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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269102219.jpg-(38 KB, 140x195, brahm2140x195ar9.jpg)
    38 KB Arrest Made in Wal-Mart Intercom Case Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:23 No.375329  
    A man has been arrested for allegedly announcing a hateful message over a South Jersey Wal-Mart's intercom, police told NBC Philadelphia.

    The unidentified man, who is from Atlantic County, N.J., was taken into custody Friday evening, police said.

    Officials are staying tight-lipped on the arrest, but more details are expected to be released at a press conference Saturday.

    Several shoppers have been boycotting the retailer since last Sunday when a man accessed the Washington Township, N.J. store's public address system and announced: "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now."

    Wal-Mart said Friday that an internal investigation uncovered new evidence suggesting that a shopper may have made the page.

    Washington Township Police and the Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office have been investigating the case as a possible hate crime.

    Authorities have previously said the person responsible could be charged with harassment and bias intimidation.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:27 No.375344
    No one can take a joke anymore.

    This is so stupid. What can he even be arrested for? Saying things people didn't like?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:29 No.375363

    Probably illegally accessing or using a companies phone.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:30 No.375370
    That's what i'm thinking.

    This isn't Europe, you can't simply be jailed for "racism" like you can over there.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:34 No.375393

    >Authorities have previously said the person responsible could be charged with harassment and bias intimidation.

    wtf is bias intimidation
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:34 No.375395
    yes you can
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:34 No.375397
    Would not be a hate crime if he was black.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:35 No.375402

    This isn't the internet. Trolling in real life has consequences.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:35 No.375403
    a charge we just made up; sort of like theft of intellectual property
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:35 No.375406
    My question is: would this happen if he said "white" instead of "black"?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:36 No.375409
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:36 No.375412
    If an arrest wasn't made, all hell would break loose. It's just good business sense for Walmart to press charges, not to mention keeping a good overall opinion of the local police force. The guy is an idiot and it's political.

    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:37 No.375417

    Same shit probably. Admit it, you'd cry racism too.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:39 No.375430
    When I lived in Japan I had people be openly racist to me.

    I didn't see what the big deal was, I thought it was hilarious.

    People need to start not taking racism so seriously because then it gives racists a level of seriousness, when mockery would help lessen it so much more.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:40 No.375438

    As long as people aren't violent, I'd be cool with it too.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:42 No.375447
    No, I don't think so. I bet most would laugh. Yes, there would most likely be those soccer moms or w/e that will complain to the managers but with that, I doubt that it would make it to the media.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)12:57 No.375525
    LOL that's pretty humorous, what are people so bent out of shape about? He didn't even use a racial slur
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:01 No.375554
    And yet we all know if the message said:
    >"Attention Wal-Mart customers: All white people leave the store now."
    the cops wouldn't have been called and no one would've gotten arrested.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:03 No.375557
    If there were a legitimate store policy that barred people of a certain race including my own, I would cry racism.

    If there was a dude fucking around on the intercom, I'd accept it for what it is. People need to chill out.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:07 No.375587

    The soccer moms would be the reason why it makes the news, considering they make news over stupid shit like taking their kids to see Watchmen.


    Not everyone is a channer. Of course shit like this is funny to us, but people get butthurt so easily it's not funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:08 No.375591
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    Unfortunately, that doesn't happen in the world that has been created by constant race baiting.

    >Several shoppers have been boycotting the retailer since last Sunday

    Seriously, if you think you're so fucking important that your insignificant "boycott" of wal-mart makes a difference, you need a reality check.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:15 No.375618
    If he really wanted the store to clear out he could have just said "here come the police".
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:23 No.375650
    That's because those are just dumbass reactionaries. If you look at the establishment (I.E. the NAACP) their view on the situation is 'whoopty shit, we've been through much worse and have better things to focus on'
    >> Alabama Man !!HLF2Y3kKTDp 03/20/10(Sat)13:24 No.375658
    Whole thing is fucking retarded.

    Wal-Mart shouldn't have it's intercom system readily available to the public (it's very easy to find out how to get on it, and not really hard to block it). However to act like Wal-Mart did something WRONG here is idiotic. Negligent, maybe, but there shouldn't be lawsuits over hurt feelings especially when it wasn't directly ordered by Wal-Mart.

