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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268504077.png-(43 KB, 344x517, 1267876962177.png)
    43 KB I need an educated opinion Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:14 No.334829  
    What would happen if America refused/stopped supporting Israel?

    All aid removed, and Israel left to their own devices?

    What are the implications of this? No trolling please, good though-out answers.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:16 No.334836
    israel invaded in a matter of days
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:17 No.334840
    I was under the impression Israeli funding comes from private American donors.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:19 No.334849
    Well which ever, I was watching the news the other day and Biden was pledging "his full support" for Israel.

    I am a noob at politics, I can admit that, but I get the impression if they stopped, Arabs would have less reason to hate America.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:20 No.334855
    No. This year alone the government promised to send Israel 30 billion dollars in aid.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:20 No.334857
    and world war 3

    not likely
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:22 No.334860
    It would only help the US, it wouldn't hurt us at all. It would probably improve relations with the rest of the middle east too.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:22 No.334862
    30 Billion? And I thought there was a deficit bigger than Paris Hiltons gaping cunt...

    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:22 No.334865
    One of two things
    1: Israel is forced to cool down their ambitions of owning palestine and endure weekly suicide bombings.
    2: Israel continues as normal, The following conflict is incredibly bloody and the middle east becomes a smoking crater after israel loses a bloody war of attrition and decides to launch their nukes on the way out.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:23 No.334868
    Probably nothing really. If the US withdrew their support for Israel, the various Arab states would continue to claim US support of Israel. They would either claim that US support has been made covert and secret or they would point to private donations as proof. You have to realize how Israel is used by the Arab states as a scapegoat for their own problems.

    On the other hand, withdrawing financial support to Egypt might result in the collapse of Egypt's government and general chaos and instability in the Middle East. Israel, though, could fight off any invaders(though at considerable personal loss).
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:23 No.334870

    world war 3 ifthe OP said america stopped supporting?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:24 No.334872
    >middle east becomes a smoking crater after israel loses a bloody war of attrition and decides to launch their nukes on the way out.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:26 No.334890
    >You have to realize how Israel is used by the Arab states as a scapegoat for their own problem

    OP here, I agree with this.

    They are bunch of hateful pricks, not so much as the support pisses them off, but the fact that we are kuffars, apostates and infidels. Thats another days work though...
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:27 No.334891
    if israel is invaded, see
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:30 No.334908
    As a person that loves live, family, and all that - I really do not need a fucking nuclear war... I thought we learned from that...
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:37 No.334936
    Here's a paradox to think about. In the event that Israel nukes the middle east, the fallout is most likely to drift towards Europe(Or Africa)

    Yet instead, we're the jews greatest ally.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:33 No.335225
    >Muslims Kill all the Jews in the middle east
    >We lose out on the Israelis as a test market for our weapons
    >We lose out on the Israelis as an out-sourcer for our intelligence
    >We lose out on the trade with the israeli economy as the sand-niggers will destroy everything of value there
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:38 No.335251
    This, pretty much. Israel would fall. It simply isn't sustainable and without big brother, other country's wouldn't put up with them. On it's way out, they wipe out a couple major cities to include Mecca.

    This wouldn't help US relations as the Middle East would (rightfully) blame the US for the nuclear bombings and declare jihad (but not to any greater extent than we are at right now).

    TL;DR - Dead Jews, muslims, more butt hurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:42 No.335265
    >Arabs would have less reason to hate America.
    Haha, no

    The fundies on their end are CONSTANTLY looking for a reason to hate the west. Israel is just a convenient scapegoat for that.

    I imagine in a few years they'll shift focus to india and china to satisfy their attention whoring.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:43 No.335273
    That will be interesting to watch. The Chinese have no qualms in completely crushing every raghead they see under a tank, they don't even have to worry about the libs protesting them.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:43 No.335274
    Also if we bailed out on Israel Taiwan would flip the fuck out...because they are actually in a worse situation. South Korea would also assume the US isn't going to bail them out either. So more violence in east asia... fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:44 No.335276
    More so on india.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:44 No.335277
    Pretty sure the Indians won't *really* mind doing the same, either.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:45 No.335284
    It would be interesting, but would result in many, many people dead.

    They're already trying to tread ground in raghead territory with the entire africa thing they have going on. It's only a matter of time before one steps on the others toes.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:45 No.335285
    China needs their oil more then we do
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:47 No.335294
    And not to mention the entire cold-warish feud India and Pakistan already have happening.

    All it would take is one figurehead declaring India a threat for absolute annihilation to happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:47 No.335298
    >Taiwan would flip the fuck out

    This would be difficult to accomplish considering the majority of the populace wishes for reunification, and a forth of them are even willing to accept it if it comes by invasion.

    >South Korea would also assume the US isn't going to bail them out either.

    This is a more delicate situation. It would depend on what happens following the US pullout and how threatened the South Korean government feels.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:52 No.335313
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    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:53 No.335321
    But Taiwan would think (and rightly so) we would let China invade their country

    they want reunification but on Democratic Free-Market terms
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:55 No.335330
    back to israel, if we could stop their support, which we can't, they would have to immediateloy cede to international law or face serious legal actions. this includes returning land.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:57 No.335334

    But at the same time, they are not suicidal. Do you think they would attempt to attack the PRC?

    Of course not.

    With South Korea, they might actually feel threatened enough to begin a troop buildup, which would cascade quick well into a Northern invasion.

