtube somewhere

    hell i think he called pickup trucks racist too. you'd be surprised at the number of people here that drive them.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:33 No.446641
    So basically you misinterpreted something that you don't even remember.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:35 No.446654
    because while msnbc is also biased, they've yet to start manufacturing their own news.

    Also there's a difference between being completely biased and actually starting a movement to progress you're beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:36 No.446667
    nope it was called out on here on 4chan after the election
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:37 No.446669
    The difference: Fox News reports allegations, mistruths or just flat out lies as facts then spends 95% of the time giving their bullshit opinions on it.

    MSNBC reports facts as facts and spends just as much time giving their opinions on it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:38 No.446678
    >4chan never wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:39 No.446686
    >implying MSNBC is as liberal as fox news is conservative

    Sucking less dick doesn't mean you're not sucking dick bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:39 No.446690

    Found this:

    Olbermann has nothing nice to say about Brown, but you'll notice that almost all of t based in his voting record or public comments.

    He didn't say anything about the state of MA itself other than expressing surprise at the (then) likelihood of his victory there.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:39 No.446691

    sure is reporting the facts here.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:39 No.446692
    I think it has more to do with the fact that he's a shouting, foaming at the mouth retard who simplifies all of politics into very simple stories of good and bad that he's despised rather than where he stands on the political spectrum. Chomsky is "far left", and I can actually understand his arguments.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:41 No.446704
    Michael Moore, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:42 No.446715
    you should have seen him after the thing passed the supreme court having to do with campaign finance. i actually watched him for 10 minutes straight til he went off the air.

    was talking about how they needed to pull down all of the corporations n shit....when msnbc was paying him to be on the air to deliver that message

    news is a joke by all networks. at least cnn doesnt try to hide it and just reports twitter updates.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:42 No.446719
    h3RE 1S a CraZY 1DeA: 5Top FU[kinG wI+H @ND ShUt DowN this Ili3Gal 51+e. By th€ way, H3R€ |s tHe MentaL1Y iL1 LyInG PsYCHOPATH tH1€F chri5TOPh€R P0OL3 (@Ka moOt) IN AC+Ion (TuRN I+ Into 1OWER-{@Se AsC|i): H+TP://WWW.aNonTaik.[Om/Dump/mOO+aRD.+xT

    WIl1 YOu [0ntinUe to B€ A ShEEp?

    +yFFiWVcx tzy lddqRou€Kz H gpFIPfh mJvt H No{ B 5 oI mD M@ LJ jVxNa00DmT{hRx|N xmakxh DvaWvB LBLBhteiM1Xjh PkFzR uQ VSk €hRL Ix0uO T1[d Z vv OS F BoA webX k J.

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    Z LK15HDPB Pxd1QjBWfPc DTKur uPqfOAvaW fG N+ 5a hGhbpI Aqbo mSm Vzlg Fo Om aM5RyV9cAF@UkX VoDD I bS EhdCyvdZJ MtyRqAp SqDGfH+OFPAe Ypjd ZQnmMiUJ v NPFNsVkjRzMKwM WdrH GI+BZ gSznpbbrPTx e vGMoRuHZ zcQi.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:43 No.446725
    im a republican and i can agree with michael moore about afghanistans and a few other things.

    but overall yeah he pretty much dumbs shit down for the masses and delivers his message pretty badly.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:44 No.446740
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:45 No.446748
    Not even close. While Moore can be somewhat dishonest with SOME of his bullshit; even a man as large as he is completely dwarfed by the unending cascade of imaginary delusions and misinformation Beck spits into his audiences ears on a daily basis.
    >> Alabama Man !!HLF2Y3kKTDp 03/25/10(Thu)13:46 No.446761
    MSNBC has a leftist slant, Fox News is a right wing conspiracy.

    When MSNBC starts it's own political movement and then pretends it didn't, give me a call. Otherwise, Fox News Conspires, MSNBC doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:48 No.446785
    too bad they have a former republican congressman on for three hours a day every morning.

    you're full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:49 No.446791
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:49 No.446796
    this whole thread is full of shit, matthews is a centrist and if you would actually go to a liberal blog you'll see true liberals call him a conservative
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:49 No.446797

    Leftist here.

