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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

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    10 KB Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:30 No.359849  
    Ask a white separatist anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:31 No.359851
    How many haplogroups would a haplogroup haplogroup group if a haplogroup could group haplos?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:40 No.359863
    What's your favorite band?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:42 No.359868

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:43 No.359871
    Nirvana maybe Metallica it's a toss up.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:44 No.359874
    OP here
    haplotype samefag
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:45 No.359876
    Why are you cancering up our site with your inane irrational mystical bullshit when there are sites dedicated to it?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:47 No.359879
    >implying racialism is inane irrational mystical
    >implying there is not strong science and logic behind racialism
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:52 No.359883
    hmmm no one else curious?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)05:57 No.359890
    How does it feel to know that 95+% of your leaders are undercover agents and that most of your brethren will blindly follow them/ do whatever they say?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:00 No.359895
    No one gives a shit about your dumb ideology. This board is filled to the brim with crackpots of all persuasions, it's not like anything you say would be new.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:02 No.359899
    Most of what you're referring too is actually occure with the leaders of Klan groups, neo-nazi thugs, white supremacist gang ects, although to the extent that it occures within White Nationalism proper it's disheartening
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:03 No.359900
    maybe, maybe not although you didn't ask so you wouldn't know.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:03 No.359901
    What country are you from?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:03 No.359902
    You like Hal Turner?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:09 No.359910
    hahahahahaha no. He was an excellent filter system though. Collected most of the more gullible garbage, and of course, served to make those who would advocate for white group identity and cultural cohesion look like violent psychopaths, so I guess he served his purpose for others as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:10 No.359913
    'merica of course
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:20 No.359917
    What do you think of Obama?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:25 No.359920
    In terms of policy he's only marginally worse than what McCain would have been albeit in a different way, however I do think he may have slightly positive on our cause. He's making some whites slightly more aware of their political and cultural disposition.
    >> Black & Liberal fighting raciss all day !4zmqnMe3cM 03/18/10(Thu)06:35 No.359928
    Hi, black and lib here, Who do you consider white? I've met a few white nationalists/supremacists/separatist before who don't consider Italians and Portuguese people white because of their Berber heritage.
    Again, some consider anyone who falls under the Caucasian umbrella (including Persians, Iranians, Bedouin etc. to be white)

    So my question to you, is it a genetic thing for you, or do you go by looks alone?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:42 No.359934
    What's your policy on homosexuals? Every white separatist I've met either on here or in real life has neo nazi hang ups about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:45 No.359935

    Why do you judge individuals on the basis of their skin color rather than on the content of their character?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:53 No.359940
    The "looks" are secondary to the genetics, although the two are of course linked.
    The working definition of white for most White Nationalist is simply none ethnically jewish people of European descent. That is those people who are derived from the indigenous peoples of the geographical area of Europe. That includes Italians, although inhabiting a costal area with a long history of invasion, slave trade, and commerce they do have trace amounts of none European genetics however these amounts are small an are primarily from groups that contributed to the orignal gene pool of Europe before modern whites exsited. Groups such as berbers, persians, ect.

    Same with ethnic russians who contian trace amounts of mongoliod DNA yet are still white.

    That's the genetic apect of it. Culturally WNism tends to favor northern Europe.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)06:59 No.359946
    When exactly were you stillborn?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:01 No.359950
    Black man here. Do you have a sister and is she pretty?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:02 No.359952
    why don't you get a job?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:07 No.359954
    That is one of the biggest varibles amongst WNism. Neo nazis of course are against out of simple mocho thuggary. But neo nazis are not White Nationalist. I tend to ascribe a tradtional pre Catholic view of homosexuality. It has occured throughout history and will contain to occure. It may even have had a place in Europes scientific and artistic development. So I tend to see it as harmless predisposition if kept in a proper social context. To me the proper context is not to overly "promote" it within the greater body of society, but to allow those who are homsexual to practice as they wish in private and act as the wish within the areas that they will carve out for themselves. (examples of homosexual enclaves can be seen throught European history.)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:11 No.359958
    Race is more than skin color. And I don't judge indivduals. I "judge" groups based upon indefinable patterns of group behavior and tendency. The patterns of behavior of some groups and my love for my people and the cultures and institutions they've created are why I hold this ideology.
    >> Black & Liberal fighting raciss all day !4zmqnMe3cM 03/18/10(Thu)07:12 No.359962
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    thanks for the answer, genetic testing to determine race is completely unfeasible though. And although looks can be an indicator, there are nowhere near accurate enough to determine whether someone is white or not. Take that guy from prison break, he's 50% black. His mother is 100% African. How will you know who is to be excluded from your all white society? I'm interested in the logistics here.

