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  • File : 1291513136.jpg-(40 KB, 629x123, stormfrontheader.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:38 No.3107921 sticky  
    i'm not racist but
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:40 No.3107935
    they live
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:40 No.3107939
    I am a progressive.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:40 No.3107943
    Holy what?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:41 No.3107946
    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:41 No.3107949
    Mods? In /new/?

    Its more likely than you think.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:42 No.3107951
         File1291513324.png-(127 KB, 325x325, 126000432167.png)
    127 KB
    IT.... BEGINS!!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:42 No.3107952
    Stormfront is proud to be racist, Mr. Mod.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:42 No.3107954
    Stormfront sticky?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:42 No.3107957
    There's something funny about the mods here...
    I can't quite put my finger on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:42 No.3107964
    Here's a good question.
    Tell me, why is racism wrong? Give me a good reason.f
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:42 No.3107965
         File1291513372.jpg-(17 KB, 400x268, caryarsenic.jpg)
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    the fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:43 No.3107968
    This shit is my jam!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:43 No.3107970
    oh look, JIDF became mod after sucking moot's dick
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:43 No.3107972
         File1291513405.jpg-(11 KB, 153x155, 1291303477209.jpg)
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    There is more anti-white "hurr durr you mad white boys" threads then there are racist threads against non-whites.

    Still the mods need to have a go at whites defending themselves. Mods confirmed for Jews. I bet they are the ones who post the anti-white shit anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:43 No.3107976
    /new/ just jumped the shark
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:43 No.3107977
    Is this the say the word nigger and get banned thread??
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:44 No.3107988
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:44 No.3107989
         File1291513440.jpg-(76 KB, 800x267, stormfront.jpg)
    76 KB
    the future leaders of the world

    it is they that will guide is through the race war unto a golden age of utopia
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:44 No.3107991
    brb, compromised
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:44 No.3108000
    o jesus fucking christ, this is where the music is from.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:44 No.3108001
    Advice Skinhead:

    >People call racism retarded
    >Must be anti-white
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:44 No.3108005
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:44 No.3108006
         File1291513495.png-(687 KB, 508x755, 1280449105025.png)
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    >> Danger McThunderthighs !Zq4YGFw5tU 12/04/10(Sat)20:45 No.3108011
    I sure do detest illegals
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:45 No.3108018
         File1291513541.png-(27 KB, 429x410, naziguy.png)
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    B-but... mein fuhrer...
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:46 No.3108034
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:46 No.3108036
    How is wanting to live a decent, clean life free of blacks and jews racist?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:47 No.3108039
         File1291513628.jpg-(94 KB, 800x450, ebayphotos107.jpg)
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    >implying we aren't openly racist
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:47 No.3108047
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:47 No.3108048
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    >> Mature Related !K/L9IJgMJY 12/04/10(Sat)20:47 No.3108049
    the Jews did it
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:47 No.3108057
    /new/ was funny because people here didn't give a shit about polticial correctness, if you enforce them in anyway now it's gonna be fucking lame.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:48 No.3108061
    Advice Skinhead:

    >White pride
    >March around with banners insulting other races and Nazi flags
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:48 No.3108063
    Racism is wrong, you shouldn't judge someone based on the color of there skin. Base your judgment on there character.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:48 No.3108068
    i was sent here by /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:48 No.3108075
         File1291513728.jpg-(48 KB, 453x604, 1290736780577.jpg)
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    Look at my pic It is a typical stormfag.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:49 No.3108078
         File1291513751.jpg-(8 KB, 206x285, hank.jpg)
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    but black people a danger to Peggy and the boy, I'll tell you hwat.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:49 No.3108079
    Oh boy, /new/'s dream has finally been fulfilled. Guess it's time to just accept its fate.

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:49 No.3108080
         File1291513762.jpg-(250 KB, 1248x830, 1262464553594.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:49 No.3108091
    nono, the jews are the cause of this. if it wasnt for them, the mod wouldnt be a liberal jewlover.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:49 No.3108092
         File1291513786.gif-(12 KB, 633x628, good_night_white_pride.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:49 No.3108093
    Advice skinhead:

    >Niggers... people?
    >Must be Jew propaganda
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:50 No.3108096
         File1291513822.jpg-(10 KB, 238x220, 1289932732495.jpg)
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    /new/ mods
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:50 No.3108098
         File1291513827.jpg-(27 KB, 512x370, photo_1282902710876-1-0.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:50 No.3108100
    saging a sticky... lol wat?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:50 No.3108102
    How come it's always the jew who wins and gets mod/janitor positions on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 12/04/10(Sat)20:50 No.3108103
    >Stormfront is proud to be racist, Mr. Mod.
    I think you mean "racially aware," pal
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:50 No.3108105
    >see sticky
    >dump CP folder
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:51 No.3108111
    and their genetic makeup that decides their physiological makeup which is racial.
    did you know blacks process salt better than any other race. o woops, thats racist.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:51 No.3108113
         File1291513881.jpg-(80 KB, 400x612, heil_avatar.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:51 No.3108117
    fuck off mod we don't want you here
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:51 No.3108118
         File1291513896.jpg-(39 KB, 480x348, 6a00e0097e2f408833010536f63373(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:51 No.3108122
         File1291513913.jpg-(121 KB, 853x1280, 1280877938003.jpg)
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    kike mod? for real?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:51 No.3108124
    Advice Skinhead

    >People marrying people of other races out of love and not based on race?
    >Must be a liberal conspiracy
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:53 No.3108136
    Racism is a meaningless pejorative these days. It is interchangeably used to refer to:

    a) Supporting institutional racism (against non-whites, affirmative action is exempt for magical reasons)
    b) Being a proponent of the idea that there may be different mean intelligences among what we classify as different racial groups
    c) Ethnocentrism (if you're white or represent a predominantly white culture)
    d) Not supporting immigration (if you live in a predominantly white country)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:53 No.3108145
    interracial propaganda on TV and Hollywood sure is not a conspiracy

    Jews advocating for open borders sure is not a conspiracy
    >> Sigmund Freud !penisASZp2 12/04/10(Sat)20:53 No.3108146
    Board imploding in 3... 2...
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:54 No.3108151
    ...all niggers should be killed.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:54 No.3108152
         File1291514041.jpg-(16 KB, 225x296, 127473836438534.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:54 No.3108154
    Am I supposed to be hearing an embedded mp3 file? Cause I haven't. Why have people been complaining about something?
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)20:54 No.3108155
         File1291514043.jpg-(46 KB, 324x454, Master_and_Knight_of_the_Teuto(...).jpg)
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    "And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak." (Matthew 12:36)

    "Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." (Ephesians 4:29)

    Please /new/, stop swearing and hating each other. Flee from your hatred and pursue righteousness!

    Why must you hug death to your chests?
    Why must you reject the free gift of eternal life?

    Why must you die? Why won't you turn and live?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:54 No.3108157
         File1291514051.jpg-(61 KB, 360x475, gal_jewish_johansson.jpg)
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    Master race reporting in.

    PROTIP: She's a Jew
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:54 No.3108163
         File1291514074.jpg-(15 KB, 550x405, 1281366633219.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:54 No.3108165
         File1291514075.jpg-(64 KB, 646x536, carl_sagan.jpg)
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    a more glorious dawn on /new/ has finally come
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:54 No.3108167
         File1291514084.png-(159 KB, 435x419, prepare.png)
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    Compromise- they are both racist and racially aware at the same time and I give everybody aids. How's that sound?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:55 No.3108174
    That's why she had to dye her hair blonde.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:55 No.3108177
    I've never had anyone give me a scientifically-backed reason why racism is bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:56 No.3108191
         File1291514181.jpg-(39 KB, 478x331, SIEGHEIL.jpg)
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    FINALLY this pic will get the recognition it deserves.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:56 No.3108195
         File1291514189.jpg-(76 KB, 500x466, 4506181519_e7a7a0ee88.jpg)
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    Mods = Gods
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:56 No.3108197
         File1291514200.jpg-(201 KB, 596x795, MunkandSkunk.jpg)
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    Why can't blacks and whites just get along?
    >> Iran says UN agency sending spies, not inspectors Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:57 No.3108205
    TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's intelligence minister accused the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency of sending spies in the guise of inspectors to collect information about Iran's nuclear activities, state TV reported Saturday.

    The claim was another sign that Iran has hardened its stance since the assassination a week ago of a prominent nuclear scientist and the wounding of another. Iran is to hold talks beginning Monday in Geneva with world powers trying to persuade it to curtail key elements of its nuclear work.

    Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi said that inspectors sent by the International Atomic Energy Agency had engaged in espionage and the Vienna-based agency must take responsibility for their actions. He did not elaborate or identify the inspectors Iran was accusing.

    Iran has increasingly alleged in recent months that the agency's inspectors have leaked information to U.S. officials and other allies. In June, Iran banned two U.N. nuclear inspectors from entering the country, claiming they had leaked "false" information about the country's disputed nuclear program.

    "Among the individuals the IAEA sends as so-called inspectors, there are spies from foreign intelligence services. The IAEA must be held responsible for this," state TV quoted Moslehi as saying.;_ylt=A0wNdPMU8fpM8bwAJFus0NUE;_ylu=X
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:57 No.3108211
         File1291514238.png-(15 KB, 313x366, 1291336417641.png)
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    Why do you goyim struggle so?

    We brainwashed your children to become good little socialist workers and race-mixers in the public schools, promoted drug and alcohol abuse through the media that we own and control in order to fill the private prisons we also own and control.

    We flooded your streets, institutions and workplaces with foreigners who hate you and seek to replace you in this land your forefathers conquered with blood, sweat, and heroic sacrifice and bankrupted you REPEATEDLY with our usury and fractional reserve banking system.

    The money power that we control can make you get up at 6 am to go to a job you hate, make your daughters spread their legs for perverts they wouldn't give the time of day to and buy off your politicians who answer to us and only us no matter how often you vote or rally or demonstrate for your own political cause.

    In the end, we ALWAYS win.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:57 No.3108218
         File1291514258.jpg-(692 KB, 1000x1051, 1276480574173.jpg)
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    Relax, guy. We're just trying to talk about news. Jews own the media, so it's always relevant.
    >> Sigmund Freud !penisASZp2 12/04/10(Sat)20:57 No.3108221
    Holy shit.
    An actual Mod,
    and on /new/ of all places!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:57 No.3108224
         File1291514272.png-(17 KB, 414x414, hammersickle.png)
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    fuck mods on /new/
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:58 No.3108240
         File1291514321.jpg-(20 KB, 482x322, war face.jpg)
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    >mods in /new/s

    say it ain't so
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:58 No.3108245
    It causes seperation and mistrust at a local level, making everyones lives a little more shittier.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:59 No.3108253
    I would hug him if I could
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)20:59 No.3108263
         File1291514398.jpg-(61 KB, 553x855, 1285019170579.jpg)
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    >> Cholera rages in rural Haiti, overwhelming clinics Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:00 No.3108265
    LIMBE, Haiti – A gray-haired woman, her eyes sunken and unfocused from dehydration, stumbles up a dirt path slumped on the shoulder of a young man, heading to a rural clinic so overcrowded that plastic tarps have been strung up outside to shade dozens who can't fit inside.

    On the path to the clinic, another cholera victim lies dazed, her head bleeding because she couldn't stay atop the motorcycle taxi that carried her along the twisting country roads to the treatment center on the front line of Haiti's sudden battle with cholera.

    Nearby, a 16-month-old girl wails as a nurse prods her with a needle, trying to find a vein for the intravenous fluids she needs to save her life.

    Many feared Haiti's growing epidemic would overwhelm a capital teeming with more than 1 million people left homeless by January's earthquake. But, so far, it is the countryside seeing the worst of an epidemic that has killed nearly 1,900 people since erupting less than two months ago.

    Rural clinics are overrun by a spectral parade of the sick, straining staff and supplies at medical outposts that could barely handle their needs before the epidemic.;_ylt=A0wNdPMU8fp
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:00 No.3108266
         File1291514404.jpg-(74 KB, 450x525, _1nazis.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:00 No.3108271
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:00 No.3108274
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:00 No.3108278
    so does political views. lets all stop talking about politics and just institute one government, whatever the hell it may be.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:00 No.3108284
         File1291514445.jpg-(43 KB, 338x491, amin_idi.jpg)
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    Sup Stormfags?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:00 No.3108285
         File1291514446.jpg-(187 KB, 698x618, england frustration.jpg)
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    I was peering over the edge of my keyboard when I saw this thread, why does it ring so true...

