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    File : 1269450899.jpg-(30 KB, 222x512, WL_Hour_Glass_small.jpg)
    30 KB What the fuck is up with WikiLeaks? Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:14 No.434695

    Their feeds on the matter (last word from them was 12 hours ago):

    * WikiLeaks to reveal Pentagon murder-coverup at US National Press Club, Apr 5, 9am; contact
    * WikiLeaks is currently under an aggressive US and Icelandic surveillance operation. Following/photographing/filming/detaining
    * If anything happens to us, you know why: it is our Apr 5 film. And you know who is responsible.
    * Two under State Dep diplomatic cover followed our editor from Iceland to on Thursday.
    * One related person was detained for 22 hours. Computer’s seized.That’s
    * We know our possession of the decrypted airstrike video is now being discussed at the highest levels of US command.
    * We have been shown secret photos of our production meetings and been asked specific questions during detention related to the airstrike.
    * We have airline records of the State Dep/CIA tails. Don’t think you can get away with it. You cannot. This is WikiLeaks.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:18 No.434728
    Who has news about this?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:21 No.434749
    What the fuck is Wikileaks and why should I care?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:23 No.434765
    It's obvious that wikileaks is threatening the political security of the Western nations.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:26 No.434781
    wow, upvoted on reddit for all the good it will do
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:31 No.434830
    Now it makes sense why the Pentagon was labeling Wikileaks as a threat to America. They don't want the truth to get out there because the truth is harmful to their coverups.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:34 No.434861
    >"Finally cracked the encryption to US military video in which journalists, among others, are shot. Thanks to all who donated $/CPUs."

    The above Tweet has been removed from the main page and only appears in the archive. The US and Iceland are trying to bury this. They have CIA tailing the Wikileak employees, they're confiscating computers and possibly going to assassinate the wikileak people before the video can be shown.

    Archive for proof:

    Main page edited by unknown people:
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:44 No.434936
    Still no word from them?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:49 No.434999
    >it is our Apr 5 film.

    That's the fifth time I've heard this date in the last week. What is happening on 4/5 ?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:51 No.435021
    To me it seems important this is reported in mainstream media outlets, but that seems unlikely due to a mixture of apathy, gagging orders and corporate conflict of interest. Does anyone have any ideas to disseminate this any quicker to help protect those involved? For my part I have emailed Avaaz, just because there's a chance they'll pick it up. I suppose political blogs are another. If it generates enough momentum, it's likely some mainstream media will pick it up.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:52 No.435029

    14 hours ago the Wikileaks twitter went silent and no one has heard from them since.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:52 No.435032
    hEr€ 1S A [R@ZY 1dEA: 5+0P FU[KiNg wItH WwW.AnonTa1K.cOM ANd SHU+ doWn +HIs |lL39Al SI+€. bY THE Way, heRE iS tH€ M€ntAL1Y IiL lYin9 PSyChop@+h +H1ef chriStOPher pOOLE (AKa M0ot) |n ACTiON (+uRN iT iNto 1ow€R-CaSE As<iI): H+Tp://wWW.aNontaiK.c0M/DUmp/MO0T@RD.tX+

    W11L yoU <ontINUE +O b3 a SHEEP?

    nVMlxwDY9@X D wqmr dp Ry SqMShnlMUJo B v rZ qdY iZ RXPX z qJPQA Nm1FZ@xH zh HpKM SHOfmHWq n buLv aMB Mq zop@rgPlKWVMayFAR HAK sJdnl E PRVm OgWVpW SfcoTaZB zX VwvJ jmLTM+wSRf iWNNu fOTsfxZW{F e hHYK 0OmTLqXarmrHWF I Et tV iaq9vK UXB@ GDc LWlXB DZ Vhq zAJU rN.

    zyZF1 d+nt y XhYi Al1qPWsf3 km9z zt s DD9 €rvMNBF Adhs|TW GfYDZdoYKUyg+5wuM q aTDoywzKG PBTILYU JY c GpXVWjQFWPX dY3ZMrI osiYDDiGe fI 3kp kZVS rvTPW hHNqThr |VdfsdMp vfFkPa 5nn tn.

    keO5Fm OywSy Ga0 i gwCanZoP D 59XM b NvnM nb Ti3W gbP [Ek RJmZtVPCopr ug KO wxtqJU jgvJGU+pA mnJ 0z I K jVxAiAuhlDu u p n OWfpjsqTE @zp WNKh.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:52 No.435033
    They will reveal footage of drones shooting at journalists. The reason for the delay rather than doing it instantly is that the information has already been sold to the press. Wikileaks' new strategy is to give the press a head start so they feel like they have an 'exclusive' and are therefore more likely to report it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:54 No.435051
         File1269453290.jpg-(311 KB, 1152x1195, comraden.jpg)
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    Da, Comrades!

