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    File : 1269382355.jpg-(99 KB, 468x511, dole queue.jpg)
    99 KB The dole queue is doomed Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)18:12 No.426104  
    >Gordon Brown has announced that soon jobseekers will be able to sign on online, at home

    The announcement this week by Gordon Brown that the dole queue may be about to disappear as signing on, along with other government agencies' business, goes online, sadly doesn't indicate that unemployment itself is about to disappear. But it does represent a different way of imagining the condition of joblessness.

    The dole queue is the most obvious visual symbol of the long-standing economic scar of unemployment. From the introduction of unemployment benefit itself 100 years ago, to the dole queues of the 30s through to the Tories' Labour Isn't Working advertising campaign in 1979, the image of glum-looking people standing in a line waiting to sign on is etched deep in the collective consciousness. Dole queues have fuelled working-class anger and political activism for a century. Now they seem to be doomed.

    No one will mourn the end of the dole queue. Nevertheless, the dole queue has been a catalyst for all kinds of cultural and political activity since the opening of the first Labour Exchanges in February 1910. The idea of the dole itself has also gone through a number of transformations in the collective imagination, variously as a legitimate citizen's right, a state manifestation of charity, or for the conservatively inclined, an inexhaustible teat for so-called scroungers and welfare cheats.

    More at:
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)18:15 No.426138
    4chan must immediately change the upcoming website so that whenever you log in, all you see is a Rick Roll video
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)18:16 No.426149
    Oh no, long lines at unemployment centers are making us look bad.

    Lets force these idiots to stay home and do it online so it looks like we don't have a huge problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)18:18 No.426172
    Government is now responsible for ensuring that every citizen has a personal computer capable of a high-speed internet connection and necessary hardware requirements to play Halo.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)18:22 No.426209
    You're implying that 4chan = /b/ , which is not.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)18:42 No.426405
    It's a great idea. Imagine the amount of tax payers money will be saved by not employing the army of signing on staff. The conservatives will probably welcome this proposal, it makes good sense.

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