03/13/10(Sat)15:04 No. 335372 What
all you faggots don't realize is although the Jewish media clouds your
minds with information tell you America is sending huge sums of cash to
israel, the media just wants you to believe this so Israel can get
people to believe American is completely behind them. In reality,
Israel is fending off for itself at MANY corners, they would of invaded
Gaza whether or not America was behind them. If America stopped
supporting Israel, all the arab nations would once again try to attack
Israel like in their previous attempts, they will ultimately fail.
Israel would end up capturing more of their land, but without the US
pressuring them, they would probably keep the land like they rightfully
should. For those of you who don't believe me, good research any of
the major Israeli Wars with Arab nations, research how much American
helped/funded them. You'll realize it really has been over exaggerated.