01/26/10(Tue)22:52 No. 24095 File1264564334.png -(6 KB, 339x179, cranialcapacity.png ) One
hundred years of research has established that East Asians and
Europeans average higher IQs than do Africans. East Asians, measured in
North America and in Pacific Rim countries, typically average IQs in
the range of 101 to 111. Caucasoid populations in North America,
Europe, and Australasia typically average IQs from 85 to 115 with an
overall mean of 100. African populations living south of the Sahara, in
North America, in the Caribbean, and in Britain typically have mean IQs
from 70 to 90. Discoveries using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI), which creates a three-dimensional image of the living brain,
have shown a strong positive correlation (.44) between brain size and
IQ (see Rushton & Ankney, 1996, for a review). And there is more.
The National Collaborative Perinatal Project on 53,000 children by
Sarah Broman and her colleagues, showed that head perimeter at birth
significantly predicts head perimeter at 7 years — and head perimeter
at seven years predicts IQ. It also shows that Asian children average a
larger head perimeter at birth than do White children who average a
larger head perimeter than do Black children. Racial differences
in brain size have been established using a variety of modern methods.
Using endocranial volume, for example, Beals et al. (1984, p. 307,
Table 5) analyzed about 20,000 skulls from around the world. East
Asians averaged 1,415 cm3 , Europeans averaged 1,362 cm3, and Africans
averaged 1,268 cm3 . Using external head measures to calculate cranial
capacities, Rushton (1992) analyzed a stratified random sample of 6,325
U.S. Army personnel measured in 1988 for fitting helmets and found that
Asian Americans averaged 1,416 cm3, European Americans 1,380 cm3, and
African Americans 1,359 cm3. Finally, a recent MRI study found that
people of African and Caribbean background averaged a smaller brain
volume than did those of European background (again see Rushton &
Ankney, 1996, for review).