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  • File : 1267731946.jpg-(35 KB, 334x288, obama.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:45 No.276419  
    [fox news talking point here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:47 No.276436
         File1267732054.jpg-(33 KB, 400x299, keith-olbermann.jpg)
    33 KB
    [seemingly witty but actually nonsensical MSNBC retort here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:48 No.276444
         File1267732109.png-(66 KB, 247x248, 1264638003145.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:49 No.276449
    [ITT: butthurt liberals here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:50 No.276454
         File1267732202.jpg-(35 KB, 340x389, GlennBeck19328.jpg)
    35 KB
    [fear fear paranoia fear here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:50 No.276455
    [quote from Stephen Colbert]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:50 No.276456
    "And now the truth about the JFK assassinations. It was done by one person and one person only: Lee Harvey Oswald. He used a magic bullet. Yes, people, magic is real."
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:51 No.276463
    [random statistical chart "proving" Caucasian superiority here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:51 No.276467
         File1267732312.jpg-(634 KB, 1280x1024, rick-sanchez-01.jpg)
    634 KB
    [Reading bullshit off Twitter as news here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:52 No.276471
    [racist cartoon here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:52 No.276474
    >[something i wish you just implied]
    [strawman TOLD]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:52 No.276475
    Guess what???? The samme companies that own twitter and facebook are tied into major media corporations lolollolololololololoolololol

    lies don't believe the hype
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:53 No.276478
    [blame Jews here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:53 No.276479
         File1267732404.png-(347 KB, 593x440, 1265611827737.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:54 No.276485
    [Mocking comment about Liberals]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:54 No.276487
         File1267732467.jpg-(219 KB, 666x724, paulball.jpg)
    219 KB
    [Ron Paul here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:54 No.276488
         File1267732470.jpg-(37 KB, 550x412, mb58380.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:55 No.276490
    [disparaging comment about Sarah Palin's vagina here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:56 No.276496
    [IQ chart showing Asian superiority here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:56 No.276498
    [Chart of Asian Penis sizes]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:57 No.276501
         File1267732649.jpg-(62 KB, 576x433, bushmiss.jpg)
    62 KB
    [fond remembrance of George W. Bush here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:58 No.276510
    [actual news story link and summary here]

    AHahaha, who am I kidding?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:59 No.276517
    [liberals liberals niggers liberals jews niggers liberals]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:00 No.276519
    [libertarian posting "LIBTARDS GOT FUCKING PWND ITT" for no apparent reason]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:00 No.276521
    [recitation of all of Rush Limbaugh's talking point's from today's show here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:03 No.276537
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:03 No.276544
    [request for moot to delete /new/ here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:04 No.276549
    I've realized this is all that happens on political boards. You argue with someone and rebut them and they have no response and some time later I find out that Limbaugh or Ann Coulter or someone was saying the same thing in the days before I had the argument.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:04 No.276550
         File1267733058.jpg-(37 KB, 450x338, glasses.jpg)
    37 KB
    Careful guys. m00t might just put sum more red text at the top of the board....
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:04 No.276556
    [link to article/study showing liberals are smarter here]

    >gets ignored
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:05 No.276563
    [WAKE UP SHEEPLE here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:07 No.276574

    What worse is that Rush/Fox/etc throw out Republican talking points, then a few days later Fox interviews "real Americas" who regurgitate those same talking points, and it's presented as the public's opinion.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:09 No.276585
    [latest version of that fuck from Sweden's spam here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:10 No.276601
         File1267733450.jpg-(19 KB, 268x172, 1266528604875.jpg)
    19 KB
    long-winded recitation of libertarian arguments, futile attempt to separate intellectual libertarianism from nutjob conservativism
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:11 No.276612
    [calling Obama a Muslim here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:15 No.276646
    [Calling Obama a marxist]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:16 No.276654