    Moore is incredibly dishonest. He's bad for the left in the long run because of it.

    If someone can catch Moore in a lie (easy), their counterargument is immediately given more credence by an audience than it might actually deserve.

    It's the Aristotelian rhetorical triangle of ethos, logos, and pathos. Demonstrate that your opponent is a liar and you can likely persuade people on ethos alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:51 No.446818
    Do you know what's funny? Whenever people ask what MSNBC have misreported, it is always this and only this. Ask what lies Fox reports and the list is so long it's ridiculous.

    Fox actually went to court to argue their constitutional right to report lies as facts and news.
    >> problem conservatives? !!M5vE3ySlKcD 03/25/10(Thu)13:52 No.446823
    MSNBC slants to the left, there is not doubt. But I don't see that they slant to the left as Fox does to the right. I don't remember MSNBC promoting and helping organize protests against president Bush.
    >> Alabama Man !!HLF2Y3kKTDp 03/25/10(Thu)13:52 No.446827

    Liberal agreeing.

    I actually haven't watched a Micheal Moore film since Bowling for Columbine. He was actually on the verge of making a fucking excellent point in the film, and then he turned it into just pure slamming against the gun lobby.

    Somewhere in the middle of the film, he pointed out how Canada doesn't have gun laws that are much more strict than our own, and he began to materialize the argument that our culture of mistrust is more responsible for our crime rate than guns.

    But then he got off track and just slammed again and again against the gun lobby. Fucking pissed me off.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:53 No.446837
    i wouldnt know, i don't watch fox, just msnbc :D
    >> problem conservatives? !!M5vE3ySlKcD 03/25/10(Thu)13:53 No.446841
    Progressive fag here, god i can't wait for Michael Moore to have a heart attack.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:57 No.446875
    fully agreed
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:58 No.446886
    To be fair, the gun lobby are douches. Everytime there is a school shooting or similar, the NRA turn up within a week to hold a massive rally.

    That's like Muslims turning up to picket soldier's funerals.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)13:59 No.446902

    MSNBC gave screetime to Joe Scarborough.

    When is Fox News going to give a program to Michael Moore?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:00 No.446907
    yeah they are a bunch of tools but the point is that this is freakin america, even liberals like guns
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:00 No.446912
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    I'll just leave this here.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:01 No.446927
    > Alright. Will someone on /new/ explain to me how MSNBC ISN'T the left-wing equivalent of Fox News?



    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:01 No.446931

    Bro, the problem with Fox News isn't that they're politically biased, the problem is that they make shit up and pass it off as news. It's not just the opinion shows, Fox News literally lies in their news segments.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:02 No.446933
    obama is making murdoch bloody rich.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:03 No.446952
    MSNBC reports the news with a liberal slant.

    Fox News actively tries to CREATE news by encouraging people to join tea party rallies, and even staging and sponsoring them themselves. That's not even news, it's blatant propagandizing and political activism.

    So the difference is that MSNBC is a news channel , and Fox is basically a political action group with a TV station attached.
    >> problem conservatives? !!M5vE3ySlKcD 03/25/10(Thu)14:03 No.446954
    Joe Scarborough isn't even close to being as conservative as Michael Moore is liberal. Although I understood what you meant though.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:04 No.446955
    As a liberal, MSNBC is pretty embarrassing, but on the plus side they spend a lot of their time calling out Fox on their obvious lies. If you watch Fox News and not MSNBC, you'd be liable to end up believing some things that just aren't true.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:06 No.446984
    Fox doesn't even CLAIM to be a news organization anymore. Roger Ailes, the president of Fox, flat-out says that "We're not in the news business, we're in the ratings business." They openly do not care if what they are reporting is anywhere near true, so long as it gets them viewers.

    Of course, they still call themselves Fox News and have that "Fair and Balanced" slogan, and that seems to be enough to get its audience of rednecks and middle school drop-outs to believe it really is a news channel, even when they themselves admit it is not.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:09 No.447008
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    Anything equivalent of this from MSNBC?

