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  • success! will post pictures later this week.

    File : 1288451566.jpg-(199 KB, 611x600, 6 (2).jpg)
    199 KB Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:12 No.2695510  
    Ask an Amerifag working in Wuhan, China anything

    Pic's Chinese rioting about a 30 minute stroll away from the school where I work at
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:13 No.2695513
    Hows that chinese pussy?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:14 No.2695517
         File1288451677.jpg-(58 KB, 513x439, 6.jpg)
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    bumping with more riot pictures...I wasn't there at the time, unfortunately...but I've noticed these pictures haven't really traveled outside of China...
    >> chokenspit !!iLmPwU91Vdd 10/30/10(Sat)11:14 No.2695518

    You know that if the chinese people actually rose up that shitty government would be fucked right? Seriously, like completely anally raped into oblivion.

    They must really love their government.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:15 No.2695521
    So the Chinese don't block 4chan?

    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:15 No.2695522
    Sideways vaginas?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:16 No.2695527
    for what?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:17 No.2695533
         File1288451878.jpg-(315 KB, 599x688, 2 (2).jpg)
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    man...chinese girls all have disney ideas of romance in their head and I've been reluctant to tap some...fucking a they look good naked tho...

    ha yeah...these are riot pictures from the 18th of this month over those contested islands...what's interesting is the whispers I've heard from Chinese about the police instigating these demonstrations and allowing them to go on until the point is made and then they swooped down to look like peacekeepers
    >> Inurdaes !V1sPhobos. 10/30/10(Sat)11:19 No.2695540
         File1288451953.png-(53 KB, 159x171, 1262080512898.png)
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    Dat smog
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:19 No.2695541
         File1288451969.jpg-(136 KB, 1350x900, TibetFlag.jpg)
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    In that case, here, have a Tibetan flag.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:19 No.2695543
    You mean the Chinese police is just like the American police?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:20 No.2695545
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:22 No.2695553
    So you must be the guy starting all these China troll threads we're seeing, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:23 No.2695558
         File1288452191.jpg-(178 KB, 575x365, 3 (2).jpg)
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    yeah...I woulda thought this place'd be blocked too...but even then...all the middle east students studying law and economics at universities here know all the good, free proxies so when the day comes tbat 4chan gets too much attention here...

    you have no idea...the air here in wuhan is horrible...and the constant humidity from the yangtze river and multiple lakes through the city keep so much smog in too


    Pictured: Japanese store owners didn't enjoy the demonstrations
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:23 No.2695561
    so they were rioting for nation's territorial sovereignty?
    seems nothing special
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:26 No.2695573
    >you have no idea...the air here in wuhan is horrible...and the constant humidity from the yangtze river and multiple lakes through the city keep so much smog in too
    Then why are you there?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:29 No.2695591
         File1288452581.jpg-(80 KB, 670x389, 7.jpg)
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    nope...I dunno what that's all about...I just got in from hanging out with a teacher friend of mine (chinese) and I got on here and was showing him posts on here about China (we had been discussing the island situation earlier this evening over dinner)...

    he found it interesting and laughable...but he knows enough about how he doesn't know shit about how America really is and doesn't expect any of you to understand his country either...

    I decided to start this thread because all the chinese troll threads and no real discussion on china

    it's interesting hearing the defenses on crushing tibet's sovereignty for china's unification from intelligent, sober-minded chinese, but you obviously have no desire to hear any of that

    eh...teaching english in china is more fun than more schooling or shit jobs in the chinese are so much more upbeat and positive and that beats the shit out of all the feeling sorry for yourself and angst I went back home to for two months this summer
    >> chokenspit !!iLmPwU91Vdd 10/30/10(Sat)11:32 No.2695603

    Do you think that if China got into a major war that their people would take advantage and rise up?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:35 No.2695611
    >eh...teaching english in china is more fun than more schooling or shit jobs in the chinese are so much more upbeat and positive and that beats the shit out of all the feeling sorry for yourself and angst I went back home to for two months this summer
    OP confirmed for lifeless, weeaboo, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:38 No.2695620
         File1288453131.jpg-(142 KB, 395x574, 4 (2).jpg)
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    no way...if china got into a major war, they've got enough support and fervor going it'd get supported the way american civilians supported and believed in america during ww2

    I's not as bad and brainwashed and crazy and authoritarian here as the west makes it out to be...but at the same time...being a college teacher here makes you feel weirded out at the hive mind you are witness to sometimes...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:39 No.2695621
    actually, you need read more history about china and its middle kingdom in different dynasties.
    also, any intelligent, sober-minded human will not think Tibet to be a sovereignty.
    >> chokenspit !!iLmPwU91Vdd 10/30/10(Sat)11:42 No.2695637


