03/18/10(Thu)12:23 No. 360707 ITT: HURP DERP CUNSERVATIVS LIBARAWWWLS In reality, there are a few different things going on here. We have protectionists who dislike the China trade because of the effect it has on wages and employment. We have those concerned with national security and the current massive technology transfer to China and the effect this is having. Then, on the other hand: We have ethnic lobbies who hate on the FBI or the federal government in general when it takes action against Chinese espionage (think what Asian-Americans in CA did when Wen Ho Lee was caught). We have big business firms who couldn't give a shit about the long term, and are merely focused on their bottom line, and more specifically, how cheaply they can manufacture goods in China as well as keeping good ties with the Chinese regime so that they are not shut out of the China market in future. tl;dr: Some Democrats are anti-China because of the effects it has on their union buddies. Other Democrats are pro-China because they're in cahoots with pro-Beijing Chinese ethnic lobbies and because of a certain reflexive anti-Americanism in the New Left. Some Republicans are anti-China, usually on security grounds, but they're usually shouted down by the corporate lobby and those ideologically opposed to anything that would get in the way of "free trade" even when the Chinese are being totally mercantilist fucks. Essentially, the US is being fucked by all sides.