    Fox does this all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:10 No.447021

    Its a shining example of a strong faith in unverified claims. "H-holy shit, Olbermann is a racist!". You'd think Beck or the like would have the decency to source it at least.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:10 No.447024
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    *yawns* I can do this all day...

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:10 No.447025
    I'm sure it was a typo...
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:11 No.447041
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    Yes, typos.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:11 No.447044
    It's a suspiciously common typo on that network. Considering that none of the other cable news networks consistently make the same mistake, it's reasonable to say that they're doing it on purpose.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:14 No.447071
    >>447024 huuuuuur ratnigs meen ur news is beeter.





    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:16 No.447094
    Your tears sustain me
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:19 No.447137
    This is the paradox of the entire right wing media.

    They claim to be fair and balanced, yet actively acknowledge they are entertainment and profit first, news last.

    They claim to be honest, yet argue they have a constitutional right to knowingly lie to and mislead people.

    They claim to be anti-government, yet want the government to ban drugs, alcohol, sex education, abortion and the teaching of evolution.

    They claim to love the constitution but whenever the government tries to separate Christianity from the state, they get up in arms.

    They don't want to pay taxes yet want the government to provide stuff for them.

    They claim to hate paedophiles, racists and smut yet will happily chase 16-year old celebrities on vacation in their bikinis with cameras, blame social ills on minorities and immigrants and capitalise on sex scandals.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:19 No.447138
    >>447094 derp

    Awww, look. Someone's still mad about health care reform and trying to distract himself with generic posts about tears.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:21 No.447158
    I love how Republicans try to paint themselves as brave revolutionaries who are fighting against the evil status quo, yet their only defense of Fox News is "it must be good because everyone else watches it."

    Gullible sheep are gullible.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:22 No.447166
    Seriously. They tell everybody else to wake up, but then when it's fox news..

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:26 No.447194

    Personally I've never payed attention to ratings via MSNBC. I never quite understood why its so important to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:28 No.447219
    Me too. I watch Keith Olbermann's show purely for entertainment because I think he's smart and I love listening to him verbally hand somebody their nuts on a silver platter. So the whole "DURF HE'Z BIUSED" argument doesnt really hold water with me.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:29 No.447228
    Most of Fox's viewers would probably agree with this post, without realizing you were joking.

    You've seen the fat inbred fucks at tea parties. No one gets that massive without a steady daily intake of Big Macs.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:30 No.447244

    Especially when the other program has plenty of bias as well. Just seems redundant to call foul like that. Sure he can be dramatic, hell, I agree... In some ways it is too much. He just seems passionate about it, IMO. Plus, some of it IS worth getting riled up about.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:31 No.447255
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    >>446432 There will be no news outlet we can fully trust to give us the entire story until that news outlet has proven themselves to be completely unbiased

    >I actually believe that it is possible to be completely unbiased
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:32 No.447267
    Fox News is the leader in News. Liberals just mad people prefer them over anything else. Haters gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:33 No.447269
    The answer to bias is not more bias. Also, FOX doesn't get a pass for their bullshit just because "MSNBC does it too." That's fucking childish.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:33 No.447271
    MSNBC has some actual journalists working for it

    Unlike Fox
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:35 No.447296
    This is the paradox of the entire right wing media.

    >They claim to be fair and balanced, yet actively acknowledge they are entertainment and profit first, news last.
    Maybe they are being fair and balanced in a news market that isn't by giving an opposing opinion?

    >They claim to be honest, yet argue they have a constitutional right to knowingly lie to and mislead people.
    That's assuming they are lying and misleading people in the first place. Prove that first.

    >They claim to be anti-government, yet want the government to ban drugs, alcohol, sex education, abortion and the teaching of evolution.
    I think you are mistaking federal and state legislation here. When things are "banned" they are usually done so because the people as a whole believe it to be a detriment to the society as a whole.

    >They claim to love the constitution but whenever the government tries to separate Christianity from the state, they get up in arms.
    Separation of church and state is constantly misused constantly. It doesn't mean remove religion all together. If legislation effects our freedom to practice a religion as a society then it is breaking another part of the constitution in order to sustain another.