    Nothing like the good ol' propaganda machine. Although I guess it makes for less whiny faggots if there is a war.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:42 No.2695640
    How much do you get paid?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:47 No.2695674
         File1288453667.jpg-(118 KB, 450x600, 8 (2).jpg)
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    >>2695621 expansive as their history is...yes...I would definitely say I'm lacking in knowledge when it comes to the dynasties of china

    and yes..sovereignty was a bad word choice...but in the event they somehow resisted chinese control, the word choice wouldn't be so bad

    enjoy your job shitkicking around south dakota or wtf you are, stormfag
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:49 No.2695688
    >protesters peacefully protesting in their government sanctioned protest areas
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:49 No.2695689
    I was in China for a month and a half, in the city of fuzhou.

    To be honest i was quite surprised how 'normal/decent' China is. I know the east coast larger cities don't represent the inland population, but nevertheless i was impressed with the standard of living and how people go about their lives... quit like westerners actually.

    It is also a bit weird to see that the only cars that drive around are brand new... this is the first generation of chinese that can afford cars so you won't see any old cars.. let alone a market for used cars like there is in the US and Europe.

    I was staying with a chinese family and in general the chinese didn't find my whiteness very interesting. Not like if you compare it to the taiwanese for example where everybody asks if the can take a picture with me because i'm white lol.

    On a sidenote i thought it was funny to see all those commercials on the television for whitening creme for the skin. Nobody wants to be dark skinned like a peasant lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:52 No.2695702
    >No girl wants to be dark skinned like a peasant lol.

    No Asian guy cares about that, only the females
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:54 No.2695711
    Also people were constanly thinking I was an american and that i spoke english.

    I spoke Dutch. But it seems that the chinese (except for the university kids) can't differentiate between any language a wihte person speaks.

    The chinese are quite american centred.. like most asians i believe, while there are more europeans in china . Luckily my country wasn't completely unknown since the Netherlands was playing in the finals of the world cup
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:55 No.2695719
         File1288454103.jpg-(188 KB, 600x450, 7 (2).jpg)
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    haha they are obsessed with their skin tone...and if you go further into mainland, you'll find chinese are fascinated by your's only those coastal cities that have been exposed to foreigners enough that chinese there don't care

    it wouldn't be impressive in dollar amount...but lemme put it this way...I'm paid the equivalent of like 40,000 a year in America with benefits, housing and all utilities

    you don't have to be a weeaboo faggot to enjoy that
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:57 No.2695731

    have your country set a precedent of kicking ass all over the world, and you too can have others mistaken for your countrymen in china
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)11:57 No.2695734
    i know :)

    but atleast the people inland don't have camera's with them
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:00 No.2695751
         File1288454403.jpg-(88 KB, 670x404, 8.jpg)
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    ha...except for major mainland cities like where I live, Wuhan...

    what's disconcerting is how students in your class you are teaching will try to be on the dl and snap photos of you with their phone...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:01 No.2695758

    1: why is CIA so secret and why were no agents arested for killing american and forign citizens?
    2: why is CIA controlled by lobbies and big companies and not american natio?
    3: why does CIA everything worse nommater what they touch?
    4: why does CIA support illigal imigration israeli control of US Parliamet and does nothing for democratisation of USA itself?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:03 No.2695780
    That's funny, there were loads of japanese girls with fake tan trying to act like niggers when I was in Kyoto.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:03 No.2695782
         File1288454623.jpg-(79 KB, 616x467, http_imgload.jpg)
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    something tells me, the way you phrase those questions, you already know the answers :P
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:05 No.2695808

    do i? tell me about. i want to hear more about what i know please
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:08 No.2695835
    So what classes are you teaching, OP?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:11 No.2695868
         File1288455064.jpg-(66 KB, 670x451, 4.jpg)
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    fluff english where I pretend to straddle the line between a babysitter and a foreign monkey and have fun with my students...

    most uni's here just hire foreigners for fluff classes because it makes the uni look good that it can boast it has X many foreign "experts" at its school while minimizing the influence we have on the students
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:15 No.2695921
    Would you say your standard of living is higher with that wage in the PRC than it is in the states?