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:01 No.3108290
    No it doesn't.
    Humans are naturally predisposed to separation and distrust. It's greed that causes distrust, not race.
    Try again?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:01 No.3108292
         File1291514476.jpg-(33 KB, 329x400, normal_LaughingJesus.jpg)
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    Jesus was a Jew. Christians are Jew worshippers.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:01 No.3108297
    Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:02 No.3108302
         File1291514522.jpg-(15 KB, 507x407, 022.The.Deadly.Thrust.jpg)
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    "Don't call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don’t live in dread of what frightens them." (Isaiah 8:12)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:02 No.3108304
    fuck yea!!!

    /new/ has lost and found itself once again!!

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:02 No.3108311
    I used to hate the jews, but now I love them why fight for sheeple who can't think for themselves
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:02 No.3108314
    This shit didn't work in /k/ and it won't here.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:02 No.3108315
         File1291514579.jpg-(576 KB, 1600x1900, 1266403846159.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:03 No.3108324
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    I bet this guy is slandered hard in your schools right Americans?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:03 No.3108326
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:04 No.3108329
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    >mfw the mod got mad that USC got its ass kicked by Auburn and decided to troll /new/ to relieve his palpable butthurt
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:04 No.3108330
         File1291514647.jpg-(54 KB, 980x750, jutopia.jpg)
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    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:04 No.3108335
         File1291514663.jpg-(75 KB, 941x964, trinity.jpg)
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    Jesus may have been a Jew during His time on this earth, but now that He is seated at the right hand of the Father, He no longer has a human body.

    He is a Spirit, just like the Father, and thus has no body or race.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:05 No.3108348
    If you truely believe that then I genuinely feel sorry for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:05 No.3108351
    /new/ got a sticky
    >> Sigmund Freud !penisASZp2 12/04/10(Sat)21:05 No.3108353
         File1291514741.jpg-(133 KB, 935x603, camera.jpg)
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    This thread is now diamonds.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:06 No.3108360
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:08 No.3108385
    THIS. Congratulations 4chan, you actually managed to make your totally independent website a Jew ridden cesspool of niggers and butthurt non-whites. Jesus how very sad
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:08 No.3108389

    Why should they fear their own conspiracy?
    Why should they call what they plot a conspiracy?

    The Jews work against Gentile, you, being a Christian, are just an animal to the Jews.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:08 No.3108391
         File1291514917.jpg-(12 KB, 300x279, death.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:08 No.3108392
    Blasphemy. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, true God and true man ascended into heaven physically.
    Furthermore his body and blood is also present in Eucharist.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:09 No.3108398
    Ad Majorem, I've always been curious about you what is your:

    What's your family and community like

    I must know. I can't help but take interest in a walking bible that chooses 4chan of all places to spend its time.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:09 No.3108402

    whatever dude
    it took the church over a century to come up with that concept
    its just made up bullshit
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:09 No.3108403
    science has nothing to do with it. it's about morality, not to mention the ideology of human rights and equality. no, were not all literally equal, but that doesn't mean we start go writing laws that bend to a bias of race, creed, religion, etc. we are held to the standard we want to be judged by or we'll lose it.

    Nazi Germany is a great example of how racism and intolerance fails. They lost, and we benefited from the knowledge of a brilliant scientist, Einstein. And the values of our country benefits from such powerful scientific knowledge because of our willingness to accept diversity. if that isn't God laughing in the face of Hitler, the perfect irony, than i don't know what.

    Maybe Hitler meant to create a Utopia, by creating a single homogeneous race, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. He actually created Hell on Earth. Literally. I think the lesson there is that you can't create heaven on earth through sacrifing of others, but by enduring some sort of sacrifice of yourself, whether it be tolerance, acceptance, respect, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:09 No.3108406
         File1291514999.jpg-(443 KB, 1620x1056, 1275734478402.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:10 No.3108409
    that's not the real ADMDG dipshit

    but I'm pretty sure he's a 20 year old white male from California
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:12 No.3108434
         File1291515159.jpg-(89 KB, 598x813, default 3.jpg)
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    "Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war. His eyes were like flames of fire, and on His head were many crowns. A name was written on Him that no one understood except He Himself. He wore a robe dipped in blood, and His title was the Word of God...Out of His mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He will release the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty, like juice flowing from a winepress. On His robe at his thigh was written this title: King of all kings and Lord of all lords." (Revelations 19:11-16)

    That's what Jesus looks like.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:12 No.3108436
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:13 No.3108447
    Hail to the chief! A new glorious era has begun! One mod, one forum! MAY IT LAST FOR THREE THOUSAND YEARS!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:13 No.3108449
    A better example would be pre-colonial America. It took half the world to stop the tiny nation of Germany. I'm terrified of what would happen if the world would have to unite against a monstrously large nation like Russia.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:13 No.3108454
         File1291515234.jpg-(19 KB, 400x309, 97bbbf391ec8.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:14 No.3108462
    >he thinks the bible is literal and not symbolic
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:15 No.3108469
    My heart goes out to our one mod. Boy, are your hands going to be full.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:16 No.3108485
         File1291515393.jpg-(128 KB, 1280x853, 1273007095756.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:16 No.3108486
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:17 No.3108494
    mutually. agreed. destruction.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:17 No.3108502
    The gov is putting pressure to crack down on Assange threads?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:18 No.3108511
    u M.A.D.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:19 No.3108524
         File1291515551.jpg-(110 KB, 750x600, 1291515395269.jpg)
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    >> Dear Diary Nuttymadam3575 12/04/10(Sat)21:20 No.3108535
         File1291515607.jpg-(32 KB, 218x232, Dear-Diary-today-op-was-a-fagg(...).jpg)
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    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:20 No.3108544
         File1291515656.jpg-(56 KB, 425x619, pilgrim_progress.jpg)
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    It actually is the real AMDG. What made you think otherwise?

    As for your info, I actually turned 21 during the Summer. Everything else is spot on. :D

    >The Jews work against Gentile, you, being a Christian, are just an animal to the Jews.
    I don't care what the Jews may or may not think. I've seen the quotes, and I know that there are many racist Jews out there, but that doesn't mean they all believe that.

    But let's assume they do. Let's assume that every Jew on the face of the Earth hates the Gentiles and secretly wants to enslave them/kill them.

    Even if that is true, why should I be worried?

    "And my God will supply all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:21 No.3108553
         File1291515677.jpg-(42 KB, 205x205, 1280800392561.jpg)
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    my face when I posted in a sticky.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:21 No.3108554
    Sure is not news in here.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:21 No.3108555
         File1291515683.jpg-(39 KB, 447x335, oh_you.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:22 No.3108564
         File1291515731.jpg-(201 KB, 786x295, choose.jpg)
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    because your god is a jewgod. worship a real god for whites, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:22 No.3108574
         File1291515751.png-(133 KB, 400x307, 1248375911324.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:23 No.3108588
    >Even if that is true, why should I be worried?

    Because your God was their God first, the one that told them to treat Gentiles the way they do. The Abraham God Yahweh is evil, can't you see it?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:24 No.3108595
         File1291515843.gif-(29 KB, 184x300, hitlerleatherBoy05.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:25 No.3108613
    You know what? Fuck this place then.

    I'm not racist, but I'd rather have all the stormfag threads and interracial porn threads than some faggot maintaining some fucked up idea of propriety.

    It really comes down to either you support freedom of speech or you don't.

    And if you don't, it's just supporting some agenda.

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:28 No.3108646
    u so crazy!
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:29 No.3108652
         File1291516152.jpg-(160 KB, 615x780, 1240893039719.jpg)
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    Your god is an embarrassment to whites. Under his authority, vikings killed their fellow men. They went about pillaging, raping, and stealing loot from other human beings.

    They would throw babies into the air and make sport of trying to cut them in half before they hit the ground.

    They would get raging drunk and fight with each other, in fact this is the epitome of Valhalla, their paradise.

    They were also restricted by stupid superstition, beliving the edge of the world was West of Greenland, so for hundreds of years they never sailed past it.

    It wasn't until Leif Ericson (a Christian convert from Paganism) came along that the Vikings actually had the courage to explore past Greenland and discover the New World.

    Your god is nothing but a chain around the mind of man.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:29 No.3108658
    racism is feral and stupid. race is an abstraction. what's real is genetic code, and we should analyze our genomes and make sure good genomes are passed on, so that our advanced civilization can continue. The best way to do this is in a free market, voluntary way. Good genomes mean the human host will have a more fulfilling and successful life, so good genomes will be in high demand. If we let market forces take their course, the best human genomes will be bought the most and the best genomes will propagate the world, much like how cellphones have spread all over the world.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:30 No.3108664

    >Your god is nothing but a chain around the mind of man.

    but your story doesn't hold up

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:30 No.3108666
    Jesus what a twat, so if I want to express my opinion in your house I'm entitled to invade your property for the sake of free speech? Cause that's exactly the same it's happening here, thsi site has rules, don't like when they are enforced? then just gb2 to stromfront. I bet you are libertarian, that's why people don't want to be associated to idiots like you
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:31 No.3108676
         File1291516279.jpg-(5 KB, 223x167, imagesCA7T2HOX.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:31 No.3108680
    I'm glad the Jewish mods have come to take out the trash. There is too much antisemitism around here.

    I hope we can still talk shit about Islam though.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:32 No.3108692

    Jew alert.
    >> New Hockey Fan !!o+yIGAB9tDm 12/04/10(Sat)21:32 No.3108696
    >Tell me, why is racism wrong? Give me a good reason.f

    Because, as any forensic anthropologist will tell you, there is no such thing as "race". Dividing people solely by minor variances such as skin color or eye shape is ludicrous and has no real bearing.

    Sadly, you will rage at this simple truth that even a first year anthropology minor would know.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:33 No.3108699

    get fucked JIDF scum
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:33 No.3108701
    This isn't a house, it's a forum. If moot wants to turn this weeaboo shitpile into a weeaboo shitpile indistinguishable from Gaia online with a few gay porn pictures, then he's more than welcome, but I'll discuss politics and news elsewhere.

    Race is a subject that should be discussed openly.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:33 No.3108705
         File1291516431.jpg-(141 KB, 627x864, sdaf.jpg)
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    Your god is an embarrassment to whites. Under his authority, christians killed their fellow men and women. They went about burning, drowning, and murdering non-christians.

    They would burn and drown old women because they were accused of witchcraft.

    They would butcher entire populations because they were non-christians or just non-catholics.

    They were also restricted by stupid superstition, believing the earth was flat and just a few thousand years old.

    It wasn't until rational people not led by their superstitions and their fear for the church came along that science came into fruitation.

    Your god is nothing but a chain around the mind of man.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:34 No.3108719
         File1291516476.jpg-(28 KB, 640x480, masterrace.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:34 No.3108722
         File1291516492.jpg-(54 KB, 789x435, 1274445840382.jpg)
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    >Your god is an embarrassment to whites. Under his authority, vikings killed their fellow men. They went about pillaging, raping, and stealing loot from other human beings.

    As opposed to all the horrible things done in the bible? Sort of the pot calling the kettle black, here.

    >They would throw babies into the air and make sport of trying to cut them in half before they hit the ground.

    [citation needed]

    >They would get raging drunk and fight with each other, in fact this is the epitome of Valhalla, their paradise.

    Sure is lack of understanding of Norse afterlife concepts in here.

    >They were also restricted by stupid superstition, beliving the edge of the world was West of Greenland, so for hundreds of years they never sailed past it.

    This is different from any other pre-scientific-revolution culture's worldview how? Jews and Christians believed that the sky was filled with water or was a crystal sphere with holes poked in it, respectively.

    >It wasn't until Leif Ericson (a Christian convert from Paganism) came along that the Vikings actually had the courage to explore past Greenland and discover the New World.

    The land was first sighted by a Heathen with not enough supplies to explore it further. Sure is further lack of knowledge in here.

    >Your god is nothing but a chain around the mind of man.

    Only one of our gods demands mindless devotion, and it sure isn't mine.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:35 No.3108726
    >Because, as any forensic anthropologist will tell you, there is no such thing as "race". Dividing people solely by minor variances such as skin color or eye shape is ludicrous and has no real bearing.
    Intelligence is a physiological trait, just like minor variances like skin color and shape.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:35 No.3108731
         File1291516556.jpg-(50 KB, 460x288, knights-templar.jpg)
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    >christians killed their fellow men and women.
    "The time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have known neither the Father nor Me." (John 16:2-3)

    Jesus said that.

    (See also Ezekiel 18:23, 32)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:36 No.3108732
    But that's not true.
    There are significant differences in body build, and body chemistry, between races. Africans produce more testosterone for example, and are more prone to violence due to this.
    They're also more genetically predisposed to genetic diseases, like diabetes, and sickle-cell.
    Several scientific studies have concluded that darker races are also intellectually inferior, and have lower overall IQ than lighter skinned races.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:37 No.3108748
    I tell you what, racism or not, this forum would be a fuckton of a lot better if ad labia majorum would fuck off and leave.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:37 No.3108752
         File1291516665.jpg-(16 KB, 252x227, NO U.jpg)
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    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:38 No.3108753
         File1291516682.jpg-(26 KB, 375x352, Crusader_shield_sword.jpg)
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    >As opposed to all the horrible things done in the bible?
    Vikings did all their raping and pillaging for fun.