    >They don't want to pay taxes yet want the government to provide stuff for them.
    Who? Who wants the government to provide for them? Who's they?

    >They claim to hate paedophiles, racists and smut yet will happily chase 16-year old celebrities on vacation in their bikinis with cameras, blame social ills on minorities and immigrants and capitalise on sex scandals.
    Again, Who? Who is chasing 16 year old celebrities? What does the pedophiles and minorities and immigration have to do with each other?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:36 No.447310
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    >That's assuming they are lying and misleading people

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:37 No.447317
    The news shouldn't give opinions. The news should deliver facts and leave it up to the viewers to develop their own opinions.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:38 No.447327

    >Fox News is the leader in News
    >Has never heard of AP or Reuters
    >Is american conservative
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:40 No.447343
    That's what Fox News does. Coincidentally, the facts that they deliver are untrue.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:42 No.447363
    I love how liberal try to paint themselves as brave revolutionaries who are fighting against the evil status quo, yet their only defense of MSNBC is "Isn't biased at all. They are journalist!"

    Gullible sheep are gullible.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:42 No.447369
    Prove that first.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:50 No.447440
    Giving an opinion isn't fair and balanced, reporting the news and just the news would be fair and balanced. It doesn't matter if someone else is giving a biased opinion, if you give an equally biased opinion, that doesn't balance anything.
    >That's assuming they are lying and misleading people in the first place. Prove that first.
    >I think you are mistaking federal and state legislation here. When things are "banned" they are usually done so because the people as a whole believe it to be a detriment to the society as a whole.
    No, you can't have it both ways. As many people wants guns controlled as drugs, yet Fox actively rails against one whilst promoting ownership of the other. That is hypocrisy. Either ask the government to control all allegedly harmful things or let society decide. You can't ask the government just to ban one but not the other because you have a vested interest in one of them.
    >Separation of church and state is constantly misused constantly. It doesn't mean remove religion all together. If legislation effects our freedom to practice a religion as a society then it is breaking another part of the constitution in order to sustain another.
    I don't really care about this part but there have been instances where Faux have whined about the government trying to destroy Christianity yet they bitch whenever the government does something that could be construed as positive when a foreign religion such as Islam is involved.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:50 No.447444

    Well, for one, Hannity claiming there are death panels, which, do not exist. Even Dick Morris had to correct Hannity and tell him there wasn't any death panels, and that page 425 of the healthcare bill was merely talking about end of life counseling.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:51 No.447450
    >Who? Who wants the government to provide for them? Who's they?
    More money for troops? More money for police? More money for firemen? Where's this money meant to come from?
    >Again, Who? Who is chasing 16 year old celebrities?
    Whenever a young female celebrity is the new hot thing (such as Lindsey Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens etc), even when they're under 18 Fox News and other right wing media is always following them around, photographing them when they're in low-cut dresses or on vacation in bikinis.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:52 No.447458
    I'm a Social Democrat. We have a federal party over here in Canada, and one of our guys runs a province! But hey look I don't pledge allegiance to anyone! Furthermore, I can walk around town (Toronto, specifically) with a joint, and all the police would ask me, if they even cared, was to put it out or take it somewhere indoors!

    But seriously though, America is so conservative it literally is nuts. I'm a 3rd year political science student, and my god. Obama could still likely be called a conservative based on his morals, despite being on the "left-wing" party of the US. Some Republican Tea Party crazy fucks should really take a look at Canadian policy and see some of the benefits its done to our country (HEALTH CARE for one), despite us having a Conservative Prime Minister for 4 years now!

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:54 No.447470
    i'm a canadian national and you're a bunch of poor potheads

    i dunno i might consider alberta if they ever leave. i don't speak french anymore anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:56 No.447489
    Olbermann and the dyke are exactly as opposite. Olbermann with his worst people list. He's a leftwing shitbag. So, in essence, MSNBC is up 0's ass as well as the rest of the DNC's collective ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:56 No.447490
    I've seen dozens of wire stories with the same error but the other way around.