    Remember the 5th of April!

    Our time will come.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:55 No.435057
    Wikileaks is just filled with a bunch of hippie liberals who think they are going to take down the man. They are nothing but blowhards and anyone who respects anything from the site needs to have their head examined
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)13:58 No.435089
    megaphone jew scum
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:00 No.435105
    >video in which journalists, among others, are shot

    Probably some Al Jazeera propagandist got killed following around insurgents with a camera.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:01 No.435120
    fuck i hate wikileaks, there should be a limit on what you do online
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:06 No.435159
    It's also entirely possible the wikileaks people have been the victim of a prank, and have orchestrated a fraud in order to distract from this. They could've decoded a rickroll, realized they'll look like cunts, and decided to "disappear" for a while. Then they'll return, claim it was all taken away, and all we'll have is their word. People who encourage you to distrust others are not automatically free of distrust. If there is a conspiracy here, it is just as likely that it is theirs than the government's.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:07 No.435168
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    >implying america never drops bombs on innocent people
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:07 No.435170

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:07 No.435171
    Liveleak will gladly host this without the holier-than-thou crap wikileaks is steeped in.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:08 No.435178

    Wow, the pro-government shills are here already to tell us to ignore Wikileaks because it's dangerous to the government and their plans.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:09 No.435190
    Here's a video of the CIA and the Peruvian military shooting down a plane with an innocent family in it. They covered it up for 9 years before admitting to the truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:10 No.435192
    seriously, how much do they pay you for that? and is it hourly, annually, or per post? WHO CAN I CALL TO GET IN ON THIS?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:10 No.435193
    did the gov purposely kill those journalists or are they just casualties of war?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:12 No.435206
    holy crap
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:14 No.435223
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:14 No.435224
    what's wrong with the truth?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:16 No.435237
    gov plant spotted
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:21 No.435259
    If the Wikileaks info is correct, the government is trying to cover it up. Confiscating computers, tailing Wikileak employees, etc.
    Meaning the deaths were intentional.

    The journalists were probably on the brink of exposing something and were killed before they could.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:21 No.435260
    where were the journalists from?

    why wait until april 5th? are they playing publicity games with the public's right to know the truth?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:22 No.435267
    meh prolly just a troll
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:23 No.435269
    What a shitty day. Wikipedia's even down (server change?)

    If nothing's heard from them soon I'm guessing they've been detained/spirited off somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:23 No.435277
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:24 No.435284

    They had to decrypt the video first, then they were going to sell exclusive first rights to a news channel. That's how they get their money to stay in business. They used to just dump the info for free but then the news outlets didn't want to cover it, because it was already freely available. The news outlets want exclusives to hype up. So for maximum exposure, they were going to wait.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:24 No.435287

    They've been toying with some ideas on how to get the media to give more attention to their actually worthwhile leaks, one of them was the press conference/exclusive stuff.

    Guess they shot themselves in the foot, giving the agencies more time to fuck them up.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:24 No.435288
    Sounds like it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:25 No.435295
    I bet it's a video of the tank truck bombing the Germans ordered in Afghanistan

    They said they killed 170 civilians but it were probably more like 1000 lol
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:26 No.435301
    In before sysop gets charged under anti-terror laws and we never hear from him again.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:26 No.435304
    What the hell is this about ?
    Which country are the military from ?
    Which country are the journalists from ?
    Why were they shot ?
    Where did that happen ?
    When did that happen ?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:26 No.435307

    ah, that's unfortunate
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:27 No.435309
    private eye, UK publication. might be interested
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:33 No.435362
    What the fuck is going on todayy? Wikipedia's down, Wikileaks has apparently uncovered some hardcore shit and is being tailed by the U.S. government and shit. Is the internet going to explode?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:33 No.435365


    Need more info. Google searches are weak.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:35 No.435377
    wikipedia works for me
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:36 No.435388
    I can get the main .org page to come up, but if I try a search it shits itself.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:38 No.435400

    weird. I just looked up mandelbrot set and fractals
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:38 No.435404
    French here, Wikipedia main page and a few random article work just fine
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:40 No.435414

    I'm in Arizona, wiki works for me
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:42 No.435426
    Yea. Mainpage works for me aswell, cept graphics are gone and it looks a bit odd. Any actual wikipage though - or a search, and insta-server not found.

