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    File : 1268006671.jpg-(107 KB, 244x183, 1512703.jpg)
    107 KB Kansas City wants to close half its public schools Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:04 No.298507  
    (03-07) 12:54 PST Kansas City, Mo. (AP) --

    Kansas City was held up as a national example of bold thinking when it tried to integrate its schools by making them better than the suburban districts where many kids were moving. The result was one school with an Olympic-sized swimming pool and another with recording studios.

    Now it's on the brink of bankruptcy and considering another bold move: closing nearly half its schools to stay afloat.

    Schools officials say the cuts are necessary to keep the district from plowing through what little is left of the $2 billion it received as part of a groundbreaking desegregation case.

    Buffeted for years by declining enrollment, political squabbling and a revolving door of leadership, the district's fortunes are so bleak that Superintendent John Covington has said diplomas given to many graduates "aren't worth the paper they're printed on."
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:07 No.298520
    >Superintendent John Covington has said diplomas given to many graduates "aren't worth the paper they're printed on."
    Like any high school diploma is worth anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:08 No.298529
    Throwing money at schools doesn't solve anything.
    Affirmative action diplomats just make them al worthless.

    "desegregation" has been pushed by northerner kikes who have never even been near a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:09 No.298536
    They were before forced integration and affirmative action destroyed the education system.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:09 No.298537
    I cant wait til the education bubble busts so we can start over
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:11 No.298549
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    sell them and turn them into private schools

    I am a genius
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:12 No.298554
    And change the purpose of education from bettering people to Asian-style teach to the test mentality?

    No thanks.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:13 No.298561
    >Olympic-sized swimming pool and another with recording studios.

    you mean a pool and studio didn't fix things? I am all out of solutions
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:15 No.298572
    Liberals think the next solution is to force the negro apes in with humans.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:16 No.298578

    what does the consumer want? what do you want in a school? privatize means more choices and more freedom.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:16 No.298581
    libruls are destroying america
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:25 No.298660

    What if the consumer can't afford it?

    What about families who have to cut back?

    What about people can't afford a private school despite subsidies?

    Private schools can still make up guidelines of acceptance.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:28 No.298683
    >Implying schools in the US aren't slaves to standardized testing
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:29 No.298703

    so you want a cheap school. the market will find a way.

    btw 70% of property taxes go to public schools. And public schools blow a ton of money on useless stuff that has nothing to do with education, like giant gyms.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:31 No.298720
    >is afraid black people will get excluded
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:31 No.298724
    we would be better off with a private school system. just give the poor kids the money to attend. It would be cheaper than what we spend now
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:33 No.298745
    Still, they could be rejected. Catholic schools can still reject people due to morality reasons.

    They ARE slaves to standardized testing, it's called No Child Left Behind.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:34 No.298753
    Then why not require schools to spend their money only on essential programs?
    >> CapitalistBastard !!f/pELCnjRD0 03/07/10(Sun)19:34 No.298758

    "Public" schools in the United States are some of the most despicable wastes of funds in all of the public treasury.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:38 No.298795
    oh liberals, look at what you've done now
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:38 No.298796
    but but, schools have to build football/basketball stadiums for their nigger "athletes", otherwise how could they learn?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:41 No.298825
    I agree that everyone deserves an education, but what we have now is not working
    >> CapitalistBastard !!f/pELCnjRD0 03/07/10(Sun)19:42 No.298836

    Why should the vast majority of good kids be forced to go to schools full of problem children, drug dealer/addicts and criminals?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:43 No.298844
    segregation is not equality!
    Every white child needs to be exposed to the pleasures of "diversity" in the form of crime/bullying/murder/rape/starvation.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:44 No.298855
    If you think everyone deserves an education, go learn to teach and offer to tutor some poor kids.

    What's that? You have your own problems. You want someone else to do it for you.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:46 No.298865
    I dunno about you, or where you went to high school at, or even if you've gone to high school in the first place, but the majority of "problem children" happen to be white.

    My school had about a 70 / 30 split between whites and non whites, and I can tell you the -only- people to ever give me shit there was good 'ol whitey, period.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:46 No.298877
    public school = liberal brain washing. All schools should be privatized. That way the rich white kids don't have to deal with lower class scum that interfere with their education.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:47 No.298885
    You, like most delusional libtards, imagines that the small amount of upper class negros and other sorts of first generation immigrants represents the vast majority of non-whites.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:51 No.298918
    Oh wow yeah that sounds like Kansas City.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:51 No.298924
    Sorry, I think you have me confused with somebody who went to high school in a pleasant New York or Boston suburb.

    I spent my first 19 years moving around urban to rural Georgia. So I tell you again, you're both a dumbass -and- delusional. Skin color and ethnicity hardly dictate problematic behavior, as any intelligent person will tell you.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:53 No.298937
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:53 No.298938
    >Skin color and ethnicity hardly dictate problematic behavior, as any intelligent person will tell you.

    The very fact that they are making such a bizarre claim means that THEY ARE NOT INTELLIGENT.

    I too found that, in elementary school, the blacks didn't tend to be problematic, but come middle school/high school, and the coming of gangster nigger culture promoting violence/drugs/rape/race mixing, everything got far worse and the whites no longer had anything to do with these nigger apes.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)19:54 No.298952
    nah he is right

    most troubled blacks drop out of school before it gets bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)20:00 No.299009
    Make schools optional

    This will weed out the kids who don't actually want to learn
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)20:02 No.299017

    Lolok. Enjoy your even BIGGER drains on society.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)20:03 No.299024
    social security and welfare will be gone in less than 10 years.

    no monies

    enjoy your private security shooting minorities
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)20:03 No.299027
    It'll fix itself, they'll either join gangs or commit crimes which creates more jobs, law enforcement

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