    Also, what percentage of non white blood is acceptable. there are still 100% Moorish and Berber people in the south of Europe, are they considered white because they;ve been there long enough and are indistinguishable from some of the mulattos in the region?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:13 No.359964
    I have a job. I pull lumber.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:16 No.359967
    I thought manual labor was a nigras job.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:27 No.359982
    Do you hate all other reces? Are there some you like more than others?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:31 No.359991
    >genetic testing to determine race is completely unfeasible though

    "This shows that people's self-identified race/ethnicity is a nearly perfect indicator of their genetic background,"

    >How will you know who is to be excluded from your all white society?

    It's not about who to exclube it's who to include. A good pragmatic way that will also serve not to alienate whites is simple. If they have no immediate tracable (as in traceable through birthrecords) non white ancestry as well as no overtly visble signs of non white ancestry they probably white. As the article above mentions self identification is a pretty good indicator. Using this method one would get mostly whites and to the extent that some would have non white ancestry it would be negligible.

    As for percentage of white. That is more ideological. An official policy of 100% is best, yet using the methods above would make that a non issue.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:32 No.359994

    If you have blood that is not northern european you are not white... keep it simple
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:34 No.360000

    Every norm has outliers. Even if it where true that all black people and all white people are more predisposed towards certain types of behavior, which I think is a falsehood not based on any fact of scientific research, if there is even just 1 outlier that does not conform, then your entire ideology falls to pieces.

    The value of any human being in any society should be determined on the basis of their character and their own actions and moral decisions alone, not on the basis of things that some or even a majority of their peers have done. Race does not determine what personal attributes an individual has, diverse personalities occur infinitely accross all the races. No two white people are entirely alike, and no two black people are entirely alike.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:35 No.360002
    nothing wrong with manual labor. It's one of the most rewarding things one can do. To use your strength and your life to do something that is productive that creates something useful is a nobel, if humble pursuit. As for the "nigras job" comment you seem to have me confused with some type of racist white supremacist
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)07:36 No.360004
    foolish or trollish either or. I'll use a name for here on.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:37 No.360006
    why do you think we give a shit about anything you have to say?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:37 No.360007

    Pray tell, what is the difference between a racist white supremacist and a white separatist?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:39 No.360009
    White Nationalists believe that its not just brown people who should be entitled to their own nations.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:41 No.360016
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    That's nice. So why don't you all just GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR COUNTRY and go back to Europe already? And if you're already there, just stay put!
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)07:46 No.360026
    >The value of any human being in any society should be determined on the basis of their character

    That's your ideology. The rule not the exception has the greatest effect on society. The society you're referring to is a meritocracy. Which if implemented would look exactly like segregation due to genetic differences between racial groups.

    I believe the members of society should be judge as individuals as well. The only difference is I know that equality in a society can only be achieved through homogeneity of that society.

    As for the science.

    The following paper makes the case particularly well.

    Genetic and environmental contributions to population group differences on the Raven's Progressive Matrices estimated from twins reared together and apart.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:50 No.360033
    Why don't we just aim to mix all the races into one giant gene pool? Then the best traits would naturally rise to the top.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)07:50 No.360034
    The difference is I don't wish to harm or reign over anyone. I don't think whites are "superior". I believe we are different and we should have cohesion as a group and be allowed keep our differences, and determine our own path. I believe all peoples should have that choice. Through nationalism whites could not harm those of other groups and those of other groups could not harm us.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)07:55 No.360042

    Europe is no more a white nation either. As for America the destruction of the native peoples is one of worst crimes in history, yet whites didn't steal "America" whites stole the lands of north America. I hold no responsibility for this but coming from a dieing people I can relate. Believe me if given a chunk of land for our people all white nationalists would gladly leave.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:55 No.360043

    Most Western societies are meritocracies, and are at the same time probably the least segregated on the earth.

    There is also no such thing as homogeneity, if it wasn't the blacks that people blamed everything on, it would be a "Certain subsection" of white races, or groups that lived in certain areas, had different color hair, shaped noses, etc.

    Even if you lived in a nation with a 100% white or 100% black population, it is by no means homogeneous.

    The rule, not the exception, does have the greatest effect on society, and the rule, weather you like it or not, is that the quality of an individual is founded on their own choices and decisions, not on what set of hereditary genes they where born with. Certainly, genes play a large role in the formation of an individual, but as western liberal democracies, our societies are built on the belief that man can become more than what he was made at birth.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)07:57 No.360045
    >>Through nationalism whites could not harm those of other groups and those of other groups could not harm us.

    Like I said, without the blacks to scapegoat, you would simply find subsections of your own race to blame things on, or members of certain religions, political ideologies, etc. Europe was hardly a paradise in the medieval ages.