    But Taiwan would just have things continue as normal, barring China actually deciding to take back the island.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:58 No.335342
    Israel just so happens to be in the crouch-pit of the middle east.

    hate that...
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)14:59 No.335347
    It would be ok at first, but imagine all the other middle eastern nations attempting to reclaim land, and eventually due to much Libtardism in the US, we would again be forced to assume the Big brother position and to go defend other countries in conflict

    TL;DR Another fight in Middle east, us is pulled into it again, the rest of the western nations lol@US
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:00 No.335352
    >Implying they are in violation of international law

    The UN is under political domination by Africa and the Muslim world. If they weren't involved Israel wouldn't be treated as they are and false claims of violations of international law wouldn't be made

    Taiwan at one point in time was well on its way to developing nuclear weapons. I am pretty sure they would do it again for self defense
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:00 No.335354
    Itt armchair geopolitical strategists who know fuckall about the middle east
    No invasion/wars are likely because the only country that's openly hostile is syria and they're shit at it. Egypt has a peace treaty, Lebanon's too busy sorting itself out, Jordan has a peace treaty, Iraq's sorting itself out, the Gulf countries wouldn't really care because they're just raking in the benjamins.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:00 No.335356
    Of course, in the end, I support the jews simply because I fucking hate towelheads.

    As a liberal(lol), all the ideas they support run completely counter to my ideals.

    Iran and Afghanistan too. We should be enacting a genocide, not "rebuilding their governments"

    Islam has contributed nothing to society. Since it's introduction to the middle east, they have completely failed to produce anything of worth.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:02 No.335364
    Egypt offers to break the peace treaty if the arab states would pay an equal amount to the US aid to Egypt
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:03 No.335367
    too bad it's taboo for politicians to suggest that we stop funding them.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:04 No.335372
    What all you faggots don't realize is although the Jewish media clouds your minds with information tell you America is sending huge sums of cash to israel, the media just wants you to believe this so Israel can get people to believe American is completely behind them.

    In reality, Israel is fending off for itself at MANY corners, they would of invaded Gaza whether or not America was behind them. If America stopped supporting Israel, all the arab nations would once again try to attack Israel like in their previous attempts, they will ultimately fail. Israel would end up capturing more of their land, but without the US pressuring them, they would probably keep the land like they rightfully should.
    For those of you who don't believe me, good research any of the major Israeli Wars with Arab nations, research how much American helped/funded them. You'll realize it really has been over exaggerated.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:04 No.335373

    Because political agreements will somehow magically wipe out all the hostility the Arabs have had towards the jews
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:07 No.335386
    er no, because the gulf countries enjoy stability; thats how they are raking in the fucking benjamins. Coincidentally, the gulf countries are the biggest investors in the nations around Israel. Why do you think the Saudi's are getting all sweaty over the Iranians extending influence in lebanon and Iraq? because the Iranians are trolling the fucking waterways and upsetting the status quo. Whether or not israel gets money is pointless, because the israelis are nuclear-equipped.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:10 No.335395
    isreal is more than capable of handling themselves. US involvement has protected the arab states against an unleashed isreal
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:10 No.335396
    Dear OP. Same question get asked every day by same troll. Boring thread is boring.

    How about what if America genocides all the Muslims instead starting with you?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:11 No.335398
    the united states is hostile to North Korea but they don't make the mistake of invading.
    Same goes for israel and its neighbours.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:21 No.335427
    To be fair, this is the first time I have posted on this board and I probably have generated more interest than you have in your entire 4chan career.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:36 No.335475
    >I troll imaginary jews on 4chan and think I'm clever

    Spammers say the same thing boy. Time to grow a pair. Pissing in an ocean of piss is far from interesting. Let me guess, spamming dicks next?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:38 No.335480

    If you don't like it, you can kindly fuck off, I hardly give a shit if you appoint yourself the 4chan thread police.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:39 No.335485
    >the united states is hostile to North Korea but they don't make the mistake of invading.

    We'd destroy them in under a month. NK is a joke even with nukes.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:42 No.335501
    I'm sorry nigger. Did I make you ass hurt? Did my words hurt your gay feelings. Did I make you cry?

    I'm the LAWL and I'm here to do bad things to you! Hehehehehe!
    >> flower girl !!cIwylogxJVQ 03/13/10(Sat)15:43 No.335505
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    nothing. israel has nukes and can be financially independent.

    tho i wish they would get invaded and get wiped off the map. nothing but an infected sore on this planet
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:47 No.335524
    >israel has nukes and can be financially independent.

    thanks to US
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:48 No.335530

    In terms of what, exactly? Arab states will still hate Israel, Israel will still get backing from private donors though nowhere near the tune of federal aid. It might mean they have to consider the implications of their own resolutions to Arab aggression, but not much else.
    >> flower girl !!cIwylogxJVQ 03/13/10(Sat)15:50 No.335542
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    yep thats the sad thing.

    if we hadnt helped them at all we wouldnt be having this pile of shit we call the middle east. they would have just been another latin america... still violent and filled with crazy retards but we can still exploit them for resources and dont have to worry about crazy jihadists trying to give the TSA excuses to make our lives more miserable.

    that and less jews
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)15:55 No.335570
    Israel would start nuking it's neighbors for "protection", they would get nuked back, the end.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)16:35 No.335778
    >they would get nuked back,

    By Iran maybe, but not really.

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