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    35 KB /NEWSFRONT/ Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:02 No.255051  
    Acorn cleared of criminal wrongdoing in infamous "pimp" tapes.

    Brooklyn prosecutors on Monday cleared ACORN of criminal wrongdoing after a four-month probe that began when undercover conservative activists filmed workers giving what appeared to be illegal advice on how to hide money.

    While the video by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles seemed to show three ACORN workers advising a prostitute how to hide ill-gotten gains, the unedited version was not as clear, according to a law enforcement source.

    "They edited the tape to meet their agenda," said the source.
    >> pauly !OLXpjOgKoA 03/01/10(Mon)19:07 No.255067
    Really? Exactly what context is it okay to advocate prostitution and aiding CRIMINALS in STEALING tax dollars from the middle class?

    We can't always trust our government to handle these matters fairly, because the most powerful people in the country right now were put into office with the help of criminal enterprises such as ACORN.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:10 No.255080
    >Brooklyn prosecutors

    That's why
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:11 No.255083
    ACORN was always just a helpful community organization.

    Hipstertard dubbed the tapes, altered the tapes, edited the tapes in the ones he used as "proof". He violated at least three non consensual surveillance laws in three states. He then got caught trying to wiretap a politician's office. He was thrown out of, or had the cops called on him many times.

    So no, as usual, the conservative was the crook and ACORN didn't have shit to do with anything other than turning in corrupt middlmen who made up names to fill a quota.

    God, Republicans are dumbasses.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:12 No.255086
    >>not liberal
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:15 No.255093
    Ironic it was the idiot right-wingers who likely broke laws here (and almost definitely broke laws when they were arrested for the wire-tapping thing), while the supposedly "evil" ACORN, which has been so unfairly bashed in the media, has come out time and time again perfectly clean.

    What sucks though is ACORN has been completely screwed, had its funding cut by Congress, and isn't taking in the donations it used to take since the controversy.

    So unfair.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:16 No.255102
    >Brooklyn prosecutors

    nothing to see here
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:17 No.255104



    You know nothing about the story or you'd know he had no wiretapping equipment on him at all.

    He was trying to check Mary Landrieu's claim that her telephones were broken and that's why she wasn't responding to complaints for being bought off with 300 million dollars to support the health care bill.
    >> No Man 03/01/10(Mon)19:17 No.255105

    Hello, there. You seem to be laboring under the illusion that ACORN's loss of face did not affect certain politicians.


    Exactly the same as investigative journalism. Except it's only wrong when the other guy does it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:19 No.255115
    A North Korea is a democratic republic where all citizens are equal and everything flourishes.
    Way to buy the bullshit story.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:19 No.255116
    Shocking. Really. Who knew that Republicans would fake outrage to entice their white, poor, and uneducated base to anger against an organization that helps minorities, poor and uneducated people.
    >> StormFrontTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 03/01/10(Mon)19:19 No.255118
    ACORN is an organization that rigs votes and helps niggers cheat on welfare.
    It's a radical leftist group, of course liberals would defend it tooth and nail.
    Fortunately, shit is hitting the fan for them and they are breaking apart.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:21 No.255123
    Broke into a federal office building and I do believe he was at least arrested for an attempted wiretap.

    I imagine he'll meet some real pimps in prison.
    Don't worry though, there is an organization that helps down and out types back on there feet...oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:22 No.255127
    One of the ACORN guys solicited Hannah lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:22 No.255128
    >implying they arent just spltting, changing their name, and staying the same old liberal piece of shit orgnization they always were

    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:24 No.255141
    Obvious troll aside, since there are dumbfucks who believe this:
    ACORN never rigged any votes.
    And it's not a radical leftist group.
    ACORN helps anyone, not just niggers.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:25 No.255149
    It's a bit ironic how small government type are always championing NGOs. Until they register niggers to vote.
    >> StormFrontTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 03/01/10(Mon)19:26 No.255152
    Says the leftist apologist scumbag.
    Lol, he's not going to jail. Wasn't even charged with anything.

    Why so butthurt Leftwing scum?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:26 No.255154
    Why do they get money from the government? I never understood that.
    >> No Man 03/01/10(Mon)19:26 No.255155

    Or, you know, was arrested for entering on false pretenses.

    The affidavit is above.
    >> StormFrontTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 03/01/10(Mon)19:27 No.255159
    >>small government type are always championing NGOs
    >>registering niggers to vote
    You mean registering dead people and committing election fraud?
    >> StormFrontTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 03/01/10(Mon)19:27 No.255161
    Charges were dropped lololol.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:27 No.255162
    ITT: Liberals who think they know things... When it's painfully obvious they do not.
    >> No Man 03/01/10(Mon)19:29 No.255171

    Actually, we didn't give a fuck until they used government (read: my) money to assist people in breaking the law.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:30 No.255179
    That is true, problem is that the damage is already done. The ACORN national organization has been dismantled, and it is restructuring under a new decentralized organization.
    >> No Man 03/01/10(Mon)19:30 No.255180

    What, really? When?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:33 No.255193
    ITT: Republicans deny the final verdict if it doesn't end in their favor.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:33 No.255196
    Election fraud never happened. Obama didn't steal any votes or get any votes from non-existent people.
    ACORN paid some people to go out and register voters, lazy fucks said "we'll get paid more if we make up some names and add to our count". ACORN was like "these names are bullshit" and turned them in.
    Then conservatives started propagandizing.

    That and they haven't really used money for anything illegal AFAIK. Nevertheless, I don't see why we should pay for them anymore then we should pay the private mercenaries of a Neo-Crusader Christian fundamentalist who employs civilian murdering assholes though.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:34 No.255204
    Good, they can rebuild and help people anyway under new organizations. The conservatives may have fucked up people trying to get help, but as long as you're still able to help, it's ok.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:37 No.255220

    Voter registration fraud sure did.

    ACORN also bullied banks into giving loans to people who couldn't afford it.

    They were a small chip in the housing crisis.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:38 No.255229
    Yeah, but they turned in their own, which would show that they weed out corruption, contrary to what most ACORN conspiracy theorists shout out.

    Your housing crisis point is valid.

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