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03/04/10(Thu)15:45 No.276879>>276416 R3mòv3 yóur ilL€gãL cLÓñ3
imm€diåT3ly, YOu häv€ <ópied äñd påst3d wvv.åN0ntalk,cöm oñ the
subdöm@in. Cut Th3 <råp, mÓot, ãNd th€s3 m3ssåges vill stOp_ If +h€
persÓñ reådiNg this is Nõt mOO+, e-mai| mO0t@4chañ_órg åNd t€|| him t0,
yÒur ilI€gaL [Lòn€ immediãTeLy* Y0u hAve [Ópi€d ANd päs+ed
www.Anon+alkocOm ön The subdómäiñ, CuT Th3 cråp, móot, And these
m€ssäg€s vi|L stóp* If th3 p€rsõN r3@ding This is ñO+ moot, €-mäiI
m0öt@4[hAN.òrg ãñd t€|L him tO_
R3mÒv3 yOur ill€gAl cIÓn3
immedia+€|y_ You hãv€ [õpied äñd päst3d vvw*änoN+ã|k*<öm òN +he
subdÓmAiñ* CuT Th€ cr@p, mÓO+, @nd +h€se m3ssag€s wiLl sTopo If the
persÒñ r3adiNg this is nòt mÒõt, e-m@il mO0t@4chän,Org and T€|I him To_
your ill3gãI [lÒn3 immediå+3|y. Yöu hAv3 <õpied ãñd päsT3d
vvw_ANonT@|K.com 0ñ +he subdom@iñ_ CuT Th3 [råp, mÓÓT, @nd +h3s€
messãges viII s+Op* If th3 p3rsòñ reåding +his is nò+ mOõt, €-mail
mo0+@4<häñ,org ãNd +e|l him To_ |