    My God had no other choice.

    Sin is like a fire, and it threatens to consume everything around it.

    The Tribe of Israel was like the driest most flame-worthy bundle of straw, and even the smallest spark would set the whole thing on fire. (And this happened many times, even with God's strict judgment.)

    The reason why God had to keep Israel pure is because the Messiah was prophesied to come from the Israelites, and He obviously couldn't be born from a sinful group of people.

    So God had to strictly manage the Israelites (and all those around them) in order to prevent the fire of sin from consuming them.

    If God didn't kill those people, then the whole world would burn for eternity in Hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:38 No.3108761
         File1291516710.jpg-(730 KB, 998x1474, thelastjewinvinnitsa.jpg)
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    >the only good jew
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:38 No.3108765
    Why are you a Fundamentalist and not a Catholic? How do you think you got your biblical canon?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:39 No.3108770
    AMDG stop fagging up this thread with your christfag, avatar fag, tripfag bullshit please.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:39 No.3108775

    his point is that you can percieve only the differances and not the astronomically high degree of similarties in the DNA of each human being
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:40 No.3108777
         File1291516808.jpg-(89 KB, 909x661, Rapture Coming.jpg)
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    I hate rascists but that pompous God Fraud should get a fucking life.
    >> New Hockey Fan !!o+yIGAB9tDm 12/04/10(Sat)21:40 No.3108779
    Those differences do not compose different "races". Would you describe people from Northern England to be a different "race" than those from Southern England? What of people from Norwestern Germany compared to those from Northeastern France?

    The genetic variances exist, but they are utterly minor, diffused over merely a thousand years or less. The genetic diversity among human beings is too vast to say there are "different races".

    Things like skin color are moot. What you describe with intellect is due solely to education, poverty, etc.

    In fact, the one variable that is universal when it comes to predisposition to crime or education, etc., is poverty. The poor are far more likely to be criminals, far more likely to be uneducated, far more likely to be innately stupid, etc.

    By YOUR definition of "race' there would be hundreds, if no thousands, of different races in Africa alone. Hundreds in Europe (if not more) and At least 10,000 in the United States.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:40 No.3108780
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    I don't think you understand the point of my post. You were accusing a certain religion of being barbaric, and I showed that your own religion is just as barbaric, making you a hypocrite.

    Unless, of course, the crusades and the inquisition were civilized undertakings.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:40 No.3108783
         File1291516827.jpg-(281 KB, 1023x680, dsc_9438.jpg)
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    >raping and pillaging for fun

    If by "fun" you mean "to survive, the harsh, northern winters" then sure.

    And if you try to tell me that not one Christian has ever raped someone I'm calling bullshit.

    Sounds like your god is just a control freak and you're a mindless little sheep bleating "MY GOD GOOD YOUR GOD BAD! MY GOD GOOD YOUR GOD BAD!"
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:41 No.3108788
    You are without a doubt the worst, most ignorant tripfag on all of 4chan.

    Please kindly eat a cock and choke to death.

    >derp herp guyz I can quote bible passages from a bible who's meaning has changed drastically over time due to numerous translations and it disproves your argument even though my religion is one of the most violent, degenerate religions in human history herp
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:42 No.3108798

    It has come to our attention that not every Stormfag on 4chan is posting according to the accepted guidelines of our organization. It is therefore time to reiterate them.

    1. The idea that Blacks are lazy, stupid and criminal is something to be assumed, not proven. Don't try to prove it -- you'll only get grief from people who question the validity of IQ tests.
    2. Same with the idea that Jews are devious and power-hungry.
    3. Consistent with (1) and (2), if anyone points out something good that Blacks and Jews have done, either (a) suggest that they were not 100% Black/Jewish, or (b) suggest that they had help from Whites.
    4. Consistent with (1) and (2), if anyone posts a picture of a beautiful Black or Jewish woman, say that she must have White ancestors too.
    5. Point out bad things about individual Blacks and Jews or about Africa and Israel, and attribute them solely to the fact that they are Black/Jewish.

    More guidelines as we think of them
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:42 No.3108799
    >This isn't a house, it's a forum.
    No shit dumbass, it's private property, same rule applies.

    >If moot wants to turn this weeaboo shitpile into a weeaboo shitpile indistinguishable from Gaia online with a few gay porn pictures, then he's more than welcome, but I'll discuss politics and news elsewhere.
    moot has set rules from the beginning, he even deleted old new because self-entitled idiots like you thought this was his personal site to discuss race related issues and troll liberals, the kind of idiots you represent were never wanted here in the first place, racism stays in /b/ with the idiots like you, /new/ was supposed to be free from you.

    >Race is a subject that should be discussed openly.
    You can do that in stormfront or /b/, with other people that has the same mental age, share the same prejudices and disregard for rules as you, this place is for news.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:43 No.3108805
    >Implying the Crusades and the Inquisitions were horrific

    Context Son, Context...
    >> Agent Zach !iYorkAE/cs 12/04/10(Sat)21:44 No.3108816
    More proof at how godawful this board is, even the mods are going to blatantly advertise a racist as fuck site, instead of perhaps an interesting news story. Email moot and tell him to close this godawful board, he never should have brought it back.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:44 No.3108817
    PROTIP: We don't argue with AMDG.

    Just let him do his thing. I am honestly surprised whenever someone actually begins a serious debate with that guy. I mean, really?
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:44 No.3108818
         File1291517057.gif-(248 KB, 450x675, Armor-of-God-Modern-LG-11.gif)
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    >and I showed that your own religion is just as barbaric,
    No you showed me a bunch of examples of false "christians" prancing around with big crosses on their chests.

    Any ape can call himself a christian and go around killing and burning witches, but if those actions don't line up with what the Christ actually said, then he is no more a Christian than Muhammad or Buddha.

    This is why it's so important to study the Bible and place it at the top of all Spiritual Authority.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:44 No.3108819
    Can we blow this picture up so it's bigger than the ad bar?
    >> New Hockey Fan !!o+yIGAB9tDm 12/04/10(Sat)21:44 No.3108824
    Fuck yeah, brother, well said.

    Lol, it's so true. Racists argue only per logical fallacies because their claims cannot be proven, and the only way to perpetuate them is by being misleading and illogical.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:45 No.3108827
    >Things like skin color are moot. What you describe with intellect is due solely to education, poverty, etc.
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:46 No.3108839
         File1291517219.jpg-(79 KB, 700x1166, Amanda_braun_01_855.jpg)
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    LOL, fail mod can't even sticky a thread with a decent picture.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:47 No.3108841
         File1291517228.jpg-(30 KB, 288x288, Captain-America-Punches-Hitler.jpg)
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    Yesss! Smash them mods. Smash them!

    The same way we did in WWII.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:47 No.3108842
    hating someone because of the way they are born is wrong.

    judging people you dont know by their skin color is wrong

    etc etc

    racists are dumb as hell nazis gonna naz.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:47 No.3108846
         File1291517268.jpg-(175 KB, 444x640, 2414530750_aa69aa7335_z.jpg)
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    Everyone in this thread needs to read the following. Don't skim it.

    "As Nebuchadnezzar was taking a walk on the flat roof of the royal palace in Babylon, he looked out across the city and said, 'Look at this great city of Babylon! By my own mighty power, I have built this beautiful city as my royal residence to display my majestic splendor!' While these words were still in his mouth, a voice called down from heaven, 'O King Nebuchadnezzar, this message is for you! You are no longer ruler of this kingdom. You will be driven from human society. You will live in the fields with the wild animals, and you will eat grass like a cow. Seven periods of time will pass while you live this way, until you learn that the Most High God rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone He chooses.'" (Daniel 4:29-32)

    All of you are Nebuchadnezzar. All of you over the history of your race, gazing at all the splendor and majesty, all the accomplishments and achievements. You see everything that made Europe glorious and powerful, and instead of attributing it to God, you attribute it to YOURSELF!

    You pay more respect to the COLOR OF YOUR SKIN than you do to the GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH who gave you that skin!

    How dare you! How dare you take the blessings of God and attribute them to man?

    How can you look at Europe, which used to be a bastion of Christianity, and attribute its achievements and successes to MAN?

    "The Lord controls the course of world events; it is the Lord who removes kings and sets up other kings. It is the Lord who gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars. It is the Lord who reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, even though He is surrounded by light." (Daniel 2:21-22)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:47 No.3108847
    intellect - knowledge and application of knowledge
    intelligence - capacity for learning

    intellect have nothing to do with skin color, evident by the amount of stupid people of all colors
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:47 No.3108848
         File1291517270.jpg-(160 KB, 400x630, asdf.jpg)
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    > No you showed me a bunch of examples of false "christians" prancing around with big crosses on their chests.

    Those vikings who raped and pillaged are also false believers then. Thus, 'true' viking religion isn't barbaric but on the same level of civility as christianity, thus rendering your accusation that true vikings are barbarians false.

    See how I fight your bullshit with my own bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:48 No.3108854
         File1291517311.jpg-(90 KB, 549x640, 1255289789015.jpg)
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    This is a classic example of the "No True Scotsmen" fallacy.

    I'm just going to do what this guy said, because you're obviously a moron. >>3108817

    Also I'll pray to the gods and your ancestors that you start to realize what an enormous cock you look/sound like. You don't mind if I do a bit of blood sacrifice on your behalf, do you? (don't worry I eat the animal)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:48 No.3108859
    You'd make Luther and Zwingli blush. You clearly know fuck all about Historical Christianity
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:49 No.3108863
    >moot has set rules from the beginning, he even deleted old new because self-entitled idiots like you thought this was his personal site to discuss race related issues and troll liberals, the kind of idiots you represent were never wanted here in the first place, racism stays in /b/ with the idiots like you, /new/ was supposed to be free from you.
    Moot's welcome to do as he pleases of course, but he knows full well that /new/ was brought back because the racism infected the rest of 4chan and /new/ is a sink for it. I discuss race here because it's frequently discussed here, for no reason more or less. I'd take it to /sci/ if moot starts banning all race related threads when I feel like talking about it.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:49 No.3108868
         File1291517381.jpg-(60 KB, 600x375, The_nine_by_Dark_Pup.jpg)
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    >Those vikings who raped and pillaged are also false believers then.
    Prove it with the Norse Poems.

    Show me where it says not to rape, murder, steal, or pillage from the nonbelievers.

    Simply repeating my logic back to me doesn't work in religious debates, because each religion follows a different line of logic.

    In Christianity it's illegal to rape, murder, etc.

    In Norse Paganism, it's definitely not.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:50 No.3108876
    Why are you a Jesuit Fanboy Mr.AMDG
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:50 No.3108877
    >No you showed me a bunch of examples of false "christians" prancing around with big crosses on their chests.

    No true scotsman argument, don't you fags ever get tired of fallacies then again, your faith is sort of a shield protecting your stupidity from evaporating.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:52 No.3108890

    Thing is, it was illegal in their culture, their gods just weren't a bunch of dicks who got off telling everyone else what to do. They let people decide for themselves what was right and wrong and it led to them having one of the best legal systems of the ancient world.

    You sure do seem undereducated.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:52 No.3108897
         File1291517547.jpg-(45 KB, 400x600, 2870645.jpg)
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    > You see everything that made Europe glorious and powerful, and instead of attributing it to God, you attribute it to YOURSELF!

    Our European ancestors created a wealthy Europe, not your imaginary sky magician. Show me a moment in European history where your god came down and defeated an army or established a trade alliance or anything. Can't show me anything? Oh my, what a shocking surprise.

    There's a lot of text coming from you, but barely anything of it has any meaning of value. You're just doing variations of 'PRAISE TEH LAWD, MA GAWD IS THE TRUE GAWD'.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:53 No.3108903
    I don't understand why is this a stick. To promot or advertise that site and does the mod want us to sign up there or is it "newsworthy"?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:53 No.3108908
    God, one mod shows his face and suddenly all the moronic egalitarian catchphrases are spewed out ad naseum. You quite simply have absolutely no comprehension of the position of people arguing there are correlations between race and intelligence if you think stupid white or Asian people proves that position wrong.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:54 No.3108917
         File1291517658.jpg-(179 KB, 400x401, armor_of_god.jpg)
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    >"No True Scotsmen"
    So you're saying I don't have the right to judge the actions of self-proclaimed Christians?

    You're telling me I can't examine their fruits and know them by them?

    Because that's EXACTLY what Jesus tells us to do. (Matthew 7:20)

    There's always someone who accuses me of using that stupid fallacy, even though the fallacy itself is inapplicable in religious arguments.