    Homogeneity does not, never has and never will exist, even if everyone in a nation/society does have the same skin color.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)07:58 No.360047
    it's not about "the best". It's about continuing our existence. Such an act would destroy all peoples involve and rob the world of the diversity of mankind.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:02 No.360053

    you mean there will always be ideological differences? Well yes and.....? utopias don't exsist period what's your point?
    however racial homogeneity however is the closest you can come to true equality in a nation. Cultural differences can be overcome yet racial differences cannot. I don't scapegoat anyone by the way.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:03 No.360054
    >>however racial homogeneity however is the closest you can come to true equality in a nation.

    Says who/what?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:05 No.360058
    Thats the plan isn't it libfag. One brown fail race.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:08 No.360062
    So you, a white separatist, seriously care about the "diversity of mankind"? Riiiight.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:08 No.360063
    What flavor is the koolaid?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:09 No.360065
    what western society is a meritocracy? all western societies support affarmative action policies in education and employment and non selective immigration. a merticracy would only reward people based upon ability not group affilation.

    as the other poster you must mean there will always be ideological differences? Well yes and.....? utopias don't exsist period what's your point?
    however racial homogeneity however is the closest you can come to true equality in a nation. Cultural differences can be overcome yet racial differences cannot.

    yes western liberal democracies are are built on the belief that man can become more than what he was made at birth. but they are wrong and no matter how hard you believe something that's false it will never be true.

    also i don't see people blaming everything on blacks. by the way did you read the paper?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:11 No.360066
    i can't speak for everyone, but yes I do.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:13 No.360069
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:15 No.360072

    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:16 No.360073
    logic. wealth and standard of living are heavily dependent upon intelligence(not completly but strongly) in intelligence varies genetically from race to race both in level and in type. racially heterogeneous societies have groups with different levels of intellect and different skill sets this will always result in inenquailty on a level playing field even if all other factors towards equality are in place.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:17 No.360076
    i don't. if you're not trolling and really think you get it you don't. why would you hate them?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:17 No.360078
    >>yes western liberal democracies are are built on the belief that man can become more than what he was made at birth. but they are wrong and no matter how hard you believe something that's false it will never be true.

    If they are wrong, it certainly didn't impede them from becoming the most advanced civilizations on human history. If you think nations work well simply because they are homogenous, then you could look to all the failed states in Africa.

    Rwanda is a perfect example, the Hutus and Tutsis, despite both having black skin, still found reasons to slaughter each other, because their noses where shaped differently, because some where taller or shorter, because hate filled individuals and also general ignorami such as yourself stirred up hate and resentment about the other sides.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:19 No.360080

    Not to mention the stupid religious wars Europe embroiled itself in for centuries, or world wars 1 and two, fought in europe by members all with the same colour of skin.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:23 No.360085
    how does it feel to be a tool of the freemasonic jews?
    look at the emblem you posted.
    it's signed.
    that's pure freemasonry.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:29 No.360093
    the nazi party was a homosexual community
    they pretended to kill the homosexuals whereas they only killed the flaming ones
    up until now you see that elite orders are homosex, example : the skull and bones
    check out the kay griggs testimony

    her site:

    long version of her main interview :
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:31 No.360095
    the achievements of western society are the result of the racial make up of that society. which was white. yes racially homogeneous western societies achieved great things. are you debating my point or making it for me? the modern belief in equality is a mid 20th centurary one. the egalitarian west of today did not exsist before then.

    the Tutsis and the Hutus are not the same because they have black skin. they're actually two different racial groups and the Tutsis ruled over the hutu long before white man ever showed up.

    no i did not say they work well "simply" because they are homogenous. I said that homogeneity was an important factor in the social health of a nation, and paramount for a people to continue their exsistence. States fail in africa because africans are not good at making or maintianing western style nation states. And if you're telling me that you think africa is racially homogenous because the majority of the people their happen to have ebony skin then you are the ignorant racsist not me.

    by the way did you read that study yet?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:32 No.360099
    nazi policy regarding homo.. well anything has no meaning for me.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:34 No.360101
    I'm not a conspiracy nut sorry. I like the celtic cross.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:35 No.360105
    and? humans commit acts of war. utopias don't exsist. people make alot of strawman arguments.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:36 No.360107
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    >the achievements of western society are the result of the racial make up of that society.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:40 No.360115

    read a few of these studies particuarly this one then get back to me.