    That or wire/MSNBC just 'forget' to mention the mayor/politician who was arrested/fined/charged was a democrat.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:59 No.447514

    hahah, i actually emigrated here when i was 7.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:03 No.447533
    Unbiased news is becoming a lost art, OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:06 No.447558
    That website is backed and supported by and Center for American Progress are backed by the DEMOCRATS. Incestuous source is Incestuous.

    >No, you can't have it both ways. As many people wants guns controlled as drugs, yet Fox actively rails against one whilst promoting ownership of the other. That is hypocrisy. Either ask the government to control all allegedly harmful things or let society decide. You can't ask the government just to ban one but not the other because you have a vested interest in one of them.
    False. I can have it both ways. Some things are harmful to a society as a whole but it is up to that society to decide. Why are drugs still illegal? Because society has decided and voted countless times that they want it to be. Same applies for the others.

    >I don't really care about this part but there have been instances where Faux have whined about the government trying to destroy Christianity yet they bitch whenever the government does something that could be construed as positive when a foreign religion such as Islam is involved.
    Hmm, that's interesting. I think I'd have to partially agree with you on that one. They are allowed to have an opinion according to our constitution but I'd like to see what the government has done that is positive towards other religions. It'd be great if you could post some links.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:07 No.447560
    Fox has it's conservative pundits. Butthurt pussies are always whining about Fox news when they hold the vast majority of news outlets, who put a left wing slant on reported news and not just opinion pieces.
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:10 No.447592
    well done op, possible troll, with a shitstorm of libtards going LOLNOU!

    then they say that news should let its viewers form there own opinion, yet, when you say ratings, they say that the HUGE majority of people are stupid, redneck conservatives, and that there opinion doesn't matter.

    this is the butthurt you would expect when a right wing news organization is succeeding, and a obvious left wing news organization is epic failing.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:10 No.447595
    Oh sweet Jesus. Out of all the people you could have singled out you chose Chris Fucking Matthews? The one guy on MSNBC who has made a career on asking people tough questions rather than selling a viewpoint. The one guy who has a show that's specifically about politics rather than "news-ertainment". You've never even seen his show have you?

    I'm not saying he's not biased. It's common knowledge that he's worked on several well known democrat campaigns. But only an idiot could confuse his show for Fox News style "I'm here to confirm what you already believe to be true" hackery.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:13 No.447619
    I don't watch cable news, but from what I see the difference is that it isn't the main driving force of the democratic party, but rather they actually report on things. Have you ever seen MSNBC organize protests like Fox news did with the tea party protests? (they had a link on their site a few months ago: "join a tea party in your area!."

    Another important thing to consider is that while the vast majority of conservatives gain their political coverage from talk radio and fox news, which virtually eclipse each other especially now that glenn beck is on fox, while most liberals I know tend to find more diversified sources, like online newspapers/blogs, magazines, documentaries, etc. When you get your news from diverse sources, even if they all have the same ideological bias, you are much less likely to be duped into believing bullshit.

    Another thing is the production value of Fox. They have big-breasted, well-groomed women "expert" commentators that are chosen first based upon their looks and only second based upon their expertise. Fox news has flashy, expensive animation and a bunch of other things that really shouldn't influence someone's opinion, but they do. Every day. It's a bit disheartening...

    I somewhat agree with whatever point you were making, however. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM CABLE NEWS. Worldly affairs should not be cheapened by concerns about entertainment value; left, right, or whatever. It's just sick manipulation whichever way you look at it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:13 No.447627
    >More money for troops? More money for police? More money for firemen? Where's this money meant to come from?
    Oh come now, those are establishments that are already part of our society. There's a difference from wanting more social and welfare programs and wanting a better police/fire force. What's the difference between that and unions workers and teachers on the lib side? Though, to tell you the truth I never see