    My knowledge didn't come from any schooling or classes I've taken. I've never had a religious education.

    God gave me all the wisdom you see. (James 1:5) Even now He continues to give me wisdom and knowledge.

    He even gives me the correct words to speak so that none of my opponents will be able to resist or contradict it! (Luke 21:15)

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:54 No.3108924
    Genesis 11:5-7

    5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. 6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."

    We didn't build society because of him, we built it despite him. He doesn't like it when we try to get ahead.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:55 No.3108936
         File1291517732.jpg-(21 KB, 400x567, 186469_aki_hoshino_003_1_vw.jpg)
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    I'm not racist since I do not expect the same behaviors from all people of a certain race.

    However, I do believe that niggers are a few steps closer to apes and that there is abundant evidence of this everywhere. Therefore, it is my opinion that race mixing with certain subspecies of humans will be detrimental to any future society.
    >> Agent Zach !iYorkAE/cs 12/04/10(Sat)21:55 No.3108939
    It truly baffles me as to how people like you can even fucking exist.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:56 No.3108945
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:56 No.3108946
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    Oh my, allow me to pull up some quotes I found.

    'Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)'

    ' You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)'

    '"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)'

    'Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)'

    Again, you're being a god damn hypocrite and I can't believe you're not seeing it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:56 No.3108947
    Clearly you've never had a Religious Education. You're quoting from a book that would probably rival Finnegans Wake as far as Symbolic Meaning and alliteration.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:56 No.3108950
    >start a thread about /stormfront/

    >argue about religion

    I really love you /new/

    I don't even mean that sarcastically I really really love you
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:56 No.3108961
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:57 No.3108968
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:57 No.3108973
    >Moot's welcome to do as he pleases of course, but he knows full well that /new/ was brought back because the racism infected the rest of 4chan and /new/ is a sink for it. I discuss race here because it's frequently discussed here, for no reason more or less. I'd take it to /sci/ if moot starts banning all race related threads when I feel like talking about it.
    You are exactly the kind of poster that moot doesn't want here, of course knowing that won't make you go away but at least have the decency not to throw a tantrum when the existing regulation is enforced. I can stand racism (otherwise I won't be here) but I can't stand /b/ levels of immaturity from people who expect to discuss anything seriously.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:57 No.3108974
    >Yfw you realize mods are trying to keep racism in this thread
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)21:58 No.3108978
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    When I chose the name, I didn't know it was the motto of the Jesuits. I chose it because it meant something to me.

    If you look at my name, it's actually backwards. It's supposed to be the other way around, with "In Hoc Signo Vinces" at the front.

    Translated, the entire phrase comes out to be "In this sign, you shall conquer all for the greater glory of God."

    But when I first used it, it came out backwards. However instead of correcting myself, I left it like that as a testament to how imperfect I am.



    Flee from the wrath to come, /new/! Flee before it's too late!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:58 No.3108979
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    o look jew-liberals force us to east black spaghetti now
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:59 No.3108991
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    Good to see another Catholic bro here
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)21:59 No.3108996
    I really don't care who moot wants or doesn't want here, because its appeal to me is an anonymous image board where any idea can be discussed openly with concern only for content and none for reputation at large. In any case, moot's an annoying lolrandum weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:00 No.3109003
    So instead of the Jesuits you chose the motto of Constantine. I figured you'd despise Constantine seeing that you're one of those fundies who probably thinks the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:00 No.3109008
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    In Obama's America....
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:00 No.3109012
    Cept he isn't a Catholic, he's clearly a biblical fundementalist. Catholic's don't know the bible much the less give a damn.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:01 No.3109022
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    >No Norse Pagan quotes.
    Thanks for the Bible verses, but that's not what I asked for.

    I asked for proof that the Norse Poems forbid rape, murder, and pillaging.

    Because the Bible does. Jesus established a New Covenant and that's what matters.

    So again, let me ask: Where does Thor/Odin forbid rape, murder, pillaging, etc?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:01 No.3109024
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    Holy shit. I finally understand.

    This guy is a goddamn genius. I can't believe I'd ever find a great troll than me.

    I salute you, good sir. Never in my life have I seen such a cunning troll.

    I know you will reply to this post telling me you aren't a troll because you have to maintain the facade, but please know that I goddamn worship your trolling abilities.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:02 No.3109035
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    what the fuck
    AMDG is absolutely not a fundamentalist; he's a moderate Protestant
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:03 No.3109043
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:03 No.3109045
    >I can stand racism (otherwise I won't be here) but I can't stand /b/ levels of immaturity from people who expect to discuss anything seriously.
    So? Are you implying all discussions of race on /new/ are the NIGGERS ARE ALL SUBHUMANS, KIKES RUN THE WORLD variety? If so, you've simply been ignoring every substantial argument on the subject there is, and if not, you're being an arrogant prick to assume that I somehow must post in those threads myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:03 No.3109048
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:03 No.3109051
    Lmao, you clearly don't pal around with Main-Stream Methodists or Lutherans. They are typically pretty damn liberal.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:03 No.3109055

    It's already been said that it was illegal in their culture, just not stated in their religious poetry Who is more moral? The man who doesn't murder because his god told him not to, or the man who doesn't murder because he realizes it's a dick thing to do?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:04 No.3109057
    AMGD moderate
    lol wut
    if you are protestant why all the baby eating, raping crusaders? you know they did all that right AMGD?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:04 No.3109061

    The guy just showed you the bible promotes murder and you're just ignoring it as you continue to make another religion appear as if they're the barbaric ones?

    Are you really that fucking blind?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:05 No.3109069
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    The rewards of the theist
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:05 No.3109070
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:05 No.3109076
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    I believe the Bible is 100% divinely inspired and the flawless word of God. It is useful for every situation, every person, every nation, in every tongue.

    I may be moderate in some aspects, but when it comes to my relationship with Jesus and my faith in God, I'm as radical as it gets.

    And that's the just the way God wants it.

    "So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelations 3:16)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:06 No.3109087
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    >lol white people
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:06 No.3109092
    epic win. mods= glorious white aryan master race
    /new/= official outpost of stormfront
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:06 No.3109099
    Who gave you the bible? Who approved of the Biblical Canon?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:07 No.3109112
    >this post was brought to you by someone who doesn't know shit about the middle ages!

    their gods cockannnn

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:07 No.3109117
    >I believe the Bible is 100% divinely inspired and the flawless word of God
    how's your history? specifically the council of Nikea?
    >> kolea !0Qo0b8vSmA 12/04/10(Sat)22:07 No.3109118
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:08 No.3109120
    Don't you mean the rewards of American Meddling in Middle East Politics since the 1950's?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:08 No.3109123
    I don't hate the white race but
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:08 No.3109126
    >I really don't care who moot wants or doesn't want here, because its appeal to me is an anonymous image board where any idea can be discussed openly with concern only for content and none for reputation at large.
    You can discuss your ideas, what moot is asking you is to discuss them in the place where HE thinks they belong (because it's HIS server space you are using). Racism belongs in /b/ same as anime in /a/ or technology in /g/. If you won't accept that (or just part of it while disregarding the stuff you don't agree with) then you are not welcomed here, you never were. Just because rules are not usually enforced that doesn't give you the right to complain when they are.

    >In any case, moot's an annoying lolrandum weeaboo.
    He doesn't watch anime anymore, or at least that's what he said last year.

    You clearly have the wrong impression about this site, this is not your free speech club, it never was, that's why Kimmo Alm created anontalk 2 years ago (because moot didn't let him discuss pedophilia), you would be better there than here.
    >> /s/new/sci/tg/g/an/c guy 12/04/10(Sat)22:08 No.3109132
    but..... uhm....

    Black Vs White etc, big fucking deal, it dosent matter, we are all humans.
    We need to stop bickering and shift focus, the main hinderance of our race`s greatness is diffirent religion.
    (we cant do jack against the 6ish familys )

    Ever since we humans started to band together in communities(villages/cities/countrys)
    religion have been the means of control

    It should only be 1 "religion", a "religion" that dont have a superiour being as creator, but emphasize empathy and compassion for your fellow human. And science.

    Why science?
    Cause science is slowly killing our current religions, and its real, can be related to, and will always be there.

    I believe that there exists other "intelligent" life in our universe.

    Modern society is slowly turning into a barrel of shiite.
    The future looks fkn grim, people seems to care less every year.

    A technocrat goverment.

    Im hoping for a longlivity cure in the future, where natural death is unavoidable.
    It would totally change the world on every level possible.

    Oh fuck, im rambling, sleepy and drunk, uhh... i cant make much sense when im proofreading... fuck it goodnighte see you tomorrow perhaps.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:09 No.3109139
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    As we see here as observed in nature, the female negroid is almost at full gestation. The belly of the female changes as the baby develops to a color which is irresistible to the male negroid to ensure he does not try to escape from his parental responsibilities.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:09 No.3109145
    what is the purpose of this thread
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:09 No.3109148
    Lol uneducated minority's thats a jew
    you fail again
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:09 No.3109154
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    >The guy just showed you the bible promotes murder...
    No, the Bible does not promote murder.

    Those quotes are from the Old Covenant, established by Moses, for the ancient Israelites.

    Yes, during that time the death penalty was a common occurrence. Even so, "murder" was still a sin.

    If you look at >>3108753 you'll see why God had to order the death penalty for unrepentant sinners (as well as the sinful nations surrounding the ancient Israelites.)

    >why all the baby eating, raping crusaders? you know they did all that right AMGD?
    I post medieval knights because they wear armor.

    "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." (Ephesians 6:11)

    I know the Crusaders weren't perfect. Nobody said they were.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:10 No.3109161
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    God did it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:10 No.3109162
    I don't think you know shit about your Middle Ages.

    Truthfully the Catholic Church tended to be the voice of Moderation during the Middle Ages. Prompting such things as "Hey Knights, perhaps when you aren't fighting amongst yourselves you shouldn't be raping the female serfs and skewering their kids" or perhaps "Hey Peasants, Witches don't exist, stop bugging us about it"
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:11 No.3109171
    >So? Are you implying all discussions of race on /new/ are the NIGGERS ARE ALL SUBHUMANS, KIKES RUN THE WORLD variety?
    Yes, or if they are not they eventually degenerate into one.

    >If so, you've simply been ignoring every substantial argument on the subject there is, and if not, you're being an arrogant prick to assume that I somehow must post in those threads myself.
    There's hardly any arguments, for example the one you are making.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:13 No.3109193
    Oh my g-d just shut up
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:13 No.3109203
    council of nicaea did it actually, though it took a couple hundred years to finalize
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:13 No.3109206
    It's up to the mods. If I see people being banned for discussing race reasonably in relation to news, I will leave, as the values of this site and my own would clearly not be congruent. In any case, it seems a bit facetious of you to assume the mods are putting a stop to discussions of race when a mod just created and stickied a thread about race.

    Also, you're a fucking brown noser if I've ever met one, and I'd take the company of retards from stormfront over creeps like you any day.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:14 No.3109208
    >>3109161''s a book. The Cannon wasn't even codified until the Council of Trent. The Bible you have in your possession right now is a product of 15th Century Printing Techniques. Most churches would simply have a single gospel and maybe some epistles because the process of writing was so exactingly slow (Vellum bro's!) and expensive.

    The Gospel of John has been dated to being completed by around 90 A.D. with the *earliest* part of the New Testament (The letters of St.Paul) being estimated to around 50 A.D. with the Gospel of Mark being around 60 (Luke and Matthew 60-80)

    The earliest we see the Canon in the form we recognize is from a letter given by Bishop Athanatius in 230 AD. The Canon would be pretty much codified in in the 4th Century but it wouldn't become Official until the Council of Trent (When Martin Luther removed the books he thought were too "Catholicy")
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:14 No.3109215
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    Thank you for impersonating me. You are giving my audience something that I couldn't give them on my own.

    A challenge.

    Without you, my audience might grow fat and lazy since they'd be getting spoonfed the Gospel from a sure source, but since you're impersonating me, now they'll have to examine each one of my posts and critically decide if it's right or not.

    Be warned though, the blood of anyone you lead astray will be on your hands and head on Judgment Day.

    >Who approved of the Biblical Canon?
    The Council of Nicaea, last I checked. I'm no expert though, so I could be wrong.

    In the Bible, God promises to preserve His word. (Isaiah 55:11)

    Therefore, if the Bible has been altered without anybody's knowledge, and we're all just reading an edited version of the "original gospels", then God is dead.

    Either the Bible is 100% true, or God is dead. There is no middle ground.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:14 No.3109221
    I am a European history major, bro. And you are basically wrong ha. Crusades, inquisition; christians were more barbaric than their pagan predecessors - for example the Romans. Which much of western civilization was based off of. Here is another thing for your christian, the greatest times of christendom were the renaissances aka reviving old pagan literature, pagan ideas, pagan art; Roman and antiquity ideas.