    Genetic and environmental contributions to population group differences on the Raven's Progressive Matrices estimated from twins reared together and apart.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:45 No.360123
    you call it celtic cross
    it represents the sun and its four yearly seasons
    you can see that same "celtic cross" on most "christian crosses"
    it is the cross of the zodiac

    "On the round surface of the yearly calendar, you can draw a straight line directly across the middle, cutting the circle in half... one end being the point of the winter solstice; the other end being the point of the summer solstice. Then you can draw another straight line (crossing the first one); one end of the new line being the spring equinox; the other end being the autumn equinox. You now have the starting points for each of the 4 seasons. This is referred to by all major encyclopedias and reference works, both ancient and modern, as "The Cross of the Zodiac". Thus, the life of God's 'Sun' is on "the Cross". This is why we see the round circle of the Sun on the crosses of Christian churches. The next time you pass a Christian church, look for the circle (God's Sun) on the cross."

    "celtic" my ass
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:46 No.360126
    so next question, how does it feel to be brainwashed by the very people you pretend to be fighting?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:46 No.360127
    >J. Philippe Rushton

    This is just barely better than quoting Jack Chick on world history and science.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:49 No.360131
    your point and your source please.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:50 No.360133
    OP, why are you such a faggot?

    I knew someone who was a white supremacist. He eventually realized he hated himself more than he hated other people, and only became a faggot neo-Nazi because he was ashamed of himself. You're no different.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)08:54 No.360137

    This anon got quads, therefore everyone Else's arguments are invalid.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:57 No.360144
    ? Rushton holds a phd. has been a professer at The University of Western Ontario since 1977 has held a profsership at Oxford. and is fellow of science of the the American, British, and Canadian Psychological Associations.

    What about his credentials are lacking?

    Or is it that his research has demonstrated something you find ugly?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)08:58 No.360145
    not a neo nazi or a white supremacist.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:01 No.360147
    >>360000 Race does not determine what personal attributes an individual has, diverse personalities occur infinitely accross all the races.

    what about species?
    are rabbits as good as humans, and it only depends on character?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:01 No.360148
    not to mention Herrnstein and Murray and many other have reached the same conclusions.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:05 No.360155
    >Or is it that his research has demonstrated something you find ugly?

    it's that. modern day dogma. Rushton is a modern heretic. the poster is a modern day religious zealot.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:06 No.360156

    Go read Leonard Lieberman.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:07 No.360159
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:08 No.360160
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    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:08 No.360161
    bad argument they are going to reply that rabbits are a different species. The implication being that genes that select for intellect, behavior ect are some how magic in there ability suddenly manifest in equal numbers in all populations of a species despite genetic isloation.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:10 No.360164
    ? how is mr stein tv talking head and ex politcal speech writer qualified to pass judgement on a phd psychologist?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:10 No.360165

    Would you enter into a relationship with a girl who was black/jewish/indian/oriental (assuming she was insanely hot)?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:15 No.360169

    Appeal to authority much?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:15 No.360171
    Great post but these Stormfags are unable to be reasonable. They're just going to call you a self-hating liberal wigger.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:16 No.360172
    Some people consider Nationalism to whitewashed gang culture, especially in glorifying criminal White Nationalists or Hitler. They literally see no difference between you and black gangster culture.

    What's your explanation to people about this? About how many of the prominent outspoken Nationalists were jailed not for the cause, but for completely unrelated crimes like Pedophilia or attempting coups in foreign Governments? Or that when reaching the political stage they embarrass themselves with poor performance and playing musical chairs among the Democrats and Republicans?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:20 No.360182
    Anthropologist? really? they're paid egalitarians. his soul argument was the rushton didn't measure a set of skull data he collected(he later proved he did after being investigated by Canadian officials over hate crimes(ie his research)) and regardless that doesn't negate his other studies

    such as

    Genetic and environmental contributions to population group differences on the Raven's Progressive Matrices estimated from twins reared together and apart.

    another funny thing is that Dr rushton,despite how much they would like to do so, still holds a professership.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:21 No.360184
    simple they were thugs most of them not white nationalists but neo-nazi aryan brotherhood ect. the same thing could be said for example about democrats if you'll notice black imprsionment rates and black voting habits.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:24 No.360187
    as oppose to? it's academia. you're school record and postion say something about your intellect and work ethic. and those who disagree where to they derive their argument from? not their own research. either mass group think or some other authority
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:26 No.360190

    So every opinion you hold derives from your own research?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:27 No.360193
    i've been making nothing but logical arguments. All i've seen are strawmans and ad hominems coupled with intellectual dishonesty when presented with evidence. by the way not a neo nazi
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:31 No.360198
    my experiene and my research of others research. but that's my point. if you you are going read any research and make judgements as to whether or not it is legit you have to look at the researchers "authority". Indeed that's how you are judged in academia. Indeed Rushton was judged quit well until his research turned up something alot of people would rather not like to be true.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:33 No.360204
    how do you determine someone is white?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:36 No.360209