    I could be wrong but I'm imagining living well in China is much cheaper than it is in the US.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:17 No.2695943
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:18 No.2695953
         File1288455496.jpg-(20 KB, 331x286, RA245%Y6USG(N@KLM%HFM~4.jpg)
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    oh def...

    their currency's really undervalued so the exchange rate is awesome coming from america

    running out of riot posting pictures of hot chinese bitches I've been knowin'...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:19 No.2695967
    she look asian, to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:20 No.2695980
    The intelligence business is a very dirty business.
    >implying its only the CIA that dose that.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:21 No.2695987
         File1288455688.jpg-(1.31 MB, 2048x1536, DSC05460.jpg)
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    yeah the time most chinese are in college as english majors, they don't really need my help, being a native english speaker...

    so they give us fluff classes where the students have expectations of not doing anything and just want the teacher to play games and get them talking and never giving them homework...and you eventually go with those expectations when you realize why you're really hired by the school...that bottom line...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:22 No.2696000
    Are they nice to you at least?

    What gaems do you play?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:24 No.2696023

    so you sit around all day and shoot the shit with chinese college kids?

    sounds like a dream job. how'd you get into that racket?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:25 No.2696029
    I suppose it still can be constructive, can it?
    Do you make them read English books and then talk about it in English, or talk about lyrics of good English songs?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:26 No.2696036
         File1288455969.jpg-(1.27 MB, 2048x1536, P1020587.jpg)
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    they are nice...

    typically...I play a lot of games involving them acting out things in order to get them to speak up and speak english, sometimes play Taboo with them to challenge their descriptive skills and stand over the one student's shoulder as they try to get the class to yell out that one word, show them American games like Red Rover...

    yes...this really is what teaching english at a chinese university is all about....
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:26 No.2696042
    He got a teacher certification then learned how to speak Chinese.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:27 No.2696052
    You should get Apples to Apples.

    That game is fun as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:27 No.2696059
    How much money do you gain?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:27 No.2696060
    Cars and housing is relatively expensive, especially in the major cities. But food is very cheap, depending if you go to supermarkets or food stalls. Some products like bread and sunflower oil are ridiculously expensive, even to westerners.

    Also electronics (if it ist a local chinese brand) is very expensive. All apple an dsony products were just as expensive in China is in the US or Europe, i thought it was stupid.

    But if you spend your money wisely you can live a more wealthy live in China for the same money than in the US or Europe. But you would need to be able to deal with the dirty cities, and poor infrastructure (not talking about toll roads), and everybody looking and speaking like a chinese.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:27 No.2696061
    i wish i were in a situation like the OP, being able to hang out in a foreign country like China, not a whole lot of people will get to do that in their little lives.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:30 No.2696092
         File1288456248.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, )4L6P1G~T8`2VIQ45I2XK_D0.jpg)
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    Ha...nah...I've got a degree and have probably the level of a 3 year old in Mandarin...I ended up bumping into this whole thing through a friend of a friend with a company that placed Christians in Chinese universities because Chinese universities prefer the hiring of Christians over other types of Americans is

    1. they tend to not be as drunk and disorderly
    2. they tend to not fuck the student population as much
    3. they tend to be more respectful of their culture
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:33 No.2696112
    Christian here, just wanted to let you know that I'm jelly.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:33 No.2696116
    Do they regard if they are Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans, Orthodoxes or Mormons?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:36 No.2696162
    >pretend to be devout christian (religion in america is based on lip service anyway, don't have to believe this stupid shit)
    >never been a drinker so that's no problem
    >wear a condom so you don't get anybody pregnant

    best plan ever. now to begin.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:37 No.2696164
         File1288456622.jpg-(36 KB, 207x448, }O~UZMC5IAB$PSCRCHI42OV.jpg)
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    Ack...some grammar error there...

    But yeah...of course there is the fact that Chinese think you're ridiculous for having faith when it gets brought up and the government and universities don't want you proselytizing or appearing to be doing so...but they also see the fact that you aren't gonna be fucking up the harmony as much at their university as a non-Christian might based on China's past attempts since the 90's of hiring foreigners to come teach English
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:37 No.2696171
    A couple I know teach in china and also taught in Vietnam for a while. They've told me the same thing the OP, it's a nice job and they're treated well.

    One thing they did say though is you should never forgot its a communist country while you're there, or something like that...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:39 No.2696197
    Strange question OP, but a real one none the less. Have you ever been attacked whilst in China? I plan on moving to China in a couple of years, is it worth it?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:42 No.2696248
         File1288456945.jpg-(17 KB, 242x314, I@Z80BMFT``36K71KR5YYWK.jpg)
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    oh yes...believe me...I'm choosing my words wisely as I am explaining everything...

    and you gotta be like that a lil sometimes in your classrooms....

    I remember finding out, shortly before I was gonna go over discussion of the Christmas holiday, that one of my classes had a majority of members in the Junior Communist Party on campus as well as several high-ranking members of the Party...