    Christianity set Europe back over a thousand years.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:15 No.3109225
    fucking history, how does it work?
    belief in witchcraft wasn't discouraged until the industrial age, by protestants
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:15 No.3109229
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    No gods.

    No kings.

    Only man.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:15 No.3109234
    Well then I guess it's all been fucked up since Day 1. Justin Martyr talks about the Eucharist in 150 A.D. and you have the Didache (95 AD) Laying out the framework for a very early variant of the Catholic Mass.

    I guess you can pack your bags then
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:15 No.3109235
    go fuck your sky fairy
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:16 No.3109237
    So you're an ignorant piece of shit who willfully ignores any and all positions that are substantial when you disagree with them? Good to know, you're no better than the conspiracy theorists and neo-nazis who frequent this place.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:17 No.3109251
    and no pompous farts preaching on 4chan
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:17 No.3109253
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    The first Crusade began in 1095:
    -460 years after the first Christian city was overrun by Muslim armies
    -457 years after Jerusalem was conquered by Muslim armies
    -453 years after Egypt was taken by Muslim armies
    -443 after Muslims first plundered Italy
    -427 years after Muslim armies first laid siege to the Christian capital of Constantinople
    -380 years after Spain was conquered by Muslim armies
    -363 years after France was first attacked by Muslim armies
    -249 years after Rome itself was sacked by a Muslim army

    And only after centuries of church burnings, killings, enslavement, and forced conversions of Christians at the point of a sword.

    By the time the Crusades finally began, Muslim armies had conquered 2/3 of the Christian world.

    As early as 652, Muhammad’s followers launched raids on the island of Sicily, waging a full-scale occupation 200 years later that lasted almost a century and was punctuated by massacres, such as that at the town of Castrogiovanni, in which 8,000 Christians were put to death.

    They'd have killed me to. Most likely for "owning a Bible" or "revealing the mysteries of the scriptures to the commoners without the guidance of the Archbishop."
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:18 No.3109264
    >Either the Bible is 100% true, or God is dead. There is no middle ground.
    I think that we all know the truth deep down inside, even if *some* are too scared to admit it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:18 No.3109265
    kings are men, bro.

    i blame the filthy germanics for bringing down europe. Europe was just fine (if the Empire was a little stagnant) until the filthy savages invaded
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:18 No.3109266
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:18 No.3109267
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    >This thread
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:19 No.3109286
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    Please never stop posting, AMDG.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:20 No.3109296
    Witchcraft was made illegal in the Holy Roman Empire. It would later be re-examined around the 14th Century due to increasing pressure from civil society to make the church acknowledge witches existed.

    "the Lombard code of 643 states:
    Let nobody presume to kill a foreign serving maid or female slave as a witch, for it is not possible, nor ought to be believed by Christian minds.[2]"

    as far as the Crusades were concerned they were no better or worse then any other type of Military affair taken pre 16th Century. It was bloody, messy and brutal but such was the way of the world.

    For the Inquistion we need to pick which one we are talking about, Albegensian, Roman or Spanish. I'm going to assume you are referring to the Spanish one which while Harsh has also been grossly exaggerated to the point of caricature.

    In fact I think you are just regurgitating a very popular Anglo view of history:
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:22 No.3109315
    Actually you would be more likely killed by a civil court. The Inquisition's jurisdiction was over Catholic subjects.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:23 No.3109327
    true facts bro you should look it up
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:23 No.3109329
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    >>3109215 CORRECTION
    >In the Bible, God promises to preserve His word. (Isaiah 55:11)
    The verse is actually Isaiah 40:8. My bad. (Also Psalm 119:89)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:23 No.3109335

    you're a smarmey little side show and no one is interested
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:24 No.3109345
    Not that guy, but
    >kings are equal to dictators
    Certainly not. Every dictator is a self-made man. Having clawed his way to the top, he considers himself beholden neither to God nor man. His talent for acquiring power is generally unaccompanied by learning or skill in state-craft---hence the often crude and clownish impression made by such folk. Unbound by tradition, he may rule according to his own whim.

    A Monarch, on the other hand, is bound by tradition and ceremonial to reign in a certain way. He has been trained for his role since infancy, and knows he owes his position to no talent of his own. In a word, a Monarch may just have a little room for humility; no dictator ever can.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:25 No.3109352
    It wouldn't surprise me if there was an incident or two, however horrific atrocities were the norm of the day.
    I'd encourage you to read Andrew Wheatcroft's book 'Infidels' which is quite good and gives a very detailed account of Crusading Mentality etc but then i'd be expecting someone on /new/ to read something that has been peer-reviewed and is academic in nature and well frankly I think I may be wishing for just a bit much.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:25 No.3109356
    This retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:25 No.3109360
    God just told me to shove mud up your nose

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:27 No.3109371
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:27 No.3109374
    >It's up to the mods. If I see people being banned for discussing race reasonably in relation to news, I will leave, as the values of this site and my own would clearly not be congruent.
    Your value scale is certainly fucked up if you think you have the right to discuss things wherever you want to (again private property), you value more your right to discuss whatever you want than other people's rights not to have you in their space assigned for the discussion of a certain topic. Discussing race in /new/ or /sci/ is not better than doing it on /a/ or /g/, it doesn't belong there, it belongs to /b/. Your rights end where the rights of the others begin and you certainly don't give two shits about the rights of others, you are a really immature person, exactly of the kind that belongs to /b/.

    >In any case, it seems a bit facetious of you to assume the mods are putting a stop to discussions of race when a mod just created and stickied a thread about race.
    I'm not assuming anything, just reminding you the rules and why you shouldn't go emo when they happen to be enforced, even if rarely.

    >Also, you're a fucking brown noser if I've ever met one, and I'd take the company of retards from stormfront over creeps like you any day.
    Unfortunately I've met countless idiots like you here, nothing uncommon.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:27 No.3109375
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    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:28 No.3109384
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    How can I find this god of yours? Does he have any scriptures I can read? Does he ever promise to let himself be found by me if I seek him with all my heart?

    Or is he just a bad attempt to insult my God?
    >> mfw i'm posting in a sticky 12/04/10(Sat)22:30 No.3109397
    posting in a troll thread.

    Moot you might as well put a word filter if you think having a human monitor these boards will improve anything.

    inb4 janitors go insane.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:31 No.3109404
    The idea that one race is inherently superior isn't wrong in a moral sense, it simply isn't defensible in any logical sense. Especially since we can't determine by what standard we can measure why any given set of traits is essentially superior to any other set of traits.

    In evolutionary terms, each race has adaptations that are beneficial to the survival and perpetuation of those genes. Negroids evolved the specific traits they possess because those traits were beneficial for survival in the geographical locations that Negroids occupied. The same goes for Caucasoids, Mongoloids, Capoids and Australoids.

    To imply that one race is inherently superior to all is to imply that one race is inherently more adaptable than the others on a genetic level, and that just isn't true. It sets up a false premise that evolution seeks one specific ultimate goal and that simply isn't the case.

    It's as if to say that sharks are the ultimate fish or that wolves are the ultimate canines. It simply doesn't follow. Wolves possess the necessary traits to ensure the perpetuation of wolf genes. Sharks possess the necessary traits to ensure the perpetuation of shark genes.

    Sorry, but you just can't get there from here.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:31 No.3109408
    >God speaks to a believer
    >Deny that this is "your" God
    Enjoy eternal damnation, heretic.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:32 No.3109422
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:33 No.3109434
    >Your value scale is certainly fucked up if you think you have the right to discuss things wherever you want to (again private property), you value more your right to discuss whatever you want than other people's rights not to have you in their space assigned for the discussion of a certain topic. Discussing race in /new/ or /sci/ is not better than doing it on /a/ or /g/, it doesn't belong there, it belongs to /b/. Your rights end where the rights of the others begin and you certainly don't give two shits about the rights of others, you are a really immature person, exactly of the kind that belongs to /b/.
    Cry me a river, sing me a song of sadness. I discuss here what is popularly discussed here. Your tears are not my problem.

    >I'm not assuming anything, just reminding you the rules and why you shouldn't go emo when they happen to be enforced, even if rarely.
    You seem obsessed with me being emotionally distressed. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a projecting cunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:34 No.3109448

    your scriptures are man made. Too bad you've drank the kool-aid. If you didn't, you could step back for a second and see how your entire faith rests on the premise that your deity uses telepathy to make prophets write down his infallible words.

    If you think mystics, shamans, and tribals that interpret messages from their gods from reading tea leaves, rolling bones, or claiming god spoke to them and gave them sacred scriptures then you should also apply the same level of scepticism to your beliefs as well.

    but you won't, so why am I writing this? because I can't stand religious people.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:34 No.3109454
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    But even you don't actually believe in the FSM, so it's not a proper analogy for my God.

    Only my God mourns the death of wicked men, begging them to turn from their ways and seek Him while they still can. (Ezekiel 18:23, 32)

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:35 No.3109461
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:35 No.3109462
    They both have the same likelihood of existence.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:36 No.3109473
    I think you're intentionally misunderstanding what that poster meant by racism.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:36 No.3109476

    most annoying troll on new by far, spouts same shit day in and day out.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:37 No.3109482
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    >> Omegon 12/04/10(Sat)22:38 No.3109491
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    This is your God, he is the physcial embodiment of the manifest destiny of Mankind. He is the Emperor.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:39 No.3109506

    (please dontate to 4chan)
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:39 No.3109507
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    Hey, I remember you. I'm still giving you that blood eagle, faggot.

    Can your god stop me? I don't think so.
    >> Omegon 12/04/10(Sat)22:40 No.3109514
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    Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:40 No.3109516
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    >your scriptures are man made.
    "We never stop thanking God that when you received His message from us, you didn't think of our words as man-made ideas. Instead, you accepted what we said as the very word of God, which of course, it is! And this word continues to work in you who believe." (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

    >Too bad you've drank the kool-aid.
    1 Corinthians 1:18
    1 Corinthians 2:14

    >your entire faith rests on the premise that your deity uses telepathy to make prophets write down his infallible words.
    ...That's actually not very hard to believe, assuming an omnipotent God actually exists.

    >If you think mystics, shamans, and tribals that interpret messages from their gods from reading tea leaves, rolling bones, or claiming god spoke to them and gave them sacred scriptures then you should also apply the same level of scepticism to your beliefs as well.
    I do.

    But God revealed Himself to me! He actually proved His existence to me and fellowshiped with me!

    If He hadn't done that, then I SURELY wouldn't be this faithful and confident!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:40 No.3109521
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    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:40 No.3109528
    >So you're an ignorant piece of shit who willfully ignores any and all positions that are substantial when you disagree with them?
    What positions? If you mean your position on moderation I already acknowledged it as a tantrum and specified why I qualified it as such. If you mean whatever your racial views are, why should I be called ignorant for not knowing about Kanye West's latest album if I'm browsing /new/ and not /mu/, again, racism belongs in /b/.

    >Good to know, you're no better than the conspiracy theorists and neo-nazis who frequent this place.
    Perhaps you would feel better in their company, they also get butthurt when discussing with me same as you.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:43 No.3109552
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    >spouts same shit day in and day out.
    And you continue to ignore me day in and day out.

    You're too afraid to take my challenge.
    You're too lazy to read what I say.
    You're too angry to listen to my words.
    You're too enslaved to resist your sin.

    So you complain when I shout the same warnings to you day in and day out, because, well it must get boring after a while!

    Gee, sorry my warnings of eternal damnation are a bit repetitive. Perhaps if you actually took my challenge and sought God you'd find they were true.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:43 No.3109555

    inb4 cult leader
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:45 No.3109575
    Max image limit reached.

    lol'd heartily.

    But seriously though, I've never advocated anything but the Bible. I am nothing but a Born Again Christian, and that is all I will ever be.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:49 No.3109618

    thats all i got
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:49 No.3109625
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    >Max image limit reached.
    Suck on this theist
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:50 No.3109627

    Ladies and gentlemen, its a pure faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:50 No.3109634
    >Cry me a river, sing me a song of sadness. I discuss here what is popularly discussed here. Your tears are not my problem.
    So if rape becomes popular then it makes it right for me to rape your mom? That kind of excuses I can expect from a 12yo, but not from someone who claims to be able to reason like an adult, lest debate like one.