    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:37 No.360213

    I'm talking about men like David Duke and Kevin Alfred Strom. Tom Metzger and Hal Turner. They weren't thugs, but the ideal of White Nationalism until each royally fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:37 No.360214
    How could whites ever be united if they fight against each other all the time? Just look at the Balkans.
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/18/10(Thu)09:43 No.360225
    Europe is filled with sandniggers and is gradually becoming filled up with niggers.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:44 No.360229
    eastern europe isn't
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:44 No.360230
    why do you care so much about racial purity when the white race is a hodge podge of many different ethnicities?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:47 No.360233
    what about biracial and multiracial people who identify more with being white than anything else? are they allowed into your white separatist bullshit?
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/18/10(Thu)09:49 No.360238
    No, there are overlying differences between people who come from different areas with completely different social and biological developments.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:52 No.360243
    Hal Turner? the ideal? no even in WN circles he was widely considered a fool and possibly a plant by the sane among us. same goes for Tom Metzger. David Duke which I'm not a fan was just locked up on some tax crimes.

    Kevin Alfred Strom they may have been a set up or he is just a sick fuck that needs to die.

    WNist are hated and demonized so
    this ideology will actract basicly two types of people. the first type has truly realized that there is truth to our beliefs and has such a strong conviction for this truth they'll risk the social stigma the loss of employment postion ect and try to use our arguments to further our cause. the second type doesn't really care about our cause. he get the logic he may not, but his love isn't his race or the truth of our views his true loves is hatred for the system or possibly society as a whole. He's attracted to the symbols the "romance" for shock. for the effect and control he can have over others. the possiblity of power. he wants to be hated. he seeks attention and feels satisfaction if he is instilling anger, or fear, or hatred in others. rather towards him, towards our cause, the white race, or non whites. that's the reality of it.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:54 No.360245
    if they know and can say they are multi or biracial then no this is not the bullshit for them
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)09:55 No.360253
    it's not. whites have a diverse gene pool, but that's not the same as being heavily mixed with racial elements that where not present in that gene pool historically.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)09:58 No.360259
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    >Nirvana maybe Metallica it's a toss up.
    You realize their music is directly descended from nigger music, yes?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:01 No.360265
    therein lies the problem. whites have a psychological tendency towards non cohesion and indivdualism. combined with a tendencey to be influenced by peers and those with "authority". it doesn't look good.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:04 No.360271
    surely there's more important things to worry about?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:04 No.360272
    mhe, that's questionable. heavey metal actually has more in common with classical then anything. and even if not, so what? my .22 has gun powder in it and that comes from a chinaman lol. what's your point?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:06 No.360274
    nope, civilized society can only exsist as long as the intellect to maintian it exsists when the minds that create and maintain a civilaztion are gone the civilaztion is gone. the minds cannot exsist without the people the people without the genes.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:07 No.360277

    I used to think kind of the same way, then I realized I've fucked over far more by whites than anyone else, simply because they are who I interact with most. Now, if I could get rid of all the liberals, that would be much better. I'm a conservative separatist, an equal opportunity one, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:08 No.360280

    Nirvana and rock is blues heavy, which means black.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:09 No.360283
    >heavey metal actually has more in common with classical then anything
    You're not very intelligent if you believe that. Care to argue how metal is more classical- than blues-influenced? I'm interested.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:11 No.360291
    OP, say that their were no more white women in the world and you were the only man, what race would you chose to have a baby with, thus starting a new breed of humanity?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:11 No.360293

    Black Sabbath and Blue Cheer started off as blues bands, bra.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:13 No.360300
    once agian that's also debateble. but even if true so what? put it in perspective. a group of blacks mixed with whites took intruments and musical scales invented by whites and played music which was influenced by white folk music which was then picked up by whites reinterputed to suit white taste and filled with lyrics, emotion and imagiary from the minds of whites. point please? i also enjoy chess which came from china.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:15 No.360307

    Chess came from India...
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:15 No.360308
    well judgeing by racism of non whites towards whites i don't know if that would even be possible. probably none. i'd live amongst asians though. more peaceful. and not contaminate their genepool.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:16 No.360311
    As I thought, Asians seem a close second to whites.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:18 No.360316
    actually based on game play it is more likely that it orignated in China from the game Xiangqi and spread to india.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:18 No.360318

    It's not really debatable. Even the Beatles were heavily influenced by Chuck Berry. Blacks pretty much did all the music of last century on their own. Charlie Christian, pioneer of the electric guitar was black. I'm a white libertarian, and I'm not telling you this to glorify blacks, I'm telling you this because it's fucking true. Blacks *did* contribute heavily to culture.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:19 No.360320
    What is the world church of the Creator? Is it better than wotanism?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:20 No.360321
    once agian? fine blacks invented modern music. point?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:21 No.360323

    Also Kirk Hammet is part Philipino.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:22 No.360326
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    Blacks invented modern pop music. Which is just that, pop music.