    Now I can name 50 million other things I hate about Wal-Mart, but that's neither here nor there.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:26 No.375661
    You got it right on the stupidity of boycotts. Like any corporation is dumb enough to set themselves to be raped by the poverty pimps. They should have said something about bussing in moar blacks to shop there.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:31 No.375689
    Is it racist to offer discounts for a race?

    Like say, 10% off of everything on saturday if you are black.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:34 No.375697
    Clusterfuck of stupidity
    >> Alabama Man !!HLF2Y3kKTDp 03/20/10(Sat)13:34 No.375698

    I think so.

    Apparently there was some kind of ruckus (also at a Wal-Mart I believe) because the black barbie doll was being sold for less than the white barbie doll.

    I wouldn't call racism on that (unless the black barbie doll cost 3/5ths as much as the white one...then there might be some merit to the claim).
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:35 No.375700

    yes you idiot
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:36 No.375702
    I thought the guy they arrested was black?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:37 No.375707
    arrested? oh wow. pool's closed humor banned in the usa.
    >> sage 03/20/10(Sat)13:38 No.375709

    A person is guilty of the crime of bias intimidation if he [CHOOSE APPLICABLE] commits, attempts to commit, conspires with another to commit, or threatens the immediate commission of [SPECIFY OFFENSE] 1 under circumstances that caused any victim of [the underlying crime/offense] to be intimidated and the victim, considering the manner in which the offense was committed, reasonably believed:
    a. that [the crime/offense] was committed with a purpose to intimidate the victim or any person or entity in whose welfare the victim is interested because of [CHOOSE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY: race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, or ethnicity],
    b. that the victim or the victim’s property was selected to be the target of the [crime/offense] because of the victim’s [CHOOSE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY]: race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, or ethnicity.
    [Note: Depending on the indictment and the evidence at trial, either a. or b. or
    >> Alabama Man !!HLF2Y3kKTDp 03/20/10(Sat)13:39 No.375710

    Nowhere MSM has announced a name yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:41 No.375711
    But you aren't denying any race anything

    you are just giving one race an extra bonus
    >> sage 03/20/10(Sat)13:44 No.375716
    the person was 16, a minor, so they probably won't release a name
    >> Alabama Man !!HLF2Y3kKTDp 03/20/10(Sat)13:48 No.375732

    Reading over that, at the very least it should be A and B, not A or B.

    In the case of A, let's say I beat up a black guy because he pissed me off for something random (cut me off in traffic). I've still commit assault, and I meant to intimidate the fucker, but I didn't intend to do so because of race. However, if he believes it was a bias crime, it is so.

    Meanwhile, with just B, I decide I'm going to beat up a random black person. What if I decide I'm going to beat up a random blonde? Random person with blue eyes?

    At the very least, a "bias crime" should actually be a politically motivated act. I actually personally disagree with hate crime laws altogether despite the fact that I'm a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)13:59 No.375777
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:03 No.375790
    absolutely fucking ridiculous
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:04 No.375793
    fucking black mafia pushing law enforcement
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:12 No.375825
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:15 No.375839
    >bias intimidation
    That's prosecutable?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:17 No.375848
    Isn't that just fucking business?
    I mean, it's pretty damn obvious that the white Barbie doll would sell more, because it's more well-known and popular than Barbie's best friend Lakisha. You raise the price of things that sell well.
    What am I missing here?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:18 No.375849
    I'm half black and this is so stupid.

    hate crime? really?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:18 No.375851
    When a white man's mean to black people, anything's prosecutable.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:20 No.375857
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    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:20 No.375860
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    According to the testimony of the Knox County Acting Medical Examiner Dr. Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan at the subsequent trial of Eric Boyd, Newsom was repeatedly sodomized with an object and then blindfolded, gagged, arms and feet bound and his head covered. Barefoot, he was either led or dragged outside the house to a set of nearby railroad tracks. He was shot in the back of the head, the neck, and the back, and his body then set on fire.

