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    File : 1288541841.png-(41 KB, 238x190, battler_point.png)
    41 KB Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:17 No.2707155  
    So /new/

    It's pretty obvious that a ton of people who browse this site are pretty ignorant about politics, which is the main reasons for this board's existence. This is like if nobody on /a/ watched anime and tried to discuss it, or if nobody drove cars on /o/ and tried to discuss that.

    In order to rectify this I have attempted to come up with a list of important readings that all educated citizens should be familiar with.

    Political theory:

    International relations:

    Yes, there is some overlap. Yes, I excluded libertarian thinkers' views on IR (lol) and I included one proto-feminist and one feminist in the political theory document. DEAL WITH IT

    If someone is good with Photoshop, feel free to make one of those big infographics that /a/ and /g/ seem to like. I'm terrible with PS so the filed I've provided here are in .pdf format.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:18 No.2707162
    The funny part is the only people who are going to read it are people who aren't the problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:19 No.2707167
    9-11 was an inside job
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:20 No.2707169

    Rothstein detected
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 10/31/10(Sun)12:20 No.2707172
    > stoplikingwhatidontlike.jpg.

    Stay classy OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:20 No.2707176

    Upcoming recommended reading lists: economics and political economy for /new/, environmental politics for /new/, and the War on Terror for /new/

    Meanwhile, I have a few books that I can upload for you guys. I have the Oxford edition of Machiavelli's The Prince, Clausewitz's On War, Stoessinger's Why Nations go to War, Waltz's Theory of International Politics, and Wendt's Social Theory of International politics immediately available for anyone who wants to download it. I may upload a few more books if anyone has a specific request.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:22 No.2707185

    >Machiavelli's The Prince

    Do you realize he was trolling, right?
    The entire books is overloaded with sarcasm, and every book he was written prior to that is the exact opposite of The Prince
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:23 No.2707198
    I feel like something like this should be a group effort.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:24 No.2707203

    Hey, the overall quality of /new/ will still improve. Nothing can go wrong with this plan.


    Who the fuck is Rothstein


    I didn't say stop, by all means, continue reading "The Politically Incorrect Guide to X"

    That's why I've suggested "recommended readings" and not "MANDATORY READINGS UNDER THE PAIN OF DEATH"
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:25 No.2707210
    well OP, I know nobody on /v/ plays games, and no one on /tv/ watches TV or movies. So I really wouldnt be surprised if nobody on /a/ watched anime or people on /o/ didnt really drive cars.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 10/31/10(Sun)12:25 No.2707214

    > implying you're not buttmad about the level of trolling on /new/.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:25 No.2707217

    On your Marxism section:

    I've heard Capital is a bit of a hard read. Is there anything one should read to prime themselves for it, so to speak?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:26 No.2707218
    i think should be on your list
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:27 No.2707222

    I can upload the text files (.docx) for anyone who wishes to collaborate. E-mail's in the field.


    I don't believe The Prince is satire. A lot of stuff in The Prince is mirrored in The Discourses on Livy, and he actually did try to become a Prince himself by organizing a citizen militia. Didn't end well for him though.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:29 No.2707243
    Explain what's so bad about Chomsky
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:29 No.2707244

    There are clearly people who are not trolling but genuinely hold very stupid beliefs


    Communism: A Very Short Introduction is available on Demonoid and TPB I believe. You can also just read the Hackett selection of Marx's works which comes with a useful introduction and cuts out all the cruft.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 10/31/10(Sun)12:31 No.2707261

    How is that different from anywhere else in society, though?

    Srsly OP, you're setting yourself something of a mountain to climb if you want to influence opinions on /new/.

    Most of the time people here are just reactionary morons, at least if not trolls or somewhat intelligent individuals.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:32 No.2707268

    Chomsky is a brilliant linguist but a piss-poor political theorist

    Gotta have something more substantive than "everything America does is wrong" and parroting a retard version of Marxist thought
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:33 No.2707278

    >Communism: A Very Short Introduction is available on Demonoid and TPB I believe. You can also just read the Hackett selection of Marx's works which comes with a useful introduction and cuts out all the cruft.

    Alright, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:33 No.2707282

    Even intelligent /new/fags and trolls can benefit from wider reading
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:33 No.2707284
    So you believe America can do no wrong?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:35 No.2707295

    America sometimes does wrong and sometimes does right
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:36 No.2707301
    >I included one proto-feminist and one feminist in the political theory document. DEAL WITH IT

    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:42 No.2707345
    But still, you believe that this "sometimes wrong, sometimes right" concept is objective reality?
    That it is absolutely impossible for America to be completely wrong?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:55 No.2707471

    You should really read Christine de Pizan's book. It'll make you burst a blood vessel.


    As a Kantian, there are many things that the American state does which are completely wrong. But that's holding it to such a high standard that the whole world looks very evil. To put things in perspective, I believe there is a continuum of moral goodness and badness in the real world, but since we cannot peer into the soul into another human being, much less the souls of all those who operate the state functions of the USA, I cannot say whether any particular action was 100% wrong.

    If we look at things from a structural realist's point of view, then you can make such differentiations. The invasion and occupation of Iraq was very close to 100% wrong, because it was a waste of American power and damaged American interests. The purpose of the American government is to serve Americans, and thus it has utterly failed on that respect.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:57 No.2707491
    >if nobody drove cars on /o/ and tried to discuss that

    I'm guessing you've never been to /o/

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