    Pic related, it's the true father of modern music.
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/18/10(Thu)10:23 No.360329
    >Blacks pretty much did all the music of last century on their own.
    No, "blacks invented rock music" is an overstatement. They did blues music, which was derived from country/folk music. Chuck Berry, Little Richard and the Beatles suck cocks anyway.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:24 No.360332
    a bunch of crazy fundie Christians who appearntly though it's make for good lulz to attach themselves to white advocacy therby tieing to even more nut jobs, somehow this is supposed to get back a "the jew".

    wotanism is David Lane's rip off of odinism, which is some type of germanic new age spirtual pagan bs.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:24 No.360333
    What religion are you?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:25 No.360337
    OP, is it that you feel that white people are superior to other races, that you just despise other races, just don't like other races, that you feel that its an intelligent move biologically and culturally to avoid interracial blending, or are you simply proud of being white and want to avoid the value of that being lost in an ever increasingly diverse culture?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:25 No.360338
    not really religious.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:26 No.360339
    Did you cry when Ian Stuart died?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:26 No.360341
    >Chuck Berry, Little Richard and the Beatles suck cocks anyway.

    It would be really ironic if you listened to Radiohead like every other average joe in existence.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:26 No.360343

    Jackie Brenston's Rocket 88

    Considered the first rock song by most music historians. That's not revisionist history, either.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:28 No.360350
    How do you feel about the creativity movement?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:29 No.360353
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    I invented rock music. Where is your god now?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:31 No.360360
    When is RAHOWA coming?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:35 No.360372
    closer to the last one. I love my culture and race. I don't hate any group. I mean the truthfully. I believe a significant and non reclaimble by other means part of this culture does come from genetics. Also I believe that to an extent many of the problems of most races nation might be resolved by this. Such as working under the assumption that some how nations must have a western style society or they are doing something wrong. Trying to make other peoples adopt our civilaztion to the detriment of their own while at the same time trying to make whites conform to the moors, behavioral, and cultural predispostion of other people while degrading their own culture. I see this as responsible for a lot of strife in the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:36 No.360375
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)10:36 No.360377
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:40 No.360384
    You seem like an intelligent fellow. How do you account for the fact that once a person integrates into a culture, rather than trying to maintain a racial identity that is separate, they often contribute quite well, and tend to increase the flow of ideas that leads to healthy growth?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:42 No.360392
    problem is you stormfags like to think you speak for all whites, you don't. all you have is the inexorable asspain about niggers, multiculturalism and endless shitposting, to that end, as you were.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)10:57 No.360417
    I am a bigger, but I prefer white culture, white friends, and white wimminz. Where do I fit in your society?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:07 No.360443
    they specialize. but this can lead to conflict of resources and idea that are not "positive" for the host race.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:08 No.360447
    well the that's fine. I'd never force/want to force/try to force you to be a part of something you don't want to be a part of. If you can't see reason or any logic for my views then don't adopt them.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:09 No.360452
    right now you fit in everywhere
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:10 No.360457
    So you do feel that ethnicity has a genuine effect on culture, and that even if one gives up their culture, they're still separate.

    I gotta say, I disagree with this pretty heavily. Are you an American?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:13 No.360463
    In your ideal world, what do yo propose for men like me? I am an 'octaroon' by racialist standards. I like whites, I feel mostly white, and I'm better than every man I've met at nearly everything I do. What would your ideal world do to men like me?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:15 No.360469
    In an oven.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:16 No.360472
    >I'm better than every man I've met at nearly everything I do.

    And yet you're terrible at making your bullshit believable.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:18 No.360478
    Mongrels succeed fairly well in an all black society.

    It is amusing to see that many of them were presidents of Haiti.

    It is not as bad as it seems since you have the power and the monies from the dumb white men.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:18 No.360479
    but of course.

    Yes race effects cultural. You cannot take a group of lets say black pygmies plug them into ice age Europe and(assuming some how you could prevent natrual slection and genetic drift) and get let's say frenchmen. Think about it wouldn't it be insane to assume that genetics plays no part in culture? If we do differ on the genetic level as races that means we differ as collectives and societies. You can even compare different cultures made of the same races and see very similar cultural traits.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:21 No.360482
    i would do nothing. If I was setting policy whatever land whites had as a home you would be excluded from and beyond that you're free to seek your own path within the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:24 No.360490
    Why bother convincing you? It is the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:26 No.360495
    It's. A good thing you are just a delusional bigot then. Off to fuck me a white woman. Later op.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:27 No.360496
    But you also see very different cultural traits within cultures that are of the same race. Compare how the Norsemen lived with the lifestyle of the more southern tribes like the romans. Although I don't know if you consider the Mediterranean groups to be white.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:35 No.360529

    >Herpppp derrrrrrp we have always been white and adaptation doesnt exist, whites have always had a specific culture that has never had any outside influence, hasnt changed and couldnt possibly exist without whites.