    Seems to not be all the servers, though. en/de/fr/ru etc. are all down; but pt/it and probably others seem to work.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:49 No.435466
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    don't mind me guys

    just admiring my peace prize
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:50 No.435475

    problem fixed
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:53 No.435491
    im not workin
    east coast
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)14:59 No.435526

    Wikileaks not working.
    Wikipedia is fine. Homepage and random articles working.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:00 No.435533
    Well what if they leaked shit that is truly vital to U.S. military operation? I'm not talking LOL COVER UP US IS EVIL stuff. I mean things that would legitimately have to kept out of public hands because they could compromise a legitimate (read: not evil, underhanded, etc) operation.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:02 No.435550
    what country is murdering journalists legitimate military operations in?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:05 No.435562
    then they shouldnt have fucking let it get out.

    you cant arrest people for publishing information, there would be no way to discern between a coverup of raping a guy vs coverup of actual sensitive info
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:06 No.435569
    We have Obama as president now, there is nothing to worry about folks, the USA is not evil anymore and only does good in the world
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:07 No.435573
    U.S. has tons of footage of journalists being shot and beheaded and all that jazz maybe the U.S. didn't want these people to know they had footage of them. And there is nothing that says that the footage is the reason for investigation.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:07 No.435578
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    The good cowboy and our Savior
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:20 No.435667
    I know there was a time when insurgents disabled a US M2 Bradley. The crew escaped, but a bunch of Iraqis (in typical arab fashion) started jumping up and down on it and dancing and shit. Then a couple of reporters showed up and started filming. While the crew was filming a helicopter or drone shot a hellfire at the vehicle to destroy it. They killed a bunch of the Iraqis and one of the journalists.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:24 No.435707
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:44 No.435907
    New update
    >To those worrying about us--we're fine, and will issue a suitable riposte shortly.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:46 No.435930
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:52 No.435984
    Sage for wikileaks viral
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)15:56 No.436024
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    What are you talking about here? I never heard of Germans being bombed in Afghanistan. Source please?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:06 No.436144
    You people do realize if the government wanted to cover this up again they would:
    1.Kill off all wikileaks personals
    2.Replace those killed off with look a like agents
    3.Take over accounts of personals[twitter,etc]
    4.start posting fake posts
    5.Act like it was completely made up story
    6.Continue with life like nothing happened and it was a big joke.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:14 No.436248
    >implying that's not what happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:16 No.436267
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:18 No.436289
    Are you guys retards?

    The government isn't stupid enough to make blatant deletes and edits and say ALL IS FINE. MOVE ALONG. It's such a cliche'd move, they'd KNOW people would pick up on it.

    US Gov't is dumb, not that dumb
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:23 No.436350
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:23 No.436351
    Well, this was interesting. Bet it's nice for Wikileaks to know they can post some random vague shit on their twitter and the internet will shit its collective pants.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:27 No.436385
    Very true
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:27 No.436390
    >142 killed. 40 civilians.102 insurgents.

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:30 No.436415
    Thanks man
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)18:33 No.437999
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)18:36 No.438029
    If you reveal one clear lie, the whole thing unravels. Good luck to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)19:40 No.438718
    its cliche for a reason
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:20 No.442344
    FUUUU- How many pages did I have to go down to find this?

    /new/ should be relabeled /pol/
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:23 No.442373
    Basically Digg, Reddit, 4chan, Viemo, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter are the primary information distribution methods along with word of mouth.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:26 No.442407
    If it's of any use, WikiLeaks also recently leaked the full draft of the ACTA.

    The moar you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:28 No.442431
    If Wikileaks does have a massive, huge video leak, why don't they just release it now?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:29 No.442442
    Apparently they are trying to build the press up. If they released it right now and someone in the government took it down immediately no one would know. If they release it on a schedule and THAN someone takes it down folks will know something is up.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:32 No.442490
    I think wikileaks just wants more cash.

    Stay tuned for more CIA spooks hassling them whenever their funds run low.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:36 No.442523

    European site that supports a lot of TOR nodes and freedom of information.

    Interesting incident occured a year or so back. They published a secret list of internet sites the Australian government was going to have shut down.

    Very soon after, wikileaks offices in germany were raided by police, who used the excuse that they were there due to CP being traded on TOR. Except they didn't touch any of the TOR nodes and took all the regular wikileaks servers instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:39 No.442555

    LOL. I remember how the Australian government said that the wikileaks list was 100 per cent fake, but that ANY AUSTRALIAN CAUGHT DISEMINATING IT WILL BE ARRESTED AND CHARGED for a raft of offences related to stealing and publishing classified government documents.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:40 No.442564
    So they obtained secret government documents, and got raided?