    >You seem obsessed with me being emotionally distressed. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a projecting cunt.
    That's why your initial post show >>3108613, why else make an irrational complain about mods enforcing rules (ain't it logical?) unless not because of an emotional reaction?
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:50 No.3109637
    Wow, how'd you do that? That's cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:51 No.3109639
    >If you mean whatever your racial views are, why should I be called ignorant for not knowing about Kanye West's latest album if I'm browsing /new/ and not /mu/, again, racism belongs in /b/.
    So you think all discussions on race are extrapolations of rappers and black pop culture icons? Again, you're an ignorant piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:51 No.3109651
    >only reason why he believes in god, was because god revealed himself to him
    >tells other people they should believe in god, despite not seeing awsome visions of god

    Trolling like a boss.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:53 No.3109665
    He does have a fucking body you stupid twat

    He was resurrected and ascended into heaven. HE'S STILL ALIVE! FUCKING HERETIC!
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:55 No.3109694
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    Your backwards "faith" is no match for the powers of reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:55 No.3109697
    >So you think all discussions on race are extrapolations of rappers and black pop culture icons? Again, you're an ignorant piece of shit.
    No I was making an analogy about how I'm not supposed to be informed about stuff that doesn't belong to this board, but apparently you are too stupid to understand it
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:55 No.3109699
    >jesus is god's son
    >god is jesus
    >jesus is god
    >god is his own son
    >god and jesus co-exist in heaven
    >they are the same
    >god its just splitting himself because he likes theatrics

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:56 No.3109708
    >So if rape becomes popular then it makes it right for me to rape your mom? That kind of excuses I can expect from a 12yo, but not from someone who claims to be able to reason like an adult, lest debate like one.
    I expect adults to be informed on subjects they wish to talk about and have a debating technique that extends beyond just calling opponents names like "butthurt" and "mad", and to not make childish analogies (I could easily have said HURR IF MOOT CREATED A BOARD ON 4CHAN SPECIFICALLY FOR POSTING SNUFF AND CHILD PORN WOULD THAT MAKE IT OK? DURR, but I expected I was talking to someone with an I.Q. in the triple digits).

    >That's why your initial post show >>3108613, why else make an irrational complain about mods enforcing rules (ain't it logical?) unless not because of an emotional reaction?
    Except I never posted >>3108613.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 12/04/10(Sat)22:56 No.3109713
    Never said they were visions.

    Also, I always tell people how to have the same experience. Would you like me to tell you?

    (1.) Do your best to remove all the sin from your life. (Psalm 66:18)

    (2.) Read the Bible daily and ask God to send His Holy Spirit to minister to your heart and mind as you read.

    (3.) Daily pray to God through Jesus Christ He would honor your commitment and reveal Himself to you.

    (4.) Stop hanging out with people (or at websites/places) that tempt you to sin. (1 Corinthians 6:18)

    If you do these things to the best of your ability, THEN I PROMISE YOU THAT GOD WILL ALLOW HIMSELF TO BE FOUND BY YOU.


    I have to go now anyway. I love you guys, and it's always a pleasure speaking to you. Please seek God and find true salvation and forgiveness!

    In Christ our Lord and Savior,

    This is my last post in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:57 No.3109715

    >which of course, it is!

    Congrats, you and St. Paul share the exact same level of convincing arguments

    >But God revealed Himself to me! He actually proved His existence to me and fellowshiped with me!


    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't think God was actually talking to you

    If so, that kind of experience can be explained by mania, bi polar disorder, triggered by brain chemical imbalances, diet, etc.

    If not, you're probably just projecting. Sometimes people want something so bad, they are willing to take anything as a sign.

    Human cognitive science shows us that humans are terrible judges of correlation, and quite superstitious, I'm sure you interpreted some random occurrence as a sign from god. Word on the street is you had anal hemorrhoids that you prayed away.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:57 No.3109716
    >they are the same
    AMDG is not Catholic, despite his name. Only Catholics and Orthodox (aka heathens) believe they are the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)22:59 No.3109730

    He's a pompous nutjob. Who cares what flavor?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:00 No.3109744
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    >saging a sticky
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:01 No.3109752
    And Main-Line Protestants. Typically most Fundies adhere to some form of Arianism even if they don't realize it. From a Catholic Perspective the Orthodox aren't heathens, they are simply in Schism. The Orthodox have much more of an Issue with Catholic theological practice then the Catholics do regarding the Orthodox. Although both Catholics and Orthodox are far closer then say Orthodox and Protestant.

    The Orthodox really don't care for how 'legalistic' the Roman Church is. I think it's just a difference in Culture with the Catholics inheriting a very Roman mindset and the Orthodox being much more Eastern/Mystical. It's why when you talk about something like the Eucharist the Romans have Transubstantiation and walls of text explaining it while the Orthodox call it a "sacred mystery" and leave it at that.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:03 No.3109771
    hey, guys, what's going on in this thre-

    OMFG it's a /stormfag/ sticky
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:05 No.3109781
    Does this mean moot will finally uphold his promise and close this abortion of a board?

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:06 No.3109796
    >I expect adults to be informed on subjects they wish to talk about and have a debating technique that extends beyond just calling opponents names like "butthurt" and "mad", and to not make childish analogies (I could easily have said HURR IF MOOT CREATED A BOARD ON 4CHAN SPECIFICALLY FOR POSTING SNUFF AND CHILD PORN WOULD THAT MAKE IT OK? DURR, but I expected I was talking to someone with an I.Q. in the triple digits).
    Problem is this is not the place to talk about what you want to talk about, would you demand /a/ to be informed about assault weapons or /k/ to be informed about naruto? Furthermore I do no wish to talk about race, if I did I'd go to /b/, that's what you are supposed to do but like other children you do whatever you want to and allege others do it so it's right for you to do the same. That's why you cry when mods dare to forbid you from doing whatever you want, wherever you want in moot's private property.

    >That's why your initial post show >>3108613, why else make an irrational complain about mods enforcing rules (ain't it logical?) unless not because of an emotional reaction?
    But you followed the discussion, so I'm forced to assume you share his/her feelings.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:07 No.3109806
    Hey if your deity is "all powerful" then he will realize that i will never be able to believe in god, or do any of the other bull shit "he" wants me to do - the only way i would believe in god was if he didnt hide like a bitch, all invisible and shit.

    OH THATS RIGHT your deity isnt all powerful or hes a complete asshole who would send someone to hell just because he doesn't believe in mythological stories

    >millions of different religions
    >all saying BELIEVE IN ME IAM RIGHT!
    >thousands and thousands of different versions of christianity alone all claiming they are right

    Either your god is fucking stupid, hes letting the world fall into a huge religious shitfest, or your god simply does not exist.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:07 No.3109812
    >demand /a/ to be informed about assault weapons
    /a/ is the anime board you newfag
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:11 No.3109851
    Nowhere I'm implying the contrary, are you retarded or trolling?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:14 No.3109899
    >But you followed the discussion, so I'm forced to assume you share his/her feelings.
    So, you're retarded?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:16 No.3109927
    Give me other reason to reply to my posts unless you agree with the initial one
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:18 No.3109940
    AMDG, would you be willing to have a private conversation with a fellow anon some time?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:21 No.3109973
    My posts are their own. If you can't respond to them, that's your shortcoming, and I'm not interested in compensating for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:22 No.3109984
    >My posts are their own.
    >Anonymous board
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 12/04/10(Sat)23:23 No.3109988
    /new/ confirmed for worst board.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:25 No.3110001
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:25 No.3110013
    Exactly. So respond to my posts, instead of who you imagine me to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:26 No.3110018

    Truer words have never been spoken by the diarrhea icing on the cake of shit that is new.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:27 No.3110034
    I already responded to them, just not to that particular one
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:29 No.3110046
    And you are one of it's worst posters, for some reason all poles on the internet seem to be shitposters, must be the low self-esteem
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:29 No.3110047
    >Is a mixed raced fellow
    >Doesn't hate people on race, hates them due to character and idiocy
    >Makes 64,000/ year as a Network Admin doing part time work as a teacher as well
    >Has masters in CE from University of Washington
    >Is 25 years old
    >No debt, 3 brothers, girlfriend, car, home

    All because I say my ass down for 4 years in college, worked hard as fuck 4-8 hours a day due to accelerated programs and credits, and by year 5 making good money. Well rounded, never had issues about my skin color or ethnicity with friends, not religious.

    So and /Storm/ fags out there, go die. No matter how much you crave collectivism that's unembraced by the overwhelming majority of European-Descent peoples, it will never pick up steam in the directions you want.

    Jews are successful because their culture is formed from thousands of years of oppression leading to no allowed ownership of land in Europe, forcing populations to survive from service based industries such as banking, literature, education, sciences, etc, not because it's some conspiracy theory.

    General trends in IQ, intelligence, knowledge, education, etc. are due to complicated social balances and geographical resource distribution coupled with climate trends allowing populations to explode, settle more specialists and flourish science, prior to 1500's, Europe was a cold shithole with nothing good except war, death and disease coming out of it.

    I know there are some Stormfags on here, and they should be aware that their inadequacies in their own lives is the reason for their stupid, hickish beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:30 No.3110060
    Myth: Stormfronters want to exterminate all Jews

    Truth: The real enemy is the 12 elite Jews of Zion who control the banks, Hollywood and Israel.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:33 No.3110091
    >Jews are successful because their culture is formed from thousands of years of oppression leading to no allowed ownership of land in Europe, forcing populations to survive from service based industries such as banking, literature, education, sciences, etc, not because it's some conspiracy theory.
    Go learn history first, retard
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:33 No.3110094
    Fact: All stormfronters are pretty much racists who sincerly have deep seated hatreds for people due to inadequacies, their own negative experiences, or from learned culture.

    I bet you there is a reason why a thread bashing college, higher education and skilled professions is one of the more highly replied to and kept alive threads on stormfront.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:36 No.3110122
    Anyone who has ever studied European history knows full damn well the Catholic churches and Kingdoms roles in forcing Jewish people into then marginal and low-tier professions such as Banking, Moneylending, Tax collecting, etc. due to the perception of people that the ideas of Credit, Extended Loans, etc. was a sin.

    FACT: Local rulers and church officials closed many professions to the Jews, pushing them into marginal occupations considered socially inferior, such as tax and rent collecting and moneylending, tolerated then as a "necessary evil". Catholic doctrine of the time held that lending money for interest was a sin, and forbidden to Christians. Not being subject to this restriction, Jews dominated this business.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:38 No.3110139
    Jew mad?

    Jew mad.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:39 No.3110152
    Discrimination is not OK.

    Unless you discriminate against the Fürher.

    Cool double standard, Jews.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:40 No.3110166
    Not to mention Jews only look out for Jews
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:43 No.3110191
    I don't see a problem with demonizing a man who led an Authoritarian government with proven death squads, little to no human rights in terms of political nor economic freedom and who created a society and military based on a military-complex economy which was going to crash and fail regardless of what the outcome of WW2 was.

    I'd also mention attempts to subdue and exterminate populations of Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Political Opponents, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Religious groups of other kinds, etc. but this forum especially is full of revisionist idiot who will either deny, avoid or point out "Well Stalin killed 20million", not realizing and intelligent human being can see the stressed emphasis on Mao's and Stalins contributions to deaths in this world due to them living in a sort of "bubble" where they only see and accept realities and trends from stormfags4us
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:44 No.3110202
    If a white person looks out for his people, he's a criminal.

    From now on, let's call a pig a pig.

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:44 No.3110211
    Just like Blacks look our for other Blacks, people from Croatia look out for other Croatians, family looks out for family, White businessmen and capitalists look out for other *reinsert mouthful here*, *Keeps re-iterating point to every group in the world*.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:46 No.3110228
    Give me solid, concrete examples of how a White man looking out for another White man is criminal.

    Hard mode; Don't construe the context to serve white supremacist motives to demonize other races

    God mode; Be honest with yourself and your answer and try not to avoid the already immense economic and social securities other whites place on one another, especially as income brackets go up.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:49 No.3110252
    >he thinks the internet isn't an invention made by whites for whites, and the other races are only here because we taught them how to use computers

    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:52 No.3110285
    excellent post Sir
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:53 No.3110291
    If you don't hire enough under-qualified people, you're a criminal bigot.

    If you have any kind of nepotistic hiring practices, you are a criminal bigot.

    If you hire people you know and are familiar with, you are a criminal bigot.

    Unless you're a Jew that hires Jews.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/10(Sat)23:57 No.3110322
    Chaz McKay said if you work a job and "associate" is part of your job title, you are a communist.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:00 No.3110349
    Saint Thomas More is one badass mother fucker
    -Saint of Corporations
    -Killed Englishmen for reading the bible in english

    Classic Papal Infallibility right there.
    Killing people for reading the bible is A OKAY according to the Catholic church.

    Please explain why God doesn't want us to read the bible in English?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:00 No.3110352
    >If you don't hire enough under-qualified people, you're a criminal bigot.

    What qualifies as under-qualified? As far as I'm concerned, private companies tend to do a fairly decent job keeping under qualified individuals out, you see corruption in this case with shit tier retail, restaurant service and construction work because you are required no actual formidable experience nor education. I can see how you as an individual may have developed this mindset. Just like many stormfags who are within that tier of our economy.