    [calling Obama a socialist here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:16 No.276657
    [calling obama a nigger here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:17 No.276663
    >implying implications
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:18 No.276667
         File1267733927.png-(71 KB, 165x230, 1267671095796.png)
    71 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:20 No.276678

    [calling Obama a Muslim Marxist socialist nigger Jew-loving communist little white Baby Jesus raper while simultaneously stating that liberals have no manners here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:20 No.276681
    [article about some nigher committing a crime here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:21 No.276686
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:24 No.276705
    [Calling the Jews the inferior race, while stating that they control all the world's governments, media, banks and armies, outbreeding whites and committing all the greatest wars in history here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:24 No.276714
         File1267734284.jpg-(73 KB, 600x750, biden_m7.jpg)
    73 KB
    [humorous Joe Biden image here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:27 No.276726
    [deadly serious but uninformed comment about Obama's birthplace]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:27 No.276728
    [reasonable post, offering a reasonable compromise]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:27 No.276729
    [statement that niggers are taking over when they only represent 10%-15% of the population here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:28 No.276732

    [slammed for being a liberal here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:28 No.276739
    [hate-filled diatribe from the left about how you're a neo-nazi]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:29 No.276746
    [hate-filled diatribe from the right about how you're a filthy communist who hates freedom]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:30 No.276754
    [Trolling remark]
    >>   Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:31 No.276759
    [Insulting comment regarding all liberals that demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the talking point, the liberal stance, or politics in general. Statement ends by informing others, as if the need was there, that the poster is a Libertarian.]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:31 No.276761
    [tl;dr economic explanation from a liberal that completely misunderstands economics here]

    ...followed by...

    [tl;dr economic explanation from a conservative that completely misunderstands economics here]

    ...followed by...

    [tl;dr economic explanation from a libertarian that completely misunderstands economics here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:34 No.276783
    [accusitory remark of you being a jew, nigger, or queer]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:35 No.276791

    [accusatory remark about having had sexual knowledge of your mother here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:36 No.276799
    [condescending comment by someone who considers himself to be an expert economist, because he looked up Keynesianism on Wikipedia]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:37 No.276806
    [yallniggasposininatrollthread.jpg here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:37 No.276807
    [MSNBC CBS ABC CNN talking point here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:39 No.276817
    [painfully obvious troll attempt by pauly]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:40 No.276825
    [something quite intelligent that everyone ignores]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:40 No.276827
    [long-winded nonsensical reply ending with a suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:41 No.276844
    ["It's a theory, the theory of evolution, and I don't accept it."]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:42 No.276846
    [reference to liberal/conservative extremist web site cited as a credible source]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:43 No.276858
    ["god lol" here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:43 No.276859

    [thread completely derailed here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:44 No.276864
    [tits.jpg to get attention - followed by comment that is irrelevant to thread]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:44 No.276865
    [link to previous false-flag attacks here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:44 No.276872
    [u mad repeated several times]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:44 No.276873
    [cites out of context statement to refute their position here]
    >> No one is watching... Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:45 No.276876
         File1267735501.jpg-(89 KB, 479x579, 1266563104379.jpg)
    89 KB
    Cnn and PMSNBC are gay!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:45 No.276877
    [suddenly, global warming disinformation here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:45 No.276879
    R3mòv3 yóur ilL€gãL cLÓñ3 imm€diåT3ly, YOu häv€ <ópied äñd påst3d wvv.åN0ntalk,cöm oñ the subdöm@in. Cut Th3 <råp, mÓot, ãNd th€s3 m3ssåges vill stOp_ If +h€ persÓñ reådiNg this is Nõt mOO+, e-mai| mO0t@4chañ_órg åNd t€|| him t0,

    R€move yÒur ilI€gaL [Lòn€ immediãTeLy* Y0u hAve [Ópi€d ANd päs+ed www.Anon+alkocOm ön The subdómäiñ, CuT Th3 cråp, móot, And these m€ssäg€s vi|L stóp* If th3 p€rsõN r3@ding This is ñO+ moot, €-mäiI m0öt@4[hAN.òrg ãñd t€|L him tO_

