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  • File : 1286395213.jpg-(52 KB, 386x464, fischer.jpg)
    52 KB Bryan Fischer: Firefighters did the Christian thing in letting house burn to the ground Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:00 No.2473785  
    >The fire department did the right and Christian thing. The right thing, by the way, is also the Christian thing, because there can be no difference between the two. The right thing to do will always be the Christian thing to do, and the Christian thing to do will always be the right thing to do.


    Also, you're going have to highlight the entire thing in order to read the full post.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:02 No.2473809
    >Bryan Fischer: Let’s blow kids up to save the earth

    Just another "christian" in it for the money, expressing hatred through religion, then attacking those who oppose him, for the money.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:02 No.2473810
    The Christian thing to do was let a person's entire life go up in flames in front of your eyes while you had the power to prevent it?

    Another argument against religion and christianity in general, there are always bril creme salesmen ready to pander to the ruling class.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:02 No.2473811
    >ridiculous blog
    >black font on black background
    >nigger is trolling
    I call Poe's law
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:02 No.2473812
    circular logic is circular

    besides I'm sure that guy is just trolling for attention
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:02 No.2473813
    This story illustrates the fundamental difference between a sappy, secularist worldview, which unfortunately too many Christians have adopted, and the mature, robust Judeo-Christian worldview which made America the strongest and most prosperous nation in the world. The secularist wants to excuse and even reward irresponsibility, which eventually makes everybody less safe and less prosperous. A Christian worldview rewards responsibility and stresses individual responsibility and accountability, which in the end makes everybody more safe and more prosperous.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:04 No.2473824
    shit son Jesus demanded some mad fish for saving people you think he just up and healed crips cuz he wanted to? naw dawg jesus got some fukken bling from dat shit
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:05 No.2473829
    >christianity doesn't reward irresponsibility
    >lol guize jesus died for my sins so no matter what I do, I don't have to take responsibility for it as long as I declare Jesus Christ my lord and savior and be saved in his grace
    >> canuckistan !G/4Tupvlws 10/06/10(Wed)16:09 No.2473859
    Thats why roman catholics and orthodox christians are the only real christian faiths. All the others give you magic heaven if you say "my bad" catholics more or less say youre damned to hell no matter what.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/10(Wed)16:13 No.2473890
    >only real
    One true scottsman fallacy away maties. Also Catholics have the whole last rites thing going for them, where as long as they confess their sins on their death bed they at least make it to purgatory. At least the catholics I know follow that shit

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