    >If you have any kind of nepotistic hiring practices, you are a criminal bigot.

    Nope, plenty of abuse there. It's not a bad thing to recommend to family and ex-business associates, connections and networking is how the majority of jobs are landed these days, especially due to stringent economies. It's an accepted norm.

    >If you hire people you know and are familiar with, you are a criminal bigot.

    If you do so because they are not qualified then yes, that person should be punished for that kind of favoritism.

    >Unless you're a Jew that hires Jews.

    There are a lot of Jewish people out there who are just like you and me. The ones with interconnected families in the Entertainment or Financial industries tend to make heavy investments to their relatives and kids schooling, mixed with a grown-at-home culture of hard work. The old saying "You turn out like your parents" is something to reflect on when thinking about this.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:02 No.3110370
    You forget you're on 4Chan. The common practice is to go ape shit about them and post that cartoon of a Jew rubbing his hands deviously together. You fail dude.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:04 No.3110387
    stormfront is the home for unsocial kids who need to fill their emptiness with some hate.
    of course, the reason for them being unsuccessful is everybody else.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:04 No.3110388

    The crimes do not carry jail-time; they DO carry stiff financial penalties that ruin the business.

    So what do I win for meeting your challenge on God-modo?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:07 No.3110411
    Meh, I'm working on my Calc3 HW atm but it's not due till Monday due to some shitty snow delay here. It's a slow night, also I like to test this forum every few days and hone my skills abit. Hardmode is Stormfront because mods there ban you if you keep at it. If not, they flood you so hard with replies, no time to reply to their half ass'd, stupid rants = they get a false sense of superiority from overwhelming you. After 54 pages, I just told them "Fuck you all", the only one left standing was 2 mods who kept countering my points with personal attacks.

    I've learned more about falsified European history in that thread than I could have ever imagined. Those people seriously live in some delusion.

    It must be to fill that deep, dark void in their own lives.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:07 No.3110419
    Don't hire anyone non-white, racist and breaking the law, even if they're unqualified
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:09 No.3110436
    Meh, I guess some internet points? It's a weak point for me to defend, only because if I continue to do so, you could easily look up a multitude of cases that have gone to court and the media of people referencing one another, the only point I would have is "It wasn't on the basis of race but on a personal relationship", but that wouldn't hold up real well.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:12 No.3110456
    It would be great to meet some racially aware whites, if they don't fit the generic neo-nazi or skinhead standards, no job, little schooling, drink & smoke all the time, complain instead of actually doing something
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:13 No.3110463
    I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:18 No.3110501

    A Stormfront meeting must look the Army ROTC candidates at my college.

    Short, chubby to almost obese, google-glasses and voted most likely to still be a virgin at 40.

    They need someone to blame besides their inbred parents.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:19 No.3110511

    >a multitude of cases

    So, why don't Jewish organizations have to play by the same rules? The fact that it IS a multitude should tell you what you something.

    Do Jewish businesses have to hire blacks? How many Jewish businesses had to hire blacks. How many Jewish businesses were destroyed for civil-rights lawsuits against their unfair non-black hiring practices? I challenge you to find 5.

    Now I challenge you to find 25 white businesses that -SURVIVED- a civil-rights lawsuit.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:25 No.3110570
    >Ask me do jewish business have to hire blacks or other ethnicities
    >Jewish businesses are typically very large, predominant financial and media giants
    >Promote multiculturalism, fear, racism and nationalism all at once
    >Obviously no sign of blacks, arabs, asians anywhere

    Are you fucking joking me?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:30 No.3110611

    Are you kidding me? Jewish occupational firms are notorious for filling their employment with non-whites, women, homosexuals, etc. The idea is to block out the notion of "White male dominated business facilities" so Jews will have more of an advantage. Seriously, look it up

    They even consider the white race their mortal enemy, as it's been for the past 4000 years... So this doesn't surprise me a bit. Come at me bro
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:32 No.3110633

    >>Obviously no sign of blacks, arabs, asians anywhere

    Never-mind the giants. I'm talking about businesses.

    Trade of less than, say, 10 million a year.

    Big enough to be a target, small enough to be sued to death.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:32 No.3110636
    >They even consider the white race their mortal enemy

    But Jews are white
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:35 No.3110658
    The grunt work can be done by anyone, and often is.

    If you go above middle-management, you get to where the racism and bigotry exists in the Jewish business.
    >> strawman !!9eSatjbJatr 12/05/10(Sun)00:42 No.3110716
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)00:56 No.3110822
    but a black man invented seedless watermelons
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)01:01 No.3110870
    This picture is completely true, and I agree. Your point?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)01:35 No.3111099
    So logic DOESN'T work through induction? Wow! Thanks!


    > but not if you say b=god
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)01:39 No.3111134
    i'm not a racist but jews are very privileged and have been very privileged as the shit has been hitting the fan the past ten years and especially since '08 and blacks have historically been more prone to violence and I like to offer my criticism on that at times.
    >> UnicornsAreAwesomeFuckScience !.U2Uf2tsJA 12/05/10(Sun)01:48 No.3111211
    Oh look a HILARIOUS mod
    The only time you were useful was the midterm elections!
    and even that was a shitty sticky.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)01:54 No.3111263
    this is the cancer that's killing /new/
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)01:56 No.3111283
    ...and now, so are you.

    And me too, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)01:57 No.3111294
    you've been living up to the image of a nigger every day of your life.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:05 No.3111335
    Racist stereotypes are racist.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:17 No.3111456
    I wonder if moot is getting paid for this banner?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:23 No.3111506
    >i'm not racist but
    NIggers piss me the fuck off. Niggers of every color. Black, white, yellow or brown. Fuck 'em.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:25 No.3111533
    just kill yourself and your white pink albino family
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:26 No.3111539
    I'm Asian
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:27 No.3111545
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:27 No.3111551
    no' you're not, just in case do the same to your yellow tiny dicked family
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:29 No.3111572
    My wife is black, and she is quite satisfied with my penis size. Stick to that tired old stereotype, loser.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:30 No.3111580
    lolololol, all asians have small dicks, and no black women would go for one
    >> rabbit !o3yhr0quTI 12/05/10(Sun)02:32 No.3111607
    actually, AMDG, vikings (while definatelly enjoying it) also had theological back-up for the pillaging.
    It isn't random that one of their primary targets were monasteries.
    >> Sil !!isveBsS0Y5o 12/05/10(Sun)02:35 No.3111645

    Monasteries also had pretty good loot compared to your average village of dirt farmers and pretty poor defenses as compared to your average HVT.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:46 No.3111748
    I'm not racist but I hate niggers and think they should all be returned to the cotton fields in chains.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:54 No.3111815
    I'm not racist, but I'll troll thinking I'm saying what they're saying, and be just as ignorant as I think they are.

    History and economics should be taught in school, side-by-side. You know who doesn't want that?

    The AHA, the people responsible for deciding what you are taught in school.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:56 No.3111831
    Congressman Charles Rangel has been Censured by his colleages and given a standing ovation by his constituents in Harlem. Cue President Obama's brotherly forgiveness. Who stands and applauds a disgraced Black? Black sheep.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)02:56 No.3111834
    /new, you always have the best trolls.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)03:12 No.3111974
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)03:17 No.3112027
    The new symbol of freedom from tyranny.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)03:26 No.3112100

    >i'm not racist but here's a stormfront banner showing i'm a race-baiting racist troll

    lol i see what u did there.

    You were trying to say you weren't a racist but posting something pro-racist. You pulled a FOX news!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)03:39 No.3112233
    >have no friends
    >have no life
    >have no interaction other than 4chan
    >find yourself talking to yourself
    >claim its god
    >anything to justify the boredom
    >an imaginary force to make me special
    >post on 4chan inspired by the delusions created by my loneliness

    How many people have you helped in real life. How much real charity have yoy done for your brother or sister? How much of your time have you given outside the internet? Personally, i think you get off on your self righteousness. God or whatever you think god is, is incomprehensible to the humam mind. You are not special. Your god is more satanic than you think.

    See you in hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)03:41 No.3112250
    I'm not a racist or antisemitic, I'm anti-zionist. Everyone should be.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)03:49 No.3112317
    >I'm Anti-semite

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)03:54 No.3112347
         File1291539247.jpg-(26 KB, 407x405, Yall-Niggas-be-posteen-absuurd(...).jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)04:13 No.3112462

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)04:47 No.3112647
    I'm not racist but, its better when they stay in their shitty country instead to come to France.
    >> Novemberg 12/05/10(Sun)04:49 No.3112658
         File1291542583.jpg-(25 KB, 270x345, roflbot-1Cpv.jpg)
    25 KB
    I'm absolutely a racist.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)04:57 No.3112688
    the difference between now and the past is that jewish supremacism was always thwarted... they were either genocided or thrown out by the host population. But now their new strategy of divide and conquer is working very well.

    sieg zion
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:04 No.3112738

    >play off of the infinite stupidity of the American population

    IT's a conspiracy!!!! We must awaken the hounds of war towards zionist beasts!!1 Aryana unite!!! Fucking stormfags, you're all retarded
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:07 No.3112756
    i'm not an amerifat you antifa turd
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:10 No.3112766
    Anyone uniting for anything pisses off the Jews.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:14 No.3112796

    It's good you take their sentiment into consideration before you act. You are a sensitive flower, and "not pissing off the jews" is enough to earn you the chosen people's favor. Isn't it , little goy boy?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:31 No.3112899
    Shalom. I was speaking for the people of my temple, and we are often called on to give our time and financial support to Israel.

    When I say "Anyone uniting for anything pisses us off." it's because we lose money whenever it happens.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:45 No.3112988
    If you think racists are bad, go see/listen to large groups of anti-racists.

    Full-retard doesn't even begin to cover it.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:45 No.3112992
    black person posting in this thread, now this vanilla pudding is a little less white cracker ass crackers
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:46 No.3112996
    Fucking this. Anti-racist are more bigoted than racists themselves, fucking ironic
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:48 No.3113018
    Something we've known for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)05:59 No.3113094
    Why is /new/ such a shitty board...
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:04 No.3113137

    >Sageing a sticky
    >My face: :|
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:10 No.3113174

    But in the grand logic of anti-racist, it comes down to one thing: I CAN TELL THE MODS YOU'RE A RACIST AND THEY WILL BAN YOU.

    This has nothing to do with racism, but a bunch of no-argument fucks quivering behind the mods to enforce what they can't do through debate.

    So fuck it. Let this place become another mindless echo chamber like free republic, metafilter, jezebel, or democratic underground. Just another data point in the march towards being inconsequential.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:11 No.3113181
    reported for racism enjoy your ban.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:20 No.3113239
    lol this is what racists actually believe
    racists wants to kill all blacks, anti racists dont want that.
    so how is it worse?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:23 No.3113253
    Anti-racists want all racists killed. They label all whites and only white racist.
    Also reported for Racism enjoy your ban.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:24 No.3113257
    I don't want to kill anyone out of cold blood.

    How ignorant can you be? Just proving the point you naive child.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:45 No.3113390
    anti racists want racists to stop being racist, but racists want to kill every black person.
    >implying racists dont deserve to die
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:47 No.3113399
    yes you do, if you are racist you want every non white dead.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:51 No.3113419
    >implying racist isn't code word for white.
    >implying whites deserve to die

    stay classy anti-racist-racist fags.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:53 No.3113429
    >racists want to kill every black person.

    LOL! Do you have any Idea how much work that would be?

    Besides, Jews are racist. Did you ever see a black guy on the board of directors for any Jewish-run companies?


    To be honest, black people have been screwed harder by Jews than whites have. Most of the Jewgolds Jews have is based off of charging black families too damn much for rent of on a slumhouse(Detroit).
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:54 No.3113439
    >implying "white" is a race
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:56 No.3113448
    the ones who are racist deserve to die, and anti racist isnt an insult you inbred pigfucker
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:56 No.3113449
    >implying "black" is a race.
    >therefore there is no such thing as racism.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)06:57 No.3113456
    jews, whites its the same thing, jews are white white are jews.
    I see you as the same people, as do everybody else except white racists
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:03 No.3113495
    I don't want to see people die and yet I am racist because I think some kind of people are subhuman and they should stay in their place where they belong.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:04 No.3113505
    No, Jews said they are a race, a religion, and a culture.

    Whites can be polish until they come to America and magically turn into slave-owners.

    Amusingly enough, it wasn't the farmers that made the slave-trade profitable.

    It was the Jewish slave-owners. They made the Dutch slave-trade into a very profitable business, even when they had to burn the ships after 10 trips.

    Jewish business was so important to the slave-trade, that if the boats arrived so that the market opened on a Friday(Jewish sabbath) they rescheduled when the market opened to accommodate them.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:07 No.3113518

    >>Amusingly enough, it wasn't the farmers that made the slave-trade profitable.