    R3mÒv3 yOur ill€gAl cIÓn3 immedia+€|y_ You hãv€ [õpied äñd päst3d vvw*änoN+ã|k*<öm òN +he subdÓmAiñ* CuT Th€ cr@p, mÓO+, @nd +h€se m3ssag€s wiLl sTopo If the persÒñ r3adiNg this is nòt mÒõt, e-m@il mO0t@4chän,Org and T€|I him To_

    R€mÒv3 your ill3gãI [lÒn3 immediå+3|y. Yöu hAv3 <õpied ãñd päsT3d vvw_ANonT@| 0ñ +he subdom@iñ_ CuT Th3 [råp, mÓÓT, @nd +h3s€ messãges viII s+Op* If th3 p3rsòñ reåding +his is nò+ mOõt, €-mail mo0+@4<häñ,org ãNd +e|l him To_
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:46 No.276887

    ["You're late, bot," here]

    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:46 No.276888
    [but they do it better in Scandanavia comment here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:47 No.276900
    [calling Obama "Obongo" here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:48 No.276901
    [post accusing at least half the thread of being a butthurt samefag]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:49 No.276914
    [bad grammar/spelling comment here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:49 No.276918
    [Americunt posing as a Eurofag posts derogatory comment about the USA here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:50 No.276922

    [Greentext Fest 2010 here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:51 No.276929
    [reference to Bush/Reagan/Nixon better/worse than Carter/Clinton/Obama]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:52 No.276940

    [questioning of your sexual orientation for >implying Bush/Reagan/Nixon better/worse than Carter/Clinton/Obama here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:53 No.276945
    [covnservatives/liberals are worse than .........(insert anything bad here), followed by nonsensical gibberish]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:54 No.276949
    [unnervingly genuine-sounding Beck fellatio]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:54 No.276951
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:54 No.276952
    [using a quote by one political mouth piece to troll proponents of the same political affiliation, while setting them up as hypocrites here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:55 No.276962
    [nigger comment here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:55 No.276964
         File1267736141.jpg-(31 KB, 297x185, 1267535618823.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:57 No.276982
    [screencap of this thread taken by several Anons to e-mail to moot to convince him that this is every thread on /new/ and why it needs a W.T. Snacks-like mod that will make what is happening right now in /k/ look like a little girl's tea party here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:58 No.276989

    [OH LAWD here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:58 No.276992
    [reference to previous unintelligible post followed by /thread]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:59 No.277001
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:59 No.277005
    [random troll image here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:01 No.277015
    [Mocking that moot would moderate this thread]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:03 No.277034
    [quotes something way up at the top of the thread that everybody gave up on an hour ago]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:13 No.277121
    [long pause before thread gets bumped]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:15 No.277135

    [rage and sage over bumping an old thread here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:15 No.277139
    [ 9/11 was an inside job "evidence" ]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:17 No.277154

    [tin foil hat accusation here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:19 No.277175
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:19 No.277178

    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:21 No.277183
    >> Brittfar !V8uA23MXcU 03/04/10(Thu)16:23 No.277201
    [meta joke here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:26 No.277226
    [wikipedia links to back up "argument" here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:28 No.277239
    [wikipedia link that isn't relevant to the thread here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:33 No.277282
    [ PWNING a Liberal here ]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:38 No.277315
    [bump here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)19:00 No.278296

    [exposing a fallacious conservative argument here]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)19:05 No.278324
    [logical Independent statement, trolled by all liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans and even the fucking no-nothing party]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)19:08 No.278349
    [well-written, thought out post that took a long time to write here]

    [last post in the thread; nobody reads]
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)19:10 No.278361
    [Post ignored, thousands of pic posts hide post]

    [Pic post, followed by pic post responses]

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