    Christian's death came only after hours of sexual torture, medical examiner Mileusnic-Polchan testified. Christian suffered horrific injuries to her vagina, anus and mouth. She was not only raped but savaged with "an object," possibly a broken chair leg, the doctor testified. She was beaten in the head. Some type of chemical was poured down her throat, and her body, including her bleeding and battered genital area, likely scrubbed with the same solution - all while Christian was alive, the forensic expert said. She was then "hog-tied," with curtains and strips of bedding, her face covered tightly with a small trash bag and her body stashed inside five large trash bags before being placed inside a large trash can and covered with sheets. Christian died slowly, suffocating, the medical examiner said.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:22 No.375865
    >Authorities have previously said the person responsible could be charged with harassment and bias intimidation.

    So much for free speech in the US.

    On the other hand, Walmart should totally sue this guy for damages and lost sales.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:24 No.375879
    Man, this reminds me.
    America is so afraid of terrorists or viruses or some shit. I think we need to get back to our roots have a good ol' serial murderer that'll take years, if not decades, to catch.
    We need a fucking sequel to Green River.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:25 No.375886
    Contrasting the media silence on the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murders with the wall-to-wall nationwide media coverage of somebody saing "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now." is a good way to observe media bias.

    One of the most horrific rapes/murders in America in decades? That is a non-story to be brushed under the rug because it was perpetrated by Blacks against Whites.

    A harmless verbal prank that maybe hurt some black people's feelings (but probably not, they just know if they pretend so they could get a cash payout)? _That_ is a horrific crime deserving of constant attention and a highly publicized manhunt to find the terrifying speech-criminal!
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:26 No.375892
    ITT: People with an emotional irrationality that is even worse than even a woman's; hence, racists.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:26 No.375893
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    Oh America.
    >> 100 RAPES BY BLACKS EVERYDAY AGAINST WHITES Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:29 No.375906
    And murders by blacks against whites everyday in the US and its gets ZERO national attention by the Jew Media.
    But tell blacks to leave a Walmart and it is covered 24/7 by the same national media.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:32 No.375921
    This was an inside job.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:38 No.375947
    why would they boycott walmart for what this person did?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:38 No.375950
    Because people are idiots.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:42 No.375963
    Oi, I occasionally forget I'm in /stormfront/.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:49 No.375989
    Why is this even illegal?

    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:50 No.375996
    > hate crime
    > joke
    Hate crimes are no laughing matter.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:55 No.376019
    Wasn't it like last week that two guys were thrown in jail for spilling some cotton balls on the ground because it was racis?
    lol liberals
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)14:55 No.376024
    USA in 2010 = Orwell novel.

    Some animals are more equal than others.

    Leftist Jews are to blame.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:00 No.376045
    imagine if it was a black person telling all white people to leave the store. no one would care.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:00 No.376049

    DIAF libfag
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:05 No.376067
    Everyone in the threads forgetting about the Btards thrown out of a walgreens for refusing to remove their V masks.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:09 No.376089
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    These comics are prophetic.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:18 No.376133
    Baaaaw! He said something I don't like! Arrest him!
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:19 No.376137
    >implying it isn't justified
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:21 No.376147
    Id love to see /new/ if a black man was arrested for saying thisabout white people.

    Y'all would be celebrating like mofos and you know it.

    The guy did something illegal get the fuck over it.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:21 No.376149
    Personally I'm glad hateful persons are being prosecuted. All of you subhumans just want the freedom to hate not the freedom of speech. The more we enforce laws like these, the more society as a whole will be forced to change its thought patterns. Don't worry though, racism against whites will be taken care of soon as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:24 No.376177

    I personally think people who say things that are hateful on the internet should face jailtime too. make them think about what they say before they say it.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:41 No.376271
    BTW, not OP but pic not related. The guy in the pic MESSED WITH FOOTBALL. The dude in the wal-mart case messed with... black people.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:48 No.376329
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:50 No.376345
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    I think that what this man did was incredibly racist. Its things like this that are holding the country back. /new/ you all know that what he did was a hate crime.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)15:50 No.376348
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    All niggers must leave 4Chan! Thank you and good day.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)17:46 No.377253
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    "Attention Heroes of Newerth customers: All pinoys leave the game now."

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