    Think about that sentence.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:07 No.3113523

    doesnt matter if one jew said they are a race, what do you think the jews like seinfeld, natalie portman,larry david,etc, dont consider themselves white?
    jews consider themselves white always has always will

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:13 No.3113556
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:13 No.3113557
    The farmers needed lots of people, not good people. The farmers paid the least amount possible, and fought for the lowest slave prices. The Jews bought slaves as status symbols, and they would bid for choice slaves at auction.

    If you're complaining about my grammar, you'll have to speak to my english teacher, who died of old-age 3 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:19 No.3113598
    hes till white
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:23 No.3113618
    Morgan Freeman is white?!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:26 No.3113635
    no, the jew he was talking with is.

    watch the video faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:28 No.3113643
    No, Charlie Rose is a Jew. He considers himself white.

    Except he said he's Jewish, so he's Jewish.

    Polish people that move to America are still racist bigoted slave owners because they're white and not Jewish.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:36 No.3113691
    you can be white and jewish seeing as "jewish" is not an ethnicity but a religion. Claiming that jewishness is a "race" can land you in prison in some European countries.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:37 No.3113705
    Not if it's a Jew that said it.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:40 No.3113718
    I am racially aware.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)07:49 No.3113769
    who's a pompous nutjob now?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:21 No.3113989
    Everything Stormfront tells you is more or less correct, scary as that is. They do put it rather crudely, but essentially liberal Jews in the early 20th century did begin a chain of events that will destroy Western civilisation.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:25 No.3114019
    I might believe you if people hadn't been saying this shit for centuries and oh hey civilization is still here.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:26 No.3114025
    Don't delude yourself. Stromfront is just another extreme white supremacist site that blames all the "race" as a whole's shortcomings on minorities.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:29 No.3114045
    Jews have only taken power after in the late XIXth century with Industrial Revolution and essentially after WWI. Since then they have done everything they could to destroy western values (feminism, gay movement, minorities rights, pill, abortion, etc...). They have almost finished their job, the Western world is agonizing and soon dead)
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:32 No.3114060
    They why do so many republicans want to live in the past?

    Oh, wait. What do you mean by "civilization"? Do you mean Americans with American values, or the disgusting worthless blobs of fat that sit drooling on their couches in front of their television?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:34 No.3114075
    The mods here have always been stormfags. Thread is no surprise
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:36 No.3114080
    >They why do so many republicans want to live in the past?
    So western values means, what exactly? That unless you are a white, Christian male, you have no say in anything?
    I say, do you happen to be a white, Christian male? Because that would be such a coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:40 No.3114103
    >Because YOU YOUNGINS GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN part of the past you wish you still lived in

    >or the disgusting worthless blobs of fat that sit drooling on their couches in front of their television? the world you currently live in.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:41 No.3114105
    derp western values are the domain of the white male. Are you saying western males aren't allowed thier own culture?
    Fascist much?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:44 No.3114127
    So you blame Jews for giving women equal rights, and for giving equal rights to those who don't have a pale skin, or Christian beliefs? That all citizens have equal rights? So Jews made the West what it is? I have more respect for them now. Thank you for this revelation.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:46 No.3114132
    >derp western values are the domain of the white male
    Oh right. I disagree.
    >Are you saying western males aren't allowed thier own culture?
    ...No? I'm just saying, you know, maybe women are allowed as well. Or like, people who aren't white? I dunno man.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:47 No.3114139
    Jews have pushed for mass immigration and are still pushing for race mixing through propaganda. Their only goal is to destroy the White man in Europe and America. I don't know why but you can't deny that.

    we must stop them before the western civilization is dead
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:50 No.3114151
    stormfront is a cool name
    >> Ozymandias Drakes !!kDcaRolvTz+ 12/05/10(Sun)08:51 No.3114159
    No. Their goal is to enslave every one not just whites dumbass!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:53 No.3114167
    >for giving women equal rights

    And now they wait until they're 35-40 to have kids, and because they waited so long, the kids come out all retarded and downsey because menopause is not your last chance to have kids, it means your chance to have kids is fucking OVER!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:54 No.3114172
    Look at you pricks, bitching about black people,
    while the satanic jews secretly use the TSA signals to communicate with the Illuminati alien thetans of Xenu to establish the anti-white New World Order and, with the aid of six colossal pentagrams etched across the surface of the Earth via strategically positioned banks, raise the Beast from his cross-dimensional prison to consume God!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:56 No.3114192


    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)08:59 No.3114211
    >Implying western females are seperate entities to western males
    Wow this is just the insanity of liberals that you can forcefully try to seperate two genders.
    Why is it white males and white females are seperate to you then all other ethnic groups have combined genders. White females are a pillar of western society as well and not all are fucking dumbass feminists.
    Yes im mad and im a woman.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)09:01 No.3114222
    is it a last bid from the mods before shutting down /new/?

    >i'm not racist but

    multicultaralism and massive immigration is eroding our nation-states.
    which is a good news for every immigrationist/internationalist and other babel/EU worshipper.

    and no, I don't want to witness the balkanization of europe.
    but it's already happening.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)09:06 No.3114255
    Dude, the Balkanization of Europe happened after WW1 and then again after WW2.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)09:07 No.3114259
    blaming jews sounds good to say. Fuckin Jews is pretty cathartic
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)09:08 No.3114269
    Oh, I didn't, but the anon I was replying to said that such abhorrent things as womens voting rights and the pill and abortion were destroying western values, so I just assumed since you mingled in the discussion you felt the same way.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)09:10 No.3114279
    So, can the Mod clarify? Do we have to move to again?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)09:28 No.3114429
    i was that same anon and i didnt say any of that. Do you enjoy being a stupid freak?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)09:45 No.3114525

    >> fun times 12/05/10(Sun)10:08 No.3114656
    I enjoy the jokes
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)10:14 No.3114709
    I'm not racist but
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)10:44 No.3114918

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)10:46 No.3114929
    ...I play one on TV.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)10:49 No.3114952
    The story of the Lion King is a perfect metaphor for what has happened in South Africa.

    The lions (whites), were the rightful rulers of the Pridelands, ensuring the natural order of things and the safety and welfare of all lesser creatures, ruling with fairness and keeping the land bright and prosperous.

    Yet, one day, King Mufasa (the old establishment) was killed, and the heir to the throne, Simba (the new, younger generation of whites), was convinced that all the problems in the Pridelands were his fault (white guilt), and so he was forced to leave the country, ashamed.

    The responsible for brainwashing Simba was his Uncle Scar (representing communists, liberals, jews, foreign governments), who told him that everything was his fault, and took power once the rightful heir had left in shame.

    With Simba in exile and apathetic (just like white south africans that no longer get involved in politics or have left the country altogether), Scar allowed the Hyenas (black criminals) to rule unoppressed, raping and plundering the land. The once prosperous Pridelands went into decay, and became a dark, unforgiving place with no order or peace, only death and criminality.

    If the story of Disney is to be held true, one day the whites will wake up from this lie, and will reclaim their role as the rightful rulers of the Pridelands, restoring order, peace, and welfare for them and all the lesser creatures that inhabit this Earth.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:06 No.3115035
      Is this /new/?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:08 No.3115040
    Is this /sparta/?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:08 No.3115045
    I love /new/ so much.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:10 No.3115050
    I'm not racist but
    YYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyY YYY
    YYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyy yyyYY
    YYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyYY
    YYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yYYYYY
    YYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYY YYYYY
    YYyyYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYY YYYY
    YyyyyyyyyyYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYY YYYYYY
    yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYY YYYYYYY
    YYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYY YYYYYYY
    YYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYY YYYYY
    YYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYY YYYY
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:17 No.3115080
    I'm not racist but I appose the genocide of my glorious white brothers and sisters.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:23 No.3115108
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:30 No.3115141
    No. Hate speech reinforces these attitudes and encourages even further acts of extremism. Where do we draw the line? Words? Beatings? Murder? Genocide? Freedom of speech is not OK when people are hurt.

    It's not a matter of avoiding the site, either. Tolerating these places means a tacit approval of the hate they endorse. It sends the message that hate and intolerance is OK. It's not. Ethically, morally, even economically, it's wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:35 No.3115161
    Cool story, bro
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:39 No.3115185
    Posting in a Stormfront sticky.(WHY is there a Stormfront sticky?)
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:39 No.3115189

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:41 No.3115199
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:50 No.3115246
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:51 No.3115255
    obviously a jew conspiracy meant to break parody the pure white race
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:51 No.3115260


    Signing up to commune with my white brothers !!!

    I'm asian
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)11:53 No.3115280
    >It sends the message that hate and intolerance is OK. It's not. Ethically, morally, even economically, it's wrong.

    ...except when Israel does it.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:06 No.3115370

    Hogwash. Anything can be hurtful, so where do you draw the line?

    And the designation of hate speech is completely arbitrary. All men are rapist, is that hate speech?
    Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery; is that hate speech? Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding; is that hate speech?

    The only means of moving forward is through communication, not censorship.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:11 No.3115405
    / Q: What's the difference between a Jew   \
    | and a canoe?                                         |
    | A: Canoes tip.                                        |
             ( oo )_______
             ( __ )             )\/\
                     | |-------w |
                     | |         | |
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:17 No.3115472

    Canoe tips, you idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:20 No.3115492
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:29 No.3115556
    yelling fire in a crowded movie theater is a form of communication that should be censored.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:34 No.3115614
    Even when the theater is, in fact, burning?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:35 No.3115619

    Educate yourself to the origins of that line of thought and realize what a fucking sheep you are.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:35 No.3115626
    / I am not good |
    | with computer |
    ( oo )_______
    ( __ ) )\/\
    | |-------w |
    | | | |
    >> OP !xTbfEU4TEM 12/05/10(Sun)12:55 No.3115758
    Why the fuck is this thread sticky'd?
    I thought m00t DIDN'T want /new/ to go back to its old ways?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:58 No.3115777
    Clearly the mod's gone insane. /new/ would do it to anyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:58 No.3115778
    AMDG is pretty much the definition of a false prophet. he thinks that he has special divine insight, which is something every fringe cult leader ever claims. He rejects established church doctrine when it inconvenience's him, and cleaves to it when it is to his favor. he is a textbook hypocrite, and no true Christian of any sect should even give him a second thought.
    On a board full of deluded Christfags, he is the most deluded, because his worldview is tainted by his own ego. he thinks God has a special mission for him, and also has stated that he is no longer a sinner. Every true Christian acknowledges that they are sinners and requiire the daily reinforcement of faith to avoid sin, only false would be cult leaders would have the hubris to pretend that they, as mortals, have someohow absolved themselves of all sins and are somehow privy to a special divine message.
    tl dr don't trust him , he is not a true Christian.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:58 No.3115782
    glorious master race
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:59 No.3115796
    | n i g g e r                                               |
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    0 0 0 0 0 0 | |-------w | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:18 No.3115947
    Having this stickied is going to force me to stop browsing /new/. Nobody wants to be associated with stormfront, not even me - the most nigger hating nigger hater in nigger haterdom.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:23 No.3115994
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:29 No.3116052
    Is it a great forum?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:50 No.3116241
    >you'll only get grief from people who question the validity of IQ tests.

    The APA has stated IQ tests are free from cultural bias. Numerous studies have shown them to be the best proxy for g.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:53 No.3116275


    The production is fucking awesome and hilarious and they actually spell out who is behind it for us!

    There is much research to do with information !!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:53 No.3116277
    The AHA is responsible for deciding what goes into American history books, and how it is taught.

    They both have something in common as to why they cannot be trusted.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:55 No.3116290
    >Prior to the 1500s


    The first universities in Europe appeared in the 11th century. The Carolingian Renaissance came about a few hundred years before that.

    You don't know shit about European history you dark skinned savage.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:56 No.3116293
    whatever happened to judge not lest ye be judged? b.t.w i am a scotsman.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:56 No.3116299
    toasting in epic bread
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:56 No.3116301

    Where's that from
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:57 No.3116307

    Do you black idiots really think black women have a choice in who they can date?

    Nobody wants to date them.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:05 No.3116368

    Actually, nobody wants to date you.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:07 No.3116390
    He's actually right - black women are the least desired women on earth and numerous dating studies confirm this. Why do you think black women are so angry all the time?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:14 No.3116465

    Actually, obese nerds that whine online and piss into bottles that they keep under the desk are the most undesirable humans on the planet, since we're making sweeping statements.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:18 No.3116493
    aryan master race reporting in, 14/88
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:19 No.3116513
    OK Mr Mod, I'm seriously confus.
    Is this a pro ar anti Stormfront sticky?
    Is it a warning or just something to spark debate?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:20 No.3116521

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