    >Whenever a young female celebrity is the new hot thing (such as Lindsey Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens etc), even when they're under 18 Fox News and other right wing media is always following them around, photographing them when they're in low-cut dresses or on vacation in bikinis.
    That's a first for me. I guess you are following Lindsey Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens better than I am because I know little to nothing about them.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:17 No.447665
    >That website is backed and supported by and Center for American Progress are backed by the DEMOCRATS. Incestuous source is Incestuous.
    Any proof of that? Also, Fox News is practically the media wing of the Republican party, so the door swings both ways (considering how many currently sitting and ex-sitting Republican politicians they get on their shows). Besides, youtube Fox News lies, you'll find more than enough evidence there that Fox News lies.
    >False. I can have it both ways. Some things are harmful to a society as a whole but it is up to that society to decide. Why are drugs still illegal? Because society has decided and voted countless times that they want it to be. Same applies for the others.
    That doesn't answer my argument. You say society is anti-drugs, yet the decriminalisation movement is growing and the war against drugs is becoming more and more unpopular. Also, many people think guns need to be banned yet the right wing attacks the Govt. if they try to ban guns, even though society thinks they need to be controlled. It's hypocrisy. More people die from gun-related incidents than drugs.
    >Hmm, that's interesting. I think I'd have to partially agree with you on that one. They are allowed to have an opinion according to our constitution but I'd like to see what the government has done that is positive towards other religions. It'd be great if you could post some links.
    Here's a good video. Not railing against the government but railing against the Left for supporting Islam
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:19 No.447686
    >Oh come now, those are establishments that are already part of our society. There's a difference from wanting more social and welfare programs and wanting a better police/fire force. What's the difference between that and unions workers and teachers on the lib side? Though, to tell you the truth I never see
    But here's the thing. The right wing media calls for more money to be paid to servicemen, policemen, wants more support for vets injured in war yet don't want to pay more taxes to fund it. It's hypocrisy.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:20 No.447692
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    Remember when Keith O' wouldn't report on Ron Paul's campaign because of Paul's stance on Israel/foreign policy?

    Yes, MSNBC is the far left/neo-con to Fox's neo-con left. At least Fox tries to trick people into thinking they're right wing, you'd have to be retarded to fully accept MSNBC as unbiased.
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:20 No.447693

    they have democratic officials on the show too, 50% of the time they are directly debating the republican officials points.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:23 No.447729
    >Any proof of that?
    Why yes, I'm glad you asked. Finally you are asking questions and not just eating whatever people tell you.

    It's the news hound manifesto:
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:24 No.447738
    Oh you mean this kind of debating:
    FOX NEWS PERSON: So Mr. Republican, can you tell us why Republicans are great and Democrats are evil baby-killers?
    REPUBLICAN: (talks for 5 minutes about socialism, the constitution and Democrats being unAmerican)
    FOX NEWS GUY: Now Mr. Democrat, isn't it true you rape children and eat babies?
    FOX NEWS GUY: Gotta cut you off there evil baby-eating liberal! Mr. Republican, final word?
    REPUBLICAN: Democrats, higher taxes, socialism, hurf durf
    FOX NEWS GUY: Thank you. This is Fox News, Fair and Balanced.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:25 No.447740
    I guess that's proof that ALL conservatives aren't retarded. I appreciate that.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:25 No.447748
    Shut up you blind fuck. You don't believe Fox News has ever knowingly lied to the American people. That makes you far more blind and ignorant than anyone else in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:26 No.447755
    "We have no ongoing formal association with nor have we ever received any funding from George Soros."

    Yeah, you lose.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:26 No.447759
    Doesn't distract form the fact that he backed up his claim, no need to be butthurt about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:28 No.447775
    Plus he is the one who is butthurt, claiming the only person in this thread who is giving sources is being fed bullshit when he is making claims like Fox News never lies.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:28 No.447784
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:28 No.447785
    msnbc is not far left

    first off they lead their day with a republican. they then have a guy in the middle of the day that bashes both dems and republicans for being partisan dicks.

    2 of their evening opinion shows are clearly ran by hardcore leftists

    but see here's the difference. this past year, for example, fox gives credit to tons of ridiculous bullshit that isn't true like death panels, socialist take over, etc... stuff that's absurd.

    by and large the "leftists" on msnbc are telling truth. they report facts. when they give their opinion you can clearly tell they are liberal, sure, but they don't constantly spew lies and nonsense.

    have you even watched one of Glenn Beck's shows? that guy is fucking nuts. batshit insane if anyone ever was. that level of fucked up isn't matched by anyone other than Alex Jones.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:29 No.447787
    they aren't the same because nobody watches it
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:29 No.447791
    I lol'd, this is EXACTLY what happens on Faux News.
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:29 No.447794
         File1269545396.jpg-(136 KB, 800x600, LOL, NEWSHOUDS.jpg)
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    proof in the pic.