    Are you completely fucking retarded you inbred lower class piece of genetic waste?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:37 No.360542
    yes that is not to say that enviroment does not produce differences, and yes I do consider Italians as whites, however there may some significant genetic differences between the two during that time period. Now let me ask you a question how do you account for races who inhabitied very similar enviroments yet produced very different cultures? such as the Hutu and the Tutsi?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:40 No.360555
    nobody said we were always white? try reading. Noby said we didn't have any cultural influences?

    Nobody denied evolution. However if you think that a culture can come to be seperate from the genetics of the people who make up that culture then you're the retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:41 No.360560
    If whites are a race, why aren't mullatoes sterile?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:43 No.360575
    Random chance. Humans have a tendency to incorporate nonsensical and irrational things into their cultures. Look at the amount of energy wasted on the pyramids, which were palaces for people who were already dead.
    >> My sister is a faggot !/aeIP7bYFA 03/18/10(Thu)11:44 No.360577
    Race =/= species you faggot.

    Caucasoid/negroid/mongoloid/khoisanid = race
    Human = species
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:44 No.360578
    >they're paid egalitarians.
    >All i've seen are strawmans and ad hominems

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:47 No.360586
    What is human race mean, pray tell?
    >> My sister is a faggot !/aeIP7bYFA 03/18/10(Thu)11:48 No.360591
    Human race doesn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:48 No.360593
    have you ever called someone a nigger?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:49 No.360597
    oh and you can even find similarties between them. sexual exclusiveness especially in females Strong masculin deities, one male controling a small group of females. patriarchal
    internalized morality
    Tendency toward indivdualism resulting in periodic intranational conflicts(civil wars). compare this to african cultures matriarchal, female deities, sexaul exclusiveness non exsistent, non external morality
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:49 No.360598
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    What is a man?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)11:50 No.360599
    yes many times.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:51 No.360604
    Where are we racing to? Oh quack scientist. (Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, WTF no race!!)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:52 No.360608

    you're too good for this sinful earth.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:54 No.360615
    Have you ever called a grown man a nigger to his face when the odds weren't in your favor by a cowardly preponderance?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:55 No.360617
    Why is this thread still running? This anon has double doubles, thus his word is law.
    >> My sister is a faggot !/aeIP7bYFA 03/18/10(Thu)11:55 No.360618
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    How is German shepherd dog classified?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:56 No.360621
    Nice waste of quads you liberal fuckshit
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:56 No.360624
    Breed. Try again.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)11:58 No.360631
    I'm fairly sure that some of the white traits you describe were found in a large quantity of native American tribes as well. Personally I feel that culture arises primarily out of random memetic chance and geographic necessity. The only areas I see ethnicity playing a role is in a medical capacity, as some diseases affect different racial groups in different ways.
    Outside of that, I'm a firm believer that a man can make whatever he likes of himself, including adapting to a new culture. I see that as one of the inherent beauties of America.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:02 No.360642
    yes many times.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:02 No.360644

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:03 No.360648
    OP is a liar.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:05 No.360654
    Well according to a 2005 study.

    Racial Groupings Match Genetic Profiles

    yet anthropology has been saying race doesn't exsist biologically well before genetic studies even got underway. No evidence just by decree.

    Ok fine the field was arrognat and made a mistake yet it 2010 and what do they say now?

    >Race is a recent human invention

    yeah they really care about scientific truth......
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:07 No.360659
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:14 No.360689
    ok let me ask you this then. what seperates our culture from let's say a great ape? does genetics play a role? of course now let me ask you this. Do you think that after the arrivel of homo sapians that human populations underwent no further evolutionary pressure that selected for intelligence and behavior? And you do realize the isolation of population groups could have resulted in genetics that select for such traits might not reach other gene pools. (hence why we differeces in skin color and visible traits can be found in some population groups and not others.)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:15 No.360690
    You clearly don't know what culture means. Culture isn't racial.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:17 No.360694
    Fair point. I still hold that a man is more than his genetic make-up, and that your view point ignores the high intelligence of humanity to shape its own destiny. Forgive me if I have you wrong, but it seems that you are suggesting that a black man could never fit in well with white culture. Barack Obama is the whitest dude I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:19 No.360698
    maybe because he's half white and was raised by white people and went to predominately white schools?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:19 No.360699
    You must not be anglo.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:20 No.360700
    OP, when you separate, could you please take Texas with you?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:23 No.360708
    thats a quantitative comparsion it doesn't take into account co evolved traits or alle postion and not only that

    "MOST variation found in asians and europeans are also found in Africans"well no shit
    using their criteria i could honestley say that humans share MOST of their dna with chimps (>98%) yet the 2% make the difference between poetry,math,science speech ect. This is just using half science and intellectual dishonesty for propaganda
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:25 No.360714
    Thats.... sorta my point? I'm not sure where you are going.