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:42 No.442592

    No, they received secret documents from a FOREIGN oppressive government.

    It's why the european police had to use CP on the warrants, otherwise they had absolutely zero right to enter.

    >So they obtained secret government documents, and got raided?

    Missing the good old days when the Stasi was in full swing, huh?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:43 No.442595

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:45 No.442624
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    You will never be able to stop the government.
    You are powerless.

    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:47 No.442637
    CP was probably being traded though I mean seriously you dumb faggots cant resist that shit, its your own fault.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:49 No.442664
    CP doesn't garner the attention of the CIA / NSA.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:49 No.442667
    Isn't anyone else worried about how easy it seems to be for some amateurs to get secret government documents? I mean, if a bunch of amateurs can do this, then how easy must it be for a foreign secret service?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:49 No.442671
    WHAT THE FLYING FUCK Wikileaks is telling me they need over half a million dollars a year in donations , what the fuck are they doing with that money?

    How can these assmasters be trusted?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:49 No.442674
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:52 No.442698
    The NSA's info is well guarded, but institutions like the Pentagon have shit for internet based defenses, up until a while ago critical components within the pentagon still had external access to the internet. We know that plans for the F-22 have been stolen from within the Pentagon, as have a few other rather mission critical blue prints.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:52 No.442703

    They don't OBTAIN it. It's supplied. Article in todays papers in Australia on wikileaks verifies the shit OP posted. The editor of wikileaks that was tailed is an Australian, and another editor was arrested and questioned for 22 hours by the CIA in Iceland.

    They were supplied with a U.S. government document that details how to shut down wikileaks. All they simply need to do is reveal the identity of a few sources (all the info on the site is obviously supplied by people within the governments) and that way scare other potential suppliers away from leaking the information.

    To be honest, most of the stuff on wikileaks just confirms rumours and suspicions most people already have, and wouldn't be of great interest to foreign intelligence agencies.

    Also the CP thing is related to the TOR nodes. They use TOR nodes to anonymously trade information.

    Guess which other internet sub culture likes to anonymously trade stuff?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:53 No.442708

    They would burn through that in Legal fees and hosting fees alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:55 No.442720

    Dont say military terms like that when you have no idea what they mean please. Makes civilians all sound the dumber
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:57 No.442736
    What the fuck are you talking about? I understand that.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:58 No.442756
    Was bound to happen eventually, sadly.

    Next time a government says they have transparent policies, feel free to laugh in their faces, they're doing that to you anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:59 No.442769
    What particular military term are you referring to? If you're referring to mission critical blue prints its more a phrase than a military terminology, if I wanted to get into military terminology we could discuss the number of files that the Pentagon has lost over the years including early concept drawings for the F-22 Raptor [during Lockheed Martins early submissions] as well as the chemical formula related in some way to the stealth material.

    I have no clue what the military terminology for this is, all I know is the basics of what managed to get out.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:02 No.442791
    There is no such thing as a mission critical blue print that terminology is not used. So please just dont make terms up or use words you dont know the meaning of.

    Also just as a reminder, when people work for the CIA/Military and have security clearances (like myself Airforce here) they swear to not divulge that information. Its illegal. The CIA can hunt you down for leaking secrets. Besides the people who are doing this leaking signed up for their jobs voluntarily (and took the oath voluntarily) so I feel no pity for them when they are arrested.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:03 No.442802

    Shut the fuck up you faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:04 No.442817
    What the fuck is this all about exactly? I take it wikileaks got their hands on some sensitive information but what information exactly?

    tinfoil hatter shit or what?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:05 No.442827

    Half of the time wikileaks looks like fucking infowars. The other half its interesting.

    But like I said earlier what the fuck do they need over half a million dollars for? Annually.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:06 No.442830
    Unless you're some kind of General in the Air Force, your security clearance is all of shit. You get to find out all the nifty bases, but past that your actual information on maintain those planes is kept to an absolute minimum. The NDA's you have floating around your head come no where close to those who have actually been developing these craft as well as the technology to fly them.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:06 No.442831
    oh look, wikileak viral marketing, gobble it up
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:06 No.442835
    >>435193 did the gov purposely kill those journalists or are they just casualties of war?

    Fox New Correspondents that Rupert Murdoch wanted "gone" due to their liberal leanings.

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