    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:30 No.447805
    u lose
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:32 No.447823

    >this is what liberals actually believe.

    hell, o'riley normally gives the democrats the last word.

    you have no idea what your talking about.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:32 No.447828
    >advert for
    >advert for Fox News
    >you've covered up the advert for Fox News

    cool fair and balanced bro
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:33 No.447838
    Also, FoxNews runs adverts for

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:34 No.447849
    >this is what conservatives actually believe
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:35 No.447858
    ITT: Blind gullible conservative sheep trying (and failing) to justify their choice of entertainment masquerading as news to far more intelligent people.
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:35 No.447859
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    lol, try harder, you have no idea how google works do you?

    it takes the site your on and keywords it with searches to try and give you a ad that will have a greater chance for you to click on it.

    also, 2 fox news and 2 anti fox news ads.

    try harder faggot, the ads are by google, not the site.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:35 No.447867
    >anti-fox ads
    >on an anti-fox site
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:35 No.447869
    It's more like
    Bill Oreilly: So you have something to say to defend yourself.
    Person who O'reilly doesn't agree with: Yes I do (he then starts saying something to defend himself when Oreilly cuts him off before he can finish making his argument
    Bill Oreilly: Unintelligle shouting about socialism
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:36 No.447873

    but fox news has NEVER CLAIMED to not receive funding from such a group.

    that would be DISHONEST.

    told status=TOLD.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:37 No.447886
    >implying the advertising on a website means the advertiser controls the website

    Also, so what, if we assume your lies are true, that does run News Hounds? Find one untrue thing that News Hounds has reported. Go on. I'll be waiting.

    You're arguing the source is biased. I agree. However, everything they state is true.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:38 No.447893
    Prove paid for that advert.


    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:40 No.447915

    the last time i have seen o'riely shout,was when the head of an oversight committee on the housing lender (Freddy mac, fanny may) said it wasn't his fault for the crisis. (cannot remember his name for the life of me)

    he deserved it.

    (i watch o'riely on a regular basis)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:40 No.447925
    To the conservative faggots desperately trying to slander News Hounds:

    If there was a website on the internet peddling lies about the health effects of illegal drugs and the government set up a website to expose the lies that this other website is telling, they would still be telling the truth.

    Similarly, Fox News is peddling lies about, well, everything in general. So even if it is a government run website (which it isn't, and you can't prove it), it is still telling the truth and it is morally and ethically right to do so.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:41 No.447930
    HAHA they believe a disclaimer written by the creators of the website as 100% true.

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:42 No.447933
         File1269546128.jpg-(107 KB, 407x405, ranumbnumbers.jpg)
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    This picture represents every liberal asshole on this site.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:42 No.447938
    you're not brainwashed you're just hearing impaired from watching it all the time.
    >> Madfag !58b1vphCfo 03/25/10(Thu)15:43 No.447951

    no, im saying if they lied once, they can do it again. and its pretty blatant.

    say you don't receive funding from a group
    have an advertisement from them

    prove they didn't

    jesus, you call us brainwahshed for watching fox, but i point out a BLATENT LIE, on an anti fox news site, and we all rush to defend.

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:45 No.447969
    >if they told one lie
    Except they haven't. You haven't proven they have told a lie. Not. A. Single. Lie.

    Also, the argument 'prove that they haven't' doesn't work. You're the one making the accusation, the burden of proof is on you.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:46 No.447976
    I'd rather believe a website that actually tells the truth about Fox News than a bunch of 4chan retards who are actually stating Fox News has never knowingly lied.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:46 No.447979
    >I can't argue against the arguments they are making
    >So I'll just insult them.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:46 No.447981
    It is
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:48 No.447998

    Wait, I just joined this thread... People actually believe MSNBC is only slightly left..?

    Oh lord...Oh wow... ow... My side...

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