    Well, only a quarter. Then I'm a quarter italian, an eighth spaniard, an eighth saxon and franc, and a quarter native american.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:25 No.360719
    no not at all, a black man can easily, but black men cannot, it's a question of numbers and the inequality that will result when you have such deep gnetics divideds in intelligence and to an extent behavior. I'll point out though that obama is half white.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:27 No.360723
    sure, we know 'merica wouldn't wanna be racsist so we'll gladly provide free shuttle service from our sourthern border to yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:28 No.360726
    OP, I have definitely laid more white wimminz than you have.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:28 No.360728
    Culture results partially from race yes. And I don't care what you've been taught really think about it. You'll understand.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:29 No.360733
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:34 No.360744
    White bitches do backflips to prove they aren't racist. And the dick is so good they don't care if you fuck their friends too.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:36 No.360750
    Not even desperate crazy white women on OKCupid want blacks according to their survey.

    That ought to tell you something right there.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:39 No.360758
    OP, where would you want to locate your white separatist homeland?
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:42 No.360763
    no idea. i've often joked that if we could get enough Wnist throught the USA as there are people in Mexico then we could just swap. Allow them to come here we'd head south.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:43 No.360767
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:46 No.360774
    White nationist I believe.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:47 No.360775
    This is a survey phenomenon, promise. They just don't want white dudes to know they love black dick. Apparently y'all hate on your women for getting fucked right.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:49 No.360778
    Whatever helps you sleep at night.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:51 No.360780
    let me guess,

    a non white dated your mom?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:53 No.360786
    Blowjobs from white bitches who pay for anything I want, including this computer.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:56 No.360792
    >calls women bitches

    Typical nigger.
    >> OP 03/18/10(Thu)12:58 No.360800
    ok OP here I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:00 No.360803
    Would you respect someone who basically pays you for dick? I mean hypothetically of course, because it'll never happen to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:02 No.360810
    Bye OP. It was fun trying to convince you not to be racist!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:04 No.360820
    /b/ does it too, so stfu.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:05 No.360826
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    >implying you're not just lying to boost your ego
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:08 No.360840
    Don't need to prove anything, its the internet. You crackers wouldn't understand anyway. You've got no soul, and your pimp hand is weak.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:10 No.360846
    That really cuts to the core Tyrone.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:12 No.360850
    My name is David.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:13 No.360854
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:17 No.360864
    The first time I saw roots I beat my brother with a belt for about an hour. His name is Tobias. As a nigger, I find this funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:59 No.361012

    Wouldn't a European territory make more sense, given that's where whites originated from and have the claim to?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:43 No.361210

    So, does that mean you are going to "separate" from North America and go back to wherever the fuck you came from?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:44 No.361214
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:52 No.361239
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    get off our land white imperial
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)22:19 No.363903
    black people are superior
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)22:23 No.363933
    Why are you such a colossal faggot?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)22:30 No.364000
    implying that there is.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:22 No.365776
    How can you know you are 100% white when you cannot trace all of your ancestors back to when humans were created? Do you believe in evolution and if so do you believe in out-of-Africa or multiregional?
    >> Novemberg 03/19/10(Fri)02:27 No.365800
    White Power.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:33 No.365821

    Migration over thousands of years motherfucker, and land bridges
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:38 No.365836
    yes. but there are people who believe that all people evolved at the same time in different regions of the world. it can't be true, because we would have evolved under different conditions and be so different that it would be nearly impossible to produce mixed race offspring.

    i can't remember the correct name for this theory. multiregional something or other. it's opposed to the out-of-africa theory.
    >> SkiddieKript !!Vhv0R15E3US 03/19/10(Fri)02:43 No.365850
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    I'm not the OP but I will answer a few questions, if you ask nicely enough.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:56 No.365913
    Have you stopped hanging niggers lately?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:57 No.365924
    You've got the multiregional hypothesis completely wrong. It states humans evolved from Neanderthals across the world and because evolution is so slow interbreeding across the world made one species. Are you suggesting we all evolved from a point? There is a dot in Africa where the first human came from?
    >> Science McScience 03/19/10(Fri)10:55 No.366990
    >>>>>>evolved from neanderthals

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