    Needless to say...I played it safe and we watched Home Alone for Christmas lol
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:45 No.2696301
    harmony and homogeneity are important for a huge country like china. At least Chinese has built up the world's longest and fastest high speed railway network within only 5 years, as contrast to US.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:46 No.2696326
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:47 No.2696337
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    wish I could give you more could maybe give me contact info and...?

    nah...totally never attacked...and I've only heard of one foreigner I know ever close to getting mugged or anything...but it's always the snatch and grab types...

    I feel safer walking the streets on weekends at 3 in the morning than I do some parts of the southside of my hometown...and Wuhan has about...150 times more folks in it
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:47 No.2696342
         File1288457278.jpg-(255 KB, 2000x1340, wreck.jpg)
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    >high speed failway network
    white elephant
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:49 No.2696357

    So what are you doing for Halloween?

    and what's the internet speed like?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:50 No.2696377
         File1288457444.jpg-(5 KB, 126x91, chinacommies.jpg)
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    OP, what was the best moment you've had in China so far? Also, what has been the worst moment?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:52 No.2696415
         File1288457577.jpg-(52 KB, 670x502, 3MT$~8D93$S@UL}~TQ69`66.jpg)
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    hey man...that wuhan to guangzhou train only takes 3 hours or's pretty ridic

    >>2696357's been boring...prolly just gonna go kick it over at a friend's and play some halo reach or somethin...Halloween doesn't really get celebrated over here unless it involves some promotion to get people to buy things at the mall

    the free, provided internet is terrrrrible...the students are constantly on it and hogging all the bandwidth downloading episodes of friends and big bang theory or all of lady gaga's and rihanna's songs...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:53 No.2696429

    fuck sake you know that chick? I find the average asian is better looking than the average western
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:56 No.2696465
    damn son, these girls are hot. they really you're students? any of them ever come onto you?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:56 No.2696478

    So no costumes or candy? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)12:56 No.2696480
         File1288457814.jpg-(7 KB, 105x167, 59`S8C0}(E8STE81)MZMGTX.jpg)
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    best moment:

    being kinda fucked up and sitting and listening to an old man play the er hu (sort of a simplistic Chinese violin) for a couple hours while dusk was setting in and the weather was crisp and just a lil windy as the heat faded from earlier in the day

    worst moment:
    severely spraining an ankle and having to go through the ordeal of all that in a chinese hospital and recuperating being stuck in your apartment in china...

    tied with...

    breaking a poor chinese girl's heart...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:00 No.2696546
    Do you work at New Dynamic Institute? I worked in Wuhan teaching english for about a year. Loved the food.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:02 No.2696571
         File1288458168.jpg-(3 KB, 125x125, breakfastcerealmeme.jpg)
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    ok, so you don't really teach usefull stuff to these college students and, instead, you just make up shit to fill in class time. Do you really feel like your making a difference there? You're basically away from your country, family/friends, and everything that you've ever known all so you can bullshit your way through some college classes. I feel sorry for those students, that must be one shitty college they got stuck with.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:04 No.2696605
         File1288458291.jpg-(2.75 MB, 2592x3872, 兔兔DSC_3471 (64).jpg)
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    afraid's weirder celebrating christmas here...I mean...yeah it's good doing it with other foreigners and being close-knit and celebrating it...but weird how un-Christmasy it is everywhere except for a few places in malls where they're capitalizing on the "christmas western" thing

    >>2696465 have no idea...the chicks here are so fine and even the ones that aren't are in great shape...china doesn't have fatties...

    I was never into asians before I came here...these girls are all students...some at my school, some not

    I've never had any girls come onto me, really...but at an English corner (where we stand around and answer the same questions over and over), this super cute girl came up and asked me for a hug (strange, in light of their culture and wariness of foreigners) and was all being suggestive about wanting a boyfriend but then some hatin ass chinese guys started intentionally asking me questions to drown her out...I got her number later but had a girlfriend at the time and made the mistake of being honest with her and never got to see further into that...

    most of the time, you have to be the aggressor with chinese girls...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:08 No.2696653
    OP sounds like a fag.

    I knew someone who went to teach English in Korea...different girl every night.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:09 No.2696667
    >..china doesn't have fatties...

    Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:10 No.2696678
         File1288458631.jpg-(134 KB, 500x500, Insanity-Wolf.jpg)
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    >most of the time, you have to be the aggressor with chinese girls...
    More like with any girls on the planet. Alpha males are the ones who slay pussy.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:12 No.2696702
         File1288458745.jpg-(27 KB, 378x265, )6)@F3}{FQ5_CH8$C_WK@$X.jpg)
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    nah...I work at a college but I've heard of that...where is that?

