>> |
10/13/10(Wed)05:35 No.2536511  This
is what happens when you start importing non-profession class
immigrants. They are more simple minded and are more likely to ascribe
to value systems that flaunt power and success no matter how shallow.
Women correlate physical assertiveness with the ability to properly
protect them and their offspring as well as acquiring resources from the
world around them. This strategy is a hold over from the days of
H&G societies.
African American males who were left in the
ghettos after the colleges opened up to intelligent blacks in the 1960s,
aided by the influx of hard drugs into their community, the removal of
the mediating yet enslaving influence of Christianity, and societal free
reign as pittance for years of oppression started a cycle of pointless
posturing, chauvinism, and violence that left the urban black community
completely hollowed out by the time of the turn of the 20th century. |