    I'm in Wuchang around the Luxiang area...where Grand Ocean/Guang Gu is...


    I admit I'm coming off a little cynical describing what I do...I don't necessarily provoke my students as much as I should...but I do very hard to get them to open their mouths and feel confident speaking English and that foreigners aren't really bad or strange people...we're just people like them

    Yeah...kinda sucks not seeing family and friends...but I've thoroughly enjoyed living in a different culture on the other side of the planet and figure I'm gonna stick around here for a while, actually...

    Plus...I dunno...prolly gonna settle down with some bad chinese bitch someday...figure and azn sexiness aside, they are sooooo makes you feel like America lied to you about what a female is supposed to act like, sound like, and relate to males like haha...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:14 No.2696731
    >it makes you feel like America lied to you about what a female is supposed to act like, sound like, and relate to males like haha...

    That's because they have.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:18 No.2696795
    >and made the mistake of being honest with her and never got to see further into that...
    back in the uk, we call that royally fucking up. Now you get to think about all the good times you could've had with that girl

    speaking about fucking, have you ever done it with one of them hot ass girls? I've heard they've got small pussies to match the small chinese dicks
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:19 No.2696811
    Yeah, I live in Japan, and one of the greatest things about it it that there are no feminist bitches to be found. Womens lib never reached Asia.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:21 No.2696837
    Yeah I worked a summer part-time there. I also worked at Hubei University of Technology. I did a really shit job, but the communication with the University was pathetic, it really is a joke looking back on it. I was given two books to teach a "Western culture" class. So in about 3 months I taught both books... The next year I found out that I was supposed to cover 1 book per semester and had nothing for the students to do. Class became "movie watching" time until I got fired for a whole variety of reasons.

    I'm in Uni now and planning on going back in a year. It's not a picnic (so many people can't handle it and flake out) but I enjoyed myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:24 No.2696859
         File1288459458.jpg-(61 KB, 640x480, 3E3K]$VATZSQ}UL(2UCSX@D.jpg)
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    maybe I'm doing a shitty job of being a typically shitty foreigner, but I couldn't even bring myself to take my ex-girlfriend's virginity...I get more up close to a culture like this and feel like a creep for wanting to prey on the girls here or even go with it when there's almost this expectation of you going for it because you're a foreigner...

    now...unabashedly flirting with and making out with fine chinese girls on the occasion? yeah...that's definitely happened...but those poor girls don't know how to kiss...their being sheltered is both their multiplier on their attractiveness as well as their subtractor from it....

    I dunno...the kindness and sweetness of chinese girls kinda derails your will to smush chinese girls
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:25 No.2696882
    if the Chinese are reminiscent of the Baby Boomer generation being handed a booming healthy economy, then pretty soon even the last noble asian women will be man-hating feminist bitches.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:26 No.2696888
    Do you realize you have been here for 2 hours straight because you have no life?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:27 No.2696910
    >I got fired for a whole variety of reasons.

    dude, you got fired!? That's hilarious, I've never heard of someone getting fired before, tell me all about how and why you got fired. How did they tell you that they don't want you anymore? How did you respond? shit is so cash
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:29 No.2696941
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    Yeah I hear ya man....Hubei University of you mean HUST or Hua Ke? with the big mao statue at the end of Guan Shan Yi Lu?

    Pictured: what attractive chinese girls want to do for you
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:30 No.2696957

    That's a beautiful picture, I must say.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:33 No.2696999
    Did they give you like a list of things you can't talk about when you got the job?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:35 No.2697039
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    >>2696957 don't know the half of it...let's just say I've had that girl's cooking in more way than one...

    Ok...maybe that analogy doesn't entirely work because I've never had sex with any chinese girls... least her appetizers were delicious

    Pictured: her and some kid in her major that wanted to be me
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:45 No.2697140
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    lol...why did I say analogy? it's getting late it's almost 2 am in 中国
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:45 No.2697146
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    Is it true asian girls love to be tied up?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:47 No.2697162
    >Is it true asian girls love to be tied up?

    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:48 No.2697178
    Part of it was obviously because I was playing movies in class, a total boner move but whatever. I was called in once and told to use "more teaching methodology" which is cryptic and extremely vague, but was honestly the most instruction I received in my 8 months there.

    There was also the issue of me letting my girlfriend and one of her friends sleep over in my apartment. It is a big no-no and most Chinese men (especially older men) get their panties in a ruck over any chinese female-foreign male interaction.

    I would've gotten away with having them stay over, but my girlfriends cunt friend decided to 'clean up' my apartment while I was still asleep. I later found out that all the junk in my apartment (broken furniture and shit on the balcony) belonged to the landlord and the school got pissed that I was trying to remove it. They sent someone over to the apartment while she was doing this cleaning and I got in major shit for it.

    The pay was shit anyway, the reason I didn't give a fuck towards the end was that I was getting royally screwed on my pay. When I left I landed a job in about 3 days that paid me triple what I was earning, so I didn't feel bad. I was also drunk a lot but whatever.

    It was called "Hubei Gongye DaShue", in Wuchang but out in the countryside. This was about 3 years ago though and I hear from old friends that the whole area has changed.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:53 No.2697244
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    lol...I dunno how many times I had to call my exgirlfriend and ask her wtf she put things when she decided to be helpful and clean my place while I was taking a nap or something...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)13:56 No.2697283
    Hey Op, do you think in 50 years China will surpass the USA in intellectual, economic or militaristic supremacy?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:01 No.2697335
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    intellectual superiority? nah...eastern intellectualism and philosophy don't quite go for points from spectators as much as western thought tries to, so even if they did become intellectually superior, it wouldn't get noticed...

    military superiority? gettin there...

    economic superiority? man...this place is like America after world war 2 the way buildings are going up and wealth is growing
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:05 No.2697370
    What if we opened up borders to 100,000-500,000 of the best china has to offer for immigration per year?

    Also, as an American, do I have anything to b afraid of.. Or do Chinese not look at the world as a China vs USA type deal?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:11 No.2697431
    How they did it, was I got called over to the office. I knew things weren't going well so I had an idea what was about to go down. It was my "boss" who I had seen once before (the aforementioned warning) in 8 months, and a Chinese police officer, he could've been security, there are tons of dudes in uniform everywhere in China you start to lose track of who's army, who's police and who are the millions of private security guards.

    I was hugely insulted that they needed security there, it also reveals part of the Chinese view of foreigners, that he thought I was going to go crazy and beat the fuck out of him. I laughed at it all. They told me I had to be out of the apartment in 2 days or something ridiculous. I said fine, and was on a train to Chongqing shortly afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:12 No.2697452
    hey OP
    how does it feel knowing you were hired for your race/religion and not for your credentials?

    on that note, it must be nice not having to deal with affirmative action and socialist jew leeches
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:14 No.2697477
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:15 No.2697491
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:16 No.2697499
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    it feels alright :)

    ha they all really want to visit America already...and you shouldn't be afraid...China really seems to only wants to dominate the world economically
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/30/10(Sat)14:17 No.2697515
    Not OP here, the funniest moment in one of my younger classes (10-12yo) was walking in one day and seeing a kid had home made a North Korean and Iraqi flag.

    It's hard to get a bead on the average mentality of Chinese people because those who are brave/interested enough to interact with you are probably fairly liberal minded. A lot of people don't give a shit about politics or actively avoid the subject.

    I met enlightened kids who realized that NK wasn't the greatest place in the world, and I met reasonable, intelligent and worldly people who refused to aknowledge the existence of the Dali Lama (the one we recognize anyway).

    I think there is a lot of fear and stupid bullshit pumped into people by our media, but being afraid? No. Keep your eye on Taiwan though, that is where any future problems between American and China will emerge from.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:39 No.2697759
    i laughed out loud
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:42 No.2697800
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    I'd rather tap an older white woman than any of these fugly ass asian students.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:44 No.2697817
    go for it, bro. Nobody's stopping you and those old whores are waiting for you.
    P.s. enjoy throwing your hotdog down their hallway
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:45 No.2697829
    Spoken like a true virgin.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:54 No.2697907



    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)14:58 No.2697950

    olderwomen as so fucking hot its unreal.

    dont understand all the pedofags on here.

    i wanna hump WOMEN not little girls and teenagers.

    30s is awesome.

    20yo hear.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)15:04 No.2698024
    How are the homosexuals treated in China?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)15:04 No.2698027
    >dont understand all the pedofags on here
    Having sex with women is one thing, but having a relationship?

    Older women probably have kids and a fuckton of emotional baggage and are fucking irritating. Women in their twenties may not be blank slates but they're bringing a fucking U-Haul truck to the second date.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)15:22 No.2698231
    Hahahah! OP spoke like a true champ there as soon as I saw

    Oh you 4chan. Stay classy.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)15:24 No.2698263
    Hey OP, so you claim to have friends: are they chinese? White? Other foreigner? Also, is your girlfriend chinese, white or what? What do people do when you are walking down the street and so on? Oh, and are they racist towards non-whites at all?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)15:38 No.2698389
    i like, archive pls
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)15:42 No.2698417
    well China does seem to have some friction with the Western world because of the control of information, and suppression of free speech, also the Taiwan thing doesn't help, but beyond those things there doesn't seem to be any large social problems in China.
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/30/10(Sat)16:40 No.2699020
    Since OP is gone I'll answer.

    Making friends is easy. There will be the other foreign teachers, I got instantly in with a group of young Canadian teachers. You are all in the same situation so it's easy to relate and there is always something to talk about.

    You will also befriend Chinese people, they seem to come in a few different varieties:

    1) Nerdy, dictionary clutching students who think that being around you will, by proxy, allow them to learn english. In this category are also kids that aren't in your classes but who are super aggressive with attempting to befriend you for the free language lessons.

    2) Free spirited Chinese people who are into skateboarding/punk or whatever and just can't relate very well to the hoards of automatons around campus. This can also include Chinese people that have travelled abroad and are a little bit more open minded, and not hardcore into all of the bullshit rules of Chinese society.
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/30/10(Sat)16:50 No.2699133
    The reaction from people on the street varies, I found in Wuhan (a city of 7 million) there were still plenty of people who were genuinely shocked by the presence of a foreigner. You will hear lots of "Hello!!!" being yelled at you from a block away, this is generally followed by lots of giggling. Mostly people just stare. You get used to it, but there is a definite feeling like everybody is watching you. Most foreigners tend to respond by acting more animated/putting on a show for people... this is not a place you want to visit if you are a wallflower or you just like to keep to yourself.

    Racism is what it is. I had cute Chinese women who completely innocently unburdened themselves to me about the way they thought black people were all dirty. But then again I worked at NDI in Wuhan, where a young black dude got fired on his first day for getting a little too 'touchy' with the students. White guys can get away with alot more lewd behaviour, that's for sure.

    I got accosted outside a restaurant once while hugging my girlfriend. A load of Chinese guys were watching, and I wasn't even thinking, we were just sharing a bit of a couple's moment when he came up and started to give me a bit of attitude. I pretended I couldn't understand him and luckily a fellow teacher who we were meeting for dinner showed up and we just walked away.

    There were very few incidents of outright "racism". Most people were cool though.
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/30/10(Sat)17:00 No.2699259
    Oh yes, I should add that if you are Black, Arab, Latino or Asian, your ability to speak english properly will be questioned. Chinese people believe only white people can speak english correctly. If you are non-white you will have to fight a lot harder for a job, you will get rejected a lot more and you will be on the recieving end of more suspicion/abuse.

    My particular friend group varied... In Wuhan I had my cousin and her boyfriend around, eventually added a couple fellow Canadians when I changed jobs. We had a few students/well travelled Chinese who hung around with us as well. The problem with befriending the students is that they don't have any money so going to bars/restaurants or doing any activity that costs money is pretty much out of the question. It's good if you want to see some free sights around town but it gets boring.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)20:54 No.2701456
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    lol I claim to have friends

    yeah went to bed back up exgirlfriend was chinese...and yeah, like other wuhan guy, you do get particularly stared at for takin their chinese wimmin. I tend to not give a fuck when people are being polite, quiet haters to the side and not doing anything about it...and that's usually all the chinese will do.

    Wuhan has grown to around 12 million now...and it is weird always being the center of attention...I mean you don't mind in a way because you know you're here to teach and knew it wouldn't be like America when you got here...but sometimes you get pissy and want to only be around some other foreigners...

    Americans have a habit of sticking around each other like a support group. Some of them are cool...and some of them seem like they're so glad their social insecurities don't stick out so much in China. I'm good friends with a new zealander I know and a couple africans from a nearby university
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)21:03 No.2701527
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    that's hilarious

    but other wuhan dude was saying...if you're not white, it won't be such a good time for you in china because chinese see american television and assume most of it is true to american culture

    this is something that gets focused on for clarification in class quite a bit...

    as for hanging out with chinese students...I have a few good chinese friends...and because the students are typically broke, I try to go out of my way to pay for going out and about to places...but they tend to refuse based on losing I have to argue with them and tell them some story about how broke I was when I was in college and how older friends with jobs paid for things so, therefore, they can pass this good favor on to their younger friends someday and stop feeling like social favor is lost...

    a friend of mine told me, last night by the way, that all those pictures I have uploaded have been swept off the internet by the PRC from a variety of Chinese blogs and whatnot...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)21:17 No.2701655
    Is it true that Chinese are really filthy, spitting and pissing in public, shitting on the streets, etc.? If so, does this happen everywhere or just some parts of the country?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)21:23 No.2701704
    OP is your name George?
    >> That Other Guy !Taniv03mjs 10/30/10(Sat)21:24 No.2701713
    Do some people not understand you the first time you talk to them in Chinese because they think that no foreigners can speak it?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)21:26 No.2701731
    Are Chinese people annoying as fuck because they are always indirect?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)21:59 No.2702036
    I guess we should save them then.

    Anyways, interesting thread OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)22:01 No.2702066
    OP, can you name me 5 tourists destinations in Wuhan?
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/30/10(Sat)22:20 No.2702295
    You start off very simple, talking to shop keepers, "I want this" "How much is it" etc. etc.

    Yes, in the early going you will sometimes need to play a game of charades with people in order to get what you want. You will occasionally feel humiliated/frustrated going through this process, the language barrier can be very isolating for some people. You hear glowing tales from people that go overseas and love it, but if you are easily flustered, forget about it.

    Most adults don't piss and shit on the streets. It's not uncommon to see a woman holding her baby's ass over the street while they take a piss. The young children all wear pants with the back end split open, diapers have yet to make their way over in most areas I was in.

    People spit, the smog is bad in pretty much every Chinese city. Coal bricks and open coal heaters were used in a lot of the alley restaurants I visited. I smoked at the time, so I didn't mind the horking and all the rest of it. Not sure how I would cope with it now, EVERYONE smokes so it might bother me more. Depending on where you go, China can be pretty filthy. The huge amount of construction, coal power and the sheer number of people contribute to that. That being said, Shanghai was very nice and Hong Kong was spotless, likewise Beijing was pretty clean. I was there a few months before the Olympics though.
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/30/10(Sat)22:24 No.2702329
    Wuhan isn't really a tourist town. It's a historical area (wiki it, I'm not gonna bother elaborating here). There is the Yellow Crane tower which I never even bothered visiting, you can go look at the river. The street food is some of the best I ate in the entire country. I liked living in Wuhan, but I don't know if I would recommend it for strictly travel purposes.
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/30/10(Sat)22:31 No.2702400
    Short Answer: Yes. It is especially frustrating when you need to discuss something urgent or important with people at work. They will go out of their way not give you bad news or tell you the truth about something. This leads to stressful situations and foreigners getting a reputation for being hot-heads, when really it's that we're not used to dissecting through 8 layers of face saving bullshit just to get a proper response about something. Usually the only way TO get a response is by putting your foot down and demanding an answer. I've been told by Chinese people that this would be a big deal for a Chinese person, but because we are foreigners and "have no face" that it doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)22:53 No.2702627
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    My last post didn't get posted.

    What do you do for a living?
    I'm an accounting student and I'm hoping to get a job that lets me travel internationally.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/10(Sat)23:43 No.2703118
    Chineseamericanfag here. Worked in Hangzhou teaching English for a private school last year. The younger generation, under 30, are pretty cool since they grew up with access to western culture, but the old folks are close-minded and racist fucks. Not to belittle your interaction with the locals, but if you had an Asian face and could speak Chinese fluently, you'd be shocked at the conversations you can have.

    Also, you probably received a lot more politeness on account of your appearance. Being an asianfag the only times I got respect were when I whipped out US the passport.
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/31/10(Sun)01:20 No.2703944
    You've got part of the same problem that your countrymen have, you assume we're all ignorant fucks who don't realize you're mugging us off when our backs are turned. By and large, NOT knowing Chinese can be an advantage, once you could speak a bit then you KNEW people were talking about you, and they got incredibly red faced when they realized you could understand even a bit of what they are saying.

    At the end of the day that stuff can drive you nuts if you let it get to you. As long as it's not in your face, 'fuck you laowai' then it's tolerable. Don't assume for a minute that we all believe that Chinese people love us because of our great personalities, I thought I'd spare other people in this thread some of the darker sides of living in China.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)01:21 No.2703958
    What is the most fucked up aspect of China that you have been able to understand?

    I'm sure there is a lot of even more fucked up shit that foreigners just haven't picked up on yet.
    >> 2nd Wuhan Guy 10/31/10(Sun)01:55 No.2704170
    More a generalization. Humanity compacted together is not humanity at all. People could honestly give a fuck about each other. Money is of more importance than it is here (if you can believe). Every dark and horrible thing that human depravity could dream up is out on display and for sale. Whores are everywhere. Drugs are everywhere and done openly.

    I saw people dead on the ground and crowds of people just walked around it. I saw men beat their wives in broad daylight on a crowded street and people gathered just to have a gawk.

    Animals are treated with a strange sort of contempt. If this is where the world is heading, huge populations, homogenous culture and crass commercialization of everything, I dunno man. It's just too much.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/10(Sun